in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A pr il 11 ,2 01 9 | 10 Notice of Study Commencement Gairloch Gardens and Vista Promenade Shoreline Improvements The Town of Oakville has initiated a study to assess shoreline protection needs at two lakefront parks; Gairloch Gardens and Vista Promenade (see key maps below). Current shoreline protection at both sites have seen deterioration over the years and have been made worse following the high lake level conditions in 2017. Shoreline construction at Gairloch Gardens is tentatively planned for summer/fall 2019. Construction at Vista Promenade is tentatively planned for summer 2020 For background information on these shoreline sites, the town's recent Shoreline Inventory Report is available on the town's website at shoreline.html. A Public Information Centre (PIC) is being planned to discuss issues related to these projects, including alternative solutions, evaluation criteria, environmental impacts and mitigation measures. A PIC date and details will be advertised as the study progresses. Comments Invited The town appreciates your feedback* and encourages you to get involved. A key component of the study is consultation with interested stakeholders, the public, landowners and regulatory agencies. You are encouraged to provide your comments so that they may be considered in the study. If you would like further information on the study, have any questions or comments, or would like to be added to the study mailing list, please contact: Diana Friesen, Town of Oakville, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6H 0H3, Phone: 905-845-6601, ext. 3904, Fax: 905-338-4414, Jane Graham, Shoreplan Engineering Limited, 20 Holly Street, Suite 202, Toronto, Ontario M4S 3B1, Phone: 416-487-4756, ext. 223, Fax: 416-487-5129, *Comments collected for the purpose public consultation and will become part of the public record. Any personal information accompanying comments will be safeguarded in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions regarding this collection of information, please contact Diana Friesen, at 905.845.6601 Ext. 3904 or at This notice first issued on April 4, 2019. Gairloch Gardens Key Map Vista Promenade Key Map Spring loose leaf collection April 23-May 3, 2019 Loose leaves will be collected from designated areas in Oakville as follows: Date Zone April 23-26 1, 3, 4 and 10 April 29-May 3 5, 6, 7 and 9 Collection guidelines • Place all loose leaves on the boulevard or on the shoulder, not over catch basins, bicycle lanes or in the ditches in front of your house. • Ensure leaves are free of garbage or other yard waste materials. • Put leaves out no earlier than seven days before the first day of your pickup and no later than 7 a.m. on the first day of collection in your zone. Please keep leaf piles separate from any woody debris including large twigs, brush and branches. Contaminated piles of leaves or piles that have been put out after the pickup dates will not be collected. Bagged leaf service Halton Region collects bagged leaves and yard waste on the same day as regular garbage pickup. This is a separate program from the Town of Oakville's loose leaf collection. Call 311 or visit for more information on your waste collection schedule. For more information on Oakville's loose leaf collection, contact ServiceOakville at 905-845-6601 (TTY 905-338-4200) or W in st on Ch ur ch ill Bo ul ev ar d Bu rl oa k D ri ve Lake Ontario Dundas Street Upper Middle Road Cornwall Road Speers Road Rebecca Street Royal Windsor Drive 7 6 5 3 109 Ch ar tw el l R oa d Th ir d Li ne Ei gh th Li ne N eyagaw a Boulevard G lenashton Drive Fo ur th Li ne Ford Drive Pi pe lin e Co rr id or Sixte en M ile C reek Fo u rteen M ile Creek D orval Drive Br on te Ro ad 4 Tr af al ga r Ro ad 1 St ev en so n Sheldon Creek Si xt h Li ne M ap le G ro ve D ri ve Bayshire Drive