Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 31 Jan 2019, p. 4

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in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ja nu ar y 31 ,2 01 9 | 4 delmanor.com Come see our new look Delmanor Glen Abbey is more beautiful than ever. Call today and book a tour to see our stunning renovations. (905) 469-3232 1459 Nottinghill Gate, Oakville * To qu al ify fo rt he Pr ef er re d Pr ic in g, yo u m us tb e a Ca na di an re si de nt ho ld in g a va lid dr iv er 's lic en se ,h av e be en a Co st co m em be rs in ce Ja nu ar y 4, 20 19 or ea rli er an d m us t: (1) Re gi st er w ith Co st co to re ce iv e yo ur no n- tr an sf er ab le Au th or iz at io n N um be r; (2 )P re se nt th e Au th or iz at io n N um be rt o th e pa rt ic ip at in g de al er ;( 3) Re ta il pu rc ha se ,fi na nc e or le as e an el ig ib le ne w in -s to ck 20 19 ve hi cl e be tw ee n Ja n. 5, 20 19 ,a nd Fe b. 28 ,2 01 9. In ad di tio n, to re ce iv e a $5 00 Co st co Ca sh Ca rd by em ai l, su bm it a re de m pt io n fo rm to Co st co w ith in th irt y (3 0) da ys of ve hi cl e de liv er y an d co m pl et e a Co st co m em be rs at is fa ct io n su rv ey .P le as e al lo w th re e w ee ks fo rC os tc o Ca sh Ca rd de liv er y, pe nd in g co m pl et io n of al le lig ib ili ty re qu ire m en ts ;i nc lu di ng re de m pt io n fo rm su bm is si on ,p ur ch as e ve rifi ca tio n an d su rv ey co m pl et io n. Th e pu rc ha se or le as e of a ve hi cl e do es no tq ua lif y fo rt he ca lc ul at io n of th e Co st co Ex ec ut iv e M em be rs hi p 2% re w ar d. N ot co m pa tib le w ith so m e ot he rG M Ca na da in ce nt iv es .F or fu ll pr og ra m de ta ils an d fo ra ny ap pl ic ab le ex cl us io ns ,s ee a pa rt ic ip at in g de al er or co st co au to .c a/ GM .F or Co st co Ca sh Ca rd te rm s an d co nd iti on s, vi si tC os tc o. ca an d se ar ch "C as h Ca rd ". Th e W in te rS al es Ev en ti s su bj ec tt o ch an ge w ith ou tn ot ic e. Vo id w he re pr oh ib ite d. Co st co an d its af fil ia te s do no ts el la ut om ob ile s or ne go tia te in di vi du al tr an sa ct io ns .® :R eg is te re d tr ad em ar k of Pr ic e Co st co In te rn at io na l, In c. us ed un de rl ic en se . TERRAIN DENALI MODEL SHOWN ACADIA DENALI MODEL SHOWN YUKON DENALI MODEL SHOWN ELIGIBLE COSTCO MEMBERS RECEIVE PREFERRED PRICING MUST BE A MEMBER SINCE JAN 4/19 OR EARLIER. CONDITIONS APPLY. PLUS A $500 ON SELECT 2019 MODELS COSTCO CASH CARD* WINTER SALES EVENT SHOP LIKE A PRO WITH OUR LIMITED TIME COSTCO OFFER A 42-year-old Oakville man has been charged with the murder of his mother and stepfather in Dundas on July 9, 2018. At 3:45 a.m. that day the Hamilton Fire Department and the Hamilton police dis- patched to a house fire at 8 Greening Court in Dundas. The victims, Carla and Alan Ruther- ford, both in their 60s, were in the home at the time. Carla was unable to escape the fire and received severe injuries. She was pulled from the blaze by Hamilton fire- fighters, but was pronounced dead on the way to the hospital. Police said Alan at- tempted to save his wife and dogs but was gravely injured in the process. He was able to get out of the house and knock on a neighbour's door for help. Alan was transported to hospital by EMS with life-threatening injuries and died later that afternoon. The Ontario Fire Marshal office re- sponded to investigate the scene in co-op- eration with the Hamilton police forensic services branch and major crime unit. No immediate cause was identified and the fire was deemed "suspicious." On July 13, police announced an investi- gation determined the fire had been delib- erately set and the Rutherfords were vic- tims of homicide. A lengthy investigation by police with assistance of the Ontario Fire Marshal's Office resulted in the arrest of 42-year-old Richard Taylor of Oakville on Jan. 23. Police said Taylor is the son of Carla Rutherford and stepson of Alan Ruther- ford. He is charged with two counts of first degree murder. Hamilton police said they are not seek- ing any other person for this crime. They say the killings were financially motivat- ed. Police said this was a complicated and lengthy investigation, which resulted in the execution of more than 25 judicial au- thorizations. Anyone with more information about this case is asked to contact Hamilton po- lice at 905-546-3836 or Crime Stoppers at 1- 800-222-TIPS (8477). OAKVILLE MAN CHARGED WITH KILLING MOTHER AND STEPFATHER IN HAMILTON Alan and Carla Rutherford. Rutherford family photo NEWS

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