www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, August 18, 2017 |4 Tournament of Hope benefits victims of child abuse/sex assault The annual Tournament of Hope in support of Radius Child & Youth Services will be held on Monday, Aug. 28 at the Piper's Heath Golf Club. The event includes a continental breakfast, an 8:30 a.m. shotgun start, golf with cart, lunch Radius Child & Youth Services, which provides and awards for top two men' s, ladies and mixed quality services and counseling to children who teams. have suffered abuse, neglect and family violence. The tournament will benefit Oakville-based The group says their important work takes time and commitment and they need the sup port of their community to help keep children safe and ignite hope for their future. They believe no child should wait for the ser vices they need or go without specialized care and counseling because of geography. Radius points out that research clearly indi cates that the longer a victim of childhood abuse T IN U IN G S T U D IE S remains on a waitlist, the greater their risk of re victimization, social, emotional and physical dif ficulties, and family breakdown. The Tournament of Hope will feature Celebrity Golfer and Lead Singer of SAGA Michael Sadler. The event will also have a $5,000 hole-in-one cash prize, sponsored by Adam Plaxton of Inves tor's Group. The cost of attending is $175 per golfer or $650 for a foursome. Those who cannot attend are asked to consider sponsoring or donat ing to the event. For information about the tournament or any other sponsorship opportunities contact Mar garet McConnell at 905-825-3242, ext. 229, or mmcconnell@radiuschild-youthservices.ca. For more information about Radius Child and Youth Services visit wwwradiuschild-youthser- U N IV E R SIT Y OF TORONTO S C H O O L of C O N The University Lecture Series STIMULATE YOUR CURIOSITY AND STAY CURRENT WITH THE WORLD r e fle c tio n s O d * & IN YOl^S ^ Dr. Marisa D'Angelo Dr. Shivani Saggar The University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies University Lecture Series returns to Oakville this Septem ber with an eclectic range of topics. Leading scholars and experts will provide thoughtful insights and provocative ideas in this always-engaging subscription series. We offer full Family Dental Services in our new modern office in a calm and relaxing environment.We are a paperless office and use digital x-rays.We welcome kids, teens, adults and seniors. NEW PATIENTS are welcome and we will accommodate your dental emergencies. We will directly bill your insurance company and offer convenient evening and weekend appointments. Palermo Professional Centre (ground floor) 2525 Old Bronte Road, Suite #130 \ Dundas 8t. W . * N Old Bronte R d. 3* Una Pina Qian R d. 905-827-8700 w w w .reflections-dental.ca Som e of this year's topics: · Could It Happen Here? The Rise of Populism · The Rise and Fall of Rocco Perri, King of the Bootleggers · Born Too Soon: Combatting the Rising Rates of Preterm Birth · Royal Parenting in Medieval and Modern Times · Moments of Meaning: A New Definition of "Life" · Breaking the Ice: Dead Reckoning in the Northwest Passage /c y B o o t w a l k a ir Doctors recommend the tyBoot "kyBoots helpyou keep balance andactivateyour muscles, fromyour toes toyourback: theyare helpful in the treatment ofpain in the heels and forefeet, andare a methodof choice to support the treatment of pain in theAchilles tendon and back." - Dr. Markus Muller, specialist in orthopaedic surgery, foot surgery practitioner, Lucerne Dates: Time: Course Fee: Course Code: Location: Monday, 11 Sept. to 20 Nov. 2017 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm $162 plus applicable taxes SC S 1665-068 Oakville For the m ost up-to-date information on our speaker list or to register, visit: learn.utoronto.ca/uls Or call: 416-978-2400 and press 1 158 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario M5S 2V8 KyBoots will help you with.... · Back Pain · Improving circulation · Knee pain · Strengthening muscles · Foot conditions · Improving posture - r y y fiv i# ' SE E IN G IS B ELIEV IN G ! Enjoy a FREE Kyboot walking test, at the Medicine Shoppe on Lakeshore Rd. East v,£JVIedicine U OFT MISSISSAUGA U OFT ST. GEORGE U OFTSCARBOROUGH P H A R M A C Y Mon.-Fri. 10-6, Sat. 9-1 R ichard Price Pharmacist/Owner Shopped 267 Lakeshore Rd. E., O akville A Trusted name in Oakville for over 20 years! w w w .k y b u n .c o m 9 0 5 .8 4 2 .2 7 7 0