www.insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, October 12, 2017 | 50 17 · Thursday, October 20, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER · www.insideHALTON.com For women at average risk for developing average of 59 per cent. breast cancer, mammogram screening is most Breast cancer is the most common cancer in effective every two years, between the ages of Canadian women, affecting one in nine over a Bra Day is a Canadian Cancer SoA highlight of the annual event is 50 and 74, according to the Canadian Cancer lifetime. The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundaciety initiative that promotes educaalways Show Lounge, Society. tion encourages women to learn about the benThe workers of the world are working more. the So says an& Share · Manage time e ffectively. One of the problems with an tion, awareness and access for womwhere volunteers show attendees The Mississauga Halton Central West Regionefits and limitations of participating in regular annual study of employee benefit trends from MetLife. In increased workload is the time in the day to complete that en considering post-mastectomy the real-life results of their breast real Cancer Program is hosting a Mammothon, on breast cancer screening and make an informed 2010, 40 percent of employees admitted their workload had work does not simultaneously increase. This reality makes it breast reconstruction. construction. Wednesday, Oct. 18 with the goal that at least decision about what is right for them. increased compared with the previous easy to become with stress. But a few time The free event takes place on year. While reconstructive surgery might overwhelmed 500 women will take a moment and get a mamMy breasts, my test is a new mammography While there are reasons that not can be account for a option management techniques can help. Prioritize certain tasks, Wednesday, Oct. 25many between 6 and the best for every mogram. decision aid that can help women make an inheavier workload the Hospital. office, heavy in every countries ensuring projects are time-sensitive get done ahead of f 8 p.m. at Joseph at Brant At layoffs woman, woman deserves to that The one-day breast-screening blitz invites all formed decision about when to start going for across the women globe has, many left those to who those unbiased that aren't. When setting schedule work, be realthe event, will in hear frominstances, Dr. have access accurate, women, agea50 to 74 for who haven't had a mam- regular mammograms and how often to get weren't laid off with extra local work. And companies might be she istic. a schedule isn't realistic, that will only cause Douglas Grace, a leading plasinformation so that canIf make an mogram in the past two years, tomore book an ap- screened. tic surgeon will present the opinformed decision. event helps surprised to who know just how much this approach isn't work- This stress. pointment by calling 905-813-4220 or visiting Visit www.mybreastsmytest.ca to: tions available to women considering develop ing. TheMetLife study also found that 68women percent of employ-realistic expectawww.mammothon.ca to find the nearest breast · Learn about the benefits and limitations of post-mastectomy reconstructive sur- tions of work whathad reconstruction can ees surveyed reported that the quality of their · Maintain a persona l life. Effectively stress at screening location tomanaging book through. having regular mammograms gery and answer questions about the achieve. The Mammothon will help the regional suffered and that fear of losing their jobs played a significant work involves having a personal life away from the office. All cancer · Find out what it's like to have a mammogram procedure. To register for the work Joseph its goal of screening ataleast 70 and how to prepare before the test role in how well they did their jobs. and Brant no play isprogram a recipe reach for stress. No matter how big Women will also hear patient sto- Hospital Bra Day event, being held per of women age in Mississauga · Better understand the risks for breast cancer workload awaits you at cent the office, be sure to 50-74 make time for Good stress and bad ries and connect with others whostress in the Busby Learning Centre on the and Halton. In 2012-13, the most recent data and consider your own risk factors enjoyable activities away from work. Spend time with friends have been through breast the While employees mightcancer not be and able tomain quell level their of fears ofnew South Tower, available, nearly 58 per cent of women in that · Receive a personalized screening guide with and family, plan a weekend getaway or simply relax at home. opted for reconstructive surgery. visit bra-day.com. one day being laid off, there are things they can do to reduce age category got one. That's below the provincial questions to ask your health care provider Such time, even if it's not as often as you might like, makes the stress that often accompanies such fears. Stress is a part dealing with stress at the office that much easier to handle. of most professions and can even be a good motivator. However, when stress is prolonged or excessive, the results · Remain physically active. Exercise is a great remedy for can be very unhealthy. Men and women with high stress ESTATE & stress. In fact, the American Psychological Association notes levels are more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety and PORTFOLIO that studiesSERIES have suggested physically active people have cardiovascular disease. When faced with prolonged or exces- lower rates of anxiety and depression than sedentary people. sive stress at the office, men and women can take the follow- While research is ongoing, some researchers feel exercise Join us for an evening of fun at the OCTOBER 31 ST · 9:15 AM TO 11 AM ing approaches to avoid succumbing to stress. enhances the body's ability to respond to stress. In addition, second annual CAUSE 4 CANINES RESERVATIONS: 416-493-8786 exercise seems to give the body practice at dealing with Fundraiser featuring cocktails, beer tasting, * Determine what is causing the FAMILY stress. Stress triggers stress. While exercising, the body's physiological systems are EL SPERO RESTAURANT hors d'oeuvres, silent/live auction, 50/50 draw, vary depending 2420 on the LAkESHORE individual, so men and women who RD WEST OAkVILLE ON forced to communicate with one another. These same sysmusic and more! are coping with excessive stress should write down anything tems must also communicate with one another when that causes them a negative response, whether that response responding to stress. Regular exercise helps the body comSaturday, November 18th, 2017 is physical, emotional or mental. After a week, sit families down and in · Estate issues faced by conflict municate more efficiently, something that helpsDATE: when the look at the various things that triggered these negative portfolios time comes to respond to stress. · Bond market trends in income TIME: 7:30 PM responses. Choose one and work to resolve it. Determine if · Realty Issues in Estate Planning LOCATION: Oakville Club there is a way this trigger can be avoided. Do this with each Stress at the office is likely always going to be a concern · Unique Investing Issues faced by women 56 Water Street, Oakville, ON trigger one by one. It might not be possible to successfully for working men and women. However, there are ways to · Realty closing issues panel discussion address each trigger, but it's worth the try and it is likely that effectively cope with stress no matter how daunting a work- Heavier workloads have left many workers dealing with elevated CAUSE 4 CANINES is dedicated to raising funds for Declining cognition certain triggers·can be successfully avoided. and your advice load might be. (MNS) levels of stress. global foundations committed to ending the cruelty about breast reconstruction Extra work k load l d takes k its toll ll on the h mental l health h l h of f employees l Mammogram blitz for womenat age work 50 and 74 Event to offers information Tips help you cope with stress Advertorial BREAKFAST CAUSE 4 CANINES FUNDRAISER Michael Korman Financial Advisor, Chartered Investment Manager, Charter B.COMM, FMA, CIM, FCSI Raymond James Ltd. 416-493-8786 Mitzy Dadoun Master A.S.A Realtor Sutton Admiral Reality 416-993-2532 and suffering of the Dog Meat Trade. There will be a donation bin at the event for new or used dog items (bowls, toys, collars, beds). All donations will be given to victims of the trade as they await adoption. SPONSORED BY: TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH OUR FACEBOOK PAGE www.facebook.com/cause4canines/ OR AT www.universe.com (search Cause 4 Canines) 20 010 Gold Aw ward Winne er Oa akv kville e Be Beaver eaver SHARE INFORMATIVE EDUCATIONAL CONCERNS AND SOLUTIONS TO ADDRESS TRUST & ESTATE CONCERNS THAT AFFECT YOUR FAMILY