23 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,M ay 16,2019 insidehalton.com R 00 1 Come Travel with Us! Book online and Get Use Promo Code Flt10 MEMPHISMEMPHIS MarItIMES 14 99 26 05 cHIcago na vy PIEr Use Promo Code $10OFF 12 Creanona Blvd., Stoney Creek L8E 5W5Book your tour at www.frontlinetours.ca T.I.C.O. 500211561-855-943-4242 9102 ,81 YAM SKROWERIF THGIN YLIMAF gro.gnilbmaGelbisnopseR snieR ehT ekaT oT nehW wonK puorG tnemniatretnE enibdooW fo skramedarT MT moc.kraPkwahoMenibdooW !YADOT NOITAVRESER GNINID RUOY KOOB MULTICULTURAL NIGHT Oakville's Oodenawi Public School's multicultural night was held recently, showcasing the food, crafts and clothing of 18 countries. From left, Malte Dymek, 7, holds a Kenyan mask from the Maasai tribe at his display; Noor Al-Sarari, 11, (left) and classmate Mona Al-Wuhaishi, 11, hold a tray of date cookies at their Yeman display table; and Wala Al-Sarari and her son Abudi, 9, wear traditional Yeman outfits. Graham Paine/Torstar COMMUNITY