3 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,July 2,2020 insidehalton.com Ying Yang Chartered Professional Accountant Member of Canadian Tax Foundation (647) 989-1276 Oakville Office: (289) 291-3924 Toronto Offiffice: (647) 255-8049 yy@yangaccounting.ca For an affordable solution to your Business and Individual tax difficulties … Make an Appointment Today for a Free Confidential Consultation CRACRACRACRA PPPPrroblobleems?ms? Individual, Corporati &on & Trust Payrayroll, HST includiudingng Overseas & O& Offffshorshore Tax Issueax Issues Yang Tang Tang Tang ax Resolsolution Care that's extra careful V for Vistamere We're very proud of our family of Vistamere staffers during these difficult times. They go above and beyond each and every day to help ensure the safety of our residents. So our residents just want to say, "Thank You." Vistamere Retirement Residence is located in a quiet, residential neighbourhood in west Oakville. You can still come for a virtual tour. Just go to vistamere.ca TAKE A VIRTUAL TOUR TODAY vistamere.ca 380 Sherin Drive Oakville, Ontario L6L 4J3 905.847.1413 vistamere.ca Like us onFollow us on The Town of Oakville has announced that starting Thursday, July 2, the wear- ing of non-medical masks or face coverings will be man-face coverings will be man-f datory when travelling on Oakville Transit. Oakville Mayor Rob Bur- ton discussed the new re- quirement in a recent press release. He said the decision is in- tended to keep transit cus- tomers and operators safe and comes following strong recommendations from Halton Public Health and the governments of Ontario and Canada. Town staff said childrenTown staff said childrenT under the age of two, people with disabilities or other medical conditions that pre- vent them from wearing any mask will not be required to wear one. They also noted fare col- lection and front door boarding for all customers will resume on July 2. Another measure aimed at combating COVID-19 will see all conventional buses operate at 50 per cent seated capacity to encourage phys- ical distancing. As such, residents can expect to see numerous seats blocked off when they get on a bus. "As we move forward in our economic recovery, we want to safely move people around town," said Burton. "Oakville Transit's ex- tensive safety measures will help ensure public transit is a safe option for everyone while helping our town re- cover much-needed revenue with front door boarding." In advance of the re- sumption of fare collection, Presto customers are strongly encouraged to load their cards online. They can visit presto- card.ca to learn about how, and where to go, to load a Presto card. Alternatively, the town will reopen the ServiceOak- ville counter at town hall starting July 2 to provide customers with the oppor- tunity to purchase, or load, a Presto card as well as buy Split passes. Customers are asked to consider using debit or cred- it cards to encourage con- tactless payment. The ServiceOakville counter will be open Mon- day to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. until further no- tice, with appropriate health protocols and physi- cal distancing measures in place. "The health and safety of our customers and transit operators is our top priori- ty," said Barry Cole, director of Oakville Transit. "While we have put sever- al measures in place to en- sure a safer commute when travelling on Oakville Tran- sit, we want to remind our customers to not use transit if you are not well, continue practising physical distanc- ing when and where possi- ble, limit transit use to es- sential travel only and wear your face covering. Togeth- er, we can stop the spread of COVID-19." Cole said other safety measures in place on Oak- ville Transit buses include the installation of driver shields and the implementa- tion of an enhanced clean- ing and disinfecting sched- ule on all Oakville Transit buses and vehicles. For more informationFor more informationF visit www.oakvilletransit- .ca. FACE MASKS MANDATORY FOR BUS RIDERS STARTING JULY 2 Starting July 2, non-medical masks or face coverings will be mandatory when riding on Oakville Transit. Eric Riehl/Torstar NEWS TOWN WILL ALSO SET TO RESUME FARE COLLECTION