Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 8 Mar 2018, p. 59

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On Now Until March 18th, 2018 1 Pair Just Won't Do, Get 3 Pairs o f Glasse $ i u i 59 Townhouses for Rent t Townhouses for Rent t CUM BERLAND V ILLA G E T o w n h o m e $ 1 9 9 5 /m p lu s u t i l i t ie s T o w n h o m e (With G arage) $ 2 0 9 5 /m p lu s u t i l i t ie s C lo s e to B u r l in g to n M all, S c h o o ls & T r a n s it ALL NEW: Windows/Doors (Patio/Entrance), Furnace & A/C Unit, Kitchen (SS Appliances w/Dishwasher), Floors/Ceramic and Bathroom. 3270 Prospect Street, Burlington 905- 632-2601 3 BEDROOM house for rent in Burlington, $2000 plus utilities. Garage and parking. Laundry. Close to M ounta ins ide Park Available Im m ediate ly 905-580-2592 Open Houses OPEN HOUSE on Satur­ day M arch 10th and Sunday March 11th. Be­ tw e e n 2 -4 :0 0 p .m . Charming three bed­ room townhouse m in­ utes away fro m new h o s p ita l in O a kv ille . H ighly desirable West- oak trail neighborhood. 33-21 89 P o s tm a s te r D r i v e , O a k v i l l e , 416-894-2096. Apartments for Rent J 1 , 2 & 3 B e d ro o m Oakville starting from $1150 190 K e rr S tre e t 905-845-1777 392 P ine S tre e t 905-337-0910 1265 S ix th L ine 905-842-8960 www.livehere.ca 2 BEDROOM Basement apartment w ith private e n tra n ce . 2 p a rk in g , shared laundry on site, $1290 in c lu s ive w ith high speed unlimited wi­ f i and b a s ic c a b le . Available A p ril 1. call 905-546-7189 Articles Wanted D Articles Wanted 3 BEST CASH PAID We Make House Calls W E B U Y IT A L L! C h in a , S ilve r, C ry sta l, C o in s , G o ld & C o stu m e Je w e lle ry, Art, D o ultons S w a ro v sk i, A n tiq u e s, C o lle ct ib le s , D o w n siz in g & E state E x p e rts C a ll A p p ra is e rs : Jo h n /D a rc ie /K rista 905-331-2477 w w w .t jt r a d e r s .c o m in q u ir ie s @ t jt r a d e r s .c o m Apartments for Rent CENTRAL OAKVILLE, 1 b e d ro o m b a s e m e n t apartment, private en­ trance, 1-parking, A/C, Available April 1. $950 m onth in c lu s iv e . No p e ts / sm oking. F irs t/ last required. Call Maria 905-849-3509 LARGE 2-BEDROOM, clean, qu ie t bu ild in g , new kitchen, Downtown Oakville. Available April/ May plus hydro. $1625/ m on th . No sm o k in g . Call 905-582-9768 Oakville 1 BEDROOM base­ m e n t a p a r tm e n t , B ronte and Speers R oad, f u rn is h e d , clean, quiet home, no s m o k in g / p e ts . A v a i l a b le n o w . $1200 / m onth. Call 905-483-7710 OLDE DUNDAS Unique, luxury 1 bedroom, two-level. Fireplace, hardwood, exposed brick, 4 stainless steel appliances, deck,yard,laundry, storage, parking, quiet building, great location, April 1st. $1579. 905-975-7531 ALL TEAK fu rn itu re wanted, antiques, watch­ es, paintings, silver dol­ lars, gold, sterling silver, Doultons, jewelry, Swa- ro vs k i f ig u r in e s , old to ys , m us ica l in s tru ­ m ents. We buy it a ll. 905-979-4447. BUYING DANISH TEAK, Scandinavian furniture, Rosewood & Retro + Vintage Lighting. Call 905-407-9753. CHUDHRY NAEEM will pay top dollar for your sc ra p v e h ic le . Call 416-880-1786 Convenient That's Classified! LOOKING FOR ANTIQUES Q uality Antique Fu rn i­ tu re , S te r lin g S ilve r, L ighting, Jewelry, Me­ m o ra b ilia , Toys and Complete C ollections. Anything your grandpar­ e n ts used to ow n . Call Norm's Antiques at 905-703-1107. lUfHITED RECORDS, VINYL LPs, 45s, 78s. Collector seeks re co rds - rock , jazz, soul, 1960-1980s, bolly­ wood, calypso, reggae, punk, m eta l, d isco , . P l e a s e c a l l 289-887-4147 find us online at yourclassifieds.ca W A N TE D : V IN Y L Record & Lps. Turn your albums and 45s into Cash. Also buying S tereo E qu ip m e n t, Collectibles and Video Games. Call Frank 416-844-9990 WE PAY FOR GOLF BALLS Pay $0.10 to $0.24 per ball Purchase all year long 416-889-9365 Peter NO MIN QT OR NO MAX !! Articles Under $100 2-GALLON BUCKETS, metal, maple syrup, lids, t a p s , $ 8 / s e t . 905-878-9173 32" SONY television for sale in very good work­ ing order. Stereo de­ ta c h a b le s p e a k e rs . 