Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 15 Nov 2018, p. 60

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in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 15 ,2 01 8 | 60 BEST CASH PAID We Make House Calls WE BUY IT ALL! China, Silver, Crystal, Coins, Gold & Costume Jewellery, Art, Doultons Swarovski, Antiques, Collectibles, Downsizing & Estate Experts Call Appraisers: John/Darcie/Krista 905-331-2477 www.tjtraders.com inquiries@tjtraders.com A L L T E A K f u r n i t u r e wanted, antiques, watch- es, paintings, silver dol- lars, gold, sterling silver, Doultons, jewelry, Swa- rovsk i f igur ines , o ld toys, musica l instru- ments. We buy i t a l l . 905-979-4447. LOOKING FOR ANTIQUES Quality Antique Furni- ture, Sterling, Lighting, Jewelry, Memorabil ia, Toys & Complete Collec- t ions . Anyth ing your grandparents used to own. Send photo's to normsantiques @ g m a i l . c o m o r c a l l Norm 905-703-1107. WANTED:CERAMIC Christmas Trees Will pay cash. Call/Text Silvana 905-531-7458 Articles Wanted Articles Wanted R 00 14 16 95 74 EMAIL: classifieds@metroland.com | PHONE: 905-527-5555 • 1-800-263-6480 | FAX: 905-526-6779 • 1-866-299-1499 TELEPHONE HOurs: MONdAy - FrIdAy 8:30 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of your ad. Please check your ad the first day it appears to ensure it's accurate. Metroland will not be responsible for any errors appearing after the first day of publication. Cancellations must be made by telephone. CALL 1-800-263-6480 ADVERTISE IN THIS SPOT Or email: classifieds@metroland.com TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY.SPOT TODAY.SPOT TODA PRIMEPRIME ADVERTISINGADVERTISING POSITIONPOSITION R 00 14 20 75 79 Visa, MasterCard, American Express by phone or cash or cheque in person at DEADLINE: Tuesday at 11 a.m. for Thursday edition. Thursday at 10 a.m. for Friday edition. For display advertising, please allow for an additional day. PAYMENT:YMENT:YMENT Call: 905-527-5555 or 1-800-263-6480 Email: classifieds@metroland.com CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGADVERTISING 901 Guelph Line, Burlington R 00 14 72 38 26 Cumberland Village 3270 Prospect Street, Burlington 905-632-2601 R 00 14 74 39 04 Townhomes (With & Without Garage) Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ALL NEW: Windows/Doors (Patio/Entrance),ALL NEW: Windows/Doors (Patio/Entrance), Furnace & A/C Unit, Kitchen (SS Appliances w/Dishwasher), Floors/Ceramic and Bathroom. OAKVILLE 2 BEDROOM s p a c i o u s , b a s e m e n t apartment with separate entrance, in Oakvi l le . Renovated washroom. $1300. Utilities included. N o s m o k i n g / p e t s . Available December 1. Call 905-829-1721. SENIOR LOOKING for an apartment in downtown area Oakville, reasonable rate, call 705-477-8416 INSIDE / OUTSIDE stor- INSIDE / OUTSIDE stor- age for antique cars, boats, motorcycles, we store it all! Reasonable rates! Call 905-659-0078 Townhouses for Rent Apartments for Rent Townhouses for Rent Accommodations Wanted Storage Space for Rent CHARITY AUCTION TRINITY UNITED CHURCH 1250 McCraney Street E., Oakville SATURDAY, NOV. 17th Preview at 6 pm, Auction at 7 pm 100+ Items Available (NHL Hockey tickets & AHL Hockey Tickets, Raptors Tickets, Collectibles Gift Baskets, Gift Certificates, Gourmet Dinners, Furniture, and much, much more!) Everyone Welcome! Payment by Cash or Cheque Only! View catalog at www.trinityunited.comView catalog at www.trinityunited.com Christmas at Colborne Craft Sale and Bazaar Sunday, November 18th, 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Choose from homemade crafts, baking, knitting and sewing, hostess gifts, jewellery, and more. ONE STOP HOLIDAY SHOPPING at COLBORNE SENIOR CENTRE 1565 Old Lakeshore Road (Corner of Third Line & Lakeshore Road, Oakville) Craig Kielburger Annual Christmas Craft Sale One Day Only!One Day Only! Saturday, November 17th 9:30 am - 4 pm Over 100 Vendors Admission $2 ($1 with the ad) Children are free. 1151 Ferguson Dr., Milton Limited vendor spaces still available. sinhad@hdsb.ca 905-878-0575 "H" Show Creations Presents 3rd Annual CLASSIC HOLIDAY CRAFT SHOW Saturday, November 24 10 am - 4 pm Glen Abbey Community Centre 1415 Third Line Oakville, Free Admission Food Drive Over 50 Crafters Showcasing their Handmade Creations Come for an Hour...Stay for Two! Articles Under $100 AIR MATTRESS, double size, Outbound with built in pump, excellent cond. $50. 