Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 28 Apr 2000, p. 42

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42 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, April 28, 2000 ASSISTANT MANAGER/ CAKE DECORATOR Manager/ Cake Decorator, lulltime. We otter a tun work environment and an industry competitive wage. SUBMIT RESUMES TO: LOVING childcare a vail able. Fun a c tiv itie s for 12mo +. St. Raphael's/ As* cension area. Kim 6 3 4 5717____________________ LOVING mother of 2 has 2 positions available. Lots of TLC, games, references & receipts. Neyagawa/ River Glen. 905-257-5475 LOVING, qualified caregiv er, ECE & Educational As sistant Diplomas. Worked 5-yrs. in classroom. Home daycare available for child ren 2-5 years. Lots of fun & TLC. Convenient location (Mainway/ Walkers). 3356883.____________________ AFFORDABLE fulltime livein nannies available now. Hire a French nanny for sum m er. C all Summer Nannies Centre (905)7121510.____________________ AFFORDABLE fulltime livein nannies available now. Hire a French nanny for summer. Call Summer Nannies Centre (905)7121510____________________ GLEN Abbey. M other & daughter team . Spaces a vailable July 1st fo r summer & or full-time year round. Lots of TLC. (905) 825-1811._______________ EXPERIENCED European home daycare, Glen Abbey area, has limited full/ parttime positions in clean lov ing environment. Infantsage 5, 7am-5:30pm. Hot flourish in g meals, crafts, activities, lots of interaction. Reasonable rates, receipts a vailable. R eferences upon request. Please call Maria after 5:30. 827-8192 DAYCARE a vailable in loving environment. Exper ienced mother of 2... lots of fun, educational activity. Must enjoy outdoor fun! (905)849-4419___________ DAYCARE Available in my home. Any age welcome. D orval/M ary St area. Please call 338-8203 E.C.E. Mom would love to care for you child(ren) in my home. River Oaks, full, part time, summer care. Nutri tious meals and lots of TLC. Call Karen 842-1218 I daycare wanted BEFORE/after school care required for 2 girls in my home. Live-in/ out. French an asset. 337-3692 evgs. Stay-at-home Moms! Wee Watch (under new m an agement). Urgently seeking Providers in Oakville. Im mediate. 337-9221 Donna CHILDCARE provider re quired immediately. Per manent part-time- 3 after noons weekly to provide care for 2 pre-schoolers (age 2yrs-4yrs). New St./ Guelph Line area. Refer ences required. 681-9544 Serious inquiries only. Please leave message) We Want You as an Assistant DAYCARE provider 45days/ week. For 2 child ren 4 & 15months old. Glen Abbey home starting early May. Must speak flu ent English. ECE students welcomed. 905-847-9200 Full-time childcare required in your home for 2 children ages 10 and 8. Falgarwood P.S. area. Please call Lori or Ron 849-3781. Com m unityNotices ation Registration Hopedale Montessori School Spring Registration 2000 1 6 0 W illia m s S t., O a k v ille ( T h o m a s S t. C a m p u s ) We are NOW offe rin g fu ll day p rog ra m s w ith extended hours, in addition to 1/2 day program s. Deaths ABELS, Bert - Suddenly on Tuesday A pril 25, 2000 at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Bert at 72 years. Beloved husband of Isabell. Dear father of William and his wife Marjolaine, Linda Parrott, Diane Hotfman and her husband Ed and Jackie Abels. Loving Poppa of W illia m , Vickie, Ryan, Sherri, Rebecca and Jade. W ill be sadly missed by many friends and relatives in Canada and Holland. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor C om m unity Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9 pm Thursday and Friday. Funeral mass 12 noon Saturday at St. Michael's Catholic Church, 181 Sewell Drive, Oakville. For those who wish memorial contribulions to the Canadian Diabetes Foundation would be greatly appreciated. 