2 Solution The form of the site strongly influ- enced the final solution. Since major pedestrian access could only be from the east, the civic plaza with its gar- dens was located on that side with the three buildings grouped around it. The buildings were arranged both on top of the hill and down its slope to the lower level. Terraced levels connected by stairways between the buildings provide access from the top of the site to the bottom. Parking lots were placed on the lower level at the north and south boundaries to take advantage of existing access roads. The library - exhibition building, completed in October, 1967, is located on the steep slope of the site. It is one storey high at the top of the hill and three storeys high at the bottom. Each level is directly accessible from grade, with the main entrance at the top level which also contains the adult library, fine arts department, and exhibition hall. The children's library is on the middle level and the bottom contains book receiving, storage and work areas, and staff lounge. The adult library and exhibition hall are accessible from a common entry foyer. Circulation between them, and between each of them and the foyer, is controlled by three sculptural gates designed by Ron Baird, Adjacent to the east side of the exhibition hall is an enclosed ex- terior sculpture court which incor- porates two additional gates by Baird in its outer walls. A broad interior stairway connects all levels of the building and functions as an entry foyer to the children's library. A tower adjacent to the main entrance functions both as a vertical massing element and as a potential clock tower or carillon. It also acts as a sculp- ture alcove and allows natural light to penetrate the foyer through skylights. The greater part of the swimming 4 MIDDLE FLOOR PLAN 1 stacks 2 coats 3 work room 4 reference 5 librarian 6 children's library 7 story hour room LOWER FLOOR PLAN 1 stacks 2 technical services 3 receiving 4 staff lounge 5 work room 6 exhibition storage SITE PLAN I pool building 2 future pool extension 3 library 4 future library extension 5 future auditorium 6 future reflecting pool pool building is a two-storey space containing the pool. The remaining facilities are housed on three levels at its east end. At pool level are show- ers and washrooms with changing and locker rooms below and viewing gal- lery, office, washrooms, meeting room and kitchen above. Also on the upper level is the building's main en- trance which is reached from a ter- race several steps below the level of the civic plaza. The 17,000 sq. ft. swimming pool building was com- pleted in March 1968. Structure is concrete for both buildings. All exterior walls rising from grade are poured with a rough natural board finish, used also in the main interior stair area of the library- exhibition building. Above, the struc- ture consists of poured columns and rib slabs with insulated, precast ex- terior panels made removeable to facilitate future expansion. Some up- per parts of the library-exhibition building are also clad with black, cement-asbestos board. Flooring is A Bl UPPER FLOOR PLANI entry2 sculpture court 3 exhibition hall 4 music & fine arts 2 5 reference 6 adult library 7 work room 8 secretary 9 librarian 3 1 7 8 9 rJi'. 4 • 5 6