905-462-2684 in pump, excellent cond. $50. 905-462-2684 in pump, excellent cond. BINOCULARS, OLYM- PUS, multi coated, like new. $99. 905-592-9917 BISTRO SET, ta l l bar style, cast aluminum, $100. 905-849-7661. style, cast aluminum, $100. 905-849-7661. style, cast aluminum, BOOKCASE, 3 shelf. $5. 289-962-2727 C A M E R A , M I N O LTA . $99 firm. 905-592-9917 COALPORT SAVANNAH f igur ine year 1998, l i k e n e w . $ 3 5 f igur ine year 1998, l i k e n e w . $ 3 5 f igur ine year 1998, 905-336-7178 COAT RACK, solid wood, 4 posts for wall. $15. 289-442-1891 COLLECTOR PLATES, Railroad Ted Xaras. $5. Text 289-828-2032 COMPRESSION SOCKS, sigvaris Medilal, knee high, used 5 days, size ss. $60. 905-592-9917 high, used 5 days, size ss. $60. 905-592-9917 high, used 5 days, size COMPUTER MONITOR, Dell 17", almost new. $ 7 0 . B u r l i n g t o n . 905-331-9517 CRYSTAL SLEIGH Table d e c o r . $ 1 0 . 289-442-1891 DISHES, CHINA, v in- tage, 4 sets of 6 pieces each, Woods Ivory Ware England, Buckingham p a t t e r n . $ 4 5 . England, Buckingham p a t t e r n . $ 4 5 . England, Buckingham 905-842-0109 DRESSER, 6-DRAWER a n d m i r r o r, L e p i n e , $100. 905-849-7661. a n d m i r r o r, L e p i n e , $100. 905-849-7661. a n d m i r r o r, L e p i n e , DROP SHEETS for paint- e r s , j o b l o t . $ 5 0 . for paint- e r s , j o b l o t . $ 5 0 . for paint- 905-849-7661 DRYER, full size, electric $100. 289-337-1328. FENCING, CHAIN l ink, green, 45 ft, 5ft. high, new. $60. 905-849-7661 green, 45 ft, 5ft. high, new. $60. 905-849-7661 green, 45 ft, 5ft. high, FIREPLACE, ELECTRIC, small, black, very good condition, hardly used. $80. 905-462-2684 condition, hardly used. $80. 905-462-2684 condition, hardly used. FLOOR LAMP, gold. $5. 289-962-2727 FOR SALE, solid, light, maple woof entertain- ment un i t . $50 , ca l l maple woof entertain- ment un i t . $50 , ca l l maple woof entertain- 905-827-8308 FRENCH DOOR, 30x80 with 15 panes, painted w h i t e . $ 7 5 . with 15 panes, painted w h i t e . $ 7 5 . with 15 panes, painted 905-681-8898. GARAGE DOOR opener, still in box, with remote. $99. 905-693-9669 GINGERBREAD HOUSE, P a r t y l i t e . $ 2 0 . 289-442-1891 GRAVY BOAT and Sugar Bowl, china, woods Ivo- ry ware Buckingham pat- tern. $40. 905-842-0109 ry ware Buckingham pat- tern. $40. 905-842-0109 ry ware Buckingham pat- Articles Under $100 JEWELERY BOX, large w o o d e n . $ 1 5 . large w o o d e n . $ 1 5 . large 289-442-1891 JEWELLERY, ASSORT- ED, some rea l . $30 . 289-442-1891 LAMP, ANTIQUE f loor lamp with glass shade. $90. lamp with glass shade. $90. lamp with glass shade. LITTLE PET shop, new in box, year 2007, get bet- t e r c e n t e r . $ 9 0 . box, year 2007, get bet- $ 9 0 . box, year 2007, get bet- 905-336-7178 MIRROR, ANTIQUE wall m i r r o r . $ 9 0 . 905-693-9669 MOVIE DVDS, 5 for $10. 289-442-1891 MOVIE POSTER, 1957. $99. 905-693-9669 PAINTING, ORIGINAL f r o m 1 8 0 0 . $ 9 9 . 905-693-9669 PET CARRIER, medium. $40. 905-849-7661 POTTERY BOWL /vase original by Jan Phelan, circular, 6", earth tones, 22K gold pa int . $35. 905-842-0109 P O W E R B A R , n e w , workshop power centre, prime with 2 port USB chargers, lights, 10 out- l e t s . $ 4 0 o b o . chargers, lights, 10 out- l e t s . $ 4 0 o b o . chargers, lights, 10 out- 416-271-5782 P R I N T, K A T H R Y N E Smyth, framed. $100. 