in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A ug us t 15 ,2 01 9 | 14 Expires: August 31st, 2019 Coupon Valid from 11am to Closing Valid at Oakville Location Only Expires: August 31st, 2019 Coupon Valid from 11am to Closing Valid at Oakville Location Only Expires: August 31st, 2019 Coupon Valid from 11am to Closing With Coupon Eat-In or Take-Out With Coupon Eat-In or Take-Out Haddock Fish & Chips 2 for $20 Lunch Halibut Fish & Chips 2 for $20 Valid at Oakville Location Only Expires: August 31st, 2019 Coupon Valid from 11am to Closing With Coupon Eat-In or Take-Out With Coupon Eat-In or Take-Out Seafood Platter King Cod Fish & Chips 2 for $30 2 for $20 Tra fal ga rR d. Dundas St. X HALIBUT HOUSE fish & chips 270 Hays Blvd., Oakville • 289-725-9887 (Beside Walmart) AUGUST SPECIALS! You've decided to hire a fi-You've decided to hire a fi-Y nancial adviser. But who do you choose? Deciding whichyou choose? Deciding whichy adviser to work with can be difficult and maybe even a little daunting. Here are a few ideas on how to makefew ideas on how to makef that decision. Like most purchasing de- cisions, it comes down to what is being offered and at what cost. I will start with the cost because many financial ser- vices consumers are un- aware of how their financialaware of how their financiala adviser is paid. Some financial advisers are remunerated based on commissions on investment products sold to their clients. Ongoing "trailer commis- sions" can be paid to your ad- viser from mutual fund com- panies based on the mutual funds you own that arefunds you own that aref linked to your financial ad- viser. A potential problem is a conflict, or at least a per- ceived conflict, of interest. Does a commission-based model encourage the finan- cial adviser to recommend more buying and selling of investments? Or does it en- courage the recommenda- tions of investment products that pay a higher level of commission? An alternative option is a fee-only adviser. No commis-fee-only adviser. No commis-f sions are paid. Fees can be a specificFees can be a specificF fixed amount per year, anfixed amount per year, anf hourly fee based on time spent, or a per cent of assets under management. Receiving professional fi-Receiving professional fi-R nancial advice has a cost. The next thing to under- stand is what services are be- ing offered. This can range from an annual call remind-from an annual call remind-f ing you to make your RRSP contribution to comprehen- sive financial planning. Comprehensive financial planning will include topics such as reducing debt, pre- paring to assist your chil- dren or grandchildren with the cost of post-secondary education or planning for re- tirement. Deciding which financial adviser to choose is no differ- ent than many other impor- tant decisions you make. You need to be informed. A good place to start is to under- stand the services provided and the costs. Then make the decision that is in your best interest. Peter Watson, of Peter Watson Investments MBA, CFP, R.F.P., CIM, FCSI offers a weekly financial planning column, Dollars & Sense. He can be contacted through www.peterwat- OPINION HIRING A FINANCIAL ADVISER A BIG DECISION WHAT SERVICES ARE OFFERED, WRITES WATSON PETER WATSON Column