Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 28 Apr 2000, p. 41

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Friday, April 28, 2000 office-clerical office-clerical THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 41 Scotia McLeod ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE Private C lient Financial Services ScotiaMcLeod, one o l Canada's leading investment firms, has an immediate opportunity in their Oakville Branch for an Administrative Associate, working in a team with a Senior Investment Executive. The chosen candidate w ill be self-m otivated, possess strong organizational skills, and display exceptional client service abilities. The candidate w ill also be licensed o r w ill have com pleted the Canadian Securities Course, and w ill have a sound understanding of the Financial Markets. Working knowledge of Excel and Microsoft is beneficial. Please tax your resume to the attention of Administrative Assistant Starfield Consulting Is a virtual organization ol consultants growing over 200% per year. We serve Fortune 500 companies. We are a home based business - it works better that way We are looking lor a " best ot breed " administrative assistant to keep us organized. Initially this will be a part-time position. Please forward your resume to: Fax (9 05 )-8 4 4-3 7 35 e m a il: a d m in re s u m e @ s ta rfie ld .c a BOOKKEEPER Approx. 1 day per week for small O akville wholesale com pany. knowledge of MYOB System helpful, but not es sential. Apply to box #2098 The O akville Beaver 467 Speers Rd. O akville.L6K 3S4 jo in a W in n in g Te a m ! S E N is a n o n - p r o f it c o m m u n i t y h e a lth c a r e p r o v id e r, fu lly a c c r e d ite d w ith th e C a n a d ia n C o u n c il o f H e a lth S e rv ic e s A c c r e d ita tio n a n d is a r e c o g n iz e d le a d e r in in n o v a tiv e c o m m u n i t y h e a l t h c a r e in H a m ilto n -W e n tw o rth , H a lto n a n d th e N ia g a r a r e g io n s . S E N h a s r e c e n d y b e e n c o n t r a c t e d to p r o v id e 3 0 % o f v is itin g n u r s in g se rv ic e s f o r th e H a lto n R e g io n f o r th e n e x t 3 y e a rs . D u e to th is e x p a n s io n , a p p lic a tio n s a r e in v ite d f o r th e fo llo w in g f u l l- t i m e & p a r t - t i m e p o s itio n s in th e H a lto n R e g io n : THE Slye Fox Public House requires Kitchen Manager & Line Cooks. Great wag es, fun atmosphere, room for advancem ent. Apply with resum e between 24pm at Eastway Plaza (New St/ Walker's Line) or call Manager for appointment 905-639-3900_______ JUDGE & J u ry - requires experienced Line Cooks for evenings & weekends. Call Kevin 319-1655, for inter view. R egistered N urses & R egistered P ractical N urses SALES Rep - Full-time po sition for a professional, well knowledged flooring sales representative. This is an extremely busy retail outlet and we require a strong individual to start immediately. Fax resume to: Sales M anager, ,905)332-7076________ A t SEN C om m unity H ealth Care, you can: · P ro v id e ca re to p e o p le o f all ag e s, fro m in fa n ts to th e e ld e rly ; · L earn from a w id e v a rie ty o f clinical ex p erien ces; · E njoy a h ig h d e g re e o f a u to n o m y w ith th e s u p p o r t o f a te a m b e h in d y o u ; · E a rn a c o m p e titiv e s a la ry w ith e x c e p tio n a l e m p lo y e e b e n e fits; · E njoy sta b ility a n d job se c u rity w ith in a u n io n iz e d w o rk e n v iro n m e n t (O N A & PN FO ); ... and you w ill be w orking w ith a qu a lity organization that: · Is th riv in g , e x p a n d in g a n d h ig h ly in n o v a tiv e ; · H a s a n 80 y e a r h isto ry of faith -b ased carin g ; · P ro v id e s a c o m p re h e n s iv e m e n to r s h ip /s k ills d e v e lo p m e n t p r o g r a m w ith acce ss to sc h o la rs h ip fu n d in g ; · P ro v id e s a s u p p o r tiv e e m p lo y m e n t e n v iro n m e n t w ith acce ss to E m p lo y e e A ssista n c e a n d S taff R e c o g n itio n P ro g ra m s; · Is c o m m itte d to p ro v id in g fu ll-tim e e m p lo y m e n t o p p o rtu n itie s ; · Is a m e m b er of th e St. J o s e p h 's H e a