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Oakville Beaver, 21 Sep 2017, Ad wrap 1

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THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 K V IL L E · metrolandmedia · · · ALL 0 % > financing for84 months* S e e d e a le r f o r d e t a il s . m o d e ls + $ in price adjustments0 750 :CH>HYUnDFII DR R K V IL L E 250 0 South Service Rd W $ 1 .0 0 9 0 5 .8 4 5 .7 7 9 1w w w .h yu n d aio fo akville .ca 48 pages CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY INSIDEHALTON.COM % fin a n cin g for 84 m onths+ Get an Esso Fuel Savin gs Card Pay as low as 79<t/L* Ultim ate model shown Ultim ate model shown o in price adjustm ents1 2017 Tu cso n Finance for only 2 0 1 7 E la n t r a Finance for only 2017 S a n ta Fe S p o rt 2 . 4 L P r e m iu m F W D Finance for only Weekly I I Months with $995 down' Weekly For 84 months Down' Weekly Months with $3,595 down' Selling price: $32,387 In c lu d e s $ 7 5 0 in p r ic e a d ju s tm e n ts " Selling price: $26,187 Delivery, Destination & Fees Included. Plus HST. In c lu d e s $ 7 5 0 in p ric e a d ju s tm e n ts 1 Selling price: $16,987 Delivery, Destination & Fees Included. Plus HST. In c lu d e s $ 7 5 0 in p ric e a d ju s tm e n ts " Delivery, Destination & Fees Included. Plus HST. Projection Heated headlights with front seats LED accents 5-0" touch-screen with rearview camera Bluetooth* Remote keyless entry Projection headlights Heated front seats Brake Assist 17" aluminum alloy wheels Bluetooth® 5.0" touch-screer Heated front with rearview seats and steering wheel camera Active and veteran Military personnel receive up to $1,500 in price adjustments.1 M ILITARY.HYUNDAICANADA.COM Dealersmaycharge additional fees for administration of up to $499. Charges mayvary by dealer. W arranty 5 -Y E A R /1 0 0 .0 0 0 KM Com prehensive Limited W arranty 5 -Y E A R /1 0 0 ,0 0 0 K M Powertrain W arranty 5 -YEA R /10 Q ,00 0 KM Em ission W arranty 5 -YEA R /U N LIM ITED KM 24h R oadside Assistance PROUDLYSERVING F IK V IL L E OAKVILLE FOR OVER YEARS! HYUNDAI OF OAKVILLE 2 5 0 0 South Service Road W. · 9 0 5 .8 4 5 .7 7 9 1 · www.hyundaiofoakville.ca Wyecroft Rd TM /®The H y u n d a i n a m e , lo g o s , p r o d u c t n a m e s , fe a tu r e n a m e s , im a g e s a n d s lo g a n s a r e tr a d e m a r k s o w n e d o r lic e n s e d b y H y u n d a iA u to C a n a d a C o rp . E sso is a t r a d e m a r k o f Im p e ria l O il L im ite d . Im p e ria l O il, lic e n s e e . A llo t h e r t r a d e m a r k s a r e t h e p r o p e r t y o f t h e ir r e s p e c t iv e o w n e rs . * 7 9 $ p e r litr e is ba s e d o n th e p ric e o f r e g u la r - g ra d e fu e l fr o m $ 1 .0 9 t o $ 1 .2 9 p e r litr e ; m a x im u m f u e l d is c o u n t v a rie s b y p ro v in c e a n d fu e l p r ic e /g r a d e . M a x im u m litr e lim its a p p ly a n d v a r y b y m o d e l a n d d a te o f p u rc h a s e /le a s e . M a x im u m litr e lim its a p p ly to e lig ib le c o n tr a c ts e n te r e d in to a t a p a r tic ip a tin g H y u n d a i d e a le r b e tw e e n S e p te m b e r 21 ,2 01 7 a n d O c to b e r 2 ,20 17 . F o r fu ll p r o m o tio n d e ta ils a n d t e r m s v is it H y u n d a iC a n a d a .c o m . A ll r ig h ts r e s e rv e d . tF r n a n c e o ffe r s a v a ila b le O .A .C . fr o m H y u n d a i F in a n c ia l S e rv ic e s b a s e d o n a n e w 2017 E la n tra L 6 M T / 2017 T u c s o n 2 .0 L F W D / 2017 S a n ta Fe S p o r t 2 .4 L P re m iu m FW D m o d e ls w ith a n a n n u a l fin a n c e ra te o f 0 % /0 % /0 % . W e e k ly p a y m e n ts a r e $ 4 7 /$ 6 9 /$ 7 9 fo r 8 4 /8 4 /8 4 m o n th s . $ 0 /$ 9 9 5 /$ 3 ,5 9 5 d o w n p a y m e n t r e q u ire d . T ra d e -in v a lu e m a y b e a p p lie d t o d o w n p a y m e n t a m o u n t. S e llin g p r ic e is $16 ,9 8 7 /$ 2 6 ,187/$ 3 2 ,3 87 . C o s t o f b o r r o w in g is $ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 . F in a n c e o ffe r s in c lu d e D e liv e r y a n d D e s tin a tio n c h a rg e o f $ 1 ,7 0 5 /$ 1 ,8 0 5 /$ 1 ,9 0 5 , le v ie s a n d a lla p p lic a b le c h a r g e s (e x c lu d in g H S T). F in a n c e o ffe r s e x c lu d e re g is t r a tio n , in s u ra n c e , PPSA, lic e n s e fe e s , a n d d e a le ra d m in . fe e s o f u p to $ 4 9 9 . Fees m a y v a r y b y d e a le r. Q P n c e a d ju s tm e n ts a r e c a lc u la te d a g a in s t th e v e h ic le 's s ta rt in g p ric e . P ric e a d ju s tm e n ts o f $ 7 5 0 /$ 7 5 0 /$ 7 5 0 a v a ila b le o n fin a n c e a n d c a s h p u rc h a s e o n ly o f n e w i n s to c k 2017 E la n tra L 6 M T /2 0 1 7 T u c s o n 2 .0 L F W D /2 0 1 7 S a n ta F e S p o r t2 .4 L P re m iu m FW D m o d e ls . P r ic e a d ju s tm e n ts a p p lie d b e fo r e ta x e s . O ff e r c a n n o t b e c o m b in e d o r u s e d in c o n ju n c tio n w ith a n y o th e r a v a ila b le o f fe r s . O ffe r is n o n tr a n s fe r a b le a n d c a n n o t be a s s ig n e d . N o v e h ic le tr a d e - in re q u ire d . P ric e o f m o d e ls s h o w n : 2017 E la n tra U ltim a te /2 0 1 7 S a n ta Fe S p o rt 2 .0 T U ltim a te /2 0 1 7 T u c s o n 1.6T U ltim a te a r e $ 2 9 ,8 8 7 /$ 4 5 ,8 8 7 /$ 3 9 ,8 8 7 . P ric e s in c lu d e D e liv e r y a n d D e s tin a tio n c h a rg e s o f $ 1 ,7 0 5 /$ 1 ,9 0 5 /$ 1 ,8 0 5 , le v ie s a n d a ll a p p lic a b le c h a rg e s ( e x c lu d in g HS T). P ric e s e x c lu d e re g is tr a tio n , in s u ra n c e , PP SA , lic e n s e fe e s a n d d e a le ra d m in . fe e s o f u p t o $ 4 9 9 . Fees m a y v a r y b y d e a le r. tQ * T ^ O f f e r s a v a ila b le f o r a lim ite d t im e a n d s u b je c t to c h a n g e o r c a n c e lla tio n w ith o u t n o tic e . D e liv e r y a n d D e s tin a tio n c h a r g e in c lu d e s fr e ig h t, P.D .I. a n d a f u ll t a n k o f ga s . D e a le r m a y s e ll fo r less. In v e n to r y is lim it e d ,d e a le r o r d e r m a y b e r e q u ire d . V is it w w w .h y u n d a ic a n a d a . c o m o r s e e d e a le r f o r c o m p le t e d e ta ils . t tH y u n d a i's C o m p re h e n s iv e L im ite d W a r r a n ty c o v e ra g e c o v e rs m o s t v e h ic le c o m p o n e n ts a g a in s t d e fe c ts in w o r k m a n s h ip u n d e r n o rm a l us e a n d m a in te n a n c e c o n d itio n s . ± C e rta in r e s tr ic tio n s a p p ly . C u s to m e rs m u s t p re s e n t t h e ir p r o o f o f M ilit a r y r e la tio n s h ip a n d I.D . a t t im e o f p u r c h a s e to r e c e iv e s p e c ia l p ric e d is c o u n t o ff t h e ir p u rc h a s e . P ro g ra m s u b je c t t o c h a n g e o r c a n c e lla tio n w ith o u t n o tic e . V is it m ilita r y .h y u n d a ic a n a d a .c o m o r s e e d e a le r f o r c o m p le t e d e ta ils . < L L 2 0 1 7 models O fo r 8 4 m o n th s' + $ in price adjustments0 in price adjustments0 financing a n O n u p to 6 6 0 E lit r e s s s o u n til r u e i s a v i n g y o u s C a r a p a y a n y n e w a s l o w a b y O c to b e r 2 , 2 0 1 7 D e c e m b e r 3 1, 2 0 1 7 T w h e n p u rc h a s e o r le a s e H y u n d a i v e h ic le 2017 Santa Fe Sport 2 .4 L Premium FWD F in a n c e f o r o n ly A t F o r $79 W e e k ly P I n c l u d e s $ 7 5 0 D e liv e r y , D e s t in a t io n & 0% in p r ic e a d j u S e llin g p r ic e : $ 3 2 ,3 8 7 I n c l u d e d . P lu s F e e s 84 M o n th s w it h $ 3 ,5 9 5 d o w n 1 s t m e n t s 0 H S T ; G S T /P S T . U lt im a t e m o d e l s h o w n H Y u rm m Active and veteran Military personnel receive up to $1,500 in price adjustments.1 MILITARY.HYUNDAICANADA.COM 5-YEAR/100,000 KM Comprehensive Limited Warranty 5-YEAR/100,000 KM Powertrain Warranty 5-YEAR/100,000 KM Emission Warranty 5-YEAR/UNLIMITED KM 24h Roadside Assistance <2J> H Y U n D R I O F PROUDLYSERVING ______ __________________________________ 1 nKVILLJ 3 OAKVILLE FOR OVER Y E A R S ! z j 00 3 3 r+ CD O 03 Q. S > co rn a? 5 2 o CD . ^ H Y U N D A I O F O A K V IL L E 2 5 0 0 South Service Road W. · 9 0 5 .8 4 5 .7 7 9 1 · www.hyundaiofoakville.ca TM/®TheHyundai name,logos, productnames, feature names,images and slogans aretrademarks owned orlicensed byHyundai Auto CanadaCorp. Esso is a trademark of Imperial Oil Limited. Imperial Oil, licensee. All othertrademarks arethepropertyoftheirrespective owners.*79Cperlitreis based onthe priceof regular-grade fuel from $1.09 to $1.29 perlitre;maximum fuel discount varies by province and fuel price/grade. Maximum litre limits apply and vary by model and date ofpurchase/lease. Maximum litre limits applyto eligiblecontracts entered into at a participating Hyundai dealerbetweenSeptember21,2017and October 2,2017. For full promotion details and terms visit HyundaiCanada.com.All rights reserved. tFinance offers available O.A.C. from Hyundai Financial Servicesbased on the2017Santa FeSport2.4L Premium FW Dm odelswith an annual financerateof0% .W eeklypaym ents are$79 for 84m onths.$3,595 downpayment required.Trade-in valuemay be appliedto down paym entamount.Sellingpriceis$32,387. Costof borrowing is $0. Finance offers include Delivery and Destination charge of $1,905, levies and all applicable charges(excluding HST; GST/PST). Finance offers exclude registration, insurance, PPSA, license fees, and dealer admin. fees of upto $499. Feesmay vary by dealer. QPrice adjustments are calculated against the vehicle's starting price. Price adjustments of $750 available on finance and cash purchase only of new in stock 2017Santa FeSport 2.4L Premium FWDmodels. Price adjustments applied before taxes. Offer cannot be combined or used in conjunctionwithanyother available offers. Offer is non-transferableand cannot beassigned. Novehicletrade-inrequired. Priceofmodelsshown:2017SantaFeSport2.0T Ultimate is$45,887. Prices include Delivery and Destination chargesof$1,905,levies and allapplicablecharges (excluding HST;GST/PST). Prices excluderegistration,insurance, PPSA,licensefeesanddealer admin. fees o fupto$ 499. Feesmay varybydealer.tQ *T^O ffers availableforalim ited tim eand subjectto change or cancellationwithoutnotice. Deliveryand Destination chargeincludes freight, P.D.I. and a fulltankof gas. Dealermay sell forless. Inventoryis limited, dealer ordermay be required. Visit www.hyundaicanada.com or see dealer forcom pletedetails. ttHyundai's Comprehensive Limited Warranty coverage covers mostvehiclecomponents againstdefectsinworkmanshipunder normal use andmaintenanceconditions.±Certainrestrictions apply. Customersmust presenttheirproof of Military relationshipandl.D. attim eofpurchaseto receivespecial price discount offtheirpurchase. Programsubjectto change or cancellation without notice. Visitmilitary.hyundaicanada.comorsee dealer for completedetails. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 K V IL L E · · metrolandmedia · UTOPRO MECHANICAL SERVICES AUTOPRO OAKVILLE 2212 Wyecroft Road, Oakville 905-469-2442 autoprooakville.mechanicnet.com $ 1 .0 0 CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY INSIDEHALTON.COM I N T E R R Y ' S N A M E 48 pages Council advisedto refuseGlen Abbeyplan: T o w nstaff by David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff OAKVILLE dentistoakviMe.com 905-842-6030 2017 Oakville Artists' Hanging The 37th annual Terry Fox Run in Oakville took place Sunday, Sept. 17 at Coronation Park. The bike, run, walk and roll 2k and 5k went from the park to Bronte and back. This year's honourary starter of the run was Teagan Walsh, who is pictured with her twin brother Declan. Teagan is fighting the same cancer Terry Fox had. While Fox lost his leg, Teagan has not. For more photos, see Spotlight on p.6. For story, see p.7. | Riziero Vertolli/Metroland O akville Town sta ff is recom m ending cou ncil refuse a req u est by Glen Abbey G olf C ourse ow ner ClubLink to build m ore th an 3,200 resid en tial u n its on the D orval D rive property. In a report to coun ^ The applications are cil released inconsistent with Sept. 12, Se nior Planner the Town's policy Paul Barrette framework in the argues the Livable Oakville Plan a p p lica tio n s that establishes where put forward and how the town will by ClubLink accommodate growth. W do n o t rep Paul Barrette resent good senior planner, T o w nof O akville p l a n n i n g and their ap proval w ould n ot be in the public interest. a Thread Artscene H aw kstofightback Sports see Special on p.14 A D D O p t im iz e C e n tre P e rfo rm a n c e H ig h q u a lity w o o d & v in y l s h u tte r s (Adults and Children) · A t t e n t io n s p a n is s h o r t · D iffic u lty o r g a n iz in g & c o m p le t in g w o r k · a ls o h e lp fu l fo r A s p e r g e r 's · a ls o P s y c h o -e d u c a t io n a l t e s t i n g SMTfliERS i 3 9 0 5 -8 0 3 -8 0 6 6 www.addcentre.com 9 0 5 .6 9 1 .4 4 5 5 w w w .s h u t t e r s e t c .c a CV [ELLIPSE Neurofeedback and learning strategies can provide a lasting improvement. Director: Lynda M. Thompson, Ph.D., Co-author with Pediatrician William Sears of The A.D.D. Book: New Understandings, New Approaches to Parenting Your Child. W IN N E R OF B E S T W IN D O W C O V E R IN G & B L IN D C E N T R E S IN C E 2 0 0 6 TM "M1 www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |2 SUMMER SAVINGS! f m m t M 1 #· m m t m m 1 a m m im L .. \ I N O R T H STA EASY FIN AN CIN G AVAILABLE OAC! ENTRY DOORS PATIO DOORS No Purchase Necessary. E n te r Y o u rs e lf t o WIN A $25,000 HOME MAKEOVER Enter today at: E w er B R O C K W IN D O W S.C O M * P r iz in g in c lu d e s w in d o w s , e x t e r io r d o o r s , s id in g , e a v e s t r o u g h , fa s c ia a n d in s t a lla t io n s e rv ic e s . BOLTON · BRAMPTON · BURLINGTON ·GEORGETOWN · HAMILTON · MARKHAM · MILTON MISSISSAUGA · NEWMARKET ·OAKVILLE ·ORANGEVILLE · OSHAWA · PICKERING ·TORONTO ·WHITBY Over 27 years experience, over 70,000 installs and 1000s of satisfied customers. The Trusted Team of the GTA & Surrounding Areas DO ORS WINDOWS B R O C K DO O RS & WINDOWS LTD BRO CKW INDOW S. COM SH O W RO O M HOURS: M on-Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm · Sat 10-:00 am - 3:00 pm 3 |Thursday September 21, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com Armed robbery at drug store Halton police are asking for the public' s help in identifying two suspects following the armed robbery of an Oakville Shoppers Drug Mart early Monday morning (Sept. 18). At 3 a.m., two m en armed with handguns en tered the drug store at 2501 Third Line. Police said the suspects ordered the pharma cist to fill a bag with narcotics, grabbed the bag and then fled the store. The suspects were observed getting into a burgundy SUV, possibly an older m odel Ford Es cape, w hich fled southbound on Third Line. N o one was injured during the robbery. The first suspect is described as being 20 to 30 years old. He wore a black baseball cap, a black and white bandana, dark pants, black gloves, a black Adidas sweater w ith a blue logo on the front and a rainbow coloured Adidas logo on the back, and white shoes w ith a dark stripe on the side. The second suspect is described as 20 to 30 years old w ith a thin build. He wore a grey, hooded, zip-up sweater, a yel low bandana, a black, orange and white toque, dark pants and black gloves with white logos. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact the Oakville Criminal Inves tigations Bureau at 905-825-4747, ext. 2218 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). Day, Evening and Weekend C la sse s Beginner to Advanced · Ages 3 yrs to Adult R e g is t e r N o w · ART In Mixed Media, Oils, Drawing, Portfolio Development and Watercolours · MUSIC in All Instruments · Voice · DRAMA · Musical Theatre · DANCE · Ballet · Points · Contemporary · Lyrical · Ja z z · Hip Hop · Tap · Latin · Aero · Cardio · Fitness Training · Tumbling & JR. (3 -5 yrs) PAVAS 3 hr Half Day Programs Thurs. & Sat. ' MARCH BREAK & SUM M ER CAMPS S m a ll C la s s S iz e s · C am e ra V ie w in g of A ll Stu d io s · Fa m ily -F o cu se d S c h e d u lin g · A nnual M u sical P ro d u ctio n s · S p e cia lty W o rksh o p s S T U D IO P A V A S 9 0 5 - 4 0 3 - 9 4 3 5 1-2301 Royal Windsor Dr., Mississauga www.studiopavas.com info@ studiopavas.com 1 -- inside todays S p o t l ig h t He a l t h Be a v e r Tr a il s 2 0 0 1 A u d io V id e o , B e d , B a t h & B e y o n d , B e s t B u y , C a n a d ia n T ir e , C e n t e n n ia l W in d o w s , D e s ja r d in s , F o o d B a s ic s , F o r tin o s , F r e s h C o , B e a v e r G lo b o S h o e s , H a l t o n E y e C a r e , H a r v e y 's, H o l la n d P a r k G a r d e n , H o m e O u t f it t e r s , H u d s o n 's B a y C o ., J Y S K , L a s t m a n 's B a d B o y , SWISS ( 4 3 0 - 1 1 0 0 C A L S) www.insideHALTON.com 6 3 3 3 4 L C B O , L e o n 's F u r n it u r e , L o n g o 's , L o w e 's, M & M M e a ts , M a r it im e T r a v e l, M a r k 's W o r k W e a r h o u s e , M c K e s s o n , M e tr o , M i c h a e l s, M o n a s t e r y B a k e r y & D e li, ' Ar t s S ports C l a s s if ie d N a t io n a l S p o r ts , N a t u r e 's E m p o r iu m , 35 37 4 0 N o F r ills , O n t a r io H e r it a g e T r u s t, P h a r m a s a v e , P r o m o b i z S o lu tio n s , R e a l C a n a d ia n S u p e r s to r e , R e x a ll P h a r m a P lu s , R o n a , S h o p p e rs D r u g M a rt, S m a rt S o u rc e , S o b e y s , S t a p le s , S u n n y s id e G r ill, T h e T o r o n to S t a r , T o y s R U s , For home delivery & customer service call 905-631-6095, 5300 Harvester Rd., Burlington NEW subscriptions call 905-631-6095 or subscribe online at www.oakvillebeaver.com W a lk in g o n a C lo u d , W a lm a r t *SAVE NOW 10% This coupon is only valid at 1011 Uppermiddle Rd E & 217 Cross Ave in Oakville ON. This coupon entitles you to 10% off your food bill before tax. Only one coupon per table. Taxes extra. No cash value. Expires on Sat. Sept. 30, 2017. DINE IN ONLY *Cut out this ad and save 10% on your food b ill VAILD AT 1011 Uppermiddle Rd East & 217 Cross Ave Oakville(DINE IN ONLY) *All flyers not necessarily delivered to a ll homes ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ V o te d B est A c co u n ta n t b y O a k v ille B e a ve r R e a d e rs fo r 11 C o n se cu tive Y e a rs Denied Injured? D is a b le d B e n e fits ? R ic k y W ong CPA, CA, M BA, B. E ng · Accounting · Auditing · Taxation F o r m o r e in f o r m a tio n p le a s e c h e c k o u r w e b s it e I GAN HELP. M y te a m o f e x p e r ie n c e d l a w y e r s c a n h e l p y o u w it h : - D is a b ility c la i m s * *Short-Term Disability, Long-Term Disability, CPP - C ar A c c id e n ts w w w .rickyw o n g .ca 1 2 0 0 S p e e r s R d ., U n i t 3 2 , O a k v i l l e , O n t . L 6 L 2 X 4 (905) 845 -1408 |Fax (905) 845 - 59311ricky@rickywong.ca AIRE ONE MADNESS SALE! H IG H E F F IC IE N C Y F U R N A C E & C E N T R A L A IR - S l i p a n d F a ll s - W r o n g f u l D is m is s a l PACKAGE INCLUDES: 95.5 % High Efficiency Gas Furnace High Efficiency Central Air R410A Refrigerant * 10 Year Factory Warranty Limited Time Offer YOU DON'T PAY UNLESS I GET YOU MONEY. S Ls| S a m S p a d a fo r a INJURY AND EMPLOYMENT LAW O F F IC E S in O A K V IL L E a n d T O R O N T O C a ll fo r d e ta ils CENTRAL AIR OR FURNACE DIAGNOSTIC SPECIAL www. M i n e u w W E .c o m < HEATING & COOLING CENTAL AIR OR FURNACE CLEANING C a ll f o r d etails. happy 150t h canada BOOK YOU RS TODAY! 9 LOCATiONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER OAKViLLE (905) 849-4998 For a free consultation call: Oakville: 905.842.2022 Toronto: 4 1 6.644.3999 email: sspadafora@slspc.ca www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |4 Police say speeding is th e top offence in school zone blitz Halton police say there were no shortage of speeders driving through local school zones during the first w eek student were back in class. Officers w ith the Halton Regional Police Service Traffic Services U nit listed speeding as the top offence during this year' s Project Safe Start road safety initiative w ith 1,042 charges laid betw een Aug. 28 and Sept. 8. D uring the campaign, police took to the streets as part o f a highly-visible reminder to drivers in Halton that students were back in school. Project Safe Start stresses the need to slow dow n in and around school zones, watch for pedestrians and pay attention to school crossing guards escorting youths across busy intersections. D uring this year' s operation, police focused on a number of unsafe driving behaviours. W hile speeding was the top offence, disobeying stop signs came second (480 charges) followed by distracted driving (126 charges). Police issued a total of 2,482 tickets as part of the campaign. This is a slight increase compared to the 2,299 tickets issued during Project Safe Start in 2016. Police issued 736 warnings to drivers in 2017. Officers also rolled out a social media campaign as part o f the road safety initiative w ith related m essages gathering more than 137,000 im pressions online. [S M I S O F O A K H I L E A Halton police officer looking for speedeis. | Metroland file photo F SPO RT Series 2 shown EXPERIENCE AMAZING t66,7725ll& HST & Licensing "Traffic safety begins w ith the individual choices each driver m akes," said Sgt. Ryan Snow, Traffic Services Unit. "W hen drivers com ply w ith the rules of the road, everyone w ins and gets to go hom e safely." Residents are reminded that they can file driving complaints or request enforcement of a particular area online at www.haltonpolice. ca under M ost Requested Information -- Roadwatch or Traffic Complaints, respectively. Criminal/dangerous driving should be reported im mediately by calling 9-1-1. LEXU SQ FQ AKVILLE.CA 2017 RX 350 39 M o n t h s ^ ° S l N Y O U ^ S^ 1.9% $279 LEASEAPR Bi-WEEKLYPAYMENTFROM Do w n Pa y m e n t $3,469* $4,000 DELiVERY CREDiTSOFUPTO Dr. Marisa D'Angelo Dr. Shivani Saggar p a y m e n t in c l u d e s $ 4,000 c r e d it Representative lease example based on a 2017 RX 350 sfx `A on a 39 month term at an annual rate of 1.9% and Complete Lexus Price of $58,073. Bi-weekly lease paym ent is $279 with $3,469 down payment or equivalent trade in, $0 security deposit and first bi-weekly lease payment due at lease inception. Total o f 84 bi-weekly lease payments required during the lease term. Total lease obligation is $27,045. 