27 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,F ebruary 21,2019 insidehalton.com DE RANGO PHARMACY INC 2501 Third Line | 905-465-3000 Open 24 hours | 7 Days a Week DE RANGO PHARMACY INC 478 Dundas Street West | 905-257-9737 Canada Post www.shoppersdrugmart.ca Fabio De Rango Pharmacist/Owner Voted Oakville's Favourite Pharmacist & Pharmacy • Patient Counselling • Complete Diabetic Care • Home Visits • Consultations • Free RX Delivery • Patient Counselling • Complete Diabetic Care • Home Visits • Pharmacogenetics • Free RX Delivery Whether it's driving a Ferrari in Italy, hik-Whether it's driving a Ferrari in Italy, hik-Whether it's driving a Ferrari in Italy, hik ing the Inca Trail or helping build clean water wells in Africa, boomers are increas- ingly seeking out unforgettable travel ex-ingly seeking out unforgettable travel ex-ingly seeking out unforgettable travel ex periences. But, sometimes these epic vacations can offer unexpected surprises. A recent TD Insurance survey revealed more than a third of Canadian boomers who travel annually say they or someone they've travelled with has had a travel emergency, such as an injury that required a trip to the doctor. "With the freedom afforded by more dis- posable income and, in some cases, the luxury of more free time post-retirement, boomers are travelling for adventure rath- er than relaxation," said Neil Henderson, Manager, TD Insurance. "While embracing bucket list travel might mean trying new things off the beaten path, like visiting a World Heritage site like the Great Barrier Reef or taking in the scenery of Milford Sound in New Zealand, there's always a risk that adventure could turn into misad- venture." Not only are boomers forgoing the tra- ditional vacation spent relaxing beside the beach or pool - only 39 per cent of boom- ers say it's their preferred travel experience they are also travelling more frequently and for longer periods of time compared to other generations. The survey revealed that 52 per cent of them take two or more vacations each year, and half the time it's for 10 days or more. "Planning for extended travel can be ex- "Planning for extended travel can be ex- "Planning for extended travel can be ex citing and also overwhelming, so ensuring you have sufficient travel insurance cover-you have sufficient travel insurance cover-you have sufficient travel insurance cover age can get lost in the mix," said Hender-age can get lost in the mix," said Hender-age can get lost in the mix," said Hender son. "Many boomer travellers report they don't purchase travel insurance because they're already covered under their work benefits or credit card. While these plans may cover certain emergencies, take the time to review them for any gaps in cover-time to review them for any gaps in cover-time to review them for any gaps in cover age and purchase supplementary cover-age and purchase supplementary cover-age and purchase supplementary cover age if needed, especially if you're planning activities you haven't tried before. And if you're unsure whether your coverage ex-you're unsure whether your coverage ex-you're unsure whether your coverage ex tends to an activity, it's worth checking with your travel insurance provider." For all those boomers setting out to check off their travel bucket list items, TD Insurance offers the following pre-travel tips, so your epic adventure can be exactly that: Follow your interests What's on your travel bucket list is very personal and will vary widely depending on your interests. Do you want to test your physical limits by hiking along the Great Wall of China? Do you dream of seeing the annual migration on the Serengeti Plains? Bucket list travel are trips of a lifetime, so take the time to not only decide what you want to see or do, but also properly pre- pare in advance of your travels. Pre-departure prep Proper preparation is key to making your bucket list trip terrific. Prepay or set up au- topayments for bills that will be due while you are away. Verify whether you need any vaccinations for where you're travelling to. Ensure you have enough prescriptions to last the trip. There's lots to be done ahead of time so that your bucket travel is as dreamy as imagined. Ensure your property is safe Before you leave make sure your home and garage doors, and windows are locked and secured. Given that your house will be unoccupied for an extended period of time, consider putting measures in place so that it doesn't appear vacant. For ex-so that it doesn't appear vacant. For ex-so that it doesn't appear vacant. For ex ample, buy a light switch timer to turn lights on and off and ask a neighbour to collect your mail to prevent your mailbox from overflowing. Also, if you're away from your home for more than seven consecu- tive days during the heating season, keep in mind that your water pipes may freeze. You're required to take preventive steps, such as arranging for someone to ensure heating is maintained in your home. Make sure to check with your insurer on how this might affect your home insurance policy. Make sure you are covered The last thing you want is to be saddled with an unforeseen medical bill while on vacation. If you travel frequently and for longer durations throughout the year, like boomers often do, you may want to consid- er annual travel emergency medical insur-er annual travel emergency medical insur-er annual travel emergency medical insur ance plans which typically cover multiple trips of various durations (i.e., up to 9,17, 30 or 60 days) throughout the year. If you are unsure about what coverage best suits your particular needs, an advisor can pro- vide options based on your situation. Make it affordable Having the time to travel is one thing, but affordability is another. Contrary to popular belief, bucket list travel doesn't have to be expensive. For example, with the most expensive part of travelling usu- ally being airfare, make the most of that investment and take a longer vacation. You may even be able to negotiate a bet-You may even be able to negotiate a bet-You may even be able to negotiate a bet ter per night accommodation price with a longer stay. Where it makes sense, think about combining multiple trips into one and cross two or more items off your travel bucket list. TD Insurance commissioned Environics Research to conduct a custom survey of 6,021 Canadians aged 18 and older, which included 1,648 boomers that travel annu- ally. Responses were collected between Feb. 20 and March 1, 2018. More details at www.tdinsurance.com. health Protection for risky bucket list travellers YOUARE NOTALONE. The views expressed are those of Acclaim Health and do not necessarily reflect those of the Mississauga Halton Local Health Integration Network, the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Local Health Integration Network (HNHB LHIN) or the Government of Ontario. Funded in part by the United Way Halton & Hamilton and the MH LHIN. Accredited by Accreditation Canada and Imagine Canada Standards program.Charitable Registration Number: 11928 4602 RR0001. 2370 Speers Rd, Oakville, ON L6L 5M2 905-827-8800 www.acclaimhealth.ca Meetothers caring for familymemberswithdementia.Shareexperiences and learn coping strategies. Findout about available community resources. Every Other Monday from 1:30 - 3:30pm St. Paul's United Church - Friendship Room 454 Rebecca St., Oakville Second Tuesday of each month, 7:00pm - 9:00pm Sunrise of Oakville - Sunroom 456 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville for more information or to register, please contact Vinitha Nair 905-827-8800 x2411 • vnair@acclaimhealth.ca Spousal Support Group Family Support Group for more information or to register, please contact Vinitha Nair 905-827-8800 x2411 • vnair@acclaimhealth.ca