Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 10 May 2018, p. 29

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COMMUNITY 2 9 Youth eye a future in STEM fields • Continued from page 28 the team's robot in compe­ tition, members of the Pi- Ions spent hours scouting the teams they might end up playing, analyzing their strategies and coming up with counterattacks. "For every team we played against, we'd come up with a strategy," said Kieran D'Mello, 18. The Oakville resident ex­ plained that once they knew a team's general game plan, they'd try to plan a few steps ahead so they wouldn't be sur­ prised. That went for both their competition and their potential alliances. "You want to know what to ex­ pect. We spend a lot of time talking about how to han­ dle different situations." Now at the end of their competitive season, the graduating members of the Pilons will move on, and new members will take their place. Most of those on the team plan to study in STEM (science, technolo­ gy, engineering and math) fields. "They have all, at an early age, found their pas­ sion," said coach John Ca- tricala, whose enthusiasm for the subject matter was evident, as was his pride at the team's success. "These students would rather be here on a Friday night than anywhere else in the world. "They are here learning commitment, time man­ agement and presentation in addition to all the STEM skills," he said. "What makes my day is they have no idea how this is going to change their lives." Pilons team roster Aarish Adeel, Mississauga Aditi Bhathagar, Oakville Kieran D'Mello, Oakville Nathaniel Eichhorn, Oakville Zorowar Gill, Milton Zain Lakhani, Brampton Nicholas Mertin, Oakville Qaiz Mohamed, Mississauga Alice Montes, Mississauga Anjalee Narenthiren, Mississauga Nicholas Rampertab, Oakville N ik k i W e s le y p h o t o World Champions Pilons Kieran D'Mello (clockwise from bottom left), Zain Lakhani, Zorawar Gill, Nicholas Mertin, Nathaniel Eichhorn, Qaiz Mohamed and Aditi Bhathagar show off their hard-won hardware at E-Bots in Oakville on May 2. uiMEnn) crmzauL (SEE READY POWERSPORTS.COM FOR DETAILS) Suzuki: "Fuel the Ride" [ 2017 DRZ70% *2 ,369 2017 TU250X 2018 GSX250R'Vehicle License fee (where applicable) and HST are extra. Vehicle(s) and accessories shown are for illustration purposes only. Pricing includes factory incentives as follows: (DRZ70 $300/TU250X $0/ SV650SA $1000/GSX250R $0/VZ800 $1 ,200/GSX-R750 $0). All 2015/2016- 2018 Motorcycles come with 48/60 months SPP included. See us for full details. Offers good until May 31,2018. 2015 SV650SA 2018 GSX-R750 *14,269* 2016 VZ800 *8,669 w w w .r e a d y s u z u k i .c o m 430 Hensall Circle, Mississauga Sales Direct: 866-819-4114 •Vehicle Licence fee (if applicable) and HST extra on all offers. Sale Price on the New Motorcycles includes fre ight and P.D.E., ECRF, Licence Administration Fee and OMVIC Fee. Pricing of the fo llow ing include a lim ited time rebate of: EX300BGFA $850/EX400GJF $0/Versys X300 $0 /Z800 $ 1 .000/VN900 $0 / ZX6SE ABS $1 ,500 . M otorcycles) and accessories shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual colours may vary depending on availability. Dealer trade or Factory Order may be necessary. Offers subject to change without notice, see us for fu ll details. Offers cannot be combined w ith any other offers, programs or discounts and are good until May 31 ,2 0 1 8 . WWW.READYKAWASAKI.COM • 430 HENSALL CIRCLE, MISSISSAUGA • 877-297-7446 MEGA CASH CREDITS SPECIAL PRICE! + HST, no rebate ^ETmERmomRIOMOFFERlHOmFKAWASAKIfKTMESUZUmND^YAmHA^LUUmRlONEIROOFi SPRING ROLL OUT ^ # YAMAHA 2015 Yamaha R3 B la c k S ^ S g t l ' Coloured $1 fin* Body add ■ U U ' Vehicle Licence (where applicable) and HST extra. Sale Price on the New Motorcycles includes freight and P.D.E., ECRF, Licence Administration Fee and OMVIC Fee. Freight & PDE ($65/$75/$100/$65), all extra on the following on the other products: (EF200OiS/EF3000iSEB/F 15SMHA/F4CMHA). Pricing of the following include a lim ited time rebate and discount of: (R3 $640/FZ7 $500/XSR700 $0/FZ-10ANG $0/Kodiac $0/EF2000iS $0/EF30OOiSEB $150/F4SMHA $50/F15SMHA $100). Dealer order/trade may be necessary, if we sell out of our inventory. Vehicle(s) and accessories shown are for illustration purposes only. Offers good until May 31 ,2 01 8 and are subject to change without notice, see us fo r full details. 