4155 Fairview St, Burlington L7L 2A4 (Between Appleby & Walker's) ;***> JO IN O U R CR EW Now Hiring Full Time BROIL COOKS PREP COOKS We offer competitive wages, gratuities & a great atmosphere. Apply in person or call NANNY required part time, Mon-Fri, 3-7pm for balance of school year + full-time 8am-6pm for summer in our southeast Oakville home. Children. 6 & 8-yrs. Vehicle an asset. Non-sm oker. Senior/ student. (ECE prefered). (905)337-9089. Opening Still Available for Sept. Ages 2 -1 /2 to 6 years. NANNY LIVE-IN required for an executive's family in the Oakville area for 3 to 5 years. Must be Englishspeaking and have experience with child ren (twins age 5-1/2 and a four-year old). First Aid Cert, required. Fax:(905)542-5525 EXPERIENCED nanny/ housekeeper live-in/ out for 6 & 9yr old children. S.E. Oakville. Drivers license & references required. 416945-4275 or 829-0574 after 7pm._________________ SUMMER help- July & Au gust. Nanny/ mother's help er required my home, 3days weekly, 12noon- 5pm, for 4-yr old boy. Oakville (Upper Middle/ Eighth Line). Call 842-5416 after 5pm. AVAILABLE- Caring and competent Quebec live-in Nannies available summer & year round. Thoroughly and personally interviewed. Gini Caring Helpers since 1989. (416) 812-9290 MOTHERS helper required for 3 young children. Flexi ble after-school hours, some weekend hours & guaranteed summer hours. Non-smoker. Own trans portation/ References required. 905-844-8150 EXPERIENCE: caring helper required, approx 3 days/wk., to care for 3 young children. Light housekeeping. Nonsmoker. 847-6415. LIVE-OUT nanny wanted immediatly. 2 children ages 15 month /new born. 40 hours/week. Near Oakville Place Mall. Own transporta tion to /from home. Refer ences. C ontact Sally (905)338-9080 CAMPBELL - At th e S ca rbo ro u gh General H osp ita l on M onday A p ril 24, 2000. W illia m L. (B ill) C am pbell o f T o ro n to beloved husband of the late Alice E. (M u rra y ) C am pbell (A p ril 5, 2 000). Loving fa th e r o f Reba and Ted N o rm ile o f L o n d o n , Sue and T o n y S m ith o f K in g s to n , E liza b e th Jane F e rg uso n and M ic h a e l D otz k o o f T o ro n to , S tu a rt C a m p b e ll and Diane P e tro ff of M arkham . Proud g ra n d fa th e r of Erin, K.C., Jessica, Terry, Karen, Ian and G re a tg ra n d fa th e r o f P .J ., T y le r, R e m in g to n , S h a ne , C as s iu s and Ariana. Dear b ro th e r of Ella B ishop o f S tra tford . Predeceased by an in fa n t g re a t-g ra n dso n Teagan A t his request there w ill be no fu n e ral hom e v is ita tio n , c re m atio n has taken place. D on a tio ns to the A rth ritis S ociety o r the H eart & Stroke Foundation m ay be m ade th ro u g h the L.A. Ball Funeral Chapel in St. M a rys. (5 1 9 2 84 -1 4 8 0 ). (905) 639-4084 950 W alker's Line, Burlington For information call 338-5247, 847-1165 C om e J o in A W in ning Team JACK IS LO O K IN G FOR K IT C H E N S U P E R V IS O R S & F L O O R S U P E R V IS O R S Apply in person to: 3537 Fairview St., Burlington. Personals Turn F E A R into P O W E R ! Simple, step by step techniques to turn your fears, panic attacks and anger into P O W ER , A C TIO N and INNER P E A C E F o r a p p o in tm e n t o r in fo r m a tio n c a ll B o y a n a B ile k , R .N . ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 4 - 1 5 1 6 opportunities ENERGETIC experienced dance instructor needed for Flam borough studio, for p ostition in Sept. 2000. Send resume to: 185 Waldoncroft Cres., Burlington, L7L 3A6. lost & found FIDO cell phone lost on Rebecca between Jones and Bronte Rd. on April 23. (905)338-0581.___________ WHITE Envelope contain ing receipts and other im portant documents lost on April 24. 2000 on Trafalgar Road, between Speers Rd and QEW (O a kville ). Please call (416)260-3647 or (905)624-3125._________ FOUND - cockateil bird, M ountainside area, Burlington. 319-0282.________ LOST: female R ottweiler cross puppy w/white patch on chest, w hite tips on paws/ tail, April 23, Guelph Llne/Lakeshore. 