in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, M ay 16 ,2 01 9 | 36 Live on Kerr - Celebrating KSM Donors. On May 2nd, KSM hosted Live on Kerr which is an inspiring evening, where we pay tribute to all those who have helped KSM continue to serve local families. It was a privilege to share a delicious meal that was prepared and served by one of our clients, and also have special clients share first hand, their stories and the impact that KSM has made on their lives. It was a true testament to the community we have collectively built and how all the support and generosity truly makes a difference. The night ended with a special performance from the very funny and talented, Adam Growe, who kept everyone laughing to the end of the evening. Thank you again for your continued support and faith, and we look forward to many more celebrations and opportunities to make a difference in the lives of our community. If you would like to learn more about KSM, please reach out. KSM. 485 Kerr Street, Oakville. 905.845-7485. Charitable Reg. No. 897106845RR0001 THISWEEK: Suspect may have jumped on a bicycle after deadly front porch shooting. Always online first at UNSOLVED: ONTARIO COLD CASES The Oakville Chamber of Commerce has given the town's draft economic de- velopment strategy a thumbs up. In a press release issued Monday, April 15, the cham- ber said the strategy shows the town's economic devel- opment department is com- mitted to providing a foun- dation upon which busi- nesses can prosper. "The Oakville Chamber of Commerce is encouraged to see that the economic de- velopment department has listened to the business community and is making plans to improve the busi- ness climate in Oakville," said Oakville chamber president Drew Redden. "Last fall we released The Roadmap to Business Success, highlighting four pillars identified by our members: business com- petitiveness, transporta- tion, recruiting and retain- ing talent and innovation. This strategy clearly ad- dresses many of our mem- ber priorities and will fos- ter a business supportive environment while encour- aging economic growth for the town." Oakville's planning and development council voted to receive the draft econom- ic development strategy during its April 15 meeting. The strategy, which will cover the 2019-2024 period, was developed in consulta- tion with the Oakville chamber as well as other business community stake- holders and residents. The vision of the strate- gy is "to be the best place to work in Canada." Town staff said the strat- egy: • Focuses on supporting and retaining existing busi- nesses and jobs in Oakville • Leverages assets where it makes the most sense to do so; • Encourages greater in- vestment and job growth in Oakville; • Aims to attract new businesses and industries to the town; • Helps the town achieve long-term employment growth. The strategy says the town will accomplish these goals by: cutting red tape, leveraging partner and Oakville international headquarter relationships to facilitate foreign direct investment, improving transit service to employ- OAKVILLE CHAMBER GIVES TOWN'S DRAFT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY A THUMBS UP DAVID LEA NEWS See - page 37