37 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,D ecem ber 5,2019 insidehalton.com Do you have a great digital photo of a special place or event in Oakville? Have you ever dreamed of having your work published? NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! Please submit no more than three of your best images in jpeg format to jmuller@metroland.com (subject line Cover Photo Contest) before Mon. Jan. 15, 2020 Submission of photo is considered permission to publish in this exclusive magazine 2O192O192O192O192O192O192O192O19 C O M M U N I T Y G U I D E 2 0 1 9 2O19O A K V I L L E OUR2O19 OUR2O192O19 TOWN2O192O19 TOWN2O19 C O M M U N I T Y G U I D E Your photo may appear in the 2020 EDITION O F THE OAKVILLE B EAVER COMMUNITY GU IDE