289-442-1891 RAILROAD KEYS, an- t i q u e . $ 1 0 . T e x t 289-828-2032 RAILROAD LANTERNS, battery operated, cn, cp, csx, norfolk southern, c o n r a i l . $ 2 0 . Te x t 289-828-2032 RAPTORS NBA sh i r t youth l/xl long sleeve b l a c k / b l u e . $ 6 0 youth l/xl long sleeve b l a c k / b l u e . $ 6 0 youth l/xl long sleeve 905-336-7178 REFRIDGERATOR/ FREEZER, wh i t e GE , ideal for basement or g a r a g e , $ 1 0 0 , 416-995-1197 SEWING CABINET, Wal- nut. $25. 289-962-2727 SINGLE BED and night s tand, Lep ine , $100. and night s tand, Lep ine , $100. and night 905-849-7661. SKATES, MEN'S Itech RPM 2500, ice hockey skates with performance edge blades, sz 8, worn 1x. $55. 905-842-0109 edge blades, sz 8, worn 1x. $55. 905-842-0109 edge blades, sz 8, worn S K AT E S , W O M E N ' S Jackson Ultima GS180, size 10, new in box. $45. 905-842-0109 SLEEPING BAG, long mummy bag for winter c a m p i n g . $ 3 0 . mummy bag for winter c a m p i n g . $ 3 0 . mummy bag for winter 905-842-0109 SNOWMAN, PARTYLITE s t a r l i g h t . $ 2 0 . 289-442-1891 Articles Under $100 STOVE TOP microwave white excellent condition mounting rack inc. $60 o r b e s t o f f e r 905-847-7773 STUDENT DESK, ikea, black, 1 drawer, 47x24 $25. 905-681-8898. TABLE AND chairs, mod- e rn , l i gh t oak . $50 . 289-962-2727 UNIFORM, MARTIAL a r t s , m e d i u m . $ 2 5 . 905-849-7661 VA C U U M , E U R E K A , c o m p l e t e l y s t r i p e d down, checked/cleaned. $55. 905-842-1046 VASE, CRYSTAL, Large. $20. 289-442-1891 Large. $20. 289-442-1891 Large. VASE, CRYSTAL, Large. $25. 289-442-1891 Large. $25. 289-442-1891 Large. WALKER, SILVER, light- weight,, standard with- out wheels, adjustable to 3 1 " o r l o w e r. $ 1 0 . out wheels, adjustable to 3 1 " o r l o w e r. $ 1 0 . out wheels, adjustable to 905-842-0109 WHEELBARROW, STRONG, needs wheel, otherwise good condi- tion. $30. 905-592-9917 otherwise good condi- tion. $30. 905-592-9917 otherwise good condi- WINTER JACKET, yellow with sefty reflectors. Wa- ter proff, insulate gloves. $65. 647-460-4055 ter proff, insulate gloves. $65. 647-460-4055 ter proff, insulate gloves. Articles for Sale (Misc.) *A1 MATTRESS Factory D i r e c t . D e l i v e r y ava i lab le . A l l s i zes including custom split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20 year sets starting $240. 30 year tight-top s e t s s t a r t i n g $ 3 4 0 . Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop & ' C r o w n ' s e r i e s , E u r o t o p s e t s f r o m $390. New Waterbeds, Fu tons, end-of - l ine/ d i s c o n t i n u e d i t e m s available. 905-681-9496 905-338-0803 905-563-6903. APPLIANCE SALE Wash- er/dryer set $350. Stove $220, Gas Dryer $200, er/dryer set $350. $220, Gas Dryer $200, er/dryer set $350. Washer full size, $225. $220, Gas Dryer $200, Washer full size, $225. $220, Gas Dryer $200, Also Electric Dryer $165. All Excellent condition a n d c l e a n . C a l l 289-337-1328. BEST CARPETING Deals! 25 yards Pad/ Instal l $385. All types/ Colours. 25 yards Pad/ Instal l $385. All types/ Colours. 25 yards Pad/ Instal l Repairs, re-stretching, cleaning. Call Dena or Paul at 905-849-4847. We won't be undersold! TREADMILL, HORIZON, model ct5.0, like new, owners manual, 9 work- outs, safety clip, $200, oakville, 905-844-8047. Auctions & Sales Articles for Sale (Misc.) CARPET I have several 1000 yds. Of new S t a i n m a s t e r a n d 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (25 sq. yards) Steve 905-633-8192 ELECTRIC MOBIL ITY Scooter, 5 years old, gently used, excellent condition, side mirrors, cane holder and basket, $1000 or best offer. Call 905-315-2642. GREAT DEALS: 2 wheel grinder $20; Jig/ scroll saw $125; Router with grinder $20; Jig/ scroll saw $125; Router with grinder $20; Jig/ scroll stand $75; 2 