905-808-0096 ADULT WALKER, AIRGO green colour, excellent c o n d i t i o n . $ 4 0 . 905-634-0097 ANTIQUE CROCKPOT, large. Excellent cond i­ tion. $65. 905-849-7661 Articles Under $100 ANTIQUE DUCK decoy $75.905-849-7661 AN TIQ U E HAY saw . $15.00 905-849-7661 ANTIQUE HORSE collar m i r r o r w i t h b r a s s h a m e s . $ 1 0 0 . 905-849-7661 ANTIQUE OAK student desk, 22" w ide x 28" high, ink w e ll, drawer under seat, great condi­ tion, picture available, $60.905-878-9173 ANTIQUE PINE window m irror, 5 panes, 18x60 $85.905-849-7661 ANTIQUE STORE coun­ ter scale and weights, w i t h p a n . $ 9 5 . 905-849-7661 ANTIQUE WOODEN car­ p e n te rs p la n e . $45 . 905-849-7661 BACK SUPPORT, Obus Form. Size medium fe­ male, used once. $10.00 call 905-336-7663 BELL EXPRESS vu re­ ce iver #3100, new in box, $50.905-878-9173 BISELL VACUUM, bag­ less, lightweight, mod. 1 5 2 0 - e , $ 3 0 . 905-842-1046 BONE CHINA, cups & s a u c e rs , $25 each . 905-842-1046 BRASS LAMPS, three, $10-$10-$30. 905-842-1046 CABBAGEPATCH DOLLS, circa 1980's , $35. 905-580-0730 Articles Under $100 3Articles Under $100 CAR CHARGER for m i­ cro usb devices, Scos- c h e , n e w , $ 1 2 . 905-689-2804 COLECO VISION, circa 1980, complete in origi­ n a l b o x . $ 1 0 0 . 905-849-7661 COM PUTER C H A IR , good condition. $25 call 905-842-0847 CONNECTION OF hdmi to vga adapter to your d i s p l a y . $ 1 0 . 905-689-2804 COSTUME JEWELERY, crafters, two large hat b o x e s , $ 1 0 0 each. 905-634-0097 DIGITAL DIARY, Casio. Brand new, still in box. $ 2 0 . 0 0 c a l l 905-336-7663 DOLL HOUSE, la rge , wooden, custom made, $65.905-580-0730 DOLLS LARGE, by Anne Geddes c o lle c ta b le , 1999, new in box. $35. 905-849-7661 DRYER, ELECTRIC fu ll size, Energy guide, ex­ cellent condition, $100. 289-337-1328 DVD M O V IE S , $1 289-442-1891 FOAM MATTRESS top ­ ping, one side waffle, 1" t h i c k . Neve r used. $ 2 0 . 0 0 c a l l 905-336-7663 LARGE SUITCASE, air Canada, clean. $25. call 905-842-0847 FOUR CHAIRS, wrought iron black, pale green cush ion seat as new. $40 each. 905-634-0097 GEORGE FOREMAN grill w ith quesadilla plates. Excellent condition $50. 905-332-8067 GLASS DINETTE Table 36in bevelled edge with b la ck s te e l pedesta l base. $75 905-315-7496 JEWELLERY DISPLAYS Velvet bracelet, necklace, earring displays. 16 piec­ es $50 905-510-0035 KITCHEN THINGS, pots and pans, and other. $15 f o r w h o l e b o x . 905-842-0847 KODAK CAMERA. 580 d ig ita l m em ory card, case, and cords includ- ed.$50.289-337-3996 LADIES BIKE, medium size, Raleigh Hurricane 21 speed. Great Condi­ tion. $75. 905-659-0364 LARGE GLOBE, Fisher P rice , c irca 1 980 in o r i g i n a l box . $50 . 905-580-0730 LE PIN E 6-D R A W E R d re s s e r and mi r r or . $100. 905-849-7661 LEPINE STUDENT bed and n ig h t ta b le se t. $100 905-849-7661 MATTRESS, KING size, B eautyrest S im m ons, excellent condition, $75. 905-827-4955 MOVIES FOR sale, $1.00 each. Call 905-842-0847 Articles Under $100 OSTERIZER BLENDER, mod. lr18259, excellent c o n d i t i o n , $ 2 5 . 905-842-1046 P A V IN G B R IC K S , shaped 9" long by 2 1/2" th ic k . A p p ro x im a te ly 250. Photo ava ilab le . $60. 905-878-9173 PULL-OUT COUCH Bur­ gundy stripe, extra foam m attress pad, double bed.$50 905-510-0035 ROCKING-CHAIR CUSH­ IONS, new, 2 piece sets 2), photos available, 14/set. 905-878-9173 SHELVING CORNER unit 5 shelves, wooden $40. 905-875-2813 SHELVING UNIT, 4 tier arched glass and brass unit. $75. 905-875-2813 SOFA, DARK tw eed , Good c o n d i t i o n and clean. Perfect for family r o o m or den. $ 9 0 . 289-337-3996 SONY CAMERA cyber shot, dschx90v memory card and case, $95. 289-337-3996 SUITCASE WITH walking c a s t e r s , $ 4 0 . 905-842-1046 TODDLER BED for sale, from the movie Cars, like n e w . $ 2 5 . 0 0 Cal l 905-635-9956 TOUGH SPORT tim e r bu ilt to take on every­ thing you've got, $10. 905-689-2804 | O akville Beaver | Thursday, M arch 8,2018 insidehalton.com http://www.livehere.ca http://www.tjtraders.com mailto:inquiries@tjtraders.com CUMBERLAND VILLAGE BEST CASH PAID Convenient

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