52,000 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.20/km for excess kilometres. Com plete Lexus Price includes freight/PDI ($2,045), Dealer fees, EHFTires ($16.50), EHF Filters($1),A /C charge($100 ),andO M V IC Fee ($10).Taxes, license, registration (ifapplicable) and insurance are extra. Offers are subject to change or cancellation w ithout notice. Offers expire on O ctobe r2, unless extended or revised. See your Lexus of Oakville for com plete details. We offer full Family Dental Services in our new modern office in a calm and relaxing environment.We are a paperless office and use digital x-rays.We welcome kids, teens, adults and seniors. NEW PATIENTS are welcome and we will accom m odate your dental emergencies. We will directly bill your insurance com pany and offer convenient evening and weekend appointments. 2525 Old Bronte Road, Suite #130 Palermo Professional Centre (ground floor) , s 3 N * D u n d H s S t.W . P in oG le nR d . ,, www.reflections-dental.ca 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -8 7 0 0 s 1 3 O i LEXUS F ® O a k v ille 1453 N O R TH SERVICE R O A D , W EST O A K V ILLE , O N L6M 2W 2 -0701 scott@gasfix.ca for a FREE fin house quote. 9 0 5 .8 4 7 .8 4 0 0 · 1 .8 6 6 .L E X U S .6 6 i andContinental. Contemporary and traditional designs. ^ Returning home to help by David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff 5 |Thursday September 21, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com The staff of You'nique O akville has relocated to A Canadian lawyer, recently elected to parliament in his native Uganda, spoke about the importance of helping others in a recent speech in Oakville. Edward M akmot Otto, MP for Northern Ugandas Agago County, was guest speaker at a meeting of the Oakville Trafalgar Rotary Club at Le D om e Sept. 7. Otto began by describing the rocky circumstances in which he came to Canada. A s a child he was forced to flee his hom e by the Lord' s Resistance Army (LRA), a rebel group that terrorized the Northern Ugandan countryside for 30 years in a conflict that has yet to be resolved. Like all children, Otto faced possible kidnapping and recruitment as a child soldier. To prevent this, he left Agago County for the Ugandan capital of Kampala. He later attended Kampala' s Makerere University law school The Hon. Edward Otto, Member of Parliament, Agago County, Northern Uganda | David Lea/M etroland before m oving to Canada and attending law school at the University of Toronto. Otto had two children in Canada and established his ow n law firm, but said he was drawn back to Uganda by a desire to assist. "I w as helped throughout m y journey and this is part of the reason I feel I need to help. W ithout being helped I w ouldn' t be where I am today;" Otto figured politics was one area where h e might be able to make a difference and in 2015 he ran as an independent and won the parliamentary seat for Agago County. He said the East African nation is facing major problems in areas like health care and education. "Kids are dropping out of school because they cannot afford $200 in fees for a term. There are three terms in a year so that' s $600 they have to pay," said Otto. He said the country could also benefit from advancements in farming. "They are still using the h oe," said Otto. "Last time I w ent to Ottawa I visited a m useum and saw the hoe was part o f that m useum ." One project he has undertaken is setting up a radio station, using his ow n salary, to try to change the mindset of the people, to get them to take a more active role in arriving at a more sustainable future. Intermezzo Hair Studio · Balayage · Highlights · Colour Experts · Extensions · Keratin Treatment T u e s& W e d 15% O FF any Chemical Service with Select Stylists Open Tuesday-Saturday 82 NELSON ST · INTERMEZZOHAIR.COM · 905-825-2840 Since 1967 baier's w w w .baiers.ca upholstery & design Booking NOW for CHRiSTMAS DELiVERY! High quality new upholstered & reupholstered furniture. Call us for an appointment & choose from one of our many collections of designer fabrics. BYAPPOiNTMENTONLY see Accountability on p.23 Sofas · Chairs · Headboards · Throw Pillows · Patio Cushions 11-2345 Wyecroft Road,Oakville · 905.616.3156 · info@baiers.ca f Feast this fall W ITH P U SA T E R I'S THAN KSG IVIN G CR O W D P L E A S E R S Let us prepare or provide w orld-class ingredients for your meal. ^ ' T H IS % - 5 . V G C f? o \A /0 ? ^ I didn't expect to bring Bella w ith me. At Amica you can expect premium amenities and personalized service with a range of care options. You can even bring your pet. Independent Living · Assisted Living E x p e c t M o r e .TM RioCan Oakville Place 2 4 0 Leighland Avenue pusateris.com ' 'J. V'"; Book a visit to learn about our enhanced care and support options. P U S A T E R I'S F IN E F O O D S IN C E 1 9 6 3 A M I C A" Mat ur e L i f e s t y l e s Am ica at Oakville 160 Bronte Road 905-842-8167 am ica.ca/oakville C£> Spotlight £ < D C L < D (/) S' T3 (/) -i--' "Connected to your Community " In Terry's name cr LU LD < o £ o o o -r--1 1= < D in CD / r T M » il 1 ' y -S i' kiti IP ·- M ^ lb :\ . f r rS The 37th annual Terry Fox Run in Oakville drew hundreds to Coronation Park Sunday, Sept. 17. The bike, run, walk and roll 2k and 5k went from the park to Bronte Harbour and back. Clockwise from above left, Oakville's David Visschedyk, who lost his right leg at age 8 to the same cancer Terry Fox had, came home to ride. Nathalie de Caen working on memory signs. Haseen Khaqan, Ali Khaqan and Khaqan Khan participate. Anna Laplante with daughter Faryn 6. The traditional warm-up took place at hte start line. Event Chair Pam Damoff, at far left, Oakville North-Burlington MP with the Oakville Beaver team, captained by photographer Nikki Wesley (in front). Joan Mack who was doing her 35th walk in the Oakville event. For story, see p.7 | submitted photo LLE · metrolandmedia O "D X. Defending principles to inspire public trust Ontario Press Council Vice-President and Group Publisher of Metroland West Neil Oliver Beaver* Volume 55 | Number 64 5046 Mainway, Unit 2, Burlington (905) 845-3824 Oakville Beaver is a member of the Ontario Press Council. The council is located at 80 Gould St., Suite 206, Toronto, Ont., M5B 2M7. Phone (416) 340-1981. Advertising is accepted on the condition that, in the event of a typographical error, that portion of advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, together with a reasonable allow ance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at the applicable rate. The publisher reserves the right to categorize advertise ments or decline. Editorial and advertising content of the Oakville Beaver is protected by copyright. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Advertising Director Daniel Baird / dbaird@metroland.com / 289-293-0624 Managing Editor Angela Blackburn / editor@oakvillebeaver.com / 289-293-0617 Regional General Manager Kelly Montague kmontague@metroland.com / 289-293-0614 Director of Distribution Charlene Hall / chall@metroland.com / 905-631-6095 TerryFoxwas a herow hoem bodied beingCanadian by David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff 7 |Thursday September 21, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com The people of Oakville once again honoured Canadian hero Terry F ox in a big w ay Sunday m orning (Sept. 17) w ith hundreds turning out to participate in the 37th annual Oakville Terry F ox Run. The charity event began at Coronation Park at around 10 a.m., w ith residents cycling, running and walking to raise funds for cancer research. Som e pushed strollers, som e w alked dogs w hile others carried small children on their shoulders -- all unified by the desire to honour those lost to or living w ith cancer and to work toward a future where the dreaded illness is just a memory. The run continues the legacy o f F ox' s Marathon of Hope. The British Columbia resident, w h o lost part of his leg to cancer at age 18, began a cross country trek to raise cancer awareness and funds for cancer research on April 7, 1980. He w as ultimately forced to stop his marathon on Sept. 1, 1980, after cancer had spread to his lungs. F ox died on June 28, 1981, but not before challenging all of Canada to carry on his dream. "Terry w as a hero to all of us," said Oakville run chair Pam Dam off at the start o f the event. "W hen w e think about w hat m akes us proud as Canadians w e think about how w e 2006. He rode his bike from Toronto to participate in the Oakville run. Oakville resident and cancer survivor Lisa M oody w as also in attendance participating in her 26th Terry F ox Run. Advancements in cancer research allowed her to keep her leg, but w ith a titanium implant. see Terry on p.9 TABRICLJWD Back to Sewing, Quilting Crafting & Decorating! Teagan Walsh | Riziero Vertolli/M etroland are humble, brave, courageous, w e give hope to people around the world and that w as Terry Fox. I think that is w h y Terry, 3 7 years later, continues to resonate. He w asn' t able to finish his Marathon of H ope, but he asked all o f us to continue for him and that is w h y w e are all here today. I can' t thank you enough for being here." Oakville native David Visschedyk, w h o lost his leg to the sam e type of cancer w hich afflicted F ox, joined Dam off in kicking off the run. D ue to advancements in cancer treatment Visschedyk not only survived his cancer, but com pleted a historic bike ride across Canada in Ixdusive 2 DayMembers' Sale A n d S e m i e ty M e m b e r s , d o n 't m is s y o u r F r id a y & S a t u r d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 2 - 2 3 sa ve o f f o u r r e g u la r p r it e s Butterick 6247 o n a l m o s t e v e r y t h in g e l s e in th e s t o r e ! N o t a M e m b e r? Join o r r e n e w & s a v e m o re! D eta ils in -sto re! Sale in effect September 6-24/17, on selected in-stock merchandise. Look for the red sale tags. Follow us on Facebook & Twitter! w w w .fa b ric la n d .c a MISSISSAUGA: 3015 WINSTON CHURCHILL BLVD.(N .W .s id e @ D u n d a s ) 905-828-9966 BURLINGTON: 3515 FAIRVIEW ST. 905-639-2516 D o n 't W L e a v e H o m H im e *F R E E * INSTALLATION SALE! S A F E T Y CO VER* FR EE INSTALLATION* 12' x 24' R ECT 14' x 28' Rect $999 16' x32' Rect $1,099 * 18' x36' Rect $1,399 20' x 40' Rect $1,599 I NSTALLED r epla cem en t p o o l l in e r s * free installation * 12' x 24' it h o u t A t Delmanor, there's no need to leave yo ur best frien d behind - yo ur new hom e can be his as w e ll! W h e th e r yo u 'd like to explore Delm anor fo r a guest stay or as the perfect new hom e fo r you both, w e 'd be pleased to have you as ou r guest fo r a to u r and lunch - call today! Discover Retirement Living in Ontario! O p e n H o u s e S e p t 2 4 th 1 -4 p m $ 8 9 9 HOT TUBS FREE in s t a l l a t io n * FRO M DELMANOR G len A b b e y (9 0 5 ) 4 6 9 -3 2 3 2 1459 Nottinghill Gate, Oakville I n s p ir e d R e tir e m e n t L iv in g TM $5499* I NSTALLED 14'x 28'$2,399 16'x 32'$2,699 18'x 36'$2,999 20' x 40' $3,499 I NSTALLED $1999 TRIDEL Welcomes Your Pet 504 IROQUOIS SHORE ROAD, UNIT #1, OAKVILLE, ON L6H 3K4 905-815-5252 Visit delmanor.com for all our GTA locations. www.leisureindustries.ca *Lim ited Time Offer, No Dealers Please, Quantities Limited. Restriction apply. Check - in store for details. Not applicable on prior sales. Products may not be exactly as pictured. www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |8 For more news, visit insidehalton.com G> O A K V I L L E C e le b r a t e C u lt u r e D a y s ! S e p te m b e r 29 to O cto b e r 1, 2017 Bigger and better Culture Days! Unique sites throughout Oakville. Enjoy free fam ily-friendly entertainm ent, live music, dance, ceramic, art workshops and more! V is it o a k v ille .c a fo r e v e n t d e ta ils. S h a re y o u r p h o to o f an O a k v ille C u ltu re D a y s a c tiv ity to w in ! # c u ltu re d a y s o a k v ille Contest closes October 2, 2017. N o tice o f A p p lic a tio n fo r A p p ro v a l to E x p ro p ria te Lan d Fo rm 2 E xpropriations A ct, R.R.O. 1990, R eg. 363 In the matter of an application by The Corporation of the Town of Oakville (Name of expropriating authority) for approval to expropriate land being part of Lot 1, Plan 785; part of Lots 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48 and Maplehurst Avenue (Closed by Order 48249), Plan 350; and part of Lots 21, 23, 24 and 25, Concession 3 South of Dundas Street in the Town of Oakville (Name of local municipality) Regional Municipality of Halton (County or district). For the purposes of Road widening, reconstruction, and improvements to Speers Road (Description of project or work). Notice is hereby given that application has been made for approval to expropriate the fee simple interest in the land described as follows: Parcel 1: Part of Lot 1, Plan 785, designated as Part 1 on 20R-20119; Parcel 2: Part of Lots 46, 47 and 48, Plan 350, designated as Part 4 on 20R-20704; Parcel 3: Part of Lots 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48 and Maplehurst Avenue (closed by order 48249), Plan 350, designated as Part 9 on 20R-20150 and Part 2 on 20R-20704; together with a temporary easement over the lands described as Part of Lots 46, 47 and 48, Plan 350, designated as Parts 1 and 3 on 20R20704 for a term of 24 months, to allow the town to enter with all necessary vehicles, machinery, equipment and other material required to facilitate the reconstruction and improvement of Speers Road between Third Line and Fourth Line, including, but not limited to, excavation, grading, placement and storage of soil and sod, placement of granular and asphalt for driveways and curbs, construction staging and construction and works ancillary thereto; and together with a permanent easement over the lands described as Part of Lots 46, 47 and 48, Plan 350, designated as Parts 1 and 2 on 20R-20861 granting the town, its successors, assigns and invitees the right to enter, construct, maintain, inspect, alter, repair and operate the overhead hydro lines for the purpose of supplying or distributing hydro or related services, but reserving to the Transferor the right to use the surface of the said lands for any purpose which does not conflict with the town's rights hereunder, and respecting any required clearances according to the latest version of the CSA C22.3 No1 Overhead System Canadian Standard; Parcel 4: Part of Lots 45 and 46, Plan 350, designated as Part 12 on 20R-20150; Parcel 5: Part of Lot 21, Concession 3 South of Dundas Street, designated as Part 8 on 20R-20150; Parcel 6: Part of Lot 23, Concession 3 South of Dundas Street, designated as Part 20 on 20R-20119; Parcel 7: Part of Lot 24, Concession 3, South of Dundas Street, designated as Part 18 on 20R-20119; Parcel 8: Part of Lot 24, Concession 3 South of Dundas Street, designated as Part 17 on 20R-20119; Parcel 9: Part of Lot 24, Concession 3 South of Dundas Street, designated as Part 16 on 20R-20119; Parcel 10: Part of Lot 24, Concession 3 South of Dundas Street, designated as Part 15 on 20R-20119; Parcel 11: Part of Lot 25, Concession 3 South of Dundas Street, designated as Part 7 on 20R-20119; Parcel 12: Part of Lot 1, Plan 785, designated as Part 3 on 20R-20119; and Parcel 13: Part of Lot 1, Plan 785, designated as Part 2 on 20R-20119. Any owner of land in respect of which notice is given who desires a hearing into whether the taking of such land is fair, sound and reasonable necessary in the achievement of the objectives of the expropriating authority shall so notify the approving authority in writing, a) in the case of a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail within thirty days after the registered owner is served with the notice, or, when the registered owner is served by publication, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice; b) in the case of an owner who is not a registered owner, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice. The approving authority is Council of The Corporation of the Town of Oakville, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6H 0H3 The Corporation of the Town of Oakville (Name of expropriating authority) Jim Knighton in his capacity as Manager, Realty Services (Name of officer or agent of expropriating authority) FREE P.A. Day Skate Jo in u s M o n d a y , S e p te m b e r 25 · River Oaks Community Centre, 2400 Sixth Line from 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m. · Sixteen Mile Sports Complex, 3070 Neyagawa Boulevard from 2 to 5 p.m. Skate and helmet rentals are available during Boston Pizza skates. $6 skates l $3 helmet l $7 combo rental Capacity restrictions apply. Visit oakville.ca for details. Sp o n so red b y B o s to n P iz z a DUNDAS S NEYAGAWA 9 |Thursday September 21, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com Terry led the way to cancer survival continued from p.7 "The first time I did the run I w as in a wheelchair," she said. Officially starting this year' s run w as 10-yearold Oakville resident and cancer survivor Teagan Walsh, w h o com m enced the event from her wheelchair. The young girl is also dealing w ith the same type of cancer Fox had. A new surgical technique has saved her leg and she is n o w undergoing chemotherapy. Teagan' s father, David, called the advancements w hich saved her leg "a miracle." "W e are so proud of her. She has fought through this like a true warrior. I can' t imagine the pain she endured during the surgery and after the surgery," he said. "It' s heartbreaking, but due to events like these, and you people, w e managed to save her le g ... I just w ant to thank you all for w hat yo u are doing from the bottom of m y heart for cancer, for Teagan." Teagan herself said the day' s events were loads of fun. "I really liked it. It' s just a fun thing to do," she said. "Everyone know s w hat yo u ' ve gone through because you came here to the Terry F ox Run, so you can just be normal and you can m eet a lot of n ew people." Despite the underlying seriousness o f the event, the day maintained a party atmosphere w ith som e children enjoying face painting w hile others danced to music. /jf/STEVEN SO N\VH ELTON Mac DONALD&SWAN LLP + PERSONAL INJURY MEDICAL MALPRACTICE David Visschedyk | Riziero Vertolli/M etroland As of run day, $115,000 of the target $150,000 had been raised. People can continue to donate until Dec. 31. Over the years, the Oakville com m unity has raised $4.8 m illion for the Terry F ox Foundation w ith the Oakville Terry F ox Run raising $2.1 million. Anyone interested in m aking a donation can still do so at www.terryfox.ca/terryfoxrun/ oakville. Experienced Trial Lawyers Serving Oakville, Milton and Burlington ^/"sWLawyers.ca 1 5 4 0 C orn w all R o a d 1 0 6 , O ak ville S u ite CN M ilto n L o g is tic s Hub 2017 P u b lic C o n su lta tio n S e p te m b e r 1 8 - O c to b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 7 We w a n t to h e a r fro m y o u CN is seeking feedback on proposed mitigation measures and potential community benefits. The Milton Logistics Hub is needed to serve a growing demand for household goods in the GTHA, and to help local businesses get their goods to and from domestic and international markets. Le a rn m o re a n d p ro v id e in p u t Attend an open house (drop-in) Attend a small group meeting in Milton (RSVP) Read the discussion guide and complete a feedback form online at cnmilton.ca or provide a written submission by email to milton@cn.ca or mail. You can also visit our Milton Information Centre - see details (and full meeting schedule) at cnmilton.ca. RSVP (small group meeting only): milton@cn.ca or 1.800.216.9466. Oakville open house Date Wednesday, October 4 Time (drop-in) Location Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre - 2302 