lth C a re S ystem . FULL & PART-TIME HELP HIRING STUDENTS Apply in person | q: 2410 Lakeshore Rd, BRONTE o r 699 Guelph L i,, BURLINGTON Alanna Waugh, Branch Administrator at 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -5 7 4 3 TMTrademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia, Scotia Capital Inc. authorized user of the mark. ScotiaMcLeod is a division of Scotia Capital Inc., Member CIPF Entrepreneurial Manager The Apartment Database Company Passion, Flexibility, Excitement, a resultsoriented Manager to develop & market specialized database, 3-5 years business experience in an entrepreneurial environment. Expertise in MS Word, Excel & Access. Fashion Boutique O akville W e a re lo o k in g fo r a m a tu r e E S K IM O JOE S SP O R T S BA R ( W e s t O a k v ille ) BRANCH ADMINISTRATOR/ CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE University Degree preferred, strong interpersonal skills, and strong computer skills. Background - Branch Manager, Canadian Securities Course, Mutual Fund Registered, Life Insurance Licence. Full/ Part-time. No Calls! Fax: R o s s Dixon F in an cial Se rvice s, Abbey Plaza, Oakville, 905-827-7688 SALES ASSOCIATE fo r P / T p o sitio n . A ll p o s it io n s & s h i f t s a v a il, im m e d ia te ly . Call 84 5-4 926 (Monday or Tuesday) Call Anna (905) 845-0655 LEADER in high ticket re creational products needs aggressive people for in store sales in Mississauga. Sales experience neces sary, we will train the right people. Excellent income opportunity. Fax resume: (905)270-9228. To learn more about this exciting opportunity, please join us for a personal interview at one of the following information sessions at the address below: W e d n e s d a y , M a y 3, 2 0 0 0 11 a m t o 6 p m S a tu r d a y , M a y 6 , 2 0 0 0 11 a m t o 4 p m T u e s d a y , M a y 9, 2 0 0 0 4 p m to 9 p m A valid driver's license and reliable transportation are required. New Nurse Graduates are welcome! Resumes & applications are accepted at the sessions or forward in advance by Friday. May 5th. 2000 to: OR fax 845-6054 Contact Valerie: Tel: 319-2524 Fax 319-2528 RECEPTIONIST for busy collision centre. Must be self-motivated & have cus tomer service experience. Knowledge of insurance claim s a d efin ite asset. Able to work with minimum supervision. Call 905-6898262 between 8am-5pm. DATA Entry. (7000 ke y strokes/ hour) required parttime for Oakville office near GO station. Call George, (905)338-1424 or fax re sume: (905)338-5237 or email: gskene@ addynamics.com__________________ MEDICAL Office reception ist/ Assistant required for busy Oakville Family Prac tice. P art-tim e position. Reception & computer skills preferred. Start $10. & up with experience. Fax: (905)845-7350________________ PERSON required to assist in O ptical D ispensary. Saturday & some Sundays. We are willing to train. Call (905)845-3621 R E C E P T IO N IS T r e q u ir e d im m e d ia t e ly fo r fu ll- tim e p o s itio n . G o o d te le p h o n e and ty p in g s k ills r e q u ir e d . K n o w le d g e o f E R A s y s te m b e n e f ic ia l. N o o n t o 9 p m , M o n . - T h u r s . & 1 0 a m - 6 p m , F rid a y . F a x r e s u m e in c o n f id e n c e to : S E N , H u m a n R e s o u rc e s C a th e d ra l S q u a re 6 9 8 K in g S tre e t, W e s t, H a m ilto n , O n ta rio L 8P 1 C 7 F a x : (9 0 5 ) 5 2 2 -5 5 7 9 P h o n e (9 0 5 ) 5 2 2 -6 8 8 7 o r 1 -8 0 0 -4 6 3 -6 6 1 2 V is it o u r w e b s it e a t s e n .o n .c a S E N is a ls o h ir in g f o r th e H a m ilt o n - W e n t w o r t h a n d t h e N ia g a r a R e g io n s ! FULL-TIME POSITION Apply in person to: KFC 330 South Service Rd., Oakville F/T PHARMACY ASSISTANT required lo r Shoppers Drug Mad, 5353 Lakeshore Rd E,, Burlington. Healthwatch experience an asset. Fax resumes 905-637-0070 or mail to above address. Wait Staff required for upscale re tire m en t residence in Oakville. M ust be ex perienced, friendly and service oriented. 