33 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,S eptem ber 5,2019 insidehalton.com Welcome to KKT Orthopedic Spine Center! We are a new innovative treatment center for sufferers of back, neck and other chronic pain. KKT is a non-invasive, painless and fast treatment option which uses low-frequency sound waves to correct the position of the spine which results in pain relief, improved strength and mobility and may avoid the need for surgery or prolonged use of medication. KKT is scientifically proven, FDA and Health Canada approved and utilized in the treatment of many acute and chronic conditions such as: Back pain, Headaches, Neck Pain, Bulging Discs, Herniated Discs, Sciatica, Osteoarthritis, Whiplash, Scoliosis, Knee pain, Hip pain, Healed Vertebral Fractures and Facet Syndrome. We fix the cause of the problems that you are suffering from, we don't just treat the pain. KKT has been safely applied 450,000+ times over 15 years and now has 24 centers across 11 countries. We are pleased to inform you that the inventor of this new technology, Dr. Aslam Khan, is currently based out of our new clinic in Streetsville Mississauga. Our team looks forward to providing this treatment option to residents in Mississauga and surrounding areas. KKT is the solution people are seeking. Let us help stop your pain from taking away the things you love to do in life, and put an end to needless suffering. Please visit our website www.kktspine.com to learn more. We invite you to visit us at our new location 370 Queen Street South. For more information please call 905-285-0005 or email toronto@kktspinetreatment.com. Best Choice Imaging Solutions c a n a d a The Town of Oakville and an environmental group are working to keep plastic out of local water- ways. GLOW (Great Lakes Open Water Adventures), an organization which pro- motes the Great Lakes and keeping them clean, says they recently discovered 75 golf balls in 20 minutes near Bronte Beach. They are now working with the town to make Oak- ville Parks and beaches plastic free. Every morning during their sunrise swim the group says they spend two minutes clearing plastic garbage on local beaches. Some of the measures put in place by the town to reduce plastic waste in- clude: • New messaging on the town web pages for commu- nity gardens, destination parks, leash-free dog parks, outdoor ice rinks, skate- board parks, splash pads and outdoor courts, en- couraging users to bring re- usable or biodegradable containers rather than plastic. If using plastic, proper disposal in recy- cling bins is required; • Reviewing content of parks permits to include appropriate disposal of plastics if used in public spaces; • Reminding parks users at the time of permit issu- ance of the requirement of proper disposal of plastics in recycling bins; • The impending instal- lation of appropriate sig- nage in Coronation Park to highlight the importance of using the recycling bins in the park; • Reviewing other parks where there are problems with inappropriate dispos- al of plastics for appropri- ate signage going forward; • Promoting the water bar lending program for events to reduce the amount of plastic water bottles in parks; • Continuing a program to install water filling sta- tions and promoting their availability on the townavailability on the towna website. On Canada Day GLOW says they also launched their "365 Days of Sunrise" initiative, which seeks to create awareness of issues related to the health of the Great Lakes and other local bodies of water around the globe. For more information about GLOW - visit their Facebook page at https:// www.facebook.com/ groups/GLOWswimming/, YouTubeYouTubeY at https://www.you- tube.com/channel/UChaI_ XtMM7YM8HbiP6C1faA or follow them on Instagramfollow them on Instagramf @glowswimming. TOWN WORKING TO MAKE PARKS PLASTIC FREE Members of GLOW (Great Lakes Open Water Adventures) after discovering dozens of golf balls near Bronte Beach. GLOW photo NEWS