Bridge Road (Black Box Theatre) M m imrnlTHCT H h M H 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For more information, including a summary of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and fact sheets regarding key studies, visit cnm ilton.ca. View the full EIS at ceaa.gc.ca, Ref. Number 80100. www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |1 0 ,<rtHalton B c e m u halton.ca (| 311 nn Youdnis REGION Halton Waste Management Site 25th Anniversary & Doors Open Celebration Fare Share in desperate need as food drive begins by David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff Bring you r fam ily and frien ds for a day of fun and celebration: · Guided bus tours · A look at landfill machinery and waste collection trucks up close · Kid-friendly activities · Food trucks (cash only) Celebrating 25 Years o f Environm entally Safe Waste M anagem ent in Halton! The Halton Waste Management Site originally opened in 1992 with a life expectancy of 20 years or until the year 2012. Due to the tremendous efforts of Halton residents using their Blue Box, Green Cart and other waste diversion programs, the landfill life is now projected to the year 2044--over 30 years longer than expected! Sa tu rd a y , S e p te m b e r 3 0 ,2 0 1 7 10 a.m . to 2 p.m . Halton Waste Management Site 5400 Regional Road 25, Milton For more information, visit halton.ca/hwms25 Wheelchair accessible and free parking n Halton's Pumpkins to Pastries Trail is back Search Halton Waste Management Site 25th Anniversary The O akville Fare Share F ood Bank is calling on residents to m ake this T hanksgiving one to remem ber for those less fortunate w ith in this com m unity. The local charity w ill h old a food drive, w h ich w ill run from Saturday (Sept. 2 3 ) to M onday (Oct. 9 ), in the h op es o f m aking the Thanksgiving season a tim e w h en all Oakville residents have reason to be thankful -- regardless o f their situation. There is n o shortage o f n eed for the food bank' s services w ith the H alton P overty R oundtable n o tin g that p overty affects on e in iO H alton residents in clu d in g f f , f 2 0 children. Fare Share organizers say they n eed ed to help f0 9 n ew fam ilies in 2 0 i6 . A ccording to its w ebsite, it currently serves 350 to 4 0 0 fam ilies (approxim ately f,2 0 0 people) per m onth. F ood for the food drive can be dropped off at all O akville grocery stores, at all Oakville fire stations and directly at the food bank, w h ich is located at 1240 Speers Rd., U nit 6. M onetary donations are also appreciated and charity tax receipts can be w ritten immediately. Organizers say the food bank is in desperate n eed of: · Baby cereal (Pablum ) · Pow dered baby form ula · Infant: junior jars o f m eat, fruit and vegetables T h ey also pointed ou t that for the first tim e in m em ory they have com p letely run ou t o f basics su ch as canned corn, peas, m ixed vegetables and fruit. T h ey are also look in g for canned Nancy Bromberg of the Fare Share Food Bank sorts donations at the Speers Road food bank, which is gearing up to kick off its annual Thanksgiving Food Drive, which runs Sept. 23 to Oct. 9. | Metroland file photo m eat and fish products along w ith jam , tea bags, instant coffee and pow dered laundry detergent. In short, organizers say the shelves o f the Oakville Fare Share F ood Bank are b ecom in g bare and they are counting on the help and support o f the people o f O akville to restock. T he food bank receives n o funding from any level o f governm ent and relies com pletely on the com m u n ity so it can keep doing its im portant work. For m ore inform ation about the O akville Fare Share F ood Bank, visit w w w oakvilleboodbank.com . Experience local food, products and events and explore the connection between Halton farms, markets, restaurants and shops. Join us from September 18 to October 31 as local vendors across Halton Region showcase their local food and products on the Pumpkins to Pastries Trail and experience a taste of Halton's harvest season. Halton is home to a thriving agricultural industry and small businesses that make our region a desirable place to live and visit. Support local businesses by downloading the P2P Trail map on our website at halton.ca/p2ptrail or through theOneHalton app available through the App Store. M e e t in g s a t H a lt o n R e g io n , 1151 B r o n t e R d ., O a k v ille , L 6 M 3L1 G a ry C a rr R e g io n a l C h a ir W A N T E D 7 HOM ES TH A T N E E D R O O F IN G 7 homes in your area will be given the opportunity of having an IN T E R L O C K ® metal roofing system installed on their home at a reasonable cost. This lifetime product is capturing the interest of homeowners acro ss the country who want to know this will be the last time they have to reroof their home. Our product is environmentally friendly and com es with a transferable Lifetime Limited Warranty with an excellent choice of colours to complement your home and is going to be introduced to your local market. Your home can be a show place in your neighborhood and we will make it worth your while if we can use your home. Lim ited Tim e Offer... A C T NOW! V isit halton.ca/m eetings fo r fu ll sch e du le . No Regional Council or Standing Commitee meetings remaining in September. Please contact us, as soon as possible, if you have any accessibility needs at Halton Region events or m eetings. 1 -8 6 6 -6 0 1 -7 3 6 6 OntarioRoof.com/7 1 1 |Thursday September 21, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com ·**- The B est G ourm et Stuffings: Apple Walnut Cinnamon Raisin Traditional Sage & Onion Wild Rice & Corn Bread Sausage, Sage^ H & Celery Herbes Provengale English Sausage Meat Cranberry Cashew Apricot & Ham Dietrich^ Fresh Side D ishes: · Sweet Potato w/Caramel Drizzle · Maple Glazed Carrots · Butternut Squash w/Brown Sugar Crumble · Green Bean Almondine · Roasted Rustic Root Vegetables · Mashed Sugar Turnips Roasted Red Skin Potatoes w/Rosemary Garlic Mashed Potatoes · Scalloped Potatoes · Parisienne Potatoes w/Herbs · Buttered Corn · Parsnips w/Brown Butter · Roasted Brussel Sprouts w/Cranberry Glaze GPc3 f o n Utunfess? ®OSR5g7 TiH^Dim iOI)J^L. T U R K E Y D IN N ER E1 6 -1 8lb F re shF re eR a n g eT u rk e y E 2-/ lb sF re shS a ge& O n io nS tu ffin g E 1litre H o m e m a d eT u rk e yG ra v y E1 -1 /2lb sB u tte rn u tS q u a sh w / B ro w nSu ga rC ru m b le E 2x2lb sG a rlicM a sh e dP o ta to e s E1 -/ lb sS w e e tP o ta to Feeds 6-/0 w /C a ra m e lD rizzle for coda · C ra n b e rrySa u ce a 01 -/ lb sM a p leG la ze d $1 6 1 ·T ru ffleR o y a lC a k e& A p p leP ie [RKSeCrQ @ D© 0i][oX§[Jffg7© @ EQ @ © /2 5 0 m l OURt FAM OUS RBSililkViBt H O LID AY F E A S T H O LID AY HAM E1 4 -1 6lbF re shF re eR a n g eT u rk e y Ab o n e le ssB lackFo re stsm o k e dh a m , E4 -5lbM a p leG la ze d& Slice d p re-sliceda n dgla ze dw ithaw o n d e rfu l B la ckF o re stH a m C a n a d ia nm a p le ,b ro w nsu gara n d sp iceglaze, d e co ra te dw ithfru it E2 -1 / 4lb sF re shS a ge& O n io nS tu ffin g (9-10lb sa v e ra g e ) E 1litre H o m e m a d eT u rk e yG ra v y E2 5 0m l F re shC ra n b e rryS a u ce E 2x2lb sS ca llo p e dP o ta to e s E1 -/ lb sB u tte rn u tS q u a shFeeds 8-10 ·1 -/ lb sM a p leG la ze d /" d 6/0 w /B ro w nSu ga rC ru m b le for only C a rro ts reeas 6 /0 E 2x2lb sG a rlicM a sh e d 1 -/ lb sB u tte re dC o rn f0r cfny P o ta to e s o llin E -/ lb sR o a ste d SlO ^ ls l ·1 -/ lb sM a p leG la ze dC a rro tsIliO lll · 1 B ru sse lS p ro u tsw ith v 1 3 5 01-/ lb sR o a ste dB ru sse l C ra n b e rryG la ze S p ro u tsw ithC ra n b e rryG la ze ·T ru ffleR o y a leC a k e& A p p leP ie ·T ru ffleR o y a leC a k e& A p p leP ie 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -5 2 9 5 1 1260 SPEERS RD. UNIT 13, OAKVILLE T U E S -T H U R S 1 0 -7 , FR I 9 -7 , S A T 9 -6 , SU N 1 1 -5 w w w .d ie t r ic h s .c a f d ie t r ic h s o a k v il l e www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |1 2 An Oakville firefighter participates in an early phase of the firefighter competition | Oakville Fire Chief Brian Durdin/Twitter photo Firefighters are tops in nation by David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff T ru s te d fo r m o re th a n 5 0 years. 4 d a y s only! V a lid from S e p te m b e r 2 1 -2 4 ,2 0 1 7 V isit us today! B R O N T E V IL L A G E P A IN T & P A P E R 2294 LA K ESH O R E ROAD W EST O A K V IL L E 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -3 3 0 0 P A IN T E R S P L A C E 478 DUNDAS S T R E E T W EST O A K V IL L E 9 0 5 -2 5 7 -2 0 6 1 P A IN T S C A P E S W E S T 511 M A P LE G R O V E D R IV E O A K V IL L E 9 0 5 -3 3 9 -2 0 0 2 T H E P A IN T & P A P E R P L A C E 2423 T R A FA LG A R ROAD O A K V IL L E 9 0 5 -2 5 7 -4 9 0 6 If the results of a 2017 national com petition are any indication, Oakville continues to have som e of the best firefighters in Canada. A team from the Oakville Fire Department came out on top - for the second straight year - after com peting against som e of the strongest firefighters the country had to offer at the National Scott Firefighter Combat Challenge Championships, w hich took place in Ottawa earlier this month. Local firefighters w alked away w ith m ultiple victories, including firefighter Ian Van Reenen w h o w as first in the m en' s individual competition. H e also joined Darren van Zandbergen, Shaun Henderson, Matt Longwell and Dave Walker to w in the team competition. The team had similar victories at last year' s nationals, and w ent on to set tw o records at the worlds in Montgomery, Ala. "Oakville Fire are back-to-back National Firefit Cham pions," tweeted D eputy Chief Paul Boissonneault, following their victory. see Defending on p.16 NO FRILLS won't be beat If you find a cheaper price, simply show us and we will m atch. COOK'S® HAM s h a n k o r b u tt p o rtio n , b o n e in boneless, cryovac package PORK HALF LOINS GREEN SEEDLESS GRAPES product of U.S.A., no. 1 grade S P E E R S PA IN T D E C O R A T IN G C E N T R E 275 S P E E R S R O A D O A K V IL L E 9 0 5 -3 3 7 -7 2 7 2 A _______ - ____ Benjamin Moore* Paint like no other.* B u y t w o ( 2 ) 3 .7 9 L c o n t a in e r s a t r e t a i le r 's s u g g e s t e d r e t a i l p r ic e a n d g e t t h e 3 r d 3 .7 9 L c o n t a in e r a t n o c o s t. O f f e r v a lid o n R e g a l® S e le c t p r o d u c t s ( i n t e r i o r o r e x t e r i o r ) o n ly . Q u a lif y in g p u r c h a s e s m u s t b e m a d e in o n e (1 ) s in g le t r a n s a c t io n . D is c o u n t a p p lie d a t c h e c k o u t . O f f e r a v a ila b le f r o m 9 /2 1 /1 7 t o 9 / 2 4 / 1 7 a n d c a n n o t b e c o m b in e d w i t h o t h e r d is c o u n t s o r p r o m o t io n s , o r a p p lie d t o w a r d p r io r p u r c h a s e s . A t p a r t i c ip a t in g r e t a i le r s o n ly , w h ile s u p p lie s la s t. D e t a ils in s t o r e . © 2 0 1 7 B e n ja m in M o o r e & C o ., L im it e d . B e n ja m in M o o r e , P a in t lik e n o o t h e r , R e g a l, a n d t h e t r ia n g le " M " s y m b o l a r e r e g is t e r e d t r a d e m a r k s o f B e n ja m in M o o r e & C o ., L im it e d . ____ _ -- ____ _ H A BITA N T796 m L or ?^ cK TS^0 n N u D c« l l S « T D R JNG S 336 9 or " M PBELL'S REA D Y V A C H O N SNACK CA K ES ARM STRO NG C H EESE BARS 400 450 g T OSERVE SOUP 540 mL 202 336 g selected varieties selected varieties selected varieties F L Y E R P R IC E S E F F E C T IV E IN O N T A R IO S T O R E S O N L Y . T H U R S D A Y , S E P T 2 1 W E D N E S D A Y , S E P T 2 7 , 2 0 1 7 . TM YALE T IG E RT O W E L S 6 rolls RnYALE T irE R TI1WELS Jepot Cornwall Rood Colangelo's NoFril s Oleg's NoFrills 125 Cross 1395Abbeywood Avenue Drive O A K V iL L E II n f QEW n u s ll |l ""v_ 1 3 |Thursday September 21, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com B O S S S H O P N O W O PEN www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |14 S p e c ia l Tow n c o u n c il m e e tin g o n G le n A b b e y S e p t. 26 continued from p.1 Council will consider the development application along with Town staff' s recommenda tion during a special meeting at Town Hall on Sept. 26. ClubLink' s desire to build not only 3,222 residential units, but also 69,000 square feet of commercial/retail and 107,000 square feet of office space at the Glen Abbey site has attracted considerable attention from local residents. Some have voiced concerns about the traffic impact the de velopment might have on the surrounding area while others have spoken against the poten tial loss of a world-famous golf course and heritage site. Still others are opposed to the development because of the potential loss of green space and the height of the proposed struc tures, which would reach 12 sto reys in several cases. ClubLink officials have previ ously pointed out 50.11 hectares (54 per cent of the total site) would be made up of publiclyaccessible green space. Town staff came out against the development proposal for a number of reasons. One focuses on the preserva tion of cultural heritage. On Aug. 21, Town council voted unanimously to issue a notice of intention to designate the entire 229-acre property cit ing its significance to the town' s cultural heritage. Arguments for this designa Oakville Plan that establishes where and how the town will accommodate growth," said Bar rette. "The Town has confirmed through its Urban Structure Re view where and how the Town will accommodate future growth to achieve its intensification tar get to 2031, and its estimated population and employment forecast to 2041." Town staff said that due to the scale of this proposed develop ment, if it were allowed to go ahead, it could actually under mine the Town' s growth plans by redirecting growth from identi fied growth areas and delaying timely development. Staff also noted many of the reports and studies submitted in support of the development application contained technical deficiencies that did not fully demonstrate conformity with the provincial, regional and/or local policies or practice. The special council meeting in which council will discuss the ClubLink application will take place Tuesday, Sept. 26 at Oakville' s Town Hall at 7 p.m. The front entrance of Glen Abbey Golf Club on Dorval Drive. | Graham Paine/M etroland Does your financial advisor know your life goals? M a rcN u tfo rd F in a n c ia l A d v is o r 2 3 8 7 Trafalgar Road Unit 82 Oakville, ON L6 H 6 K 7 9 05 - 822-2023 www.edwardjones.com/marc-nutfo rd Member - Canadian Investor Protection Fund Edwardjones MAKING SEN SE OF INVESTING tion focused on things like the golf course' s `spoke-and-wheel' design and the fact that golf legendJack Nicklaus designed it. "Staff are of the opinion that any proposal resulting in the re moval of the golf course would not conserve the cultural heri tage value and the heritage at tributes of the cultural heritage landscape," wrote Barrette in his report to council. Town staff also pointed out that the proposed development would essentially turn the Glen Abbey Golf Course into an un planned growth area. They argued this would cause problems since the area is not served by any existing, or planned, level of transit service. This could result in transit resources being diverted to the area, which Town staff note would go against the provincial Growth Plan, which dictates growth be directed to areas with a high level of transit service and not the reverse. "The applications are in consistent with the Town' s policy framework in the Livable YM CA Nominations due week O ct 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 Do you know someone who is making a difference in your community? Someone who chooses empathy, advocates for social justice, helps improve the lives of others or takes action to inspire positive social change? YMCAof Oakville 1 5 |Thursday September 21, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com Your Health HALTON HEALTHCARE October 2017 Save the Date Wednesday, October 4, 2 0 1 7 - 5 pm to 9 pm Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) Day John Oliver Auditorium Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital 3001 Hospital Gate, Oakville Register at bra-day.com OAKVILLE TRAFALGAR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) Day FREE Event Wednesday, October 4, 2017 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital John Oliver Auditorium, 3001 Hospital Gate, Oakville Halton Healthcare is hosting BRA Day at OTMH for breast cancer patients and their families. BRA Day has been designed to empower, educate and raise awareness for women who wish to consider breast reconstruction, cancer treatment options and high risk genetic counseling. Many of our Halton Healthcare physicians and specialists will be presenting along with regional hospital physicians. · Learn about the different breast reconstruction options available · Connect with women who have been through a breast reconstruction · See real results in the Show and Tell Lounge (women only) · Get answers to your questions from leading breast reconstruction experts in a panel discussion Thursday, October 5, 2 0 1 7 - 9 am to 2 pm Local Food Expo Parsons Pantry (Cafeteria) Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital 3001 Hospital Gate, Oakville Thursday, October 12, 2017 - 4 pm to 5 pm Alzheimer's Information Session Hosted by Alzheimer Society South Block - Level 5, Room #205 Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital 3001 Hospital Gate, Oakville Saturday, November 4, 2 0 1 7 - 6 pm OTMH Foundation Candlelight Ball Burlington Convention Centre Tickets: OTMHCandlelightBall.com Register (FREE) at bra-day.com today! H osted b y Halton Healthcare in partnership with the Mississauga Halton Central W est Cancer Program, the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation as w ell as Trillium Health Partners and William Osler Health System. OHVA Donates $300,000 The Oakville Hospital Volunteer Association, (OHVA) had an opportunity to recognize many of their volunteers for their long service to the hospital at their 2017 Annual General Meeting. This year the OHVA presented a cheque to Halton Healthcare in the amount of $300,000. This is the seventh installment of the OHVA's $3 million pledge toward the building of our new hospital. Experience fresh, tasty and locally grown! Thursday, October 5, 2017 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Parsons Pantry (Cafeteria) Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital 3001 Hospital Gate, Oakville Taste & learn! · Taste samples · Purchase treats · Talk to local growers and manufacturers Parking available in the Parking Garage Thank you! (Left to Right): Sudi Kalra, President of the OHVA; Denise Hardenne, President and CEO, Halton Healthcare; John W. Nyholt, Halton Healthcare Board Chair; and Lilian Scime, Vice President, Corporate Services and Diagnostics, Halton Healthcare Oakville Foundation H o s p ita l O a k v illeH o sp ita lV o lu n te e rA sso c ia tio n Healthcare haltonhealthcare.com www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |16 D efending w orld title in O ctober continued from p.12 "You make us all very proud guys." Featuring competitors from across Canada, the annual challenges take participants to the limits of their endurance, requiring them to run a complex obstacle course in full bunker gear. Overall, the Oakville team w on first place with a total finishing time o f 4:00:05. Van Zandbergen was first in the m en' s over-40 category with a time of 1:22:07. A ndy Waldron took second in the m en' s over 55 category w ith a time of 2:08:93. Van Reenen w on first in the m en' s individual competition w hen he completed the obstacle course in just 1:12:66. His closest competitor, Graham MacKenzie of the Kamloops Fire Department, completed the obstacle course w ith a time o f 1:16:33. "W e' re excited," said team leader Henderson. "W e knew it w as going to be a tougher hill to climb this year. W e figured everyone w ould be gunning for us because w e came out w ith the title last year. It' s harder to repeat than to w in the first time, so w e just couldn' t be happier." Henderson said previously the competition is notjust about bragging rights. He noted preparing for and participating builds endurance that helps Oakville' s firefighters do their jobs better. The obstacle course simulates m any of the physical challenges a firefighter will have to overcome during day-to-day work. Clad in full turnout gear, including a breathing apparatus, and carrying a 50-pound packed up hose, the participant m ust race up a five-storey tower. Once atop, the firefighters drops the hose, then hoists up a second hose from the ground. W hen done the competitor m ust race down the tower and complete the force machine part of the obstacle course. This essentially involves hitting a 160-pound block w ith an eight-pound sledgehammer until the block has been driven a certain distance. W ith the force machine complete, the participant then runs to a water-filled hose, w hich is dragged for eight feet before being used to extinguish a target. The participant then grabs a 185-pound rescue mannequin, w hich needs to be dragged about 100 feet backward. Henderson partially attributes this year' s victory to the training tower Oakville firefighters get to practise on at their training facility. "Our training w ent great this year. The facility w e have gives us the ability to properly train for it," said Henderson. "Everybody just felt like they were at their best w hen it mattered." The Oakville team will also have titles to defend at the world championship event, w hich will be held in Jeffersontown and Louisville, Ky, from Oct. 23 to 28. "I still think w e are the best team in the world, but that' s w hy w e compete," said Henderson. "You have to go dow n there and prove it. I feel pretty good about our chances, so long as w e stay healthy and run to the ability that w e have." We believe everyone over the age of 60 should get a FREE baseline hearing test. You can join us by simply booking YOUR test today and encouraging your friends to join you. It takes less than 60 minutes, you don't need a doctor's referral, and there's no cost or obligation whatsoever! This year we're donating $4.00 for every test with the goal of providing FREE hearing aids to those who can't afford them - So bookyour test, bring your friends, and together, we can make a difference! TEST® EARS YEARS A FUSION OF JAPANESE & CHINESE CUISINE IN THE HEART OF OAKVILLE! A LLYO U C A N EAT N C H O R D IN N ER 2 0 1 7 D ia m o n d A w a r d W in n e r fo r More than 200 h e a rin g h e a lth c a re c e n tre s a c r o s s C a n a d a a re s u p p o r t in g th e c a u s e . W e h o p e y o u 'll jo in too! Best Sushi! > Visit our website CampaignForBetterHearing.org to request an appointment near you! Bronte | 2419 Marine Drive Call Debbie at 1-866-906-9451 H earing Sciences Audiology and Hearing Aid Centre TRUSTED PARTNER OF Book Your holiday Party today Legionj} 0 CFappreciation ca <3&QCC_ Advantage N IH B , V A C a n d W o r k e r 's C o m p e n s a t io n P r o v id e r HS H e a rin g te s ts a re pro v id e d fre e o fc h a r g e fo ra d u lts a g e s 1 8 a n d older. Some co n d itio n s m a y a p p ly . Please see c lin ic fo r details. O ffe r no t valid in Quebec. 