in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, D ec em be r 19 ,2 01 9 | 10 Free Family Tim Hortons Holiday skates are available! Visit for times and locations. Overnight holiday parking in Downtown Oakville and Kerr Village is free in all town parking lots from 6 p.m. to 9 a.m. until January 6, 2020 (except the parkade at 300 Church St.). To book temporary overnight parking in other areas, visit Warmest Holiday Wishes from Town Council and staff!and staf P To get the latest updates on holiday facility and program closures, follow us on Twitter, Facebook or visit Visit for holiday transit, care-A-van and Home to Hub schedules. Snow information line is available at 905-815-5999. Spot a problem? Report it! Our ServiceOakville Online tool lets you report a variety of issues like potholes, coyotes, winter services and on-street parking concerns. ! To report urgent problems related to roads, traffic lights and signs, parks and trees or storms,please call 905-845-6601 to be connected with our after-hours service. Hydro line clearing Open House TuesdayTuesdayT , January 7, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.uesday, January 7, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.uesday Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre, 2302 Bridge Road Tree pruning near hydro lines begins this January in north and west Oakville (zone 2). The town's professional contractor will prune trees on behalf of Oakville Hydro to ensure safe clearance around hydro lines, poles and guy lines to minimize safety hazards and power outages. Trees are pruned to the Electrical Safety Authority's (ESA) industry standard of providing a minimum three metre (10-foot) clearance. In rare instances, trees growing too close to hydro lines may require removal when the clearance standard cannot be achieved using acceptable pruning practices. In some situations, the town must prune or remove privately owned trees if they are growing too close to hydro lines. In cases where hydro lines are located in rear yards, Oakville Hydro has an easement through the property which allows the arborist to access the tree. Be informed: Join us for a public open house where you can ask questions of Oakville Hydro staff and Town of Oakvillef and Town of Oakvillef and T Forestry Services staff. If you have any accessibility needs, please contact ServiceOakville at 905-845-6601 (TTY 905-338-4200) or email More information on tree pruning around hydro lines can be found at or A new office building is com- ing to Oakville. Oakville council voted on Monday, Dec. 2 to approve plans for the development of a 22-unit office building at 2578 Bristol Cir- cle.The one-storey building will be located on a 0.9-hectare prop- erty on the southwest corner of Winston Park Drive and Bristol Circle in the employment area just northeast of the Highway 403 and QEW interchange. The land is currently vacant. Town staff said they are satis- fied the application conforms to the overall policy direction of the Livable Oakville Plan and other relevant policy documents. Bristol Circle Properties Inc., submitted the plan. It is unclear at this time what tenants will occupy these units. NEWS NEW OFFICE BUILDING COMING TO OAKVILLE DAVID LEA