3 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,M arch 19,2020 insidehalton.com VIP PRIVATE SALE MARCH 28 - 29, 2020 UNBEATABLE BONUS OFFERS! BURLINGTON LOCATION ONLY: 2311 APPLEBY LINE | PH: 905-332-4264 OR 416-272-1180 FOR A LIMITED TIME SAVE AN ADDITIONAL ON QUALIFYING ENERGY STAR APPLIANCES 25% UPTO $500 ENERGY SAVINGS REBATE PROGRAM A program of the Government of Canada SAVE THE TAX UPON PURCHASE OF SELECT LAUNDRY AND DISHWASHERS SAVE THE TAX UPON PURCHASE OF SELECT KITCHEN PACKAGES SAVE THE TAX PLUS SAVE $300UP TO UPON PURCHASE OF SELECT 3-PIECE APPLIANCE PACKAGES TCELEE OF SSAHCRUON PPU LAUNDRY ND A DISHWASHERS TCELEE OF SSAHCRUON PPU KITCHEN PACKAGES E MID TETIMIR A LOF SAVE LANIODITD AN A ESCIANLP APART SYGREN EGNIYFIALU QNO 25% UP TO $500 ENERGY SAVINGSENERGY SAVINGSENERGY SA REBATE PROGRAM REBATE PROGRAM REBA A program of the Government of Canada SAVE THE TAX SLUP SAVE $300UP TO TCLEEF SE OSAHCRUN POPU 3-PIECE APPLIANCE PACKAGES WE PAY THE TAX ON MOST BRANDS THROUGHOUT THE STORE Hospitals are on the front line of the coronavi-front line of the coronavi-f rus emergency and the situ- ation is requiring special precautions. Halton Healthcare has instituted new guidelines at the Georgetown Hospital, Milton District Hospital and Oakville Trafalgar Me- morial Hospital in response to the spread of COVID-19. Enhanced screenings are in place, special assessment centres have been opened in each of the communities and there is now a recom- mended restriction on the quantity of visitors. Anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or is symptomatic is asked not to visit the hospital. Assess- ment centres have been opened in the communities and those in need of assess- ment for COVID-19 are asked to call 905-203-7963 before attending. Walk-ins are not available. Hamidah Meghani, Hal- ton Region Medical Officer of Health, said it's impor- tant people follow the ad- vice of professionals. "Most individuals who do contract COVID-19 with mild symptoms will recover on their own," said Megha- ni. "Please continue to fol- low the advice provided by health care professionals, self-monitor or self-isolate as appropriate and simply stay at home if you are feel- ing unwell." Patients arriving at a hospital's emergency de- partment will be ques- tioned and, if it is deter- mined they are at risk of COVID-19, they will be tak- en to an isolation room un- til a diagnosis can be con- firmed. The additionalfirmed. The additionalf screening is expected to in- crease emergency wait times. Exceptions will be made for particular situa- tions, including end of life and trauma. Visiting hours remain inVisiting hours remain inV effect, but it is recom- mended patients limit themselves to one family member at any given time. CORONAVIRUS ASSESSMENT CENTRES OPENED BY HALTON HEALTHCARE Assessment centres have been set up by Halton Healthcare. Torstar file photo ROLAND CILLIERS rcilliers@metroland.com NEWS ENHANCED SCREENING PRECAUTIONS, VISITOR RESTRICTIONS AND A REQUEST NOT TO VISIT THE HOSPITAL AFTER A POSITIVE TEST