7 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,July 18,2019 insidehalton.com 12' X 24' VINYL KIDNEY SHAPE 12' X 25' FIBERGLASS HOT SUMMER POOL SALE! INGROUND POOLS FROM $32,999 INSTALLED • SAMPLE SPECIALS YOUR CHOICE e www *Limited Time Offer, No Dealers Please, Quantities Limited. Restrictions apply check in-store for details, not applicable on prior sales, Financing Available O.A.C., Products may not be exactly as pictured. **Sizes are approximate.*Limited Time Offer, No Dealers Please, Quantities Limited. Restrictions apply check in-store for details, not applicable on prior sales, Financing Available O.A.C., Products may not be exactly as pictured. **Sizes are approximate.*Limited Time Offer, No Dealers Please, Quantities Limited. Restrictions apply check in-store for details, not applicable on prior sales, Financing Available O.A.C., Products may not be exactly as pictured. **Sizes are approximate.*Limited Time Offer, No Dealers Please, Quantities Limited. Restrictions apply check in-store for details, not applicable on prior sales, Financing Available O.A.C., Products may not be exactly as pictured. **Sizes are approximate.*Limited Time Offer, No Dealers Please, Quantities Limited. Restrictions apply check in-store for details, not applicable on prior sales, Financing Available O.A.C., Products may not be exactly as pictured. **Sizes are approximate.*Limited Time Offer, No Dealers Please, Quantities Limited. Restrictions apply check in-store for details, not applicable on prior sales, Financing Available O.A.C., Products may not be exactly as pictured. **Sizes are approximate. 15' ROUND $3899 50% OFF $1949 18' ROUND $4399 50% OFF $2199 12' X 20' OVAL $5399 50% OFF $2699 15' X 25' OVAL $6299 50% OFF $3149 MANY MORE SIZES AVAILABLE OUND $3899 50% OFF $1949 Regular OUND $3899 50% OFF $1949 Sale 50% OFF ALL STOCK ABOVE GROUND POOLS SAMPLE SPECIALS || || || || Procrastination: delaying or putting something off. It pretty much boils down to avoiding something thatavoiding something thata needs to be done in the future in favour of something else you'd rather do in the pre-you'd rather do in the pre-y sent. Think of having an as- signment due for a class. While you know that starting it now will give you more time to complete it, you put it off. Watching a movie in- stead will be fun right now - an instant reward - while you won't have the satisfaction of completing the assignment for a week - a delayed reward.for a week - a delayed reward.f So, you pick the instant re- ward over the delayed re- ward and watch a movie, maybe for a series of days. By this point, you're get- ting more anxious about the assignment with only a few days left to go until the due date. So, the reward of get- ting it done becomes more immediate - a few days in the future is closer than a week -future is closer than a week -f and you finally tackle the job. Other than choosing an instant reward over a de- layed one, you may also put off what you think you can and even what you know you can't because of fear of fail- ure, dislike of the task to be done, or feeling over- whelmed. whelmed. w However, the procrastina- tion or dread of a task may be worse than doing the task it- self. Think about how you feel and what you may say tofeel and what you may say tof yourself while procrastinat-yourself while procrastinat-y ing: "I shouldn't be doing this," "Why am I so lazy?", "How am I going to get this done on time?" All that takes a toll on your stress and anxi- ety levels. So, what can you do to ad- dress procrastination? Here are a few tips: • Just start. Even if you don't finish the whole task, even just a small start can motivate you to keep going. You don't have to be perfectYou don't have to be perfectY from the start ... you justfrom the start ... you justf need to start. • Break up the task into smaller steps. We're less like- ly to put off a small task than we are a larger, more daunt- ing one. • Ask for help. Could someone else's encourage- ment or guidance help ad- dress why you're procrasti- nating? • Set up rewards. Could playing our favourite music while doing the task help uswhile doing the task help usw start and keep going? How about treating ourselves to a favourite cup of tea when wefavourite cup of tea when wef accomplish part of a task? This can create those more instant rewards and reduce the chance that we'll procras- tinate. Melanie McGregor is the communications and ad- vancement specialist at the Canadian Mental Health Association Halton Region Branch, which provides mental health/addiction community support and education. Visit www.hal- ton.cmha.ca for more in- formation and follow @cmhahalton on Twitter. ADDRESSING - AND AVOIDING - PROCRASTINATION OPINION HERE ARE SOME TIPS TO HELP, WRITES MCGREGOR MELANIE MCGREGOR Column This duck was photographed at Bronte Park last month. If you have a photo of animals in Oakville that you'd like to share, send a high-resolution jpeg to Oakville Beaver news editor Kevin Nagel at knagel@metroland.com. Val Koudelka photo ANIMAL TALES