280 North Service Road W.@ Dorval Oakville 905-338-6228 c a ll us for | 10% OFF Dinner only. ca sh only & with this ad. P ro m o C o d e: n s p -c f b h -o a k b w w w .a u g u s t8 .c a reservations 1 7 |Thursday September 21, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com * Hearing Aid Trial W hy do I h ear but not u n d e rsta n d ? " If you struggle to understand, you're not alone, in fact 47% of Canadians over the age of 60 have hearing loss. Your hearing difficulties could be caused by damaged hearing hair cells inside your inner ear (cochlea). When damage occurs in the high-frequency areas of the cochlea (where consonants are heard), speech may sound garbled and comprehension may become difficult. The right hearing aid could help you improve your comprehension. FREE trial offer ends September, 2 9 th 2017 21 D a y FREE Trial H ear the difference hearing aids can make. Try the latest advanced or premium digital hearing aids for 21 days, risk-free. Our hearing experts w ill perform a FR EE hearing assessm ent and fit you with hearing aids suited to your loss. There's no cost or obligation to participate. N a tio n w id e co ve ra g e - O ver 2 0 0 lo ca tio n s across th e country. Call now to take the FREE hearing aid trial O a k v ille N o rth 515 Dundas Street W est Call Julia at 1- 8 8 8 - 899-9135 HearingLife TRUSTED PARTNER OF C Fa p p re cia tio n ca & Q CC vantage N IH B , V A C a n d W o r k e r 's C o m p e n s a t io n P r o v id e r LUC12-HL Hearing tests are provided free of charge for adults ages 18 and older. Some conditions may apply. Please see clinic for details. O ffer n o tv a lid in Quebec. 1 CampaignForBetterHearing.org/Research. O ffere xpires Septem ber 29 2017. Promo Code NSP-TBYB-OAKB www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |18 HALTON HYPNOSIS CENTRE Virtual Gastric Band with Hypnosis A REMARKABLE WEiGHT LOSSTECHNiQUE PiONEERED iN THE UK AND ENDORSED BY DR. OZ The V irtu a l G astric Band w orks using th e p o w e r o f hypnosis to tra in y o u r m in d and b o d y to be satisfied w ith less fo o d . W hen y o u r brain tells y o u r sto m a ch th a t it is fu ll, th e re is no need fo r m ore fo o d. ·No surgery ·No risk ·No special diet food Group and private appointments available Nancy J . Douglas, CH, Cl, HBComm Consulting Hypnotist Certified Instructor National Guild of Hypnotists The UPS Plane Pull Challenge took place at the John C. Munroe Hamilton International Airport Sept. 16 to launch the $10 million campaign goal for the newly-amalgamated United Way of Halton & Hamil ton. | United Way Halton & Hamilton photo See website for details 9 0 5 -5 1 6 -2 2 3 4 * in fo @ h a lto n h y p n o sis.co m 3425 Harvester Rd., Burlington ·www.haltonhypnosis.com U nited W ay unveils $ 1 0 M goal by David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff P IC -A -D E L I ^Weekly Specials: $99 9 $99 9 Thursday Nights: Dom estic Pint & 1 lb of Wings D aily sp e cia l: Large 3 item P izzaDine In & Pick up only Featuring Best Montreal Sm oked San d w ich es All D ay Breakfast. Hours: Monday - Saturday 7 am -1 am Closed Sundays. 670 Fourth Line (905) 339-1905 United Way Halton & Hamilton kicked off its fall fundraising campaign with the UPS Plane Pull Challenge Saturday (Sept. 16) during w hich it revealed its ambitious fundraising goal of $10 million. The event took place at John C. Munroe Hamilton International Airport and saw more than 250 com m unity partners join UPS and the United Way in a competition to pull a 200,000-pound Airbus A 300, 50 feet across the tarmac. Participating teams succeeded in raising $25,000, w hich will be directed towards the campaign' s fundraising goal. "W e are so grateful for the support and dedication of partners like UPS and so m any of you w h o continue to stay committed to making our com m unity great for everyone," said United Way President and CEO Jeff Vallentin. "As you know, the beginning of April was a watershed time for the United Way m ovem ent in our region. We are focused now, more than ever, on ensuring that w e remain connected to the issues that face each of the communities w e serve and, as always, all dollars raised local will stay local. That means whatever is raised in your com m unity will go directly to support programs and services for your neighbours, family and friends." Ken Smithard, campaign chair and president of Cogeco Connexion, spoke about the United Way' s importance in funding numerous local social programs. "United Way Halton & Hamilton is focused on responding to local needs and providing see Money on p.24 Open House A Taste of Chartw ell SUNDAY, SEPTEM BER 24 1-4 PM CH A R T W ELL O A KV ILLE 180 Oak Park Boulevard Oakville · 289-644-2960 CH A R T W ELL W ATERFORD Presentation Centre: 2983 Westoak Trails Boulevard Oakville · 289-644-2951 C H A R T W e ll CHARTW ELL.COM retirement residences 1 9 |Thursday September 21, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com 210 North Service Road, West, Oakville, ON | 905-815-1118 www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |20 P o lice B e a t Online registration back open for a limited time. What about texting, cycling? by Staff Sgt Craig Platt HALTON REGIONAL POLICE SERVICE The Halton Regional Police Service answers your ques tions as they relate to traffic, crime and community po licing. Q U E S T I O N : As we are aware, being on a cell phone while driving is illegal. How would I go about to contacting you if I see someone driving while us ing their phone, either for talking or texting? Would I just get their licence plate number and call local police, call 911 or not do anything at all? (Two other questions in the same vein: 1. As we all know, driving while talking on the phone or texting isn' t hands free which is against the law... wouldn' t driv ing while eating a bowl of cereal, doing make up or watching some one practise their violin Staff Sgt. Craig Platt skills while on the high way also be considered not hands-free? Could drivers possibly be charged for not being hands-free? How would we notify ask a you that this is happening? 2. I can understand the distraction with texting and driving, but why is it people do not get flagged for driving with dogs on their laps? A N S W E R : The legislation prohibiting the use, or handling, of electronic devices while driving was put in place to save lives. It also allows for offenders to be held accountable under the Highway Traffic Act (sec. 78.1(1)). While most drivers are law-abid ing, some remain non-compliant. Hands-free mode is the only method permitted while operating a mo tor vehicle. Officers focus daily on this dangerous activity and develop projects designed to address such offences. Traffic safety is a priority in Halton and identified by residents as a concern. If you see a vehicle being operated dangerously, report it. see Everyone on p.21 Hello Oakville, Cogeco is hosting a free community Register for the 2017/2018 season. Hurry spots fill up fast. BBQ Saturday, September 23 FROM 1 1 A.M TO 2 P.M. REAL CANADIAN SUPERSTORE 201 OAK WALK DR. There'llbe food and drinks, as wellas great offers on unlimited Internet &T V . It'll be lots of fun. Minor Midget and Minor Peewee over 9 9 % f u ll - walk in registration only. All other divisions open for online registration at o a k v ille r a n g e r s .c a but space is filling up fast. E coGeco Switch on amazing MOHA is a member association ofthe Ontario Minor Hockey Association and Hockey Canada. All coaches are OMHA certified Everyone must obey the rules continued from p.20 If there are immediate safety concerns, call 911. A motorist reporting an `emergency' may use a device for that purpose, however, safety must be the prima ry consideration and pulling over to a safe location to place that call is urged. Online reporting is also an option, (HRPS Online Reporting Guidelines and Methods) or by visiting a police facility (HRPS Lo cations). The time, location and information about the vehicle and driver is helpful (i.e. licence plate, make, model and driver descriptors). Eating food, applying makeup or having an ani mal on the driver' s lap is prohibited while operating a motor vehicle. Careless Driving (sec. 130) of the Highway Traffic Act speaks to a driver' s lack of at tention or consideration for others using the road way while Crowding the Driver' s Seat (sec. 162) addresses other persons or property interfering with the proper management or control of the motor ve hicle. QUESTION: Dear HRPS, why don' t police target cyclists who break the rules of the road? Cyclists de serve to be on the road and most certainly need ex tra space and attention. However it seems as though a sense of entitlement is creeping into the minds of cyclists in our community. They run red lights and stop signs regularly, ride two or three abreast, don' t signal turns, often ride aggressively and unpre dictably, and many still don' t have proper lights on their bikes. It seems as though `share the road'really means cyclists do whatever they want leaving mo torists with all the responsibility. Shouldn' t the re sponsibility be equal and include mutual respect on both parts? I see a lot of cautions and public service announcements geared towards motorists (which I agree with), but in many cases it' s the cyclist that is being unreasonable and dangerous. What is being done about this, if anything? ANSWER: Halton region has popular locations for cycling. Road safety is a shared responsibility and w e all must do our part and be safe and consid erate, including motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. Cyclists must adhere to the Highway Traffic Act, as motorists are expected to, including obeying stop signs, red traffic signals and sharing the road. Of fences contrary to the Highway Traffic Act, commit ted by cyclists, are enforced. In the spring of 2017, HRPS partnered with municipal traffic departments, Halton Region, and cycling groups, to promote safe and lawful cycling. The campaign had an educational component, a warning phase and an enforcement phase. Routes were identified that have the greatest volume of cy clists and officers patrolled those routes to ensure compliance, by both cyclists and motorists. This collaborative, region-wide project will be evaluated at the end of October. 21 |Thursday September 21, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com Open your senses to what others have experienced. P LU M 'S SHOP IS NOW OPEN! W e serve fresh breakfast & lunches daily Ta k e -o u t only until 2:00, M o n d a y - Friday We offer full service corporate catering C e le b r a t in g 13 y e a rs 447 Speers Rd, unit 9 · 905-844-7110 www.plumcatering.ca T h r e e p o w e r f u l s e r v ic e s . O n e e p ic o ffe r . Have a question for police? Click on the Ask a Cop link on the top right-hand side of the InsideHalton homepage to submit a question for this feature, which is published monthly in the Oakville Beaver and online. V %v. Sleep Factory MIX& MATCH SINCE 1978 TH E C anadian M ade C anadian Owned UNLIMITED TRIO · ULTRAFIBRE 60 UNLIMITED INTERNET2 ·MY MIX 40 TV3 WITH TiVo® PVR4 · HOME PHONE PER MONTH FOR 6 M O N TH S' REG U LAR PRICE: $190.99/M ONTH TRANQUILITY EU R O T O P SINGLE MATTI Reg. $43£ Visit cogeco.ca/epic fflS coGeco Switch on amazing D O U B LE M A TTR E S S . Q U E E N M A TTR E S S ... CONTINUOUS COII LMORY FOAM BAMBOO FABRIC K IN G M A T T R E S S ....... MILTON 2 3 8 M a in S tre e t, E ast · MISSISSAUGA 2 1 5 0 B u r n h a m th o r p e R o a d 9 0 5 .8 7 8 .4 6 0 6 · 9 0 5 .5 4 2 .0 4 8 1 A v a ila b le w h e re te c h n o lo g y p e rm its . Taxes n o t in c lu d e d . In s ta lla tio n a n d /o r a c tiv a tio n fe e s m a y a p p ly. F o r r e s id e n tia l p u rp o s e s o n ly . C a n n o t b e c o m b in e d w ith a n y o th e r p r o m o tio n o n th e s a m e s e rv ic e . P ro m o tio n s a re lim ite d to n e w c u s to m e rs o r th o s e w h o h a v e d is c o n n e c te d t h e ir s e rv ic e f o r m o re th a n 6 m o n th s . A m in im u m c o m m itm e n t p e rio d c o rre s p o n d in g to t h e p ro m o tio n s a n d b ille d a t t h e s a m e a d d re s s is re q u ire d to b e n e fit f r o m t h e p ro m o tio n a l ra te s. A te rm in a tio n fe e o f $75 p e r s e rv ic e s h a ll be c h a rg e d to c u s to m e rs w h o d is c o n n e c t th e ir s e rv ic e p rio r to th e e n d o f t h e c o n tra c t p e rio d . © 2 0 1 7 T iV o Inc. All r ig h ts re s e rv e d . P a te n te d . U.S. pat. nos. a t w w w .tiv o .c o m /p a te n ts . 1. T h e m o n th ly p ro m o tio n a l p ric e in c lu d e s a p r o m o tio n a l m o n th ly c re d it o f i) $ 5 9 o n t h e m o n th ly b u n d le p ric e f o r th e U ltra F ib re 6 0 U n lim ite d In te rn e t, ii) $ 2 6 o n t h e Basic H o m e P h o n e p a c k a g e a n d iii) $41 o n th e TV P ackage M y M ix 4 0 (Basic C h a n n e l s u b s c rip tio n in c lu d e d ). A t t h e e n d o f t h e 6 - m o n th p ro m o tio n a l p e rio d , th e th e n c u r re n t ra te o f a p p lic a b le s e rv ic e s w ill a p p ly. T h e m o n th ly p ric e m a y v a ry f o r a n y o th e r c o m b in a tio n o f tw o o r th re e p a c k a g e s a n d /o r s e rvic e s . T h is o ffe r e n d s N o v e m b e r 12, 2017. 2. D o w n lo a d s p e e d s c a n v a ry w ith In te rn e t tra ffic , re m o te p e e rs , y o u r n e tw o rk c o n fig u r a tio n , t h e use o f w ire le s s e q u ip m e n t a n d o th e r fa c to rs . T h e c o n te n t a c c e s s e d via In te rn e t a p p lic a tio n s a n d th e a p p ro x im a te ly 1 GB o f d a ta tra ffic c o n s u m e d b e tw e e n t h e T iV o b o x e s a n d t h e In te rn e t to s u p p ly p r o g ra m m in g in fo r m a tio n w ill b e c o u n te d a g a in s t a c u s to m e r 's m o n th ly In te rn e t u s a g e lim it. 3 . E v e ry c h a n n e l o f M y M ix P ackage can be c h a n g e d o n ly o n c e e v e ry 3 0 d a ys. C h a n n e ls m a y v a ry p e r re g io n . A d d itio n a l fe e s m a y a p p ly f o r s o m e c h a n n e ls . S o m e c h a n n e ls c a n c o u n t f o r m a n y c h o ic e s . 4 . A c c e s s to th e C o g e c o TiV o A p p re q u ire s a s u b s c rip tio n to th e T V p a c k a g e c o n ta in in g th e a s s o c ia te d d ig ita l c h a n n e l. E ach a d d itio n a l te le v is io n s e t re q u ire s a s u b s c rip tio n to t h e r e n ta l o f a T iV o M in i re ce ive r. HOURS:Monday-Wednesday10am-6pm Thursday-Fnday10am -8pm *Saturday9am -6pm *Sunday11am -5pm www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |22 Liz Belford Rosewater Spa Lisa Barsony My Back Shed in Small Business l rebates a Julia Hanna These Oakville businesses are doing their part to save on energy. Rebates make it easy to do the right thing. Get up to $2,000* in lighting rebates Save up to 75% on energy and create a more welcoming ambience. BUSINESS REFRIGERATION INCENTIVE Get up to $2,500 in refrigeration rebates. Profit from lower operating costs and increased reliability. O A K V ILLE HYD RO oakvillehydro.com/leaders *Rate maximized based on the kWh saved. Subject to additional terms and conditions found at oakviMehydro.com/business. Subject to change without notice. Save on Energy is powered by the Independent Electricity System Operator and brought to you by Oakville Hydro. " Official Mark of the Independent Electricity System Operator. Used under licence. 23 |Thursday September 21, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com Accountability is key continued from p.5 Otto noted resource development may be one road Uganda could take towards prosperity. Having accountable politicians is another important step towards the nation' s sustainable future. "W e passed the leadership code last year where, w hen the leader com es into power, he must declare all his assets," said Otto. "You also have to declare your wealth after three years so they can see how m uch you got, where it came from. So m oney laundering and all those things... w e are trying to close loopholes for those things." Otto also thanked the rotary club for its past support on fresh water projects in Northern Uganda. He said he looked forward to working w ith it in the future. SA LES P ERIO D | S E P T . 