Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 15 Feb 2018, p. 63

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classifieds BRIDGE, Bruce Glen Bruce passed away sudden ly on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 in London, ON. He was the beloved son of Lenore (Millar) and the late Donald Barry Bridge. Bruce was born on May 15, 1964 in Winnipeg, MB. He a t te n d e d A th lo n e School in St. James. The fa m i ly moved to Oakvil le, ON in 1972 where Bruce was a p u p i l a t M a p le G rove , Chisholm, E.J. James and Oakville Trafalgar High School. Bruce was also a student at Carlton University in Ottawa. During his school years, Bruce liked to participate in theatrical p roduc t ions and he was an avid curler. Bruce w o rked fo r Canada Customs in Oakville and Fort Erie, The Canadian Indemnity Company and for several years in the fashion import business. In his spare time, Bruce loved to read, watch classic comedy and laugh with friends. He was a friendly, tender-hearted man w h o w i l l be re m e m b e re d by everyone he met. Bruce is survived by his mother, Lenore, of Goderich, ON, his s is te r A y n s ley McKay (Michael) of Napoleon, OH (Chloe) and his brothers Jeffrey of Surrey, BC (Dianna and Bevin) and Paul (Kath i) o f W his t le r , BC (Ian and Natalie). Bruce was involved in an a u to a c c id e n t t h a t l e f t h im somewhat impaired in recent years. Heartfelt thanks to Bernie Meyer for th e m an y yea rs o f h e lp and friendship and to Patti Rizzo for all of her kind assistance. Cremation has taken place. There will be no funeral service. If friends so desire, a donation may be made to Epilepsy Ontario. Messages of condolence for the Bridge family may be sent through www.falconerfuneralhomes.com Beaver. The Oakville Beaver would like to express sincere and heart-felt condolences to those who have lost their loved ones. BUKOVCAN, Josipa (Josephine) (nee Karic) June 15, 1933 - February 5, 2018 Passed away peacefully In her 84th yea r a t th e O a k v i l le T ra fa lg a r Memorial Hospital w i th her family at her side. Beloved wife of Milan for over 54 years, loving mother to Mike Bukovcan (Mary) and John Bukovcan (Ljubica): proud g randm othe r of Paul, Rebecca, Christina, Martina, Mark and David. She is survived by he r s is te r M i l k a M a r k o v ic o f Waterdown, her brother Tome Karic of Perusic, Croatia and Kate Rak of Sibenik, Croatia. Josipa (Josephine) was a great mother who provided her children w ith all the opportunit ies t h a t she d id n ' t have as a ch i ld g ro w in g up on a l i t t l e fa rm in Croatia as one of seven children. She arrived in Canada in 1962 and worked hard to create a better life for herself and her children. Josipa worked at General Electric, the g if t shop at the old OTMH hospital and managed several bakery outlets in Oakvil le. Over the years she and M i la n e s ta b l ished a successful property rental business and enjoyed w o rk ing hard. She was always a friendly face who welcomed everyone. In her la t te r years she devoted h e r s e l f t o t h e c a re o f h e r grandchildren until she suffered a stroke 12 years ago th a t le f t her d isabled and in the care o f her loving husband and children. Josipa was one of the original parishioners at Holy T r in i ty Croat ian Cathol ic Church. Many thanks to her personal care workers and the many medical professionals who have helped her over the years. She w i l l be sadly missed by her family. Donations to Ho ly T r in i t y C ro a t ia n C a th o l ic Church would be appreciated by the family. Funeral Services have already taken place, however condolences for the family can be left online at www.glenoaks.ca JHonour the memory of a LOVED ONE... Place an In Memoriam in the classifieds. C a ll 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -4 4 4 0 or , , email classified@metrolandwest.com/^ FERGUSSON, A llan A rth ur On February 8, 2018, Allan A rthur Fergusson passed away in Oakville w i th family by his side. Allan was predeceased by his loving wife Jean Finlayson in 2012. A llan was the be loved fa th e r o f Jane (Greg), Marjorie (Christopher), and Catherine (Michael) and cherished grandfather of Mira, Konrad, Kate and James. He is survived by his brother Norman (Isabel) Fergusson and predeceased by his brothers Layton, Bruce, Donald, and Hughes, and his sisters Dorothy and Hildred. Allan was born in Port Morien, Cape Breton, on March 27, 1927-the youngest of eight children. A llan g radua ted f rom Dalhousie U n ive rs i ty w i th a BSc and Nova Scotia Tech with a BEng. He enjoyed sports and played basketball at Nova Scotia Tech. As a p ro fe s s io n a l engineer, he worked in places as varied as Newfoundland, Bolivia, and I n u v ik . He was an av id genealog ist, learned Gaelic, and loved to play Bridge. He also loved Cape Breton, and every summer he would make the trip down to stay at the fam ily cabin th a t was on the same bay as his ch i ldhood home. Time spent w i th his children and g r a n d c h i l d r e n was in c r e d ib l y im p o r ta n t to him, and to them. Sincere thanks to Oakville Trafalgar M e m o r ia l H o s p i t a l f o r t h e i r excellent care over the past tw o weeks. Friends and fa m ily were invited to Walton Memorial United Church, 2489 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, for a memorial service on Monday, February 12, at 1 p.m. An interment wil l take place in August at Black Brook Cemetery in Cape B re to n . In m e m o ry o f A l la n , d o n a t io n s can be made to the P a l l ia t ive Care U n i t at O akv i l le T ra fa lg a r M em o