in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A ug us t 20 ,2 02 0 | 10 CONTACTLESS & SOCIAL DISTANCING MEASURES IN PLACE VOLUNTEERS ARE AVAILABLE TO UNLOAD YOUR VEHICLE WE NOW ACCEPT DONATIONS IN CASH, DEBIT & CREDIT SUGGESTED AMOUNT IS $20 PER BANKERS BOX CONTACT US AT 905-825-4747 x5139 FOR MORE INFO SHRED ALL YOUR PERSONAL OR BUSINESS DOCUMENTS, RIGHT ON SITE! t R SHRED EVENTSHRED EVENT FUNDRAISERFUNDRAISER HALTON REGIONAL POLICE 2485 NORTH SERVICE RD W OAKVILLE, ON SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 2020 9:00AM - 3:00PM PROTECT YOUR IDENTITY! Promotional consideration provided in partnership with: The Burger you know and Love! Buy any two or more 12 packs of Lick's Burgers for your BBQ and shipping is only $15.00 per order! Limited time only. See website for details: Cook Lick's great Taste at your next you know and Hover your camera app over this code to see more deals. featuring P WERFUL SAVINGS! with See these deals and more at SAVE.CA Your only destination for more coupons, more flyers, more savings. Products displayed are based on a sample of flyers available on as of today's date, and are subject to change based on product availability and each user's location. The Oakville Commu- nity Foundation has opened up applications to eligible charities for two new recovery projects. The Charity-Small Business Partnership (CSBP) will allow a local charity to apply for funds for the purchase of goods and services from a small Oakville business - a busi- ness with less than $10 million in revenue and less than 20 full-time em- ployees - including meals, equipment and consulting services. A total of $100,000 is available in funding for the CSBP, with applica- tions closing Aug. 31, 2020. Charities purchasing meals are eligible for up to $5,000, while charities purchasing other services are eligible for up to $10,000. Sponsors include Ford Canada and RBC, with an anonymous local doctor providing the funding for meals. To sign up, visit Home/Logon?url- key=oakville. The second initiative, GIVEOakville 2020, is an innovative online crowd- funding campaign where Oakville charities can re- quest up to $25,000 to sup- port their work. All charities are listed on the same portal where individuals can make do- nations: www.grantinter- key=oakville. Again, applications from charities will be open until Aug. 31. The on- line listing of charities will be open from October to December. In June, the OCF an- nounced it had awarded $502,500 in grants to 18 lo- cal charities for 19 pro- jects partially through the Emergency Community Support Fund, funded by the federal government. "The Foundation is proud to distribute grants to charities that are supporting vulnera- ble populations in our community, in partner- ship with Community Foundations of Canada and the Government of Canada," said Wendy Ri- nella, CEO of the Oak- ville Community Foun- dation. "Since the start of the state of emergency in mid-March, the founda- tion, our fundholders and donors have granted more than $1.1 million to local charities on the front lines assisting those in need, including money distributed from the ECSF and the founda- tion's own Oakