19 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,O ctober 24,2019 insidehalton.com Rotherglen School is so much more than a vibrant learning community. It's a place where curiosity is fostered and achievements are celebrated. It's where students grow, become inspired, discover their strengths, explore their creativity, and develop a love of learning. It's where every child's educational journey and experiences are nurtured and supported. Please join us on Saturday, October 26 between 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to tour our new and innovative facility, engage in discussion with our faculty and learn how a Rotherglen education can be part of your child's path to success. Rotherglen, what school should be. O P E N H O U S E R O T H E R G L E N S C H O O L Saturday, October 26, 2019 | 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Oakville Primary Campus Montessor i: JK - Grade 1 2045 Sixth Line, Oakville, ON 905-338-3528 | mwilliamson@rotherglen.com Oakville Elementary Campus Grade 1 to 8 2050 Neyagawa Blvd., Oakville, ON 905-849-1897 | tdupreez@rotherglen.com W W W . R O T H E R G L E N . C O M PrivateEducation Rotherglen is a co-educational commu- nity of private independent schools for students aged 4 to Grade 8. With four campuses located in Oakville and Mis- sissauga, we offer learning environments which foster excellence in education, character and leadership development, an enriched curriculum and differentiated teaching and learning experiences de- signed to engage each student's unique learning style. Our lower school program (Casa to Grade 3) is firmly rooted in Mon- tessori principles, while incorporating an enhanced Ontario curriculum. These early grades provide a solid foundation for our Grade 4 -8 program which transitions into an enriched and progressive style of learn- ing. Our community continues to grow, with a recent expansion of our Oakville El- ementary Campus. New places for learn- ing, including a large STEM laboratory, an acoustically sound music room, a second gymnasium, an art room with doors that open to a beautiful courtyard, a second playground with an artificial turf playing field and natural playground structures, and an expansive Learning Success Cen- tre that has become the centre of our school community. Thoughtfully planned throughout our new learning spaces are areas specifically designed for students to collaborate, cre- ate, and explore. We invite you to join us on Saturday, Oct. 26 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. for our Open House, at both our Oakville locations. Come and see why Rotherglen is what school should be. The Oakville campuses are located at 2050 Neyagawa Blvd. and 2045 Sixth Line. For details visit rotherglen.com or call 905-338-3528. Rotherglen co-educational community of private schools Advertorial