r ia l H osp ita l or Walton Memorial United Church. Visit our guestbook through www.koprivataylor.com WOOD, Florence P eacefu l ly passed away at the Parkview Nursing Centre on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 in her 88th year. Predeceased by her husband J. Art W ood (2002) and her grandson Benjamin Wood (2009). Loving mother of Janice (David) Ellis and Robert (Debbie) Wood. Dear grandmother o f Leona Ell is, Dav id, A n d re w (Katie) and Jesse Wood. She w i l l be fondly remembered by her great­ g ra n d c h i ld re n and g re a t - g r e a t ­ grandchildren. Florence was a special mom to Eloise Stevens. She is survived by many nieces and nephews. As per Florence's request cremation will take place w ith a private family service. Arrangements entrusted to the L.G. W A L L A C E F U N E R A L H O M E (905-544-1147), Hamilton. FISH, W ayne Edward It is w i th very heavy hearts th a t w e a n n o u n c e t h e p e a c e f u l passing of Wayne Edward Fish in his 64 th yea r a t Ian A nderson House in Oakville a fte r a lengthy and he ro ic b a t t le w i t h cancer. W ayne is su rv ived by his w i fe K a th ryn (nee M oskw a) and his d a u g h te r s M a r is a and C ia ra . Loving son o f Dr. Ralph Fish and the late Mary Fish. Dear bro ther t o Rick (Nancy), Jane (Steve), and W e n d y . W a y n e w i l l be missed by his fr iends, Kathryn 's im m e d ia te fam ily , his ex tended f a m i l y , h is c o l l e a g u e s a t S h e r id a n C o l le g e and by th e th o u s a n d s o f s tu d e n ts w h o s e l i v e s he t o u c h e d as V a r s i t y Coord inator. Wayne's smile and e n th u s ia s m c o u ld l i g h t up a ro o m . The w o r ld w i l l seem a l i t t l e d i m m e r w i t h o u t h is presence. A ce lebra t ion o f li fe w i l l be he ld F r iday, F eb ru a ry 16th, 1 p.m. a t th e Glen Oaks Funeral Home (3164 N in th Line, O a k v i l le ) . A lso , th e re w i l l an a d d i t i o n a l r e m e m b r a n c e on M onday, February 19th, 1 p.m. at St. James Anglican Church (12 Harvey St., P er th ). In l ieu o f f low ers , please make dona t ions to th e Sky Blue E nd o w m e n t at Sheridan College. M ASON, John W heeler (Jack) Member of Oakville Legion Branch 114 and Bronte Legion 486, served w i th the O nta r io Tank Regiment 1939-1945. Peacefully at home with his fa m i ly at his side on Friday February 9, 2018 at 96 years of age. B e lo v e d h u s b a n d o f th e la te Margaret Mason nee. Storey. Loving father of John and his w ife Shirley and M arg a re t Goodyear (Peter). Dear grandfather of Paige and her husband Bob Jones, Hilary and her husband Tony Santelli, Greg Goodyear (Kerri), and Jeff Goodyear (Brad). Great grandfather of Blake, Brianna, Jorja, and Lola. Predeceased by his son in law Tom Goodyear. Survived by his brothers William and Robert and Sister Betty. A graveside service w i l l be held at a later date where Jack and Maggie w i l l be in terred together at Olde Oakville Cemetery. Donations to the Canadian Diabetes Association would be appreciated by th e fam ily . O n l ine condo lences available at www.glenoaks.ca Death Notices Death Notices GAMBACORT, M aria "N o n n a" Surrounded by family our beloved M o the r and Nonna passed away peace fu l ly at O akv i l le T ra fa lga r Hospital on February 2, 2018 in her 91st year. She wil l always be loved and remembered by her chi ldren; Rosi (M i lan ) , Teresa (Kim), Don (Janet) as well as her special niece A n t o in e t t e (Ron), and a l l her grandchildren; Natalie, Larah (Marc), Jen, Ashley (Shaun), Ryun (Kaylene), Layna (Duncan), Paige, Conor and Derek (Jenna). Predeceased by her Husband Joseph, her parents and her nine siblings. The Matriarch of our family, had a kind soul and a g reat sense o f humour. She was happiest when she was cooking for her family and friends. Her love and compassion would shine through in her abil i ty to always keep us full. She always made us feel like each of us was her f a v o u r i t e , and had endless l i fe advice. An angel on earth, Nonna was incredibly loved and will be missed every day. Special t h a n k s t o Dr. S ap ire and th e wonderful team at Oakville Trafalgar Hospital fo r all the ir support and compassion. In lieu o f f lowers we are asking to please make donations to the Kidney Foundation of Canada in Nonna's honour. www.smithsfh.com ynjNEBAL UOHE»V J GUELPH UNE CHAPEL TROJNAR, Jeanette Peace fu l ly passed away at th e Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on February 9, 2018. Predeceased by her loving husband Julian. Beloved m o t h e r o f P a t r ic ia ( A n d r e w ) Kosmachuk and Rick (Bev) Trojnar. Cherished grandmother of Laurelle (Michael) Crossland, Katie (Matt) H ibb itt , Dr. Lisa (Derek Gateman) Trojnar and great-grandmother to Charlie and Amelia Hibbitt. A special thanks to all the generous doctors and caregivers on 6 South at OTMH. V is i ta t i o n w i l l be he ld a t th e OAKVIEW FUNERAL HOME, 56 Lakeshore Road W. (1 block east of Kerr St.), on Thursday, February 15th from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Funeral Mass on Friday, February 16th at St. James Parish (231 Morden Rd.), at 11 a.m. In lieu of f lowers the family would appreciate donations to be made to th e Canad ian Cancer Society or charity of your choice. Online condolences can be made to oakviewfuneral.ca s| O akville B eaver | Thursday, February 15, 2018 insidehalton.com http://www.falconerfuneralhomes.com http://www.glenoaks.ca http://www.koprivataylor.com http://www.glenoaks.ca http://www.smithsfh.com classifieds

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