20-25 hrs/wk. $10.31/hr. Fax resum e R. O sborne: (905)338-7117 BARTENDER/ Manager & Experienced Line Cook re quired by The Dickens. Apply with resume, 2-4 pm daily, 423 Elizabeth St., Village Square, Burlington. EASTSIDE Mario's in the M illcroft shopping Centre seeks individuals to join our Kitchen Team. See Kate, 11am to 2pm, Sunday, Apr. 30th & Sunday, May 7th at 2000 Appleby Line, Burling ton. DISHWASHERS required full/ part-time day & evening shifts. Apply in person to C ountry Squire, 165 C ountry Squire Lane, O akville. Call (9 05 )8 4 58642____________________ EXPERIENCED Bartender Full-time for a sports bar in N orth O akville also P/T Kitchen Help. Call 905338-0804 after 3pm, BernieJ Sabina. J u d y H u n t, j9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -9 1 0 9 . rv Bringing H ( A lso P/T Cashiers PHARMACY TechniciansExperienced. full and parttime. Required immediately at Shoppers Drug Mart. Must be available all shifts. Competitive wages. Reply with resume to Laurie Doyle, 470 Appleby Line, Burlington, L7L.2Y2, or fax 905-639-8890____________ HYGIENE Coordinator. Oakville Dental office re quires an experienced Hy giene C oordinator for approxim ately 25 hours weekly. EXAN experience an asset. Please fax resume to: 825-4012, Dr. V. Bhandari and Associates FULL-TIME Office assistant required fo r Burlington Cardiologist. Experience in office set-up. N ursing would be beneficial. Call 905-337-3702____________ OPTOMETRIST S A ssis tant- reliable, friepdly, re quired for West O akville practice. Optical experi ence preferred. Fax resume 905-842-1738_______ MEDICAL Secretary/ Ad m inistrative Assistant for Psychiatric practice in Oak ville. Proficiency in comput er. Approx. 15 hrs/wk. Fax Dr. Treyvaud: (905)8420453____________________ FULL-TIME Certified Den tal Assistant- Minimum 3 years experience. Please contact Dr. R. Peeling 905681-7791________________ DENTAL Assistant required full or part-time for friendly Oakville Office, no experi ence required. Fax: 416783-9185 1 7 5 W y e c ro ft R o a d , O a k v ille ialth BILINGUAL POSITIONS ENGLISH/FRENCH Our clients, Burl. & Miss, based equipment finance co.'s, require 2 F/T Bilingual Customer Service Rep.'s (B url/M iss.) and 1 Collections Rep. (Miss.) contract position. Experience a MUST. Preference given to prior leasing/financial services experience. > A t Saint Elizabeth Health Care, a com m unity health care organization, it is our talented employees that are at the root of our success. W e are com m itted to building our reputation as an employer of choice by offering a flexible and supportive work environment that encourages personal and professional development. Visiting & Shift RNs & RPNs Hamilton-Wentworth W e are se eking skille d p rofe ssio n als t o w o r k in o u r in n o v a tiv e , c lie n t-fo c u s e d p ro fe s s io n a l p ractice m o d e l. M e d ica t/su rg ica l n u rs in g e x p e rie nce is re q u ire d , a n d sp ecia lize d e x p e rie n c e in v e n tila tio n a n d /o r p a e d ia trics w o u ld b e an asset. A v e h ic le is re q u ire d . Please forward your resume to: R i p p e r 's | ATHAY SERVICES Fax: (905) 338-1225 · E-mail: athay@idirect.com NEEDED College-University Student- Start Now 20-30 'Daytime" hrs/ week, $7.50 to start, Groceries 30% off too! Smiling, friendly, customer service oriented IN V E N T O R Y C O N T R O L Milton area. Large distributor requires a minimum ol 3 years hands on experience in inventory tracking and reporting. Must have the ability to handle very high volumes and be a self-motivated team player. Knowl edge of computers and Excel is a must. Please fo r w a r d y o u r r£ s u m £ to : S a in t E liz a b e th H e a lth C are , 2 0 H u g h s o n St. S o u th , S te. 9 0 8 , H a m ilto n , O n ta r io L8N 2 A 1 . Fax: (9 0 5 ) 9 7 2 - 8 7 8 8 . , Forward resume w /salary expectations to: w w w .s a in te liz a b e th .c o m HE AL T H A ccounting M anager P.O. Box 70, M ilton, ON L9T 2Y3 or fax to (905) 875-4744 sales help & agents New Insurance office opening in North Burlington on Guelph Line. We require Call 632-1404 or Fax 632-1413 by May 2,2000 West GTA contract Base + commission ----------------------- * I Victorian Order of Nurses Halton Branch P R O G R A M SEC R ETA R Y P O S IT IO N C o m m u n ity R e la tio n s a nd F u n d D e v e lo p m e n t P R IM