37 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,A pril 4,2019 insidehalton.com GOLDGOLD 1276 Cornwall Road, Unit C, Oakville Ontario, L6J 7W5 T: 905-845-0767 • F: 905-845-5552 •www.haxelllaw.com • lawyers@haxelllaw.com Jameson Glas Buying? Selling? Re-financing? Call us for a quote at 905-845-0767 ext. 223 Personal Professional Service at Competitive Rates Meetings at Halton Region, 1151 Bronte Rd., Oakville, L6M 3L1 Visit halton.ca for full schedule. April 17 9:30 a.m. Regional Council Gary Carr Regional Chair Halton Region continues to make investments to ensure Regional water and wastewater infrastructure provides residents and businesses with a high level of service. This includes $1.2 billion dedicated to system improvements over the next 10 years to ensure public infrastructure is in a state of good repair and resilient to the impacts of climate change. The Region also continues to provide residents with financial support to help with the cost of downspout and weeping tile disconnections, sump pump and backwater valve installations, and sewer pipe repairs. To apply to the Basement Flooding Subsidy program or learn more about flood prevention, visit halton.ca. Helping residents protect their homes from basement flooding Long-Term Care Job Fair 04 04 19 Friday, April 12, 2019 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Halton Regional Centre 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville • Cooks • Dietary Aides • Personal SupportWorkers • Registered Nurses • Registered Practical Nurses • Schedulers Apply your skills to make a positive difference for residents living in Regional long-term care homes! The fair will feature employment opportunities for: At Halton, you will enjoy a rewarding career and nurture your professional growth. To learn more about our long-term care homes, visit halton.ca. Job fair and work locations feature free on-site parking and are easily accessible by public transit. Bring copies of your resumé or visit our on-site resumé clinic for assistance. A DIVISION OF MILTONSPORTSCENTRE 605 Santa Maria Blvd., Milton In Partnershipwith FAMILY SHOW Rainorshine,bringthefamily forareallygoodtime! YOU'RE INVITED! SaturdayApril 6,2019 from10AM to3PM FREE Lootbags (first 500visitors) &Parking AFUNFILLEDDAY witheverything for families Learnhow to recycle car & booster seats BouncyCastle&Popcorn courtesyof LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Entertainer ScottDietrich PocketsPockets TheThe ClownClown Face Painting by: Student presentation from: OnsiteSponsor: EXHIBITORS -For informationor tobookyourspaceor inserts, contact: Karenat289-293-0706 kschwarzkopf@starmetrolandmedia.com Kathleenat289-293-0707 kmedwyk@starmetrolandmedia.com Start looking up to the heavens from mid-April un- til the end of the month and you'll see the Lyrid meteor shower. The best time to see the shower will be during its peak on the evening of April 22 and after midnight. This year, the Moon will wash out most of the fainter meteors, but you might still see some bright ones. The best place to see it is from a dark location laying on a lounge chair and looking up at the night sky. Most meteors will appear to be radiating for the constel- lation Lyra but some can ap- pear anywhere in the sky. Here are April stargazing events, which are listed in the Hamilton Amateur As- tronomers calendar. April 11: Mercury is at its highest point above the horizon. This is the best time to see the planet low in the eastern sky just before dawn. April 12: Hamilton Ama- teur Astronomers meeting 7:30 p.m., Hamilton Specta- tor auditorium, 44 Frid St. Free admission, door prizes and everybody welcome. An optional food bank donation of non-perishable goods will be collected and appreciat- ed. Royal Astronomical So- ciety of Canada Kitchener Waterloo Centre president Stephen Holmes will talk about SETI: How numerous are alien civilizations. April 16-17: Mercury and Venus are close, low in the dawn sky. April 19: This month's full Moon is called the Pink Moon by early First Nations people since it marked the arrival of moss pink, which is one of the first flowers of spring. April 25: The Moon is close to Saturn just before sunrise. For more information, see the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers website (ama- teurastronomy.org) or call 905-627-4323. The club offers a basic astronomy course for members. Mario Carr, the author of this report, is the club's director of publicity. He can be reached at mario- carr@cogeco.ca or on Twit- ter (@MarioCCarr). APRIL'S LYRID METEOR SHOWER OPINION LOOK UP TO THE HEAVENS FROM MID-APRIL UNTIL THE END OF THE MONTH, WRITES MARIO CARR MARIO CARR Column