in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, F eb ru ar y 13 ,2 02 0 | 28 PEARL&PINE PREMIUMRETIREMENTLIVING 390Pearl Street, Burlington, ON L7R 2M9 905.633.8300 SEASONALSTAY Come and experience resort-style living in the heart of downtown Burlington. Vacation in your fully furnished suite this winter and stay out of the snow! RESERVETODAYwithBrendaorMegg 905.633.8300. Your way! YourRetirement... MOVE in motion! Joinus on: Thursday, February20, 1pm. Weunderstandthatmoving isoverwhelming. Come and enjoy an informative conversation about how to start preparing for your move to retirement living! Our downsizing experts will answer your questions and help guide the process from start to finish! Let us take you on a tour of our residence and enjoy a wine and cheese reception. RSVPNOW to Brenda orMegg905.633.8300 LIMITEDSEATINGAVAILABLE