in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, O ct ob er 17 ,2 01 9 | 44 CONCRETECONCRETE POOLPOOL PAINTING & RESTORATIONRESTORATION Masonry & Tile Repair, Sandblast, Repair, Sandblast, Pressure Wash,Pressure Wash, Acid Wash Chlorinated Rubberized & Rubberized & Epoxy CoatingsEpoxy Coatings Booking now for Spring 2020 limited spaces available 905 684 6281 EMAIL: | PHONE: 905-527-5555 • 1-800-263-6480 | FAX: 905-526-6779 • 1-866-299-1499 TELEPHONE HOurs: MONdAy - FrIdAy 8:30 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. Adjustments: Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of your ad. Please check your ad on the first insertion. For multiple insertions of the same ad, credit will be made only for the first insertion / credit given for errors in connection with production on ads is limited to the printed space occupied. Cancellations must be made by telephone. do not fax or email cancellations. CALL 1-800-263-6480 ADVERTISE IN THIS SPOT Or email: TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY.SPOT TODAY.SPOT TODA PRIMEPRIME ADVERTISINGADVERTISING POSITIONPOSITION R 00 14 20 75 79 BOARDER WANTED Es- tate style home. Looking for mature boarders to share country home. 10 acres, walking trails, fruit trees and garden, 2 living rooms, 2 baths, 3 bedrooms, furnished available, laundry on site, shared utilities. Close to 401, Milton, 5 minutes from Acton. Price negotiable. Call 905-876-6589 613-771-2330 Professional Dental Hygiene Cleaning $150 5198 New St., Burlington 905-599-4867 *$30 exam fee applies at initial visit CA$H for any scrap cars. From $100 to $3500. Ask about voucher. Dead or alive. Servicing All of the GTA. 647-688-3423 VIOLIN LESSONS in Oakville, beginner to advanced, all ages welcome. Juilliard BM & MM graduate 647-674-7632 BEST CASH PAID We Make House Calls WE BUY IT ALL! China, Silver, Crystal, Coins, Gold & Costume Jewellery, Art, Doultons Swarovski, Antiques, Collectibles, Downsizing & Estate Experts Call Appraisers: John/Darcie/Krista 905-331-2477 ALL TEAK FURNITURE, JEWELRY, Watches, Sil- ver coins, Antiques, Paintings, Guitars, Drums, Accordions, Vio- lins, All musical instru- ments, Records (LP's), Military Items, China, Pottery. WILL PAY CASH. 905-979-4447. ESTATE CLEARING DOWNSIZING Wanted antique furniture, gold jewelry, sterling flatware and tea sets, watches, tin toys, coins...Anything old! Caledonia Call Kathy 905-920-9137 LOOKING FOR ANTIQUES Quality Antique Furni- ture, Sterling, Lighting, Jewelry, Memorabilia, Toys & Complete Collec- tions. Anything your grandparents used to own. Send photo's to n o r m s a n t i q u e s n o r m s a n t i q u e s or call Norm 905-703-1107. Looking to buy SCANDINAVIAN FURNITURE Teak, Rosewood, Danish, Denmark, Mid Century Modern, Retro, Vintage Furniture, Lighting, Bookcases, Desks Contact Cole 416-560-0401 RECORDS, VINYL LPs, 45s, 78s. Collector seeks records - rock, jazz, soul, 1960-1980s, bolly- wood, calypso, reggae, punk, metal, disco, . Please call 289-887-4147 4 CONTINENTAL ex- treme winter contact snow tires. balanced and on rims. 215/65R 16" like new. under 12000kms, $425 obo. call 905-339-1253 *A1 MATTRESS Factory Direct. Delivery available. All sizes including custom split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20 year sets starting $240. "New Gel foam beds" from $500. De- luxe no-flip Pillowtop & 'Crown' series, Eurotop sets from $390. New Waterbeds, end-of-line/ discontinued items available. 905-681-9496 905-338-0803 905-563-6903. BEST DEALS... 25 yds Carpet/ Pad & Install $488. All types/ Col- Carpet/ Pad & Install $488. All types/ Col- Carpet/ Pad & Install ours. Repairs, re- stretching, cleaning. Shop at home. We won't be undersold! 905-849-4847 Call Dena or Paul CARPET I have several 1000 yds. Of new Stainmaster and 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $489. Includes carpet, pad & installation (25 sq. yards). No payments, no interest for 3 mths. Steve 905-633-8192 RECLINER, LEATHER Brown from Ashley Furniture - beautiful wood trim. measure- ments available at Ashley Homestore website (Product Code: AFHS-1990126). Asking $500.00 email: AFHS-1990126). Asking $500.00 email: AFHS-1990126). Asking WINTER HORSE blan- kets (4), saddle pads (1), legs wraps (12), safety helmet (1), and animal clippers including 12 ad- dition heads (1). All in excellent shape. Call 905-336-1146 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Seasoned Hardwood. Pick-up or Delivery. Flamborough. Call 905-220-7090 SPACE FOR WORK- SHOP WANTED Suitable space for woodworking for a re- tired man. Convenient location to Bronte. Please call Brian or Karen: 905-847-6209 FOUND FEMALE senior tortoiseshell Persian cat. Please call Oakville & Milton Humane Society (905)845-1551. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS If you want to drink that's your business. If you want to quit, it's ours. 905-631-8784 or 905-845-5900 Visit or Music and Dancing Instruction Music and Dancing Instruction Vehicles Wanted/WreckingWanted/Wrecking Vehicles Wanted/WreckingWanted/Wrecking Articles for Sale (Misc.) Garages/ Parking/StorageParking/Storage Lost & Found Notices (Public) OAKVILLE RUMMAGE /GARAGE SALE Sat. Oct. 19 ~ 8:30 -11:30 am St. Jude's Anglican Church 160 William St. (at Thomas) RUMMAGE SALE Appleby United Church 4407 Spruce Avenue, Burlington Sat. Oct. 19th ~ 8:30 am-11:30 am 905-637-2942 Clothing, Books,Toys, Linens, Collectibles, Small Appliances, & MORE! Twice as Nice Boutique, Men's Den Computer Cove, Appleby Cafe. LOADS OF BARGAINS!!! BONUS: House Contents Sale also beside ChurchBONUS: House Contents Sale also beside ChurchBONUS: Room & Board Announcements Announcements Articles Wanted Articles Wanted Articles Wanted Articles for Sale (Misc.) Firewood Garages Sales Garages Sales Oakville LOCAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY YARD SALE Saturday, October 19th 8 a.m. (no early birds please) 565 Chartwell Road Plumbing fixtures, windows, doors, tile, siding, hardware. No tools. ���������������������� ���������� 1.800.263.6480 Why launch your explorer to fi nd the right on-line classifi ed website? Pick up the phone... 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Call 1-800- 263-6380 to plan your advertising campaign today! 1-800-263-6480