632-9276 Legal Notices Notice to Creditors and O thers Those w ith claim s against the ESTATE OF ALICE RUTH LAWRENCE, late ot the Town of Oakville, who died on February 13th, 2000, are notified to send full particulars to the undersigned by May 15th, 2000. after which the Estate w ill be distributed with regard only to the claims then received. DATED at Hamilton, Ontario this 11th day ot April, DUBOST: John - Peacefully, after a lengthy battle with cancer, en Saturday April 22, 2 000 at O a k v ille T ra fa lg a r M e m o ria l H o s p ita l, w ith h is w ife at h is side . John Dubost in his 74th year. Beloved friend and husband of Jeanne 'Adriana'. John w ill be sadly m issed by h is w ife and many frie n d s . Private cre m atio n has taken place. Those who wish may make memorial contributions to the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Palliative Care U nit/ 4 centre. A heartfelt thanks for the compassionate care shown by the Doctors, nursing staff, Chaplin and volunteers ot P a llia tiv e Care U n it/4 centre. Arrangem ents entrusted to Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home. PROFESSIONAL Experienced cleaning ladies available. 10 years experi ence. Reasonable prices. Supervised, trained. Refer ences available, Bonded, E nvironm entally frie n d ly products used. Call Isabella (905) 541-6484 DUTCH c le a n in g lady 'available to clean your house or apartment to your satisfaction. References. (905)561-2849.___________ EUROPEAN ladies w ill help you do Spring Clean ing, houses and o ffice . Vera. 693-9721; Katerina 631-5211.________________ EXPERIENCED European cleaning lady availa ble every Thursday and Friday. Own tra n sp ortatio n . (905)828-8769___________ EXPERIENCED, bonded, insured lady will clean your home, office. Reasonable prices. References. (905) 643-8016 2000. ROYAL TRUST CORPORATION OF CANADA COLIN McMASTER LAWRENCE HEATHER JANE NICHOLSON ESTATE TRUSTEES BY THEIR SOLICITORS McLELLAND & DEAN 701-ONE KING STREET WEST HAMILTON, ONTARIO L8P1A4 EVERITT, Brian (Tom) April 22,1936 - April 24,2000 At the Trillium Health Centre, Mississauga, in his 65th year, Tom, beloved husband of L esle y, lo v in g fa th e r of Sarah and Thom as and g ra n d fa th e r of E ve ritt Hawthorn. He will be sadly missed by his family and friends here and in England. At his request there w ill be a private fa m ily service. Friends are invited to join the fam ily for a Celebration of His Life at the Lakefront Promenade Marina, 135 Lakefront Promenade Road, Port Credit, on Saturday, April 29, 2000 tram 2:30 to 6:30. In lieu of flowers, donations to the charity ot your choice would be greatly appreciated. .-- , O a k v ie w FUNERAL HOME H ILL, C h a rle s F ra n c is - In S t. P e te r s b u r g , F lo r id a , o n A p r il 9 , 2 0 0 0 , in h is 8 9 t h y e a r . C h a r le s , b e lo v e d h u s b a n d o f th e la te C h r is tin e H ill, L o v in g fa th e r o f A n n a n d h e r h u s b a n d P a u l F is h e r, S a lly a n d K a th e r in e . D e a r " P o p - P o p " o f J a c q u e lin e a n d S c o tt. A m e m o r ia l s e r v ic e w ill b e h e ld in B o s to n , M a s s a c h u s e tts in M a y . H e w ill b e s a d ly m is s e d b y a ll w h o lo v e d h im . OVER 30 years experience. Concrete, driveway, patio, curbs, verandas, w a te r proofing, Brick repair, repair of leaking basem ents, decks concrete or wood. Landscaping. Free estimate (905)689-1765 or 527-6694 CARPENTER available for your crown molding, base boards, chair rail, doors, arfd basem ents. Call fo r free estimate 257-5553 Notice T o Creditors and Others In the estate ot RUTH LAWSON KINDERSLEY, late of the Town ot Oakville, in the Regional Municipality of Halton, deceased. All persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Estate Trustees on or before the 3rd day ot January, 2000, after which date the estate's assets w ill be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. EXPERIENCED home heath care companion for elderly lady required. MonFri. 