2018 XSR700 10,469 2017 FZ07 ABS *8,199* EF2000iS *1,189* ISBSB^E5IBS^EfeT/BI!ESlEMENiTi!Wwww.readyktm.com 430 Hensall Circle, Mississauga 866-812-5582 OVER 92 U SED ̂ ^ M O T O R C Y C L E S IN -S T O C K ! W * 430 Hensall Circle, Mississauga www.readypowersports.com 2 0 1 6 ~ 3 9 0 'D U K I•Vehicle License Fee (where applicable) and HST extra. Some of the prices include limited time Factory Incentives: 390 Duke S800/RC390 $800/450 SX-F $1,500/250 EXC-F $0/450 XC-F $0/690 Enduro $1,500. Offers good until May 31,2018. 2018 GL1800DAJ Goldwing Tour DCT Airbag *35,769 + HST, no rebate 2017 CB300F 2017 CB500X *7,299* I + HST, $1500 rebate (included in price) (already deducted) 2017 CRF250L s1,149 g g § * $250off « M.S.R.P. included in price EU2000IT1 PARALLEL Q7Q*( \ *389* o o n o rr \ \ HRS2165PKC + HST, $1500 rebate (included in price) ^(already deducted)s429,$ioooff M.S.R.P. included in price h o i v n a WB20XK2Ct a vmw.readyhondapowersports.com 430 Hensall Circle, Mississauga f Sales D irect: 866-819-4116 9 M.S.R.P. included in price EU7000ISC t *999* $ 1 3 0 ° fsfr p t included in price 2018 CRF250R 9 ,36 9 + HST, $1500 rebate (included in price) (already deducted) 2018 CB650FA *7,869* + HST, $1500 rebate (included in price) (already deducted) 2015 CBR1000S REPSOL *16,169I 0 ° mFsFr .p. "included in price •L ic e n c e fee ( if app lica b le ) and HST ex tra on all o ffe rs . O ffers ca n n o t be com b ine d w ith any o th e r o ffe rs , p ro g ra m s o r d is c o u n ts and are good un til M ay 31 , 2018 . Dow n pa y m e nt o r eq u iva len t tra d e -in on pu rcha se f in a n c in g m ay be req u ired based on ap proved c re d it fro m Honda F inancia l S e rv ice s Inc. Sale Price on th e N e w M oto rcyc les inc lu de s fre ig h t and P.D.E., ECRF, Licence A d m in is tra tio n Fee and OMVIC Fee. F re igh t & PDE ($ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 5 /$ 6 0 0 /$ 6 0 0 ) , ECRF ($ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 1 8.50 ) and L icence A d m in is tra tio n ($ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 0 /$ 3 9 9 /$ 3 9 9 ) are all ex tra on th e fo llo w in g on th e o th e r p roducts : W B 20XK 2C /E U 2000iT1/EG 5000//E U 7000 IS C /2 .3D K 2S C H C /H R S 2165PK C /H R R 216 1 OPKC/HRX2175HYC/TRX420FA6/TRX500FA7). P ric ing o f th e po w e r e q u ip m e n t m ay inc lude a lim ite d t im e reb ate and d is c o u n t and th e M oto rcyc les /A TV 's as fo llo w s : CB300F $ 1 .500 /C B X 500H $ 1 ,0 00 /C R F25 0L $5 00 /C B R 10 00 S $ 4 ,0 00 /G L1 80 0D A J/D C T $ 0 /C B 6 50 F A $1 .00 0 /C R F 2 50 R $1 ,0 0 0 . 1 .9% Conventiona l Purchase fin a n c in g fo r 24 m on th te rm ap p lies to a ll 2 0 1 4 -2 0 1 7 N ew Honda M o to rc yc le 's. F inancing E xam ples: $ 8 ,0 0 0 @ 1 .9 % per annum fo r 24 m on ths e q ua ls $ 3 3 9 .9 7 pe r m on th C.O.B. is $ 1 5 9 .2 8 Total O b liga tio n $8 ,1 5 9 .2 8 . D ealer o rd e r/tra d e m ay be necessary, if w e run o u t o f in ven to ry o f se lec te d m odels. V eh icle(s) and a c ce sso rie s sho w n are fo r illu s tra tio n pu rposes only. O ffers su b je c t to c hange w ith o u t no tice , see us fo r fu ll de ta ils . AIR! M IL E S Beaver | Thursday, M ay 10,2018 insidehalton.com http://www.readysuzuki.com http://WWW.READYKAWASAKI.COM http://www.readyktm.com http://www.readypowersports.com

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