2 1 - 2 7 , 2 0 1 7 NEWSPAPER RETRACTION FOR THE B EST BUY SEPTEM BER 15TH CORPORATE FLYER Apple iPhone 6s with Rogers on Select 2-Year Plans: In the September 15th flyer, page 9, the Apple iPhone 6s with Rogers on Select 2-Year Plans (Web Code: 10484341/ 2 / 3 / 4) was advertised with an incorrect savings claim. Please note that the savings for this product on this plan is $70. Please see a Product Specialist for complete details. FALL DOOR f DECORATING KIT FALL BULBS A ll P a c ka g e d D a ffo d ils . P lan t n o w fo r g re a t S p r in g C o lo u r! F ro m Reg. $ 9 9 .9 9 In c lu d e s a la rg e s tra w b a le , la rg e p u m p k in , 12" Fall rim p la n te r, 5 ' s c a re cro w , 2 b u n d le s o f c o rn stalks. We sincerelyapologize forany inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. WE GET RESULTS. P E R IO D ! PRIM AL/^ATH LETICS J E V O L U T IO N O F F IT N E S S 6" W m ALL SHADE TREES AUTUMN DELIGHT PLANTER F a ll c o lo u r in 15" p o t. C h o o s e fr o m B e e c h , M a p le , B irc h & m o re . F ro m ALL TERRA MULCH C h o o s e n a tu ra l, b la c k o r re d . $ 4 .9 9 e a c h o r DiAM OND AWARD FO R B E S T iN F iT N E S S X Reg. $ 6 .99 e a ch While supplies last 10for45 AWARDS 2 0 1 7O re a d e rsch o ic e .o akville beaver.com TERRA PLUS 3 GARDEN SOIL $ 3 .99 e a c h o r Decorate your patio or entranceway with beautiful, fresh, Fall planters. Select from pre-made designs or let us create one just right for you. Reg. $ 4 .9 9 e a c h 10U35, $ 1 ,7 9 9 .9 9 PALERMO DINING SET rte am T a b le a n d 4 ch a irs. 9 QQ99 rimmings Ltd EXPOSED AGGREGATE (P e b b le ) · DRIVEWAYS · FREN CH CU R B S · PATIOS · STEPS · WALKWAYS · GARAGE FLO O R S TABLE TOP ' AUTUMN ** ARRANGEMENTS F ro m 1 6 99 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Monday - Saturday 9 am - 6 pm | Sunday 9 am - 5 pm HAMILTON 340 Hwy 20 R.R. 1 East of Upper Centennial (905) 692-6900 | BURLINGTON Hwy 5 East of Brant St. (905) 332-3222 MILTON Britannia Rd. West of Trafalgar (905) 876-4000 | WATERDOWN Hwy 6 & 5th Concession East (905) 689-1999 VAUGHAN Keele St. North of Kirby Side Rd. (905) 832-6955 All items while quantities last, subject to availability. Category offers exclude "TERRA Essentials". duality A t Its Best! C a ll F e rn a n d o F R E E E S T IM A T E S ALL FOUNTAINS F ro m 905-844-5518 1-888-944-5518 www.concretetrimm ings.com 9 9 9 9 w w w .faceb o o k.co m /Y o u rT E R R A /w w w .terrag reen h o u ses.co m TERRtk w here colour lives! www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |24 M a rtin to perform as H opedale Presbyterian celeb rates 6 0 WB Wilson, Blanchard Management Roadshow Presents Thursday, October 5th , 2017 Teatro Conference & Event Centre 121 Chisholm Dr., #2, Milton, ON 6:30 pm Registration 7:00 pm Presentation Light Refreshments Andrew Martin w ill perform his '70s Revolution Celebrate Canada 150 Tour on Friday, Sept. 22, as part of Hopedale Presbyterian Church' s 60th anniversary celebration. The concert begins at 8 p.m. at the church, w hich is located at 156 Third Line in Oakville. D uring the concert, people can relive som e of the greatest hits and artists o f the 1970s such as The Eagles, Elton John, Journey, Elvis Presley, Rod Stewart, The D oobie Brothers and more. Hopedale Presbyterian Church began as a church extension congregation in 1957 in Oakville. In 1959, the congregation m oved to a new building on the present site on Third Line. For tickets call 1-289-291-1278, Mondays to Fridays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Condo Legislative Update How the New Condo Legislation Affects You Management · Insurance · Legal Guest Speakers K mm A i jflk Atrens-Counsel Insurance Brokers Brad Wells Director Tom Gallinger Vice-President S hibley R jghton Armand Conant Partner LLP Andrew Martin | Janet Martin photo Com plim entary Registration: w b-roadshow @ w ilsonblanchard.com Money raised locally is used locally these communities better places for all of us to live; w e're stronger together." United Way Halton & Hamilton' s campaign took flight on Saturday as Cogeco Connexion sponsored an aerial ad to fly over the Oakville, Burlington, Milton, Halton Hills, and Hamilton communities. The charity accepts donations all year long. For more information or to donate, visit www. uwhh.ca. Interpreting Financial Statements Understanding the Fundamentals of Condominium Financial Reporting continued from p.18 Thursday, October 12th, 2017 critical impact in five distinct communities across 2511 Wyecroft Rd, Oakville, ON 6:30 pm Registration B the region," he said. "M onies raised in each com m unity remain in 7:00 pm Presentation H the community. I am proud to support United Light Refreshments B Way and ask that you join m e in helping make Com plim entary Registration: paula.davis@ w ilsonblanchard.com SAVE Westpoint 20 % Offer valid between September 7 to 26 INSPIRATIO NS ^2017 S E P T 30, 2017 10AM - 4 P M FREE CULTURAL EVENT · Heritage tours Entertainment · Culture Days activities Art & much more! Barrett PALLIS6R* My Home, My Style, My Way' PALLISER.COM Barbara 584 Kerr Street at Speers, Oakville. For more information, visit: WWW.DOBURLINGTON.COM D ESTIN ATION FU RN ITURE 9 0 5 .3 3 7 .3 6 5 3 www.destinationfurniture.ca HOURS: Monday to Friday - 10 am to 7 pm | Saturday - 10 am to 6 pm | Sunday - 11 am to 4 pm 25 |Thursday September 21, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com Human rights forum today Chief Commissioner of the Ontario Hum an Rights Commission Renu Mandhane is speaking at A RightsBased Approach to Poverty Elimination Symposium today (Thursday Sept. 21) at Sheridan College Conference Centre. N um erous Halton comm unity groups are presenting the sym posium on poverty elimination through a human rights lens. It focuses on: barriers to economic, social and political inclusion; poverty; indigenous reconciliation; social justice; equality and equity. It is presented by: Halton Community Legal Services; Halton Equity and Diversity Roundtable; Halton Poverty Roundtable; Halton Information Providers; Oakville Community Foundation; Summit Housing and Outreach Programs; Reach Out Centre for Kids; and, Sheridan College. Since 1 9 0 6 -- NNON NURSERIES PLANT THIS FALL' VISIT OUR 25 A CR E PRODUCTION S A LE S YARD - FU LLY STO CKED FOR FA LL Need New Windows? 3245 Harvester Rd, Burlington 905-333-6705 Visit their showroom to shop for Windows & Doors. Diamond Award Winner Need a Professional FEATURED ITEM S SAVE -45 % on everything in this designated area Trade professionals save too! www.highenergytranspert.cem 416-684-2419 Voted BEST MOVER in Oakville. Call to get a FR EE QUOTE. AW ARD S 2017 55S? 656 Robson Rd. W aterdown ON t e l: 905.689.7433 ROBSON ROAD LOCATION FOR SIGNIFICANT w w w .connon.ca Since 1906 SAVINGS · s ite ASK US ABOUT OUR MEMBERSHIP CARD GROWER DIRECT PROGRAM insidehalton.com : beaver www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |26 TOWN STAFF RE OMM OAKVILLE CO U N CI REFI A B B E Y DEVELOPEM EN' G LE Town staff recom mending Oakville council refuse a request by Glen Abbey Golf Course owner Club Lin k to build more than 3 ,2 0 0 residential units on the property. bit.ly/2xbqiFL B E Y O M M I M E P A G r i From breaking news to multimedia features, go beyond the newspaper pages and discover all that the Beaver has to offer online. www.InsideHalton.com MULTIMEDIA KEEPING TERRY FOX'S LEGACY 37th annual Oakville event bit. ly/2yjX o6m CN S E E K S FEED BACK ON PROPOSED MILTON LO GISTICS HUB Company hosts community open houses http://bit.ly/2fdA uW r PULL OVER: Most popular excuses GTA drivers use when caught speeding Have you ever used any on this notorious list? 3 NEWSLETTER headlines delivered to your inbox bit.ly/2gW uTaP insidehalton.com/ newsletter 27 |Thursday September 21, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com Weighing privacy against risks involved with cryptocurrency trends here is a delicate balance between what the government wants to know, and the privacy of Canadian citizens. Especially w hen it com es to money. Individually our privacy is important. Collec tively however, it is to our advantage that the gov ernment understands w hat is happening in order to regulate commercial activity. Technological advancements have provided new options for commerce, but som e of those technological advancements are giving Canadian regulators a headache. You' ve heard of the popular expression `the underground econom y' -- the sale of goods and services not reported to the government. The main motivation of those participating in the underground econom y is to avoid paying sales tax and incom e tax. This is a signihcant loss of revenue not only for Canada, but for m any other countries as well. N o w another challenge facing us is under ground currency. Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, is a relatively new digital currency that makes it impossible to leave a paper trail for hnancial transactions. Cryptocurrency uses blockchain technology, and cryptography for secrecy and security. Blockchain technology allows data and assets to be dis tributed online between consumers and suppli ers w ithout need for a third party, such as a bank. One reason Canada wants to monitor hnancial transactions is to protect against m oney launder ing, terrorist hnancing, and other fraudulent ac- T for monitoring the ebb and flow o f m oney used nology to read that history. It is clear our regula for investments. tors have to catch up with current technology. Individuals are better protected if regulators W hen cash is used in the underground econ are able to monitor all hnancial transactions. om y it is extremely hard to trace. If regulators W ithout that ability, Canadian regulators will develop the necessary technology, they may hnd not be able to do their job. The irony is crypto monitoring cryptocurrency transactions, and re currencies leave an extremely detailed history of ducing risk involved in the transactions, is easy. Guest Contributor all transactions in an encrypted digital leger. Un -- submitted by S Peter Watson, of Peter Wat tivities. As cryptocurrency isn' t issued by a central fortunately, the regulators do not have the tech son Investments. MBA, CFP®, R.FP, CIM, FCSI authority, it' s free from government monitoring. FINTRAC is our Canadian hnancial intel ligence regulatory body. Its formal name is the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada, and it assists in the detection, prevention, and deterrence of m oney laundering and the hnancing of terrorist activities. FINTRAC is concerned cryptocurrencies al Stress & W eight Management, low for signihcant hnancial transactions without Digestive Issues? Skin Conditions? it being able to monitor and regulate those trans actions. Horm one Imbalances? Terrorism is n ow a global risk, and terrorist Fertility Support Pain Control organizations need capital to hnance their opera tions. Currently, Canadian reporting entities are required to report large or suspicious cash trans actions to FINTRAC. Cryptocurrency transactions are direct. They do not require a third party. N ot having a report Food Sensitivity Testing, Hormonal & Adrenal Testing, Mineral Analysis, ing entity involved in hnancial transactions, or Acupuncture, Nutritional & Lifestyle Counselling being able to monitor cryptocurrencies being transferred, w ould undermine any efforts de NEW PATIENTS W ELCOME signed to cut off terrorist funding. Cryptocurrencies are also under investigation from a number o f groups in Ottawa responsible Dollais & Sense Peter Watson N A T U R O P A T H IC M E D IC IN E Call Today 905-257-5628 www.dundaschiropractic.com Trafalgar & Dundas, Longo's Plaza B e y o n d K it c h e n s & B a t h ^ /b e y o n d y jo iit1 S a fh e c ta tifm s y w w w . b e y o n d k i t c h e n s .c a Design B u i l d FULLY CUSTOM nsta kitchens, vanities, wall unit, m antle, w alk in closet, laundry room, Bar, etc; · Granite, Q uartz countertops · Full renovation service · Real estate service; QEW Speers G a A /V i//& S h o w ro o m L o c a tio n 466 sp e ers Rd,unit 6-7 oakville , on L6K 3W9 T: 905-338-8999 / 905-338-8199 Lake Shore F: 905-338-8099 Trades, realtors, builder programme available, please ask store for details; info@ beyondkitchens.ca www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |2 8 The Oakville Horticultural Society (OHS) celebrated its 60th anniversary on Sunday, Sept. 10. About 80 current members, past members, guests from other horticultural societies, and past board members gathered at the Joshua Creek Heritage Art Centre on Burhamthorpe Road to celebrate the diamond anniversary. halton.ca ()311 s t fft H a lt o n REGION in YouiTO Special Waste Drop-off Day To make the recycling of household hazardous waste and electronic waste more convenient for residents, Halton Region holds Special Waste Drop-off Days throughout the year. Special Waste Drop-off Days are for Halton residents only. No commercial waste. For more information visit h a lto n .c a /d ro p o ff. Date Saturday, Septem ber 23,2017 Location Sheridan College k,, \ » .....A a M ..JB m |j,j ,1 L V! i (fo T r i k m yr l % 1 n 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 1430 Trafalgar Road, Oakville | Tom Kavassalis photo H alton residents m ay d rop o ff th e fo llo w in g household w aste free o f charge: Household hazardous waste Electronic waste Acceptable materials Acids (rust remover) Aerosol cans (full or partially full) Automotive liquids (antifreeze, motor oil and filters) Batteries (household and car) Bleach Cosmetics and pharmaceuticals Fluorescent lights (compact bulbs and tubes) Fertilizers Fuels (must leave container) Garden chemicals Household cleaners Medications Mercury-containing devices Paint (full or partially full) Pesticides Pool chemicals Propane tanks and other pressurized containers Solvents Stains Varsols If you are unsure whether an item will be accepted at a Special Waste Drop-off, contact Halton Region by calling 311, or visit h a lto n .c a /p u tw a s te in its p la c e . Visit h a lto n .c a /h w m s for information about year round drop-off options for household hazardous waste and electronics. Th is is an O ntario Electronic Ste w ard sh ip (OES) ap p roved event. Clear all personal inform ation from com p u ters, cell p h o n es and electron ics prior to drop-off. Ensure all m em o ry sto rage areas have been cleared of private inform ation. M other Nature sm iled u p on local gardeners providing w all-to-w all su n shine Sunday, Sept. 10 as the Oakville Horticultural Society (OHS) celebrated its 6 0th anniversary. Guest speakers and official greetings highlighted the day, w hich wrapped up w ith high tea in the garden of the Joshua Creek Heritage Art Centre, w hich hosted the celebration. OHS celebrates 60 years A pproxim ately 80 m em bers and board m em bers, current and past, along w ith guests from other horticultural societies gathered at the Burnham thorpe Road centre and its garden, w h ich served as the backdrop for the diam ond anniversary celebration. "Oakville is one of the greenest com m unities see Greenery on p.29 Acceptable materials Computers Stereos Phones TVs VCRs DVD players Computer monitors Printers Cell phones Cameras Computer batteries JOHN W ILLM OTT ARCHITECT. INC. p re s e n ts J Generous|yf Sponsored By: pan t Fn.e Kom^ s j ii 4 -G iu m u m iy l iu l u c iitjr iiifj tibiMry ia r o Unacceptable materials Appliances Asbestos Bio-medical waste Commercial and industrial hazardous waste Explosives and ammunition PCBs Radioactive waste Reuse materials (clothing/ furniture) Scrap metal Tires Vacuum cleaners i f f f i i l J V / A ' s S D C s f a r 0 a k t i ||(e rU ij n ScB sO s t u B r n t B F fie s & iE . |nt e r e s t e d |n A r c h | t e ct u re o r re | a te d d e s ig n fie | d . G erald ! G uava ji m H JH G e.bioomi Surv0y ing Lt ·. ° a k v iNe pubhc L|brary p r f z e s | n clu d e A p p le |Pad P ro , B e a t s p|||f G o P r o H e r o 5 a n d m ° r e . O a k v |||e Bluepr|nt|n9 j iiG ublur b y S-jpiGiiib-Gr 2 $ , 2 0 1 7 . e |nfo ^ ^ f ^ te H- s o f a F u lfo v / £ j] ^ jo iL ir« < iU [m o tiG riiu lG C t 29 |Thursday September 21, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com Greenery a hallmark of Oakville continued from p.28 "Oakville is one of the greenest communities in Canada. Trees and plants are one of the hallmarks of Oakville that continue to attract new residents, making us a very coveted community," said Oakville Mayor Rob Burton, w h o brought greetings from Town Council. "Fall is all about abundance, so make your planters look lush," said Monique Theriault o f Holland Park Garden Gallery, w h o gave a demonstration on fall planters and how to dress up a front porch or balcony. "Things have changed a lot since I got into the business of horticulture," said Jane Arnett, of the Town of Oakville' s Operations Department, as she spoke about n ew trends in designing plantings and planters that included cacti, succulents, and even acquascaping -- growing plants in water tubs. Congratulations were offered by District 6 of the Ontario Horticultural Association, represented by Bob Wilt, treasurer, and Cat McGill, director. Many attendees w ent home w ith prizes donated by members as local nurseries that have supported the society, including Agram, Bulow' s, and Holland Park Garden Gallery. The OHS is a volunteer organization that promotes interest in plants, outdoor beautification, and protection of the environment, including removal of invasive species. The group meets the second M onday of every m onth, from September to June. Recent speakers have presented on lavender, container gardens, the futuristic gardens of Singapore, and garden design. OHS membership can include a discount at m any local nurseries and the offering of unusual and uncom m on plants and bulbs at special prices at m onthly meetings. Each May, typically around Victoria Day weekend, the OHS organizes a plant sale offering a wide selection of locally-grown plants that are know n to thrive in the area. Great prices and gardening advice from OHS volunteers and master gardeners are the reasons that locals `in the know ' head to this sale. To attract and educate future gardeners, the OHS also offers the Junior Garden program every spring, w hen those aged six to nine years accompanied by a parent or grandparent, learn to tend their very ow n veggie plots. Each June, Oakville residents get to peek at private gardens in Oakville in the Secret Gardens of Oakville Garden Tour, w hich is gaining popularity annually. English gardens, Japanese gardens, formal gardens, xeriscaping, and everything in between can be found tended by Oakville gardeners. N ew members are very welcom e, so consider com ing out to the next meeting, make som e new friends or visit the OHS website at www. oakvillehort.org for more information. -- submitted by Florenda Tingle on behalf of the Oakville Horticultural Society TOMORROW, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 22 ND QAM VISIT US AT BADBOY.CA TO VIEW ALL LOCATIONS! ST. J O S E P H 'S UKRAINIAN C A T H O LIC C H U R C H presents Ukrainian Festival SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30,2017 10:00 A M -4:00 PM [ ] f r e e a d m is s io n S E P T E M B E R 2 6 th · 9 :1 5 AM T O 1 0 :4 5 AM R E S E R V A T IO N S: 416-493-8786 E L S P E R O FA M ILY R ESTA U R A N T 2420 Lakeshore Rd W est, O akville ON Live Entertainment Homemade Ukrainian Food ^ Vendors · Artisans · Exhibits Festival M arketplace · · · · · Estate issues faced by families in conflict Interest rate effects on portfolio construction Real Estate Issues in Financial Planning Portfolio Construction Issues for Seniors Bond market effects on your mortgage money Michael Korman Financial Advisor, Chartered Investment Manager, B.COMM, FMA, CIM, FCSI Raymond James Ltd. RAYMOND JA M ES Mitzy Dadoun Master A.S.A Realtor Sutton Admiral Reality EXPLORE TRENDS IN PORTFOLIO INCOME, REAL ESTATE, FAMILY TRUST & ESTATE CONCERNS THAT AFFECT YOUR FAMILY with Michael & Mitzy 300 River Oaks Blvd. E. (at Trafalgar) Oakville, O ntario w w w .sjucc.ca O akU krFest O akville Ukrainian Festival 905.337.1400 ext. 116 festival@ sjucc.ca www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |3 0 Small business. Big dreams. Small Business Loans. · Loans from $5,000 to $300,000. · Rates starting at 7.99%. · Flexible payment schedules. · Free, no obligation quote within 24 hours. AnimalTales Special delivery "Connected to your Community" Cheque Cashing. Tax deductible fees. Any cheque, any amount - postdated, foreign, personal. No holds, no hassles. Please send your animal photo, with a brief photo caption explaining the photo, along with who should get the photo credit, and the Beaver will do its best to publish the subm issions in our new Anim al Tales feature. Please forward subm issions to ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.com. www.moneymart.ca We can help. Mart® YoufiEB Money Mart hasteamed upwith Thinking Capital who will act as the lender. Money Mart is not the lending party for these loans. This is not a Money Mart solicitation or offerto lendto our customers. This service or any specific product may not be available in allprov :ees charged on cheque cashing vary by cheque type and are subject to change without notice. MONEY MART® is a registered service mark of National Money Mart Company. ©2017 National Money Mart Company. All Rights Reserved. ,tf<tHalton D c n m i halton.ca (| 311 in REGION NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSURE Burnham thorpe Road (Reg. Rd. 27) between Sixth Line and Neyagawa Blvd for Construction ofW aterm ain Town o f Oakville Oakville resident Rod Craig found someone else had made it to his copy of a Friday Oakville Beaver before him. The inquisitive cicada was discovered as Craig picked up the paper from his driveway. | Rod Craig photo m SECURE FINANCIAL s a ' n o q u e s t io n , THEY WILL NEED YOUR HELP. A gift they will appreciate for a lifetime Protect what matters most: As part of the on-going construction work on Sixth Line, crews will be working to complete the final connection of the new watermain at the intersection of Burnhamthorpe Road West (Reg. Rd. 27) and Sixth Line. Burnhamthorpe Road West (Reg. Rd. 27) will be closed to traffic to complete this work. The closure is scheduled to take place starting at 7 p.m. on Friday, September 29, 2017 to 6 a.m. on Sunday, October 1, 2017. Access for local residents will be maintained at all times C o n tra c t N u m b e r: P ro ject M a n a g e r: m Q^occ. ^cctA^fcom ity. Qf&u/v iMc#m&. · Life Insurance · Critical Illn e ss · Disability · Healthcare · Employee Benefits · M ortgage Insurance ^ *g . WS-2728B-15 Joe Proietti 905-825-6000x7613 Joe.Proietti@halton.ca Contact MB Secure Financial Today! M ic h a e l B a rro w 289-430-6185 · michael@mbsecurefinancial.com www.mbsecurefinancial.com . x 31 |Thursday September 21, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com Community Update Forward announcements o f non-profit local events fo r Community U pdate to the O akville Beaver, 5046 Mainway, Unit 2, Burlington, ON, L7L 5Z1; em ail mmarychuk@oakvillebeaver. com o r call 289-293-0661. Free. