#NVW2020 NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK 2020 APRIL 19-25 Volunteer Halton honours unsung heroes Submitted by Rosemary Ann Coburn, Volunteer Halton Director National Volunteer Week that runs from April 19 to 25, will be celebrated differently from other years in 2020. This time of year is usually a flurry of activities as volunteer program coor- dinators and managers are busy planning recognition events to honour volunteers who have given so much of themselves. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has made this an unprec- edented year, with organizations suspending programs to ensure the safety of their volunteers as well as the individuals they serve. Many of these same organizations are focused on delivering programs differently, some without volunteers to ensure their safety. Other programs require an increased number of volunteers. At Volunteer Halton, we are contacted daily from indi- viduals who want to volunteer in some capacity during the COVID -19 crisis. Who are these volunteers? We use the term volunteers, yet I wonder if we consciously identify a volunteer as a caring, compassionate human being. Every day residents, the very people on one hand who are told to self isolate, are being called upon to help. Volunteers are individuals from all walks of life who respond to the call, to help in numerous ways. Some are people who know they have been blessed in life and want to give back in a way that will strengthen their community by paying it forward. All volunteers, would likely agree with this quote by Kurek Ashley; "The quality of your life will be deter- mined by the quality of your contribution. When you work to improve the lives of others, your life improves automatically." Volunteer Halton is privileged to work on a daily basis with likeminded individuals and groups who identify a need and move into action. When asked, volunteers always mention that they could not do the work without the support of their volun- teer coordinator or manager. These professionals dedicate long hours to prepare, organize and support the work of volunteers and also serve as volunteers themselves. Volunteer Halton would be remiss in not recognizing the contributions of coordinators and managers of volunteers with- in organizations, whose leadership and mentorship continually support our region's invaluable and vital human resource. Thank you for all that you do and are doing every day and in particular during COVID-19. During the COVID-19 pandemic the residents of Halton have answered the call to action. To support volunteers and to assist organizations, Volunteer Halton has created a COVID-19 Response page for individuals who wish to volunteer through this current challenge. Volunteers can register at www.cdhalton.ca. Volunteer Halton is honoured to acknowledge the Halton volunteers who have given so selflessly of their time and exper- tise, leaving a deep and lasting impact on the Halton commu- nity. We honour all the unsung heroes of our community. Rosemary Ann Coburn is Director of Volunteer Halton and Interim Executive Co-Director of Community Development Halton. in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A pr il 16 ,2 02 0 | 20 To the many volunteers of Oakville Senior Citizens Residence (OSCR), thank you for every minute of your time that you give to us without hesitation - your value to this organization is priceless! Client-focused Services for Seniors www.oscrservices.ca