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Offer not valid inQuebec. ‡https://www.oticon.ca/solutions/opn Take the first step towards better hearing. Schedule an appointment with one of our hearing experts and try the latest advanced or premium digital hearing aids‡ during a free 14 day trial. Our hearing experts will perform a FREE hearing assessment and fit you with hearing aids suited to your loss. FREE trial offer ends May 30th 2019. WANTED 20 PEOPLE WANTEDFOR A FREE HEARINGAID TRIAL OAKVILLE - The Town of Oakville is on its way to getting a new linear waterfront park. The town's Planning and De- velopment Council voted on Monday, March 18, to approve a plan by Majestic Edge Estates to create an 18-lot subdivision at 346 & 362 Lakeshore Rd., W. The single-detached dwellings will front onto a new public road within 3.8-hectare property. The property has approxi- mately 100.6 metres of frontage on Lakeshore Road West, and is surrounded by single-detached dwellings to the north, east, west and Lake Ontario to the south. As part of the agreement, the developer was required to dedi- cate all shoreline lands below the stable top-of-bank to the town at no cost. They were also required to dedicate a park block (a buffer be- tween the development and the shoreline) - which is approxi- mately 16 metres in width - at no cost. According to the agreement, Majestic Edge Estates is also re- quired to design and implement the Linear Waterfront Park. This design must be approved by the town. While all the details of what the park will feature have yet to be finalized, the linear park strip will include a recreational trail for walking, jogging, biking, etc. This trail will be connected to the adjacent Shorewood Place trail along the shoreline. This area will also feature some kind of barrier to prevent members of the public from fall- ing to the shoreline area below. Ward 3 Town Coun. Janet Has- lett-Theall asked town staff if there could be public consulta- tion with regard to the design of the park. Oakville Mayor Rob Burton said that members of the public would have the opportunity to have their voices heard. "I have to say that with regard to the linear park, former Mayor Harry Barrett, who passed only last year, would have been proud because he was the one who gave us the policy that leads to this ex- tension of the linear park," said Burton. "His hope was that eventually we would have all of it in the pub- lic. This is a wonderful achieve- ment." As chair of the Oakville Plan- ning Board in the 1960s, Barrett is credited with discovering a clause in the Planning Act that entitled the municipality to a por- tion of waterfront land when it was subdivided or intensified through redevelopment. The developer had sought 19 lots for the subdivision, but re- duced that number to 18; this re- duction allowed for the increas- ing of lot sizes and frontage, which allowed the development to meet zoning requirements. The report to council noted that there are 234 trees either on or immediately adjacent to the property. Of these trees, 21 are proposed to be removed due to their poor condition and/or to ensure tree species appropriate for this area. Paul Barrette, the town's se- nior planner, said in his report that 92 boundary trees on the sub- ject lands are proposed to be pre- served, with the exception of trees not suitable for preserva- tion. Barrette said that another 66 neighbouring trees can be pre- served, while an additional 16 can be incorporated into the develop- ment. He said there are a total of 72 trees that are in conflict with the proposed development. Barrette said another condi- tion of the subdivision approval is that the developer preserve a large northern red oak tree locat- ed adjacent to the existing town pathway connecting Shorewood Promenade to Shorewood Place. Ward 2 Town and Regional Coun. Cathy Duddeck called on town staff to work with the devel- oper to preserve additional trees where possible within the prop- erty interior. Town staff said that the re- vised plan conforms to the town's Official Plan and represents good planning. They recommended its ap- proval to council, who voted unanimously to move the devel- opment forward. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT YIELDS NEW LINEAR WATERFRONT PARK FOR OAKVILLE DAVID LEA dlea@metroland.com NEWS