H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y 23 Does yo ur financial advisor know your life goals? Marc Nutford Financial Advisor 2 3 8 7 Trafalgar Road Unit 82 Oakville, ON L6H 6K7 9 0 5 -8 2 2 -2 0 2 3 | Thursday November 2, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER www.edwardjones.com/marc-nutfo rd Member - Canadian Investor Protection Fund Edwardjones M A K IN G S E N S E O F IN V E S T IN G | www.insidehalton.com Oakville's Marisa Soukup was joined by many family members in celebrating her mother Maria Amantea's special 90th birthday on Sunday, Oct. 8 at Le Dome Banquet Hall. Soukup's father, Guiseppe Amantea, is 94 years old, and the Oakville Beaver covered his 90th birthday. The Amanteas also celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary this year. The couple came to Canada from Calabria, Italy in the 1950s, and today have six children (plus spouses), 16 grandchildren (plus spouses/partners) and 26 great grandchildren, with two more being welcomed to the family this fall. It was amazing to have 70 immediate family members all attend the celebra tion. | Marisa Soukup photo GAS FIREPLACE REPAIR Factory Trained Service Tech & Electronic Ignition Specialists Sxpjvuma (a tk Vifanme! We Service: CFM, DRU, GSW, Hunter, Insta-Flame, Valor, Napoleon, Regency, Majestic, Heat-N-Glo, Heatilator, Selkirk, GTI, Dovre, Pacific Energy, Town & Country, Security, Hearthstone, Montigo, Lennox, Temco, Kingsman, Polaris, Heritage, Drolet, Continental, Vermont Castings, Osburn, Monessen, MHSC, Clare Brothers, Jotul, Rasmussen, RH Peterson & many other brands. For m ore news, visit insidehatton.com Settee ` % 2! 905-845-0701 E-MAIL: scott@gasfix.ca Sofotttf VneUeme R e a d o u r c lie n t r e v ie w s www.gasfixrepair.homestars.com Cut and Save! You never know when you will need us! ^Antique and Vintage Show `Inspired home decor' finds in home decor, fine art, collectibles, gifts and much more. C a n a d ia n a & F ren c h fo rm a l furniture, silver, folk art, superb glass, sculpture vintage fashions, retro kitchen, vintage movie posters & much more. Top d e a le rs in a n tiq u e s , art, v in ta g e a n d M id C e n tu ry m o d e rn bring great Santa Oakville 1 Claus W ^ T j Parade M E E TIN G FOR A LL Anyone interested in volunteering fo r the 69th annual Oakville Santa Claus Parade please come to a meeting (volunteers need to be 14 years or older) S A N T A 'S ELVES Wednesday, November 8th 6:30 pm registration, 7:00 pm start Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville (Trafalgar Rd. @ white Oaks Blvd.) in the SOUth Atrium . ADULT A N D STUDENT ) VO LUNTEERS N EED ED FOR Traffic & Parade M arshalling Costum ed Characters and Escorts N o v e m b e r 11 &12 St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre 1280 Dundas St. W., Oakville, L6M 4H9 On Dundas St (Hwy 5) just east of Third Line, and first stoplight west of the BIG bridge. Admission $8 / Free parking Gracie's Christmas cookies, Saturday 10am - 5pm / Sunday 11am - 4pm a (students will receive volunteer hours) P arade takes place on Saturday, N o v e m b e r 18th a t 9:00 am home baked in Mennonite Country, Sat., Nov. 11 only Discounts, directions and more info at antiqueshowscanada.com www.oakvillesantaclausparade.ca