55 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,S eptem ber 26,2019 insidehalton.com Susanne Jakubowski, Burlington FIGHT FIRE WITH FOOD, COOKING FOR CANCER PREVENTION This book has pertinent information about how to prevent cancer as well as easy-to-make recipes that encourage healthy eating. Being a nutritionist for the last five years, Jakubowski has seen what the average family consumes and it is generally lacking in vege- tables and whole foods. Her mission is to get people eat- ing to prevent disease. A yoga teacher for more than 20 years, Jakubowski has raised more than $100,000 for cancer support, and she's a cancer survivor. To learn more go to su- sannej.com. Dorothy Ellen Palmer, Burlington FALLING FOR MYSELF In this funny and sear- ing memoir, Dorothy Ellen Palmer falls down - a lot. Born with two very differ- ent, very tiny feet, she was adopted as a toddler by a 1950s family with no idea how to handle the interwo- ven complexities of adop- tion and disability. From childhood surger- ies to a political awakening at university to decades as a feminist teacher, improv coach and union activist, she spent much of her life hiding her disability. Now, she's sharing her journey to disabled pride. She takes on adoption, childhood sexual abuse, ableism and ageism, reckoning with her past to reimagine every- one's future. JLW, (Jennifer Lynn Renieris), Burlington A BUCK AND A PUCK We all know the impact an 'a-ha' moment can have on our perspective. This has been the foundation for children's author Jennifer Lynn's Nature Nurtures Storybook Series. Colour- ful and empowering, A Buck and a Puck (Tellwell Publishing) is the second book in the series pub- lished this year. Using ani- mal symbolism and lively illustrations, this story shares an important mes- sage, that being kind shows how strong we really are while integrating a love of children's hockey and sportsmanship. JLW gives parents and children a fresh new ap- proach to learning empow- ering lifelong messages and tools. Through relat- able scenarios using char- acteristics from animals in nature, she transforms ev- eryday moments into relat- able teaching moments. A Buck and a Puck was writ- ten to give us and our chil- dren pause before reacting, as showing kindness when we are frustrated can show how strong we really are. Illustrated by Bonnie Lemaire, a fellow Ontari- an, the characters fly off the page through vivid, bright and humorous illus- trations. The book is a must-read for parents with young children, who hope to raise their children to be conscientious and courte- ous individuals. Her love and apprecia- tion for 'aha' moments in her life has inspired JLW to write children's stories that celebrate growth and enlightenment. It was during a thera- peutic journaling session while abating an anxiety attack that a hawk landed in her yard, giving her food for thought. Hawks sym- bolize perspective. This was a huge 'aha' moment for her. Her intention is to translate these empower- ing lessons from nature in- to stories that children can relate to. For more information go to www.jlwauthor.com. Darcy Patrick, Oakville WHY I RUN Why I Run is Patrick's story of how he won his life back from the darkness of depression. His second book is Cre- ative Writing For the Mind, Body & Soul and his third is My Guided Meditation Us- ing Meditation as a Thera- peutic Tool to Focus Your Overactive Mind. On Saturday, Sept. 28, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Patrick will be telling his story of how he won his life back from the darkness of depression and then teach- ing the first section of Cre- ative Writing For The Mind. Patrick had struggled for more than 38 years with depression and anxiety. Six years ago he made a call for help, which has inspired his life of purpose where there was none before. That triggered the writ- ing of his three books, teach- ing and public speaking in the hopes of stopping deaths related to mental illness. Go to www.darcypa- trick.com to learn more or visit the link to the library event as well http://at- tend.opl.on.ca/event/ COMMUNITY FALL FOR READING WITH THESE FOUR BOOKS FROM BURLINGTON AND OAKVILLE AUTHORS JULIE SLACK jslack@metroland.com Oakville resident Darcy Patrick is the author of three books on mental health: "Why I run" My story of how I won my life back from the darkness of depression, "Creative Writing For The Mind, Body & Soul" and "My Guided Meditation." Jennifer McCready Photography photo Darcy Patrick photo SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT INSIDEHALTON.COM Start planning your dream vacation with hand-picked travel deals and inspiration just for Canadians Visit