7:30am -3pm . R ef erences required. 905-82530 (Bronte)_____________ EXPERIENCED P ainter, Commercial & Residential. Interior & exterior, window cle a n in g / repairs. Low rates. Troy, 681-1307 MONEY Problems? Gar nishees? Too many pay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner. Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6310600 RtT«Hl P ersonals LIFE wasn't meant to be lived alone. Misty River In troductions, Ontario's tradi tional Matchmaker. Toronto (416)777-6302. Eastern (613)257-3531, Western (519)658-4204, C en tra l/ Northern (705)734-1292 1A- All Moving & Storage, Big Small, insured, reliable, fast local or long distance. Free boxes, storage & estimates. 634-3721_________ GOING to Move? Call Move-Right Moving. Best service in the area. Call Thomas. 847-0178._______ PRO Movers. Short/long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24hrs., 7-days/w k. Home/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700,1 -888-277-5777 Employment T h e B u r lin g to n P o s t is lo o k in g fo r a p a r t tim e Mac Artist to w o r k in o u r g r a p h ic s d e p a r tm e n t fo r th e s u m m e r . A p p lic a n ts w ill b e re q u ir e d to d e m o n s tr a te p r o fic ie n c y o n Q u a r k X p r e s s & P h o to s h o p s o ftw a r e . P le a s e a p p ly in w r itin g to T h e B u r lin g to n P o s t c /o M . D ills 2 3 2 1 F a ir v ie w R d B u r lin g to n , O n ta r io L7R 2E 3 o r e - m a il m d ills @ h a lto n s e a r c h .c o m THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, HELEN ANNE OSLER BARBARA JEAN WOOD, Estate Trustees, by HARRISON PENSA, Solicitors 450 Talbot Street London, Ontario N6A 4K3 - It is with great sadness we announce the passing ot our mother and grandmother, on Tuesday, April 25, 2000, peacefully at her home in Burlington. Mother ot David Knowland and his wile Kathleen ot Naples, Florida, formerly of Oakville, grandmother of Kaley and Ashley Knowland and Patrick and Daniel McGuire. Sister of the late Tony Yates and his wife Belle and th e ir two c h ild re n , V ic to ria and Stephen, a ll ot B a ltim o re , M aryland. Edna was predeceased by her husband John Knowland and her first husband Gaythorne Armitage. Daughter of Er-nest and Sally Yates. Edna came from England alter World War II with her parents and husband Gay, in search of a new life. Residing in itia lly in Ham ilton, then O akville and B urlington. She worked many years at Sheridan College in the Fashion Arts depadment where she made many friends. She w ill be sadly missed by both her fam ily here and in the U.K. and all those who knew her. Visitation at SMITH'S FUNERAL HOME, 485 Brant Street (one block north o f C ity H a ll), BURLINGTON (6 3 2 -3 3 3 3 ) on S unday, 7 -9 p .m ., M onday, 3-5 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral Service w ill be held on Tuesday, May 2, 2000,11 a.m. Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. KNOWLAND, Edna Edith Dudley LOW, Andrew - P eacefully, s u rro u n d e d by his fa m ily at O akville T rafalgar InMemoriams IN L O V IN G M E M O R Y ATTRACTIVE 5'9-1/2` dark haired, personable, down to earth, decent single guy looking for an attractive, sensitive, considerate and sweet companion between 32-44. Please w rite: Box 6268, d o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville. ON L6K 3S4 A B R A H A M , T h e re s a - O c t . 