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Codependent N o M ore at the W om en' s Centre 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Free. Register at 905-847-5520. Targeting resumes and cover letters with employment specialist Peter Lesser, 1 -4 p.m. at Goodwill -- The Amity Group, Oakville Career Centre, 2387 Trafalgar Rd. - Unit B5. Free. Call 905-257-8856. Branch 486 Royal Canadian Legion, 79 Jones St. Bronte provides a free lunch fo r veterans at noon. Cost is $6 for guests. Nar-Anon self-help program for family and friends of som eone w ith addiction(s) to drugs m eets on Thursdays, 7:30 p.m., lower level, 484 Kerr St. All meetings only use first name. Infor mation can be downloaded from wwwnar-anon. org or picked up at meeting. Networking Club w ith job developer Carolyn McCleister Thursdays in September,10-11:45 a.m. at Goodwill -- The Amity Group, Oakville Career Centre, 2387 Trafalgar Rd., Unit B5. Free. Call 905-257-8856. Branch 486 Royal Canadian Legion, 79 Jones St., Bronte, serves chicken wings for $1 each Fri days, 5-8 p.m. Karaoke is free, 7:30-11:30 p.m. All welcome. Welcome to K K T Orthopedic Spine Center! We are a new innovative treatment center for sufferers of back, neck and other chronic pain. KKT is a non-invasive, painless and fast treatment option which uses lowfrequency sound waves to correct the position of the spine which results in pain relief, improved strength and mobility and may avoid the need for surgery or prolonged use of medication. KKT is scientifically proven, FDA and Health Canada approved and utilized in the treatment of many acute and chronic conditions such as: Back pain, Headaches, Neck Pain, Bulging Discs, Herniated Discs, Sciatica, Osteoarthritis, Whiplash, Scoliosis, Knee pain, Hip pain, Healed Vertebral Fractures and Facet Syndrome. We fix the cause of the problems that you are suffering from, we don't just treat the pain. KKT has been safely applied 450,000+ times over 15 years and now has 24 centers across 11 countries. We are pleased to inform you that the inventor of this new technology, Dr. Aslam Khan, is currently based out of our new clinic in Streetsville Mississauga. Our team looks forward to providing this treatment option to residents in Mississauga and surrounding areas. KKT is the solution people are seeking. Let us help stop your pain from taking away the things you love to do in life, and put an end to needless suffering. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 Hope in High H eels fundraiser for Halton W om en' s Place Sept. 23, at Emmas Back Porch in Burlington and Sept. 24, at Centennial Square in Oakville Registration fee $40 for adults, $10 for students. Visit www.haltonwomensplace.com/ events/hope-in-high-heels/. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 Craft D ay , 10 a.m.-noon and 2-4 p.m,. for chil dren four and older at the Centre for Education and Training -- Care for Newcom er Children, 690 Dorval Dr., Ste. 100. Parents m ust remain on site. Call 905-875-3851, ext. 5001. Belonging group , for anyone touched by adop tion, meets 7-9 p.m., 1500 Kerns Rd., Compass Bible Church, Burlington. A birth m om shares her story. www.belongingadoption.ca. Tots and Us Program fo r preschoolers, babies and their caregivers at St. Paul' s United Church, 4 5 4 Rebecca St., 10-11 a.m. Playtime, singing, stories and snacks. Call 905-847-5308. English as a second language classes offered M onday and Wednesday 9:30-11:30 a.m. starting today at 4 8 4 Kerr St. All levels welcome. Show up or contact Lesley Henshaw at 905-844-0787 or email lesley.henshaw@sympatico.ca. We invite you to visit us at our new location 370 Queen Street South. For more information please call 905-285-0005 or email toronto@kktspinetreatment.com. Pleasevisit o u rw ebsitew w w .kktspine.comtolearnm o re . S e e k in g Y our Id e a s in C re a tin g an In n o v a tiv e H igh School C o n c e p t The Halton District School Board is investigating an innovative secondary school concept to be located at Aldershot High School in Burlington, to serve Halton and beyond. W e welcome students, staff, parents/guardians, and community members to share ideas via our Suggestion Box. The Suggestion Box is now accessible via our Board website at www.hdsb.ca and is open until Friday, October 20,2017. Halton District School Board FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Branch 114 Royal Canadian Legion, 36 Upper Middle Rd., Oakville, serves fish and chips, $10, w ith coleslaw and bread 4:30 p.m. see Community on p. 32 M A IN T E N A N C E S P E C IA L ! P rotect y o u r investment, save up to on y o u r next season m aintenance tune-up. C a ll f o r details. L im ite d Tim e O ffer. APPLEBY SYSTEMS F IR E P L A C E , H E A T IN G & A I R C O N D IT I O N I N G C O N T R A C T O R S -1-JU O verhead D oor C o . of H am ilton-B urlington |2 o i OAKVILLE 905.825.1893 BURLINGTON 905.335.3203 2086 S P E E R S RD., OAKVILLE Proud to be servicing the GTA for 32 years. 5450 Harvester Road, Burlington Overhead Door (Hamilton-Burlington) Ltd. Insulated Steel Garage Doors T h erm acore® For premium construction and maximum thermal efficiency, a Thermacore® insulated steel door is the ideal choice. This series of doors feature our sandwich construction of steel-polyurethanesteel as well as between-section seals with thermal breaks to reduce air infiltration. With several panel designs to choose from, these doors offer design flexibility, durability and thermal efficiency that will help keep your home comfortable in cold or hot climates. C om e S e e O ur SH O W RO OM Mon - Fri. 8am - 5pm ; Satu rd ay 11am - 4pm 905-333-1772 info@overheaddoorburlington.ca overheaddoorburlington.ca www.applebysystems.ca www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |32 /ZZfty. Miracle-Ear \AOiO Hear A Better Day " Community Update continued from p. 31 M onday evening legal clinic at the W om ens Centre, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free family law legal guidance and advice. First come, first served. W om en only. Call 905-847-5520. vorce. Receive guidance and support. N o fee. Call 905-847-5520 to register. HEAR EVER "I L O V E W hy M iracle-Ear? ' 3 Year Warranty ' Lifetime of Free Aftercare 175 Day Money Back Guarantee* 1Personalized Treatment Plans FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 29 O ptim ist Club o f Oakville' s annual Shrim pfest G ala w ith all-you-can-eat shrimp. Roast beef is an alternative buffet. Games, free photo booth, silent auction, and dancing to the band, Plan B. Proceeds support children and youths. Visit www.oakvilleoptimistclub.com/ShrimpfestGala for tickets or call 905-825-1272. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 Bronte H orticultural Society meets 7:30 p.m. at John Colborne Recreation Centre, 1565 Old Lakeshore Rd. Charlie Dobbin on prepping the garden for winter. Guests and n ew members w el come. Annual membership is $15. Four week self-esteem workshop at the W om en' s Centre Sept. 19-Oct. 10, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Ex plore self worth and boost self-esteem in group workshop. Free. Call 905-847-5520 to register. Violence against women support group at the W om ens Centre every Tuesday for 10 weeks, starting Sept. 26, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Call 905-847 5520 to register. E x p e rie n c e a H e a rin g A id W ith BUILT-IN PO^VER. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 30 The O akville Scottish Country D ance Group will be participating in the Oakville Culture Days with dancing in the Oakville Town Square, 3:30-4:30 p.m. The public is invited to join in the dancing. N o experience required. Bronte Legion holds a '50 s and '60s dance in the upstairs Victory Hall, 79 Jones St., 7-12 p.m., with Darren Evorglens and Friends. Food avail able for sale. Tickets cost $20. C om pletely hassle-free -- no b atteries to change. The new rechargeable RIC employs PrimaxTM technology and takes rechargeability to the next level. The sleek, fully integrated design delivers 24-hours of performance with unlimited streaming -- all on a single charge. BUY O N E GET O N E 50% OFF Call 289.813.0222 today to schedule your FREE HEARING EVALUATION! M iracle-E ar O akville WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Assertiveness workshop at the W om en' s Centre helping w om en build confidence held Wednesdays until Oct. 4 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Call 905-847-5520 to register. Kick sta rt you r jo b search with an employ m ent specialist 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Goodwill -- The Amity Group, Oakville Career Centre, 2387 Trafalgar Rd. - Unit B5. Free. Call 905-257-8856. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 1 Sixth annual RE/MAX W alk Aboutowne in support of a cure for breast cancer, 309 A Lakeshore Rd. E. Registration at 9:45 a.m. and walk at 10 a.m. Register at wwwremaxaboutowne. wixsite.com. SAVE BIG ON OUR BEST DIGITAL HEARING SOLUTIONS O necoupon per purchase. D iscount does not applyto prior sa le s. O ft Cannotcom binewith a ny other offers. O F F E RE X P IR E S10/31/2017. 2 - 2520 P ostm aster Drive 2 8 9 .8 1 3 .0 2 2 2 w w w .m ir a c le -e a r .c a WENESDAY. OCTOBER 4 Halton Healthcare hosts Breast Reconstruction Awareness D ay , 5-9 p.m., John Oliver Auditorium Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, 3001 Hos pital Gate. Free. Register at bra-day.com. H earin gaid s do not restore n a tu ra lh earin g. In d iv id u a l experiencesv a rydepending onseverityofhearing loss, accu racyof evalu ation ,p rop erfitand a b ilityto adaptto am p lification . *Ifyou a re n otcom pletelysatisifed, the aid sm aybe retu rn edforafu ll refu n dw ith in75 d aysofthe com pletionoffittin g, insatisfactory condition. fiO u rh earin gtests are alw aysfree. © 2017 M iracle-E arC an ad a 1 6 3 8 8 R O P A THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 D ivorce financial counselling , 10 a.m.-noon., important tips to navigate the financial side of di- International Noise Benchmarking and Best Practices Report Launch J o in u s o n September 27, 2017 f r o m 6:30 p.m.-8 :3 0 p.m. for our Community Environment & Noise Advisory Committee (CENAC) meeting for the release of our Noise Management Program Benchmarking and Best Practices Study. What is CENAC? CENAC is a forum for discussion between the community and the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) on matters relating to aircraft noise and the environmentally responsible operation of Toronto Pearson International Airport. T o r o n to P e a rs o n : NEW LOCATION: Toronto Congress Centre, 650 Dixon Road, Etobicoke, ON, M9W1J1 W hy is this important? Toronto Pearson serves Canada's largest and fastest-growing metropolitan area. The GTAA is committed to managing and reducing the impact of our operations and is reviewing a range of ambitious targets and actions to reduce the impact on GTA residents. Our updated five-year Noise Management Action Plan will be released this winter following a year of detailed study and consultations. Understanding international best practices is an important step in the development of this plan. What can you expect to learn? In 2016, the GTAA hired UK aviation consultant Helios to undertake a Noise Management Program Benchmarking and Best Practices study. The study looked at 11 areas of noise management at 26 comparator airports around the world to identify potential new programs to be adopted at Toronto Pearson. This is the release of the report's findings. There will be opportunities to speak with experts, including Toronto Pearson staff. This meeting is not focused on decisions around runway usage. How do I RSVP? Visit www.torontopearson.com/noisemanagement to register and to learn more about CENAC and the GTAA's important noise consultations and studies. GT AA www.torontopearson.com/noisemanagement Toronto Pearson 33 |Thursday September 21, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com "Connected to your Community" Pink ribbon ambassadors sought The Canadian Cancer Society and Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation are now one to make the m ost impact in the fight against breast cancer and supporting more Canadians living w ith the disease than any other organization in Canada. It is currently seeking Pink Ribbon Ambassa dors to sell pink ribbons from Thursday, Sept. 28 to Sunday, Oct. 1. Pink Ribbon Ambassadors are volunteers w ho greet the public and sell pink ribbons for a dona tion at various retail locations. Shifts are two and three hours in duration and students are eligible to volunteer toward their re quired 40 hours of com m unity service. There is a particular need for volunteers to help out during the day on Thursday and Friday. Site managers are also being sought to pick up and drop off materials for the volunteers on-site at various locations. Go to halton.myccsschedule.ca to sign up or contact Sandy McDonald at smcdonald@ontario.cancer.ca or 905-845-5231. in g F e e t? r i a h t in t o o u r o ffic e . custom-made orthotics foot/ankle injuries diabetic care ingrown nails/warts orthopedic footwear N ow o ffe r in g S IG V A R IS · · · · · ip r e s s io n s to c k in g s (covered by most extended heal plan, ask for details) 627 Lyons Lane, Suite 205 905-844-0680 O a k v i ll e F o o t C l i n i c Sr O r i h o i i c C e n t r e S i l v i a A r a u jo B.Sc(Hons), D.Ch o a k v ille c lin ic @ b e lln e t .c a w w w .o a k v ille f o o t c lin ic .c o m L et us w h isk y o u a w a y o n a R o m a n h o lid ay as w e d elig h t y o u r s e n s e s w i t h t h e s i g h t s , s o u n d s , a n d f l a v o u r s o f Italy DRUG M ART Voted Oakville's Fabio De Rango Pharmacist/Owner Favourite Pharmacist & Pharmacy P a tie n tC o u n se llin g ·C o m p le teD ia b e ticC a re ·H o m eV isits ·C o n su lta tio n s ·F re eR XD e liv e ry DE RANGO PHARM ACY INC 478 Dundas Street West 1905-257-9737 Canada Post THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 AT 7-10 PM AT SQUARE ONE Ita lia n -in sp ired cu isin e, co m p lim en ted by an o p en bar C o m p lim e n ta r y v alet L u x u r y Italian a u t o m o b i l e s U n e x p e c te d a n d rom an tic E xclu sive in -sto r e ex p erien ces m o m e n ts that y o u w o n 't w a n t t o m iss! 10% o f sales d o n a te d by p a r tic ip a tin g retailers DE RANGO PHARM ACY INC 2501 Third Line 1905-465-3000 Open 24 hours 17 Days a Week www.shoppersdrugmart.ca R e ju v e n a t e y o u r n e c k w it h F r a c t o r a PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE OAKVILLE HOSPITAL FOUNDATION. Tickets are $50. Cocktail attire. Oakville Hospital Foundation SQUARE P u r c h a s e t ic k e t s in a d v a n c e a t shopSQUAREONE.com/LaDolceVita www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |34 "Connected to yo u r Com m unity" BEAVER TRA ILS TO NOVA SCOTIA: ffijmrnrr Home of the Canadian Jam boree 2017 The Oakville Bea ver travelled with the 4th Trafalgar Scout Troop to the Canadian Jamboree in Elderbank, Nova Scotia. From left, Mark Eckhardt, Scouter Chris topher Warren, Raphael Xu, Bogdan Price, Hugo Collingridge, Thomas Stickland, Ivan Price, Chris Li, and Scouter Richard Price. Oft.KV'qE \5» BEAVER TR A ILS TO GERMANY: The Oakville Beaver travelled to the Eiserner Steg Bridge in Frankfurt am Main, Germany with Ivanka B e st Travel A g e n c y M c T a v i s h T r a v e l Fu r t h e r A f ie l d TR A V EL A N D TO U R S Janakovic. Ireland's Whiskey Trail Exclusive Tour Ssis3e~ Join us as we follow Ireland's famed Whiskey Trail! We've created an exclusive itinerary for the whiskey adventurist and foodie alike! Tour includes: 4 Star Accommodations, Luxury Coach Transportation, 7 Full Breakfasts & 4 Dinners, Food Tour of Dublin, Cooking Demonstration at renowned Ballyknocken Farms, Tours and Tastings at 5 of Ireland's Iconic Distilleries, the Irish Whiskey Museum, English Market, Blarney Castle, Guinness Storehouse and so much more! CAVAN Take along a copy of the Oakville Beaver on your next vacation and send it in for publication to Bea ver Trails, Oakville Beaver, 5046 Mainway, Unit 2, Burlington ON L7L 5Z1 or e-mail to ablackburn @oakvillebeaver.com. JOINING US FROM SOUTH AFRICA G uest Speaker: Antoinette du Preez KILLARME.Y I H ^ I } = Overnight Stops 0 = Start City = End City Tour Cost: C $ 2 ,7 0 0 pp/dbl Taxes and fees incl. Air not included. Please inquire for special airfares. Terms and Conditions Apply. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK! October 5th · 7pm-9pm or October 6th · 2pm-4pm in o u r office: Contact us for Details or Visit www.McTavishTravel.com for more! 77 Bronte R o ad (B ron te R d ./L a k e s h o r e ) R.S.V.P. 289.813.1969 I CORPORATE · GROUP · LEISURE Sui t e 3 0 0 , S o u th Oakville C en tre · 1 5 1 5 R e b e c c a S treet, Oakville in fo @ fu rth erafield travel.ca 905.827.1100 tra v e l@ m cta v ish .co mwww.mctavishtravel.comi Full Service, Local Travel Company For m ore news,visit insidehalton. com 35 |Thursday September 21, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com Artscene `C onnected to y o u r Com m unity" From left, Diane Wolder takes a closer look at this fibre art piece entitled Frozen Water II, A Winter's Dance done by her artist friend Louise Gravel as the Oakville Fibre Artists held the opening reception Saturday, Sept. 16, for their latest exhibit Hanging By A Thread 2017, featuring the works of 30 fibre artists. The exhibition continues at the Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre (QEPCCC) through Oct. 15. Artist Roberta McDonald holds up two birds, part of the fibre wearable art piece she's wearing. A collaboration of the works of 16 artists dubbed Goddess Dolls. A work called Wild Fire: Fort McMurray by Margaret Pottinger. The A rtist Trading Cards Project, a Canada 150 project. | Graham Paine/Metroland Fibre artists have QEPCCC H a ngin gbyaTh re a d by Marta Marychuk O akville Beaver S ta ff O akville Fibre Artists presents a group exhibition of n ew w ork featuring contemporary and traditional fibre art at the Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre (QEPCCC). The exhibition, called Hanging by a Thread 2017 opened Saturday, Sept. 16 and continues through Sunday, Oct.15. It includes wall art, sculptural forms and mixed media in dazzling colours and textures in stitch, felting, knitting, embroidery and quilting. This is the second exhibition by Oakville Fibre Artists in the main gallery of QEPCCC, says group member Marda McLean, noting 30 artists have 6 4 works gracing the gallery; The group meets every Thursday at the centre for a full day of stitching and sharing creative ideas throughout the year. The group also explores new ideas in felting, free-form knitting, embroidery quilting and more. Lavish finishes and different techniques will surprise and intrigue the viewer, adds McLean. The exhibition also includes a spectacular flock of birds made for the show and a Canada 150 birthday cake of artists' trading cards to celebrate h ow proud the group is to be Canadian. Parking and admission are free. Hours are M onday to Friday noon-7 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays noon-5 p.m. B ig Movies/ Sm all Prices! 