in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ju ne 18 ,2 02 0 | 10 PenTACOSTAL UnITeD DIRECTORY If you'd like to advertise your place of worship in this feature please email Kelli Kosonic or call 289-293-0691 PenTACOSTAL kk Worship Services are suspended due to COVID- 19 until further notice Tel: 416-892-8123 Fax: 1-866-281-5983 Bishop M. Brissett (Pastor) Email: Jesus is lOrd Oakville PenTecOsTal aPOsTOlic cenTre 1469 Nottinghill Gate, Oakville 905-825-5292 GLEN ABBEY UNITED CHURCH REV. TED VANCE EPIPHANY SUNDAY! Your Best New Year Resolution? ...Come to Church! Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit! Click on any time to see an online Church service that will offer comfort and hope. New services will be added every Saturday night or Sunday morning. This Sunday, A special service to honour Dads and our Heavenly Father! To help your Church survive the pandemic,To help your Church survive the pandemic,T please send e-transfers to: Thank you and God Bless you! ONLINE CHURCH SERVICE AVAILABLE ANY TIME Could you use some Church in your life, more than ever before? COVID-19 has been surreal to many of us. Over the course of a few days, businesses were shut down, non-essential workers were required to work from home and peo- ple were asked to self quarantine in an effort to control the virus. This created a need for organizations, business- es and people around the world in almost every in- dustry to reinvent and adapt to one of the most challenging times since the Second World War. The difference be- tween then and now is the advancement of science and technology. Unfortu- nately, COVID-19 repre- sents a tremendous eco- nomic shock and burden. According to experts, re- covery is what will be re- quired over the next 18-24 months to get output back to its pre-crisis lev- el. There is, however. some positive aspects and lessons that have devel- oped as a result of the pandemic. Technology has enabled hundreds of millions of people to re- main connected, produc- tive and healthy. For the better part of a decade, digital transfor- mation has been the core driver of organizational change. The transition from legacy IT to cloudfrom legacy IT to cloudf computing, the expan- sion of retail and banking into the mobile space, the rise of machine learning, artificial intelligence and smart automation; and the growth of the IoT were, among other mas- sively transformative technologies, at the heart of a generational forward evolutionary leap. And it is therefore not surprising that these very technologies have enabled businesses, gov- ernments, health-care systems, students and workers to adapt to the turmoil of disruption caused by the pandemic. The ability for us to adapt so quickly under these unprecedented con- ditions only underscores the critical need for gov- ernments to continue to invest in digital technolo- gy, innovation and a con- nected infrastructure. As part of the plan for recovery, the Oakville Chamber believes that governments at all levels will need to enhance digi- tal connections amongst business, employees, citi- zens and government to create an attractive cli- mate for business invest- ment and job creation for economic growth. An increasingly digi- tal economy will require major investments in so- phisticated networks, cy- bersecurity and electron- ics. It will also force busi- nesses to adopt new tech- nologies and business models to interact with customers, clients and employees. In collaboration with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and its Road- map to Recovery we will urge the federal govern- ment to commit to adopt- ing technology and inno- vative measures to en- sure a smart and lasting recovery. Locally, the Oakville Chamber will continue to press the Town of Oak- ville to forge ahead with its development of both a mobility strategy as well as a digital strategy. This is critical as part of our town's economic recov- ery. Now is the time to em- brace technology and the economic benefits that ensue. Faye Lyons is the vice president of government relations and advocacy for the Oakville Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at faye@oak- OPINION ADAPTATION KEY TO ECONOMIC SURVIVAL IMPORTANCE OF SUPPORTING A DIGITIZED WORLD HAS BEEN MADE ALL TOO CLEAR DURING PANDEMIC, WRITES FAYE LYONS FAYE LYONS Column "For the better part of a decade, digital transformation has been the core driver of organizational change."