KerryColborne Michael Allington DebbieAvery LisaAzzuolo Head Judge RBC D om in ion CIBC B e n n e ttJ o n e s L L P Force 10 Capital Management S ecu ritie s Michele Bailey Marybeth Edge Doug Eglington Robert Krizman Blazing TheAgency BDC Euro-L ine A pp liances O'C onnor M acLeod Inc. Hanna LLP Judges for the YPEG Award xcellence Recipients! K PM G ENTREPRENEUR OF THE YEAR M a tth e w Z a rr illo of Z a r r Tech Award presented by Ruth Todd, Office Managing Partner, KPMG to Matthew Zarrillo, President and Founder of Zarr Tech PROFESSiONAL SERViCES PROViDER OF THE YEAR P os itive a c c o u n tin g Award presented by Tanya Leedale, Managing Partner, O'Connor MacLeod Hanna LLP to Raj Vallabh, Partner, and Joti Vallabh, Managing Partner of Positive Accounting CN c h a r it y OR not-f o r -p r o f it e x c e lle n c e a w a r d OAKV|LLE'S B u S iN ESS iCON a w a r d C rim e S to p p ers o f H alton FCT Award presented by Daniel Salvatore, Manager - Public Affairs, Award presented by John Sawyer Past President, Oakville CN to Jan Westcott, Vice-Chair of the Board, Chamber of Commerce to Michael LeBlanc, Crime Stoppers of Halton Chief Executive Officer, FCT 'Absent: Paul Ferri, Owner and Head of Athlete Development, Limitless Training Systems, recipient of the Young Professional & Entrepreneur of the Year (YPEG Award) Thank you to our OABE Judges Christine Langevin Pat Madden Fahad Meer Les Ross Linda Stalker Alexandra Manthorpe Michelle Antunes Sean Urquhart C hristine M. Langevin C harte red P ro fess iona l A ccoun tan t KPMG Pw C PearTree F inanc ia l S erv ices Henderson P artn e rs LLP O'C onnor M acLeod Hanna LLP FCT RBC R oyal B ank Thank you to our partners who support business excellence in Oakville 37 P la tin u m P artn e r D ia m o n d P artn e rs C J \ J ((OS coGeco Genworth Canada Henderson Partners LLP Chartered Professional Accountants O'Connor M acLeod Ha n n a llp □ = i OAKVILLE HYDRO Gold P artn e rs EURO-LINE APPLIANCES INC. S ilv e r P artn e rs V £ / access abilities i i j I I Your ability store,Our passion. H o liday Inn , t i l HaltOII Q|PMPM^ Oakville Centre - ,K»" J l t l Y l t l V J G E O T A B G> O A K V I L L E Bronze Partners z m m m Chemtec IN T E R N A T IO N A L PROMAT I ONMil* VIA Rail Canada Supporting Partners In-Kind Partners | O akville B eaver | T h u rsd ay, A pril 1 9 ,2 0 1 8 in sid eh alto n .co m