THURSDAY OCTOBER 19, 2017 AVAILABLE ONLYAT HYUNDAi OF OAKVILLE! For Every In Stock 2017 Vehicle Receive the *Free Oil Changes fo rth e Next FiveYears! See dealerfor details. FIVE S T A R PROGRAM * p S > 7 m jn 5 5 m R O A K V IL L E 2 5 0 0 South Service Rd W 905.845.7791 $1.00 CONNECTED TO YOUR C O M M U N IT Y INSIDEHALTON.COM 64 pages 2017 g e t u p to f in a n c in g m o d e l s fo r 8 4 m o n th s 1 in p r i c e a d j u s t m e n t s c o n s e le c te d m o d e ls $100o I Finance for only At 2 .0 L T u rb o A W D · S to c k # N 1 7 4 9 0 ·W h ite 2017 S a n ta Fe LTD 3 67% Bi-Weekly + HST A V A IL A B L E O N L Y A T H Y U N D A i O F O A K V i L L E ! F o r E v e r y In S t o c k 2 0 1 7 V e h i c l e R e c e i v e t h e M onths w ith $0 Dow n' lncludes$ 8,700 in price adjustm ents0 Selling price: $35,228. D elivery, D e s tin a tio n & Fees In c lu d e d . Plus HST: GST/PST. FIVE STAR PROGRAM* *Free Oil Changes forthe Next Five Years! See dealer for details. Active and veteran Military personnel receive up to $1,500 in price adjustments.1 MILITARY. HYU N DAICANADA.COM 5 -Y E A R /1 0 0 ,0 0 0 KM Comprehensive Limited W arranty H Y u n cm r 5 -Y E A R /1 0 0 ,0 0 0 KM Powertrain W arranty 5 -Y E A R /1 0 0 ,0 0 0 KM Emission W arranty 5-YEA R/UN LIM ITED KM 24h Roadside Assistance H Y U n o n i OF PROUDLY SERVING OAKVILLE FOR OVER Y E A R S ! · 2 5 0 0 South Service Road W. · 9 0 5 .8 4 5 .7 7 9 1 TM/®The Hyundai name, logos, pro du ct names, feature names, images and slogansare tradem arks ow ned o rlicen sed by Hyundai Auto Canada C orp.All other tradem arks a re th e p ro pe rty o fth e ir respective owners. tF inance offers availableO.A.C . from Hyundai Financial Services based on a new 2017 Elantra LE A u to / 2017Tucson 2.0L FWD / 2017 Santa F e S po rt2.4 L FWD m odels w ith an annual finance rate of 0% /0% /0% . W eekly paym ents are $ 5 6/$6 9/$ 79 for 8 4 /8 4 /8 4 m onths. $0/$1,745/$1,345 dow n paym ent required. Trade-in value may be applied to dow n paym ent am ount. Selling price is $20,337/$26,937/$30,137. Cost of borrow ing is $0 /$ 0 /$ 0 . Finance offers include D elivery and Destination charge of $1,705/$1,805/$1,905, levies and all applicable charges (excluding HST). Finance offers exclude registration, insurance, PPSA, license fees, and dealer adm in. fees of up to $499. Fees may vary by dealer. Price adjustm ents are calculated against the vehicle's sta rtin g price. Price adjustm ents of $5 00 /$1,000/$1,000/$1,000 available on finance and cash purchase only of new in stock 2017 Santa Fe S port 2.4L FWD/2017 Elantra U ltimate/2017 Tucson 1.6T Ultimate/2017 Santa Fe Sport 2.0T U ltim ate m odels. Price adjustm ents applied before taxes. O ffer cannot be com bined or used in con jun ction w ith any other available offers. O ffer is no n-transferable and cannot be assigned. No vehicle trad e-in required. Price of m odels shown: 2017 Elantra Ultimate/2017 Santa Fe Sport 2.0T U ltim ate/2017Tucson 1.6T U ltim ate are $29,637/$45,637/$39,637. Prices include D elivery and D estination charges of $1,705/$1,905/$1,805, levies and all applicable charges (excluding HST). Prices exclude registration, insurance, PPSA, license fees and de ale ra dm in. fees o f u p to $499. Fees may vary by dealer. t^ O ffe rs available fo ra lim ite d tim e a n d subject to change or cancellation w ith o u t notice. D eliveryand D estination charge includes freig ht, P .D .I.a n d a fu llta n k o fg a s .D e a le rm a y s e llfo r less. Inventory islim ite d , d e a le ro rd e rm a y b e required. Visit w w w o rs e e d e a le rfo rc o m p le te details. ttH y u n d a i's Com prehensive Lim ited W arranty coverage covers m ost vehicle com ponents against defects in w orkm anship under normal useand m aintenance conditions. ±C ertain restrictions apply. Customers m ust present th eir proof of M ilita ry relationship and I.D. at tim e of purchase to receivespecial price discount o ff th eir purchase. Program subject to change or cancellation w ith o u t notice. Visit m or see d e a le rfo r com p le te details.S ee dealer fo rS to ck #N17490 pricing.