3 7 | T h u rs d a y O c to b e r 2 6 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .in s id e h a lto n .c o m Marta Marychuk Reporter mmarychuk@oakvillebeaver.com Aitscene are some younger members in the club. The evening classes will give people who work during the day an opportu nity to get hands on-experience with the hobby that he describes as "something people really like to do." "We have tools sharpened and ready to go," said Darjes. "The members will be here to help you get your feet w et." The Town of Oakville also has two technicians to assist club members. "Connected to your Community " W oodcarving is `som eth in g people really like to do' by M arta Marychuk Oakville Beaver Staff The Oakville Sculptors and W oodcarvers Guild present Hands On -- learn carving by doing -- during the month of November at the Queen Elizabeth Park Com m unity and Cultural Centre (Q EPC C C ). The classes begin Wednesday, Nov. 1, and will be held until Nov. 2 2 from 7-9 p.m. There is a $ 4 0 cost per person, and the guild will provide all equipment and materials. Because space is limited, pre-registra tion is required for the class. A youth ac companied by an adult is considered as one person. Oakville Sculptors and W oodcarvers Guild president Richard Darjes said the classes would give participants an op portunity to make two relief carvings (figures carved in a flat panel of wood) or one freestanding carving. The guild has been active since the m id-2000s, said Darjes. Its members even helped design the space at QEPCCC before the group moved into the location. The 23 members of the Oakville Sculptors and W oodcarvers Guild meet every Thursday between 1 :3 0 -5 :3 0 p.m. "The average age of the group is re tirement," said Darjes. However, he quickly added that there You can create something unique By the time participants are finished the classes, Darjes said people will be able to create something unique for the upcoming holiday season to give as a gift. Darjes said the guild is "very well equipped" with two band saws for cut ting, a drill press for holes, several sets of carving chisels, smaller tools that look like Dremel rotary tools, wood burning tools and wood supplied from a variety of sources. The guild also has power-sharpening tools, which he said helps speeds things up for members. Over the years, people have donated books and magazines that give the club members ideas for woodcarvings. "We try to make it fun for everybody," added Darjes. To register for the Oakville Sculptors and W oodcarvers Guild email info@oswguild.org or visit www.oswguild.org. b P } w .'/ · w dm* w Wf H 3 MjU m m 1 v fl an } J . i M 1 S Oakville Sculptors and Woodcarvings Guild President Richard Darjes shows a sample of some of the pieces that will be options in the upcoming Hands On class. | Nikki Wesley/Metroland film ca cinemas 171 Sp e e rs R o a d (at Kerr) O a kv ille 905-338-6397 w w w .film .ca BLA D E RU N N ER 2049 (14A) OCTOBER 6t h THE ROCKY HORROR PiCTURE SHOw (14 a ) October 28th, 29th, 31t h G EO STO RM (STc) October 20 t h TH E SN O wM AN (STc) October 20t h VicTORiA& ABDuL(PG ) coming soon f a c e b o o k .c o m /f il m c a @ F ilm c a c in e m a s