2 4 , 1 9 1 3 A p r il 3 0 , 1 9 9 6 M o m y o u a re g o n e F o u r y e a r s fa r to lo n g . W a lk in g h a n d in h a n d w ith D a d . N o m o re u p o n th is la n d . M e m o r ie s o f y o u a re D e a r. T o u s M o m fo r e v e r n e a r. S a d ly m is s e d G r a n d c h ild r e n . by S ons, D a u g h te rs , GR ASSC UTTIN G fu ll range of services. Mature, experienced em ployees. Capable of large property care. 905-690-0314 (Bur lington)__________________ A ER ATIO N , $35 or 2 neighbors for $60. Rototilling also available. (905) 332-7053. Seniors discount. LAWN C utting and trim ming. Spring C lean ups Reasonable rates. Residen tial Commercial. Call Brian @ 842-4651 I Funeral Directors O a k v ie w FUNERAL HOME Our family serving your family 56 LA K E S H O R E R O A D W E ST O A K V IL L E M e m oria l H osp ita l on Tuesday, A p ril 25, 2000, A ndy Low o f H ornby In his 74th year. Beloved husband o f Jean o f H ornby. Loving fa th e r o f Nancy L ow and her husband A nd re A u d et o f Baie St. Paul, Quebec, R ichard and h is w ife F ra n c e s o f A llis to n , J a n e M o u lto n a n d h e r h u s b a n d L a rry B rassfield o f Seaside, C a lifo rn ia , D avid and h is w ife B renda J o rg e n s o n Low o f C am pb e llville , Pam L ow and h e r husband Ed A dam s o f T o ro nto , T h e re s a and her husband M a rk E v e r in g h a m of Bronte. Sadly m issed b y h is 8 g ra n d -c h ild re n . S urvived by his b ro th e r Alan L ow and s is te r Betty D evenish and th e ir fa m ilie s. Fam ily and frie nd s m ay call at the J. S c o tt Early Funeral Hom e, 21 Jam es St., M ilton on Friday fro m 3 - 5 and 7 - 9 PM . A t A n d y 's re qu e st, th e re w ill be no fu n e ra l service and cre m a tio n w ill take place. In lieu o f flo w e rs , d onations to the Heart & S troke F o undation o r c h a rity o f o ne 's choice w ou ld be appreciated b y the fa m ily. SINGLE Search TorontoWhat the world needs now is love sweet love! We'll show you how to find it by matching you with compat ible singles in your area. Over 350 items of compaCall 905-607-5614 for info. Consider The Ripple Effect In memory of a loved one or as a bequest, please make a donation to the Canadian Diabetes Asso ciation. Each dollar has a rippling effect toward ur gently needed research for a cure, education, serv ice, advocacy and most importantly, hope. Call your local branch 338-0214 or 1-800-993-9466 Help Calm The W aters fo r Future Generations f iQ f i lost & found FOUND: brown tabby & white cat, core area. We call 'Davey*. 637-7325. FOUND: male, long haired white cat in Kingsway Dr. area. We call Squishy. Please call 637-7325. 746 swvices Lessons Authorized Red Cross Pro vider teaches AquaQuest levels - gives badges! Lessons in your backyard pool. Individual or group lessons (get together with neighbours). Call Ruth at (905)257-4045. s w im m i n g 1 | F u n e r a l D ir e c t o r s · Don u a rk e · G r e g o r y S id o r a · T in a Q u e n n e v ille ·J o h n M u rp h y P a tr ic k M c D e r m o tt 842-2252 UZELAC.Vaso. Feb. 1, 1 9 2 2 - A p r il 1 9, 2 0 0 0 .S u d d e n ly at h om e in O a k v ille , on W e d n e s d a y A p r il 19, 2 0 0 0 ,V a s o in h is 7 9 th y e a r. Dear b ro th e r o f Kata D avid o vic o f Y ugoslavia. Loving uncle of seven nephews in Y ugoslavia. A lw a ys rem em bered Kum o f M ane and Eunice S rdic, M ican and M ira S rd ic , Rade and B oja Uzelac and th e ir fa m ilie s , For o v e r 40 years, Vaso w as o w n e r o f a s u cce ssfu l h a ir salon in Oakville, w here he w ill be m issed by m any frie n d s and lo n g tim e c u s to m e rs , V aso w ill be sadly m is s e d b y n u m e r o u s fa m ily a n d fr ie n d s in C a n a d a , E n g la n d a n d Y ugoslavia. V is ita tio n w as held at th e L. G. WALLACE FUNERAL HOME, 151 Ottawa S treet N orth (5 4 4 -1 1 4 7 ) last M o nd a y fro m 6 - 9 p.m . Pomen a t 7 :30 p.m . w ith the V ery R everend Father V o jis la v P avlovic o ffic ia tin g . It is th e fa m ily 's w is h e s fo r V a so to be b u rie d in h is h o m e la nd . Funeral Service w ill th e re fo re take place in Belgrade, Y ugoslavia.

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