171 Speers Road (at Kerr) Oakville 905-338-6397 www.film.ca IT (18A) S E P T E M B E R 8 th H O M E A G A IN (P G ) S E P T E M B E R 8 th KINGSMAN: THE GOLDEN CIRCLE (STC) S e p t e m b e r 2 2 nd LEGO NINJAGO MOVIE (STC) Septem ber f a c e b o o k . c o m / f il m c a l| © F il m C a C in e m a s 2 2 nd www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |36 For more news, visit insidehaiton.com General $8.501Children & Seniors $6.501All seats Tues $5.00 W om anhas close encounterw ith Clooney by Marta Marychuk O akville Beaver S taff FILM.CA CINEMAS SHowTIMES for September 2 2 -2 8 , 2 0 1 7 new thisw eek : kingsman thegolden circle &the lego ninjago movie LEGO NINJAGO MOVIE (G) Fri: 11:00,12:15,1:00,2:30,3:30,6:30, 10:00 KINGSMAN GOLDEN CIRCLE (14A) Fri: 10:45, 1:10,4:05,7:00, 9 :00;S a t-T h u : 1:10, 4:05,7:00, 9:00 AMERICANASSASSIN (14A) Fri-Thu: 1 :3 0 ,4 :3 0 ,7 :1 0 ,9 :3 0 THE GLASS CASTLE (14A) Fri - M on: 4:50; Tue & Thu: 3:30 WIND RIVER (14A) Fri-Thu: 7:20 IT (18A) Fri-Thu: 1 :2 0 ,4 :0 0 ,6 :4 5 ,9 :3 5 HOMEAGAIN(PG) Fri - M on: 9:40; Tue: 1:15,9:40; Wed: 9:40; Thu: 1:15, 9:40 171 Speers Road, Oakville (at Kerr St.) 905-338-6397 (MEWS) w w w .film .ca An Oakville grandmother has becom e an Internet sensation after a close encounter with actor George Clooney at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). "It was very, very unexpected," said Elfriede Wolf, w h o explained she goes to TIFF with her daughter, Brigitte Aston, w h o works at Sheridan College in Oakville almost every year, but it' s not often they see m ovie stars. Clooney w as in Toronto last weekend for the screening of his film Surburbicon on Sept. 9. W olf said her daughter has been a longtime Clooney admirer so they were waiting in the crowd for a glimpse o f him. A kind stranger made space for W olf to squeeze into the front o f the crowd. After waiting for about an hour, W olf said a car pulled up and Clooney got out and started walking toward them. Before she knew it, W olf said Clooney walked toward her and she said: "M y daughter loves you." He said: "Oh m y God" and squeezed W olfs hand. "I was in sem i-shock," W olf added. And before she knew it, she had grabbed Clooney' s chin. "I didn' t even w ash m y hair," W olf said afterward, adding that she seldom goes out of the house w ithout washing her hair. W olf says she can' t really describe what Elfriede Wolf of Bronte holds a framed photo of her grabbing movie star George Clooney's chin at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) earlier this month. | Nikki Wesley/Metroland was going through her m ind at the time. Although she did notice Clooney was a very attractive m an w ith a very nice personality. Toronto media outlets began searching for the identity of the mystery wom an, w ho encountered Clooney by posing a question on the internet -- "Is this your N ona with George? Help us find the granny w ho caressed Clooney' s chin." The photo w en t viral, and was published by People magazine, Hello , BBC, and Global N ew s -- to name only a few. W olf said her 19-year-old grandson, w ho is in his second year at Queen' s University in Kingston, recognized his grandmother as the mysterious Nona. W olf said all the attention she' s received since the photo w ent viral is "a little overwhelming". She w ent to TIFF because her daughter w as such a longtime fan of Clooney -- and wanted her to m eet him -- but things turned out otherwise. Accessibility INNO VATIO N Showcase WagJag Sign up Online WagJag.com Where Innovation And Accessibility M eet Interactive exhibits I Speaker series I Artists and performers September 2 5 ,2 0 1 7 I 10 a m - 6 pm September 2 6 ,2 0 1 7 | 9 a m - 5 pm The Sheraton Centre 123 Queen Street West Toronto, ON FREE ADMISSION ontario.ca/AccessibilityShowcase #OntarioAIS 3 5 % o ff $ 13. u p TO 38% OFF PUB FOOD AT THE ROYAL WINDSOR PUB & EATERY iN OAKViLLE Paid for by the Government of Ontario ·*metroland:.. The Post. ^eReviem C a n a d ia n c h a m p io n . ^Beaver. BURUNiTON RAM BOROUGH M TON OMKVUE w Kevin Nagel, Oakville Beaver Sports Editor, knagel@burlingtonpost.com Sports W E E K 1 A C T I O N "Connected to yo u r Com m unity" -- I =r c / 5 cz Q. Sheridan rugby men set scoring records in two straight weeks A w eek after establishing several team records, the Sheridan Bruins m en ' s rugby team m ade sure its fans didn't m iss o u t o n the fun. T he Bruins erased the records set a w eek earlier in their O ntario C olleges A thletic A ssociation season opener w h e n they routed the Seneca Sting 4 5-5 in their h o m e opener last Sunday. That eclipsed the record 3 8 p oin ts they scored in the opener against C onestoga. Sheridan also broke w eek -o ld team records for m o st tries in a gam e (sev en) and largest m argin o f victory. M att D aC osta had a pair o f tries for Sheridan, in cluding o n e four m in u tes in to the gam e to op en the scoring. H is seco n d cam e o n a 90-m etre run after Sheridan turned away several Seneca scoring oppor tunities deep in Bruins' territory. Tristian H ylton and A ndrew Z ondona also had tw o tries each and Justin Tota added another. O w en Schim pl k ick ed four converts and Jad H am ade, one. Bruins head coach Rick Bria still sees room for im provem ent. "T he first h alf w as pretty m u ch clinical, the boys ran our offence to a tee," h e said. "W e n eed to co n tinue to have that killer in stin ct for 8 0 m in u tes, n o t for 4 0 or 5 0 . " After earning a tries-scored b o n u s p o in t ju st tw ice in the team ' s first five years, Sheridan, 2-0, has n o w accom plished it in back-to-back w eeks. Bruins face C onestoga Saturday, Sept. 3 0 at 11 a.m. at the Trafal gar Road cam pus as part o f Sheridan H om ecom ing. (S) "O i-- H CD CT CD CD ro H * ro o i-^ - nI o > m CD m 3J to CL =5" =7 Q 0 _ 1 -- H o =5 CD The Loyola Hawks will attempt to rebound from a 34-0 loss to the Assumption Crusaders last week when they host the Notre Dame Fighting Irish today (Thursday) at 4:30 p.m. in Halton catholic athletic association senior football action. in photo, assumption's Jacob Mason fights his way downfield as two Loyola defenders attempt to halt his progress. in other Week 1 results, Holy trinity blanked Bishop Reding 47-0, Jean Vanier defeated corpus christi 31-17 and Notre Dame beat christ the king 21-6. | photo by Graham Paine - Oakville Beaver Blades g oalie records victory in QJHL debut Christian Purboo m ade 29 saves in h is ju n ior d ebut as the O akville Blades beat the M ilton IceH aw ks 6-1 last Friday in Ontario Junior H ockey League play. M ack Graham scored tw ice and T h om as Maia had three assists for Oakville. M ilton had the on ly goal o f the o p en in g period b u t Graham scored in the o p en in g m in u te o f the seco n d period. A ndrew M cIntrye then p u t the Blades ahead to stay 1:24 later. Graham added h is seco n d o f the gam e before the end o f the period. Teth Burles and Jacob Buch each scored their first Jr. A goals in the third and Zach Bram well added another to round out the scoring. M att H ayam i had tw o assists for O akville, 1-1-1 before a Tuesday gam e against K ingston in Buffalo. Purboo stop p ed all 21 sh o ts h e faced over the final tw o periods for the w in . O akville plays Aurora today (T hurs day) in its seco n d gam e o f the Gover nor' s Show case in Buffalo. Oakville Soccer club hands out eight scholarship awards For the eigh th straight year, the O akville Soccer Club pre sen ted scholarship awards to stu d en t athletes. T he eigh t recipien ts w ere c h o se n b ased o n con trib u tion s to the OSC as w e ll as academ ic ach ievem en ts and service to the co m m u n ity o f O akville. C erem onies w ere h e ld at the G len A bbey G olf C ourse last m onth. R eceiving $ 1 , 5 0 0 scholar sh ip s were: · C hristopher Barbisan, w h o w ill attend C onestoga C ollege (R ecreation & Leisure Services) · O livia C ollin son , H um ber C ollege (F ilm & TV Produc tion) · A drianna D eanovic, Brock U niversity (H on ou rs Bachelor o f Science in K inesiology) · Ibrahim Irfan, U niversity o f W aterloo (Software Engi neering) · Sara M arshall, M cM aster U niversity (Life S cience Pro gram) · M ichaelangelo M irto, Sheridan C ollege (C om puter Program m ing) · Jenna Ross, W ilfrid Laurier U niversity (C om m u n ica tion Studies) · Taylor Tabry-Dorzek, M cM aster U niversity (F in e Arts Program) "T he significant accom p lish m en ts o f these y o u n g m en and w o m en , n o t o n ly in athletics b ut also in their w ork w ith in the com m u n ity w h ile m aintaining the h ig h est o f standards in academ ics, m ake this year' s group very w orthy recipien ts," said ex ecu tive di rector D ave Harris o f the OSC, w h ic h is a not-for-profit orga nization. From left, Oakville Mayor Rob Burton and Oakville Soccer Club board president Randy Bianchin present this year's OSC scholarship awards to Jenna Ross, Olivia Collinson, Christopher Barbisan, Taylor Tabry-Dorzek, Adrianna Deanovic, Michaelangelo Mirto and, kneeling, Ibrahim Irfan. At right is OSC executive director Dave Harris. Absent is Sara Marshall. | photo submitted www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |38 Oakville sailors top field of 25 to win National Sea Cadet Regatta in Kingston Two m em bers o f O akville' s Royal Canadian Sea C adet Corps 178 w o n a 25-boat com p etition w h en the N ation al Sea Cadet Regatta w as h eld recently in K ingston. Skipper Scott L educ and crew Kyle F een ey scored the low est (best) num ber o f points in the 10race com p etition , w h ich cou n ted each boat' s top n in e finishes. It' s the first tim e an O akville en trant has w o n the Sea Cadet Re gatta. L educ and F een ey w o n four rac es, finished secon d in three, third in on e and fourth in another. T he runner-up duo o f E stelle The Oakville girls under-13B Wild won its second straight tournament, claiming the championship at Kick'n in the Capital. Team members are: (back row, from left) Brianna Terceira, Sydney Quinlan, Sylvia Sokacz, Taylor Cantelon, Jessica Sun, Madison Ambrosio, Madison Norville and Amelia Cisnero, (front row, from left) Kristen Garell, Emma Rotondi, Analaura Jimenez, Emma Knoop, Katie Cranston, Shelby Khan, Ariana Arroyo and Olivia D'Amico. Missing from the photo were Noemi Bilotta and Shriya Shah. | Oakville Soccer Club Page and Sam ia Tosi o f Gatineau, Q ue. w o n four races and to o k sec on d in four, b u t finished seven th in its last race w h e n a secon d -p lace finish w o u ld have given the pair the crown. A nother O akville sailor, skipper Aaron Trenholm e, com p eted in the races, w ith Paige Tees o f T hunder Bay as crew. T he 50 top Sea Cadet sailors com p eted to test navigation skills and endurance ability. "D uring the past w eek , a kind o f camaraderie w as established am on g the sea cad ets," said C ody C ote, the Regatta Co-ordinator. "T h ey w ere ready and th ey all co m p eted w e ll." W h ile the w eather w as fine, the ligh t w in d s added to the difficulty o f the event. "Sailing w e ll in light, shifting w in d s is a real ch allen ge," Cote said. Skipper Scott Leduc and crew Kyle Feeney were presented the winner's trophy after finishing first in a national competition, the annual Sea Cadet Regatta held recently in Kingston. In the photo are (from left) Leduc, Commodore Sean Cantelon, Feeney and Commander John Metcalfe. | photo submitted Wild wins second straight tournament T he O akville girls under-13B W ild scored as tim e expired to w in the K ick'n in the Capital soccer tourna m ent. T he 3-2 victory over the Ottawa City Soccer Club' s T1 Giamberardino gave the Oakville squad its second straight tournam ent w in follow ing its victory in M ichigan in August. T he W ild w en t undefeated w ith tw o w in s and tw o ties in round-robin play. O pening against the sam e Ottawa team the W ild w ould m eet in the final, Oakville played to a 1-1 draw. It then blanked Ottawa South U nit ed Force W hite 8-0 and follow ed that up w ith another decisive victory, 7-0 over U nionville M illiken SC. Oakville wrapped up the round-rob in w ith a 2-2 tie against the Gloucester Hornets. Oakville earned its place in the cham pionship gam e w ith a 3-1 sem i final victory over the Ottawa Interna tionals Soccer Club -- Chislett. Reliance ?.el ia n e e SrreconvortT Please join us for a spectacular evening showcasing the talents of people who have a developmental disability. BURLINGTON PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE SEPTEMBER 23rd, 2017 T O B U Y T IC K E T S : w w w . c lb u r li n g t o n . c a /Y E S W E D O CO NTACT: E m ily H u a n g 9 0 5 -3 3 6 -2 2 2 5 x 3 2 0 D IN N E R & S H O W (V IP ) D o o r s o p e n 5 :0 0 p m S h o w s ta rts 7 :3 0 p m This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Bruce Trail, Canada's oldest and longest footpath. Join us on Bruce Trail Day for free family fun and guided hikes all along the Niagara Escarpment Sunday, October 1 SHO W ONLY D o o r s o p e n 7 :0 0 p m S h o w s ta rts 7 :3 0 p m Bruce Trail Day locations: Niagara-on-the-Lake I Burlington I Limehouse I Glen Haffy Mono Cliffs I Blue Mountains I Beaver Valley I Grey Sauble I Tobermory For details, please visit brucetrail.org or call 800-665-4453. 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Please call text KATHY 905-920-9137 · 20 years exp. · Organic products Servicing the Halton and Peel Regions *Free Estimates* References available. Articles Under $100 2 WALKERS, hardly used, sanitized. $40 each. 905-299-5946 BAUER SKATES New. Boys size 7. Black. Made in Canada. $25 905-845-8006 BICYCLE, FOR teenager, very good condition. $65. 905-827-0032 Flexible Hours 416-822-2353 yourclassifieds.ca RAIN BARREL, with attachments, plastic, BRACELET, GENUINE FILE CABINETS. busi used one season, $35. sterling Pandora bangle, ness quality, hanging 905-827-0570 8" , "nib" . $20. files included. Legal size $50. Letter size $40. SALT AND pepper shak 905-336-0667 ers, ornamental, lots to 905-299-5946 BREVILLE JUICER Mod choose from. $5. el JE98XL. Barely used. f J r e e x t in g u is h e r , 905-864-7150 $100 or best offer. antique, copper, $55. SAP BUCKET, antique 905-849-7661 289-337-8071 pine. $65.905-849-7661 BROADSTONE CAMP FLOWER POTS, ceramic ING organizer. Easy to large, 2 - 15" and 19" SET OF fine Bohemian $60. Call vine crystal cut glasses assemble. $40 or best new. for sale. Never used. 905-849-7661 offer. 289-337-8071 $100, 905-510-0138 CAR HOOD rack metal. FOOD WARMER tray, electric, by Electro Serv SHELF UNIT, 2 shelves, $25. 905-845-8006 $80. er, with adjustable ther Vilas. CHAIRS, SOLID maple. mostat, 15" x 10" . $12. 905-878-9173 2 for $80. 905-878-9173 905-878-9173 SHOWER CHAIR with CHECKER BOARD. 1925 FREE BRICKS 500 of back, hardly used, sani Mennonite pine. $95. them tized, $40 . 905-849-7661 905-631-8108 905-299-5946 COFFEE TABLE, pine, PINE, clean SNOW PUSHER. New excellent condition, FUTON, boards, 54" long x 3 1/2 $20 905-849-7661 54x23, $95. " wide, no mattress, 905-849-7661 could repurpose. $25. SUEDE JACKET men's large brown. $20. COMMODES CHAIRS 905-878-9173 905-845-8006 (2), hardly used, sani GIRLS ENGLISH Riding tized, $40. Equestrian Wool Show- TABLE, VILAS solid ma 905-299-5946 coat Size 8 - 10 $30. ple, 4" round. $35. 905-878-9173 CRYSTAL CUT, Set of 905-257-7043 fine Bohemian beer, GLIDER, HIGH-BACK, TEAPOT SET, new in glasses for sale. Never cushion and padded basket, light green floral used, still in box. $ 100, arms. Excellent condi design, mil, sugar, salt 905-510 -0138 tion. Picture if request pepper, napkin holder. $30. 905-878-9173 CULLIGAN WATER filtra ed. $75. 905-864-7150 tion system ac30 $99. CLEANER, HELMET, JACKET and VACUUM Kitchen tap water filter. gloves for motorcycle. floor model. $50 obo. 905-333-1268 905-630-1628 $100. 905-827-0032 DG/DOLCE GABBANA/ HUTCH, VILAS solid ma VACUUM CLEANER, up frame for your glasses ple, 42" x 18" . $100. right. $50. for sale. Never used. 905-878-9173 905-630-1628 Paid $350, asking $100, INSULATION 3 bundles, WINDOW AIR condition 905-510-0138 20 sheets per bundle. er. Good working order, DISPLAY CABINET, wal $75. 905-844-6939 8000 BTU. $40 or best nut, excellent condition, ELECTIC offer. 289-337-8071 21w x 12d x 48h. $95. KENMORE range, great working 905-849-7661 Articles for Sale condition 6 years old, DOLL, 26 inches high, runs perfectly. moveable arms and legs, $100. *A1 MATTRESS Factory eyes open and close, ex 905-631-8108 Direct. Delivery tra clothes. $10. All sizes LAMPS, WAREHOUSE, available. 905-864-7150 pendant style, brushed including custom split DOLL, COLLECTABLE, nickel finish. brand new, boxsprings, Orthopedic Anne Geddes, in box , completely packaged. 20 year sets starting $35. Call 905-849-7661 $240. 30 year tight-top $16. 905-878-9173 sets starting $340. DOLLS, BOY and girl, MEGA BLOX wagon Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop soft and cuddly, excel plus, filled with mega & `Crown' series, lent condition, 14" tall. blocks. $10.00 Eurotop sets from $10. 905-864-7150 905-864-7150 $390. New Waterbeds, FAN 14" by Air Works. MEISSEN end-of-line/ PORCELAIN Futons, $20. 905-849-7661 figurine 30 cm tall for discontinued items FINE BOHEMIAN whisky sale. Purchase from EA available. crystal cut glasses set TON'S family estate auc 905-681-9496 for sale. Never used. tion. $100, 905-510 905-338-0803 $100, 905-510-0138 -0138 905-563-6903. BEST CARPETING Deals! 25 yards Pad/ Install $385. All types/ Colours. Repairs, re-stretching, cleaning. Call Dena or Paul at 905-849-4847. We w on't be undersold! CARPET! CARPET I have several 1000 yds. Of new Stainmaster and 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (25 sq. yards) Free Articles MORRIS UPRIGHT piano In good condition, needs to be tuned. Free. You move. 289-337-8071 Appliances FRIDGE KITCHENAIDE with water dispenser like new $300 and matching electric stove Kitchenaide. $200. Both beige colour. Call 905-637-8483 Registered Dental Hygienist PT evenings in Georgetown. Resum es to: dental99@ hotm ail.ca FT position available in Georgetown. Experience preferred Please email resume: dentalsm iles2017 @hotmail.com Drivers Level II Dental Assistant 2005 MUSTANG Coupe v6. 180000kms, excel GIBBARD/2 MAHOGANY lent shape, $6500 obo. end tables. 1930s 3 call 905-483-3673 drawer, claw seat, brass pulls. $300 obo. Call 2006 TOYOTA Matrix, automatic, hatchback, 905-639-5473 288,000km, spotless, MAHOGANY TABLE with with extra snows on leaf, 6' 5" long, x 3' 5" rims, safety, e-test & uwide, matching 2 piece vip, $3400, no hagglers, cabinet, etched glass 905-633-9408 doors, good condition, $600 for all three pieces, Trucks & SUVs 905-681-5405. Steve 905-633-8192 M ornings, D /T Oakville Paul 905-845-2031 info@ barringtons.ca General Help 'FT DAY SHIFT G /L START ING AT $ 1 3.00/H R M-F 7AM -3:30PM Job Duties Include: Operate machine Pack product Label finished goods M ust lift up to 30LBS APPLY WITH RESUME TO: tova@ whipscarpentry.com P/T Driver 2007 GMC Envoy SLE. OUTBOARD MOTOR, Black with leather seats Evinrude, 6 horsepower, Well maintained with very few hours usage. safety 175,000km $4,950. 905-467-1651 $495. Call 289-795-9093 Your Best Source for Improvement call an expert - home services classified@metrolandwest.com www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 | 42 ICocalWork Careers Careers YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS Careers Careers Careers Careers Careers Careers Careers To book your career opportunity call 905.632.4440 Careers · *metroland media · Connected to your community® WE ARE CURRENTLY HiRiNG A sse m b ly Line M achine Inserters and Skid W rappers at our Distribution Centre located at 5300 Harvester Road, Burlington. A B O U T T H E JO B : · Great Working Conditions · Clean, Well Lit Facility · Helpful, Friendly Coworkers · Flexible Shifts · Opportunity For Advancement · On Bus Route · Will Train The pay rate is $11.40 per hour and increases to $11.59 per hour in the first year. W E E K E N D S H IF T A V A ILA B LE : Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00am to 8:00pm Apply in person to Metroland, 5300 Harvester Road, Burlington, Ontario. Please bring your resum e and 2 references with you. W HAT W E 'R E LO O K IN G FO R: · Great Attitude And Excellent Team Player · Ability To Lift Up To 35 Lbs And Stand For An Extend Period Of Time With Ease · Ability To Excel In A Fast-Paced, Deadline Driven And Demanding Environment · Capable Of Working In A Team Environment And Maintain Positive Relationships With Team Members Dental ' Dental Cer tified D ental a s s is t a n t level ii Not just anyone will do! Great Opportunity for ideal candidate. Flexible hours, compensation commensurate with experience. If you are passionate about dentistry and have at least two (2) years experience chair side with Endo, Perio, Surgery and Full Mouth Rehab, then we should meet. Email resume: debbi@brontevillagedental.ca Health Care/ Medical Technical/Skilled Trades TREATMENT c o o r d in a t o r 4 days ~ Monday-Thursday Exciting new opportunity to join our team. Our practice is in a new state of the art building in Central Burlington. Must enjoy a fast paced environment, and have excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Looking for 2 years experience as a treatment coordinator and knowledge of ABELDENT preferred. is required fo r home healthcare pharmacy. Min. 1 year exp. m ust know about com pres sion stocking & braces. F/T Certified Fitter Tool & Die Maker Apprentice 2nd - 4 th year and with Mechanical Eng. D iplom a/degreeSolidW orks experience preferred. Email resume: jana@ vintonprecisiontool.com Email resume to: sam ehm ofed@ yahoo.com OR nimrnasr@hotmail.com Jr Designer Restaurants/ Hospitality YO U R C A R E E R ------------ STARTS H ERE EocalWork.ca 9 1 T T Please send your resume to: Dr. David Robertson: 3001 New St. Unit 2, Burlington On L7R1K3 Sunnyside Grill, Oakville now hiring FT & PT exp'd preferred Call 9 0 5-3 34-701 9 or Apply within: 2501 Prince Michael Dr. Oakville or m dinadis@ gm ail.com LINE COOKS To book your classified ad call 905.632.4440 43 YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS Careers Careers Careers Careers Careers To book your career opportunity call 905.632.4440 General Help Sales Opportunities ^ Sales Opportunities Sales Opportunities A | Thursday, September 21, 2017 | O A K V I L L E " N General Help A B M N o rth A m e r ic a C o rp . Global Injection M olding Leader, has expanded into North America with th e KIS and ApM edical products. Are you a loyal, dedicated, long term employee? Then come and build your career with us! Sales / Safetycare m a r k e t in g p o s it io n JU STICE OF THE PEACE VACANCIES Ontario Court of Justice COURT LOCATIONS: Barrie (1) Barrie (Bilingual-1) Brampton (3) Cornwall (1) Dryden (1) London (1) Oshawa (1) Ottawa (Bilingual-1) Peterborough (1) Sault Ste. Marie (1) Timmins* (1) Timmins (Bilingual-1) Toronto (7) We are looking for P ro ce ss, Set-up & M aintenance Tech n ician s Automotive, plastics experience preferred. Packers What We Offer Competitive; Wages (Plus Nightshift Premium) - Day, Afternoon and Night Shifts Available . - Great w ork environment