routers $45 e a c h ; w o r k s u p p o r t stands $10 each; tool e a c h ; w o r k s u p p o r t stands $10 each; tool e a c h ; w o r k s u p p o r t c h e s t $ 1 2 5 ; g a r d e n shears $5; grass edger c h e s t $ 1 2 5 ; g a r d e n shears $5; grass edger c h e s t $ 1 2 5 ; g a r d e n $30; hedge trimmer $20; shears $5; grass edger $30; hedge trimmer $20; shears $5; grass edger w e e d w h a c k e r $ 2 5 ; $30; hedge trimmer $20; w e e d w h a c k e r $ 2 5 ; $30; hedge trimmer $20; Wood chipper $50; ex- tension cords $10 each; Wood chipper $50; ex- tension cords $10 each; Wood chipper $50; ex- treadmill great condition $ 1 0 . C a s h o n l y . treadmill great condition $ 1 0 . C a s h o n l y . treadmill great condition 905-332-1522 WINTER TIRES, 4, on rims, 185/60/ R15, $40 each, 905-336-7039 WINTER TIRES, only 2 seasons old, Miche- lin Latitude, no rims, size 235 70R16, less than 3000 kms. Call Mike at 905-633-1256 or 905-609-2173 Auctions & Sales Articles for Sale (Misc.) TABLE SAW 2 blades $150, 2 drill presses, $ 1 0 0 e a c h , l a r g e $150, 2 drill presses, $ 1 0 0 e a c h , l a r g e $150, 2 drill presses, wood lathe $200, 1 $ 1 0 0 e a c h , l a r g e wood lathe $200, 1 $ 1 0 0 e a c h , l a r g e heavy v i ce $40 , 2 w o r k b e n c h e s $ 4 0 heavy v i ce $40 , 2 w o r k b e n c h e s $ 4 0 heavy v i ce $40 , 2 each, mitre saw $200, gas lawnmower 2018 $200, rototiller $150, gas lawnmower 2018 $200, rototiller $150, gas lawnmower 2018 10 boxes hardwood l a m i n a t e f l o o r i n g $120. All negotiable. l a m i n a t e f l o o r i n g $120. All negotiable. l a m i n a t e f l o o r i n g C a s h o n l y p l e a s e . 905-332-1522 Dogs DOG WALKING HOUSE SITTING Insured, Bonded, Dog Walking certified (Amber Cottle Training Academy in Delta) and Pet First Aid. References available on request. 236-777-3659 joeysdogwalking.com Auto Parts & Accessories W I N T E R T I R E S a n d whee ls , 4 used a f ter m a r k e t f o r C a d i l l a c 235/65x18" Hankook, 10,000 kms on them, look brand new, $600. o.b.o. Call 905-320-1813 Shows & Bazaars Automotive Services SCRAP CARS Wanted. Wi l l pay $350. Vans, Trucks. Running or not running. Ca l l A lex a t 416-825-5773. Coming Events TRAVEL TALK Join Linda Khanna for a Travel Talk on Empowerment of Women through Travel at Real Canadian Superstore Cooking School, 201 Oak Park Blvd. Oakville. November 28 th from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Offered by Women of the World Travel, a division of Tourcan Vacations (TICO-2743184) to RSVP call 1-800-263-2995 xt 2672 Lost & Found FOUND CAT, We ca l l A l i c e , u n k n o w n i f spayed, Female, 1 yr old, b r o w n t a b b y, D S H , Found near Catherine and Wilson street in Bur- lington. 905-637-7325 F O U N D : T W O C AT S found together, we call Jingle and Jolly. Calico and Orange/White Both Females DSH Found in Burlington. In- t e rsec t i on unknown . 905-637-7325 LOST CAT Classic Tabby $500 Dollar Reward for Lost Tabby Cat ." Fran- kie" Last seen on Octo- ber 14th at Cottonwood and Pilgrims Way in the Glen Abby, Oakville Brown and Black and small amount white un- der chin. Two bullseye swirls on either side of body. Please call or text 905-330-3141 Shows & Bazaars Lost & Found LOST CAT, long haired grey with some white areas , female named Kiki. Well loved family pet . Lost in Rebecca /Thirdline area. Reward P l e a s e c a l l 289-218-6208 Notices (Public) ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS If you want to drink that's your business. If you want to quit, it's ours. Alcoholics Anonymous. Call: 905-631-8784 or visit d19area86.ca Shows & Bazaars find us online at yourclassifieds.ca SELL 905.632.4440 To book your classified ad call 905.632.4440 Call todayto place your classified ad 1-800-263-6480

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