in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 14 ,2 01 9 | 48 #1 SHOE STORE #1 CHILDREN'S SHOE STORE 905-632-9688 2394 FAIRVIEW STREET, BURLINGTON factory shoe outlet /emilleshoes hours: Monday-Friday 9am to 9pm Saturday 9am to 6pm Sunday 10am to 6pm Sa le En ds :N ov .2 0, 20 19 high quality leather & fit MeNS BOOtS looking for a gift idea? neWarriValS Hot off suGG. retaIl off 15-70% WOMeN'S WaterPrOOf Water BOOtS MeNS, WOMeN'S & KidS WiNter BOOtS Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.Some exceptionS apply.