offices in 5 countries around the world. We produce and distribute a wide range of Safety Training DVDs, subscriptions and other related material in the area of Workplace Health & Safety. We deal with a wide range of clients across Canada and the USA. We are looking to fill a number of new positions to take advantage of our new training platform. This position involves selling our products to existing clients as well as developing new business. Working from our Burlington office, all the sales activity is done over the telephone. The individuals we are looking for must be able to demonstrate strong organizational skills, enjoy talking to clients via the phone and be a team player. Inc. is an international company with BEAVER | www.insidehalton.com Please check www.ontariocourts.ca/ocj/jpaac/advertisements for an updated listing of advertised vacancies. At the request of the Attorney General and in accordance with the J u s tic e s o f th e P e a c e A c t, the Justices of the Peace Appointments Advisory Committee invites applications for vacant Justice of the Peace positions in the Province of Ontario. A Justice of the Peace is an independent judicial officer who presides in court over various proceedings under federal and provincial statutes. Applicants must meet minimum qualifications as set out in the Ju s tic e s o f th e P e a c e A ct. The Justices of the Peace Appointments Advisory Committee reviews and evaluates applications and classifies candidates as "Not Qualified", "Qualified" or "Highly Qualified". Classifications are reported to the Attorney General, who recommends candidates for Order-in-Council appointments to the Ontario Court of Justice. In addition to reflecting the diversity of Ontario's population, applicants should also display the fundamental skills and abilities, personal characteristics and community awareness attributes set out in the Committee's General Selection Criteria. Bilingual positions require a high degree of proficiency in English as well as a superior level of oral and written proficiency in French. As First Nations people comprise a large percentage of the population in the areas being serviced by the court in Timmins*, we especially encourage people of Indigenous heritage and people with an in-depth understanding of Indigenous communities and the issues affecting those communities to apply for this vacancy. For detailed information about the vacancies noted above, minimum qualifications and the General Selection Criteria, the required application form, and the Committee's process, please visit the website of the Justices of the Peace Appointments Advisory Committee at To discuss the position further, please contact Ed Aasman at 905-631-6070 Chimneys ^ Home Renovations ^ Home Renovations > 2 0 5 M arket Drive, Milton, ON L9T 4Z7 905 - 864 - 6695 a b m n a c a re e rs@ k e te r.c o m Restaurants/ Hospitality Restaurants/ Hospitality CHIMNEY REPAIRS and rebuilding. Quality workmanship! Seniors discount. References available. Free estimates. No deposit required. Call 416-893-7354 HNH RENOVATION * Door and windows, bath rooms, kitchens, base ments, tiles, hardwood, laminate, trim work, paint ing. Free estimates. . Call Moe 905-630-7212 www.hnhhomereno.com Decks & Fences Masonry & Concrete Masonry & Concrete Now H iring Fall and W inter Staff Servers & Line Cooks Bartenders & Dishwashers Full Time or Part time. Training Provided. Immediate start dates. ALPINE DECK DECKS, DECKS Seasonal Specials! 25+ yrs experience Reliable family business. Free Estimates Photos, references. TERRA FIRMA Interlocking & Masonr Specializing in New installation of Driveways, Patios, Walkways, Pool Surrounds and Steps. Exterior Parging & Restoration of all aspects of interlocking brick work. Highest quality workmanship and products only. 905-338-0665 www.alpinedeck.com Lim ited Tim e D iscount 1 5 % off Call Today 647-701-7507 w ww .terrafirm ainterlocking.com Handy Person Home Renovations Reply via email to Bfinlayson@clublink.ca Or MStone@clublink.ca Electrical R A T T LE ' \ SN AKE po T it G O L F C L U B BRITISH HANDYMAN Reliable handyman available for odd jobs, painting, trim work, caulking, m inor plumbing and much more, indoors or out! Call Dave 289-795-2371 HANDYMAN COMPLETE Bathroom/ Kitchen renos, Painting, Drywall/ General Repairs, Hardwood/ Tiling, etc. Small or Large Jobs. Call Cristian: 647-281-2084. Digging Driveways, Patios, Walkways, Trenches, Garden beds f Soil, Concrete Removal f Post Hole Drilling f Grading f Topsoil, Gravel Delivery F Pool Fill-ins Foundations f DG ELECTRICAL SERVICES Call (416)357-1729 or find us at www.dg electrical.ca ECRA/ESA # 7011330 www.ontariocourts.ca/ocj/jpaac. Applications for current vacancies must be submitted on the current prescribed application form and received by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 11, 2017. We are seeking customer-focused and caring individuals for: Flooring & Carpeting Applications received after this date W ILL NOT be considered. P LE A SE NOTE: Future vacancies and deadlines for applications will be posted on the Committee's website as they occur. Interested individuals can receive e-mail notification of vacancies by registering at www.ontariocourts.ca/oci/jpaac/advertisements/registration. Pour voir cette annonce en frangais, consulter le site Web du Comite a Weekend & Evening ~ Servers (Students Welcome) Part-tim e~Housekeeping Located Downtown Burlington at 390 Pearl Street To start immediately! Please forward your resume to: info@pearlandpineretirement.com Or drop off at Concierge www.ontariocourts.ca/ocj/fr/jpaac/annonces. 0 ALL Landscaping and Lawncare. Sod installa tion, property clean-up. Call now for Garden beds, Mulching. free estimates A1 Trimming, Tilling. Prop 905-522-6342 LICENSED CARPENTER erty Maintenance. More 30 years experience, services. Fully insured, Custom cabinets, baths owner operated. Oakville General Contracting, kitchens,dryw all,paint, Mississauga. Excavating masonry, tilesetter, 905-279-5614. plumbing and electric SPECIALIZING IN Caulk Call Dana 905-599-2463 Masonry & ing- Small Concrete and Concrete Masonry Restorations. Commercial & Residen ACCURATE RENO & Brick & tial. Guaranteed W ork HANDYMAN SERVICE manship. Fully Insured. Drywall Taping Painting Concrete Repair Free Estimates. Call and Finish Carpentry All Types John 905-592-9856 or Small Job No problem 905-808-0346. Chimneys, Porches, Call 416-417-9151. Sidewalk, Flagstone 25 yrs. exp. Licensed - Free est. Mainly Floors and baths. Carpet, hardwood and tile, from $1.79 sq. ft. installed. Bathroom remodel from $3999. MEGAFLOORS 9 0 5 -3 3 4 -4 0 2 8 Landscaping, Lawn Care, Supplies Home Renovations yourclassifieds.ca 289-208-9203 44 Waste Removal Waste Removal |T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 | Painting & Decorating JUST PAINT IT... MIKE'S WAY!! Fast Reliable service. Free Estimates! Interior and Exterior! No job too big or too small Give us a call!! 416-786-3631 PERFECT PAINTING & Repair Highend Craftmanship Professional Painters Residential custom painting/kitchen cabinets painting, water damaged ceilings repair. Bathroom/kitchen renova tions. Finished basement. References. Seniors discounts/free estimates. 647-702-9502 Roofing $$ AAA ROOF! All types, new roof installs and repairs. Lifetime warranty on shingles. Available 7 days a week. Great rates. Free Estimates !!!! 416-995-4105 905-693-9950. RE- ROOFING, Roof installations and re pairs, Chimney and bricks. Quality work. Reasonable prices. Call First Roofing, 416-624-2630 for a free estimate. VILA ROOFING Roof replacement and repair, experienced quality work, various as phalt shingle options to fit any budget, licensed and insured. Shingles guaranteed 10 year la bour warranty. Free esti mates. (647)272-9476 david@vilaroofing.ca www.vilaroofing.ca ALWAYS C H EA PEST! All Garbage Removal! Home/ Business. Fast Same day! Free Estimates! Seniors Discounts. We do all Loading & Clean-ups! Lowest Prices. C a ll Jo h n : 41 6 -4 5 7 -2 1 5 4 S e v e n d a y s Masonry & Concrete Moving & Storage call an expert home services DECK REFINISHING ALL DECKS SANDED, STRIPPED & REFINISHED BY HAND v ' Highest Quality Non-peeling or Flaking, Stain Sealers. garagesalesshows-bazaars Garage Sales Garage Sales community notices -- Legals ------1 ^ Legals Oakville BRICK, BLOCK NATURAL STONE Chim neys/ Flag Stone. For Free estimate, call Roman Summer Ending Special BEAVER 30% OFF NOW OFFERING One application preserves & seals all wood from decay, for a lifetime. (Marine Drive/ Nelson Street) Bronte Harbour books, garden toots, push lawnmower, & other household items. MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat., Sept. 23rd ~ 9 am - 1 pm 2353 Marine Drive NOTICE TO C R ED ITO R S AND O TH ER S All claims against the Estate of L IL L IA N R O S E W Y E R S , who died on 416-684-4324 www.fadom constructioninc.ca Insured/ Licensed B R IC K , NATU RAL STO N E & CHIM NEY W O RK Flagstone, Tuck Point ing, Windowsills & Much More! For Free Estimate w w w .in s id e h a lt o n .c o m | OAKVILLE 416-889-5167 www.Aleksmoving.ca Best Rates/ Flat rates in Ontario. Local or long Distance. Free Es timates. Family Owned Business. Senior & student Discounts Plumbing Call 519-774-8277 905-616-6588 Oakville Oakville Call Peter: 647-333-0384 www.stardust construction.com SPECIALIZING IN drywall, stucco, concrete, tiles and brick restora tion. Chimney repair and all cement finish work. Professional and re liable. Free Estimates. Call Evan 905-921-5226 PECI MOVING DELIVERY Insured & Bonded, Residential & Commer cial Moving Service. Free Estimates on site. Flat and hourly rates. Local mover. 905-320-9379 www.pecimoving.ca Small jobs, plugged drain, faucet repairs, etc. Be it big or be it small, do it well or not at all. Lez (905) 271-1783. Tree/ Stump Service STUMP REMOVAL, tree and hedge removal. Fence repairs and builds. Fully insured. Timberwood Property Services. Call for your free esti mate. 905-659-2657 info@timberwoodps.ca TREE SERVICES INC: We provide: tree removal/pruning, shrub removal/pruning, stump removal, 24 hour emergency service. ARB© R G A R E Garage Sale Sat., Sept. 23 7:30am11:30am 1236 Parsons Lane toys, arts, crafts, books, furniture, sewing machine, teens clothing, electronics, glassware Oakville Furniture, art, china, silver, clocks. Appointment only. Alex 416-855-6999 Your B est S o u rce For Local Jobs TREASURES CONTENT SALE Sat., Sept. 23 9 am - 12 pm 2180 Marine Drive Decem ber 23, 2016, late of the City of Burlington, Ontario, must be filed with the undersigned Estate Trustee before O cto b e r 6, 20 1 7 , after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED: Septem ber 1 ,2017 TH E CA N A D A T R U S T CO M PAN Y E s ta te T ru ste e 5515 N orth S e rv ic e R o a d , S u ite 400 B u rlin g to n , O n tario L 7 L 6 G 4 905-315-8171 905-276-9294 (GTA) KELLEY'S TREE SERVICE SAVE O N A LL TREE W O RK! Logging, Tree Removal Moving & Storage AC MOVING & Storage & Delivery: Experi enced Residential, Commercial, Piano Movers. Local and Long Distance. 24 hours. Please Call 416-949-2117 or 416-616-2995... or visit www.acmoving.ca Painting & Decorating In effect now! G&J Painting. Exterior /Interior, Install /Remove W allpa per, Pressure Washing, Sand / Stain decks and fences. Free Estimates, Family owned business 647-402-7606 SEA I B E L IS SAVE LIVES Tree Pruning, Hedge Trimming, Stump Removals. Fully Insured. Roofed Right ALWAYS Water Tight Joe 905-802-3381 Eavestrough cleaning, small roof repair or a complete roof Not Just Another Roof Garage Sale Sat., Sept. 23 8 am - 1:30 pm 124 Sparling Court (off Rebecca, near the YMCA) great stuff! A little bit of everything! All claims against the Estate of Terry Frank Parker, who died on July 14, 2016, late of the City of Burlington, Ontario, must be filed with the undersigned Estate Trustee before October 20, 2017, after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated: September 18, 2017 Gerald Melvin Schwab, Estate Trustee By his solicitors N O T IC ET OC R E D IT O R S A N DO T H E R S MnitLca FELTMATE DELIBATO HEAGLE LLP 200 - 3600 Billings Court Burlington, Ontario L7N 3N6 2 8 9 -3 3 7 -4 2 6 6 RONALD J. WESTON M. R IL E Y TREE CARE Place FREE ADS in your local newspaper and online at YourClassifieds.ca For household articles priced at $100 or less Email classifieds@metroland.com or post it on yourclassifieds.ca Or just fill out this coupon and: M a il: Classifieds, 44 Frid St. Hamilton, ON L8N 3G3 Attn: Free Ads F a x : 1-866-299-1499 or 905-526-2454 · Tree Pruning & Removal, Hedge & Shrub Trimming, Stump Removal, Fully Insured. Senior Discounts Certified Arborist 9 0 5 -4 8 3 -2 9 3 0 w community notices Telephone: (905) 631-3656 ___________________ Fax: (905) 639-8017 Public Notices M dl Or: Place by phone at 1-800-263-6480 or 905-527-5555 for only $7.99 + HST Includes guaranteed placement, free graphic in print & online enhancements for 30 days on yourclassifieds.ca How To Make Your Washer Disappear... Simply advertise in the Classifieds and get results quickly! C\assifiec is WORK IS CALLING ALL KIDS! » s= iim u uun u/inm m iiu i -- We are currently hiring Carriers! 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AD CO PY a a $ - - (NAME OF NEWSPAPER) STARTS HERE PRICE PHONE NO. Gable Dr, Wakehurst Cres, Sir David Dr, Caradoc Lane, Chedboro Cres, Bishopstoke Way, Hazel McCleary, Greenaus Rd, Teak Cres, Beechnut Rd. Sheridan Garden Dr. L6L NAME_ EMAIL ADDRESS ADDRESS POSTAL CODE HOME# (Thisnumber m ust appear in ad) CITY H O U SES · TOW NHOM ES · D U P LEX ES C O N D O M IN IU M S · A P A R T M E N T S Seabrook, Saxon, Vyner, Sandlewood, Warwick, Maplehurst, Sovereign, Stanfield, Worthington, Honeyvale, Trowbridge L6M: Kaiting Trail, Colton Way, Culp Trail, Masterman Cres, Sixteen Mile Dr, Skyvalley B U Y 'S E L L 'R E N T C h eck o u t th e C la s s if i e d s / I | Yes. Please send me promotional offers from Metroland Media and its affiliates. 905- 632-4440 O a k v illeB e a v e r Call Circulation 905-631-6095 find us online at w w w .vourclassifieds.ca (n news Anniversaries Celebrating an Anniversary? Post your announcement in the Burlington Post or Oakville Beaver. A N N I V E R S A R IE S H zr c -- 5 C /J CL c o VC 0) U) CD " O CD 3 cr l Obituaries Happy 50th Anniversary Heather and Diethard Froese My brother and I were pondering ideas on what to get my parents to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary earlier this summer in Europe and they pretty much have all they need. Including health. It is tough to find words to describe the joys and happiness we have in expressing an appreciation for 50 years together being our parents. Being solid parents, helping us getting back up when we fall, supporting us in decisions that maybe weren't the best at the time. So we thought a simple thanks for being there when we needed you. This is too thank you for all the amazing memories. To all those cute couples celebrating 50 years of being together, its a big feat these days !!! Mom and Dad, thanks for being you. You always put us on the edge of a dream. Love Matt and G CD -- 5 N > N > O o > < m 00 m 7 3 THORNE, Donald Parker 3' w CL l Obituaries Birth Notices l Obituaries PRIMEAU, Mabel l Obituaries t i t t h e 'O a k v il le 7 £ e6 ve% an d you w ill receive a voucher for ^ ^ > * 0 % n 6 M C itt of your baby's precious hand or footprint ($25.°° value) compliments of: ieePfadfes Paws NNw.WeePiggies.com Tel: 905-825-8731 [gies.com Call 9 0 5 - 6 3 2 - 4 4 4 0 to place your announcement It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mabel Irene Primeau (nee Holland).She passed away quietly at her home of 52 years with her husband, David, by her side. Mabel's journey began September 10, 1932 in Thorold where she was born into a large family. She is survived by her adored brothers, Don, Bob, Jim, and Howard, and predeceased by Clifford, Marg, Betty, and Jack. A graduate of Elizabeth Arden Beauty school in Toronto, Mabel later worked at Potter & Shaw in St. Catharines. She married David Primeau in 1959 and moved shortly thereafter to Deep River. A lover of the great outdoors, Mabel never shied away from adventure and embraced all that northern Ontario had to offer. That included everything from hunting, camping, fishing and boating and doing it all while starting a family with the birth of her first born son Neal, and second son, Paul. In 1965, Mabel and David's journey took a new turn when they moved to Oakville adding two more young faces over the next decade with the birth of her daughter Julie and son Jason. Mabel made a happy and loving home for her family that warmly welcomed many cherished friends and neighbours. Mabel touched the lives of everyone who fondly remembers her kindness, genuine smile, warmth, and gracious manner. With a gentle spirit, she was always willing to help those in need and was an active volunteer for the Oakville Fareshare food bank for many years. In later years, Mabel blossomed into a globetrotting traveller and embraced exploring the world with friends, new and old. Whether it was going to the top of Machu Picchu or going on safari in South Africa, she was always looking forward to her next adventure. Her lasting impact is felt by her husband David, son Neal (predeceased), Paul (Helen), Julie (Jim), and Jason (Jessie) and her cherished grandchildren Joslyn, Jane, Michael, and Joseph. For the many lives she touched, Mabel will be remembered fondly and missed greatly. A gathering with friends and family will be held on Sunday, September 24th from 2 - 4 p.m. at Kopriva Taylor Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to a charity of your choice. Visit our guestbook through www.koprivataylor.com births, birthdays, anniversaries,obituaries & in memoriams The Oakville Beaver would like to express sincere and heart-felt condolences to those who have lost their loved ones. (April 24, 1929 - September 15, 2017) Peacefully, on Friday, September 15, 2017, Jack in his 89th year. Beloved husband of the late Dwyla (Montgomery). Loving father of Brian, Linda Barker (Ken) and Diane. Cherished grandfather of Brad (Holly) and Ian (Christina). Jack was a long-time member of St. Paul's United Church and had a long distinguished career with CIL/ICI. Visitation was held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West (one block east of Kerr 905-844-2600), Oakville from 7-9 p.m. on Monday, September 18, 2017. Funeral service was held at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca Street, Oakville. Interment at Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. For those who wish, memorial donations to St. Paul's United Church would be appreciated. Visit our guest book through www.koprivataylor.com SHARP, Dr. John "Jack" Arthur It is with appreciation of a life well lived that the family of Donald Parker Thorne, loving husband of Mary Lydia (Sutton) Thorne, announce his passing at the Saint John Regional Hospital on Thursday, September 7, 2017. Born in Woodstock, Ontario on October 17, 1928 he was a son of the late Bill and B. Marion Thorne. Before retirement, Donald was the Welding Foreman at Gulf Oil (Oakville, Ontario). He was an avid recreational aviator, current member of Canadian Owners Pilots Association, and past member of the Saint John Flying Cub. Don was also a life-long hunting enthusiast and member of the Oakville Rod & Gun Club. Don was a keen gardener and grew the world's best tomatoes. Don was particularly keen to discuss politics and taxes, and never without his wits. In addition to his wife Mary, Donald is survived by his children: Cindy (Randy) Smart, Drew (Rita) Thorne; and stepchildren: Wayne (Gwen) Tucker, Boyd (Mary) Tucker and Paul Tucker (Linda Cluney); siblings: Joan (Robert) Thorne, Patricia (Robert) McKitterick, Dorothy (Bill) Lucas and Gary (Bonnie) Thorne; grandchildren: Victoria Thorne, Steven Smart, Amanda Smart Thiessen, Eric Smart, Lee Somers, and Brian (Christene) Somers; and fourteen nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his parents, and siblings Robert (Joan) Thorne, sons Derryl Thorne, Don (Barbara) Thorne Jr and grandson Brandon. Arrangements have been entrusted to Brenan's Funeral Home, 111 Paradise Row, Saint John, NB (634-7424). In keeping with Donald's wishes there will be no visitation or funeral service. For those who wish, remembrances in memory of Donald may be made to Diabetes Canada, or a charity of the donor's choice. Online condolences may be placed at www.BrenansFH.com. CD =r w o 3 o 3 Honour the memory of a LOVED ONE... Place an In Memoriam in the classifieds. vemailclassifiedfilmetroland www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, September 21, 2017 |46 any purchase of $59.99 (before taxes) or more. Not valid with any other coupon or offer. Some Exceptions apply. Offer valid until Oct 5th, 2017. ^ - HURRY IN! any purchase of $99.99 (before taxes) or m ore. Not valid with any other coupon or offer. Some Exceptions apply. Offer valid until Oct 5th, 2017. 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