THURSDAY APRIL 19, 2018 $2.00 CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY INSIDEHALTON.COM Gilles Rivard photo Powerful waves make an impressive splash at the Oakville pier Sunday during a weekend-long ice and wind storm. Conservation Halton cautions residents to stay clear of Lake Ontario's shorelines and other waterways. For more on the storm that battered the region, bringing with it a mix of rain, freezing rain, snow and strong winds, turn to page 18. V CARSTAR: ^ Collision & Glass Service 916 Winston Churchill Blvd. 905-845-7579 2212 Wyecroft Rd. 905-847-2595 Darryl R Demille, CFP 905-842-1020 www.darryldemille.conn Real Local People. Real Local Service. ONLINE at News, events and information on your desktop, laptop or mobile device Contact us S II /lnsideHalton lT - i OakvilleBeaver $ ) A D D C e n t r e Director: Lynda M. Thompson, Ph.D., Co-author with Pediatrician William Sears ofTheA.D.D. Book: New Understandings, New Approaches to Parenting Your Child. 9 0 5 - 8 0 3 - 8 0 6 6 w w w O p t i m i z e P e r f o r m a n c e (Adults and Children) • A t t e n t io n s p a n is s h o r t • D i f f ic u l t y o r g a n iz in g & c o m p le t in g w o r k • a ls o h e lp fu l f o r A s p e rg e r 's • a ls o P s y c h o -e d u c a t io n a l t e s t in g Neurofeedback and learning strategies can provide a lasting improvement. H ig h q u a li ty w o o d & v in y l s h u tte rs http://www.darryldemille.conn