A R Y F U N C T IO N S : U n d e r th e s u p e r v is io n o f th e M a n a g e r o f C o m m u n it y R e la tio n s a n d F u n d D e v e lo p m e n t , t h e P r o g r a m S e c r e t a r y w il l m a n a g e d o n o r i n f o r m a t i o n , a s s is t in g in t h e r e s e a r c h , i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , c u lt iv a tio n , s o lic ita tio n , r e c o g n itio n , a n d s te w a r d s h ip o f d o n o r s . W ill a ls o a s s is t th e M a n a g e r w ith c o m m u n ity a n d m e d ia r e la tio n s a c t iv it ie s , a n d p r o v id e a d m in is t r a t iv e s u p p o r t to B r a n c h O p e r a tio n s a s r e q u ir e d . hotel restaurant SERVERS / Kitchen H elpers, fu ll/ part-tim e, Mon.- Fri., day & evening shifts, for cafeteria at 403/ Dundas. Call (9 0 5 )8 2 9 8002; (905)815-9171 Sales Rep Recruit Merchants to join Free marketing program Good earning potential Fax 905-829-0017 FULL & PART-TIME BENNY'S Deli, full or parttime help. Excellent wages. Must be availa ble w ee kends. Apply 8am-3pm, 1455 Lakeshore (at Brant) WINCHESTER Arms re quires part-tim e expe ri enced Line Cook. Apply with resume to Tim: 2371 Lakeshore Rd.W., Bronte. GERALDO s at LaSalle Park requires experienced Wait Staff, Bartenders & Dishwashers. Fax resume to: (905)631-8432_________ COOK, experienced parttime/ full-time. Also. Hosts & Buspersons. Nickels, 2345 Trafalgar Rd. Fax: (905)257-1615/ Call: (905) 257-9888 1 F U L L -T IM E S A L E S & M A R K E T IN G A S S IS T A N T and KITCHEN STAFF A p p ly a t hrQvccnetwork.com 1 P A R T -T IM E S E R V IC E A S SIST A N T University or College diploma preferred. P le a s e c a ll 1 - 8 7 7 - 5 4 7 - 7 2 0 9 between 2pm-5pm May 2nd or fax resume attention Diane to 905-277-9167 Oakville Town Centre II NOW HIRING F/T Homemaking Coordinators Working in our Mississauga office, these positions are responsible for assigning homemaking staff to our clients based in the Region of Peel. The candidates must have ex cellent communication skills and be computer literate. A background in community health care would be an asset. Interested candidates are invited to fax a resume to: P O S IT IO N R E Q U IR E M E N T S : · · · · · · · · · S e c o n d a r y s c h o o l g r a d u a tio n d ip lo m a o r e q u iv a le n t R e la te d e d u c a tio n a t th e c o m m u n ity c o lle g e le v e l P ro fic ie n c y w ith W in d o w s 9 5 a n d M ic r o s o ft O ffic e W o r k in g k n o w le d g e o f R a s ie r 's E d g e s o ftw a r e p r e fe rr e d E x p e rie n c e w o r k in g in n o t- fo r - p r o fit a n d fu n d r a is in g e n v ir o n m e n ts p re fe rr e d E x c e lle n t o r g a n iz a tio n a l a n d c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills E x c e lle n t te a m w o r k a b ilitie s U s e o f v e h ic le a n d in s u r a n c e p e r V O N p o lic y In te r n e t a n d e - m a il e x p e r ie n c e a n a s s e t · F/T-P/T STAFF (Downtown Oakville) 4 Lakeshore Rd,, W · P /T STAFF (H ew Bronte Location) 2441 Lakeshore Rd. W JEWILLIRS SINCE 1076 309 Lakeshore Rd,, Oakville ON L6J1J3 Experienced Sales Associate Full-time salaried position for an enthusiastic professional seeking a career in fine jewellery. Strong computer skills are an asset. A p p ly in person: "TC8V." -SUBURB COOKS & Bartenders re quired part-time for Bronte Harbour Yacht Club. Apply with resume on Tues. May 2nd, 6pm -9pm . 2514 Lakeshore Rd West, Bronte. (905)827-6437 Human Resources (905)272-1116 Or call (905)272-2271 Qualified individuals may apply in writing by May 8th to: A VON CANADA Resume and cover letter can be faxed to the attn o f ; Todd H. Williams, (905) 815-8845 Spectrum Health Care A C o m m itm en t to Excellence- Noelle Senchyna, Human Resources Assistant VON HALTON BRANCH 2370 Speers Rd., O akville ON L6L 5 M 2 O A K V ILLE C hristian School requires an inter mediate level teacher for Septem ber 2000. Lan-, guage arts and computer skills are assets. Please send your letter of applica tion and resum e to the Principal. Oakville Christian S chool, 112 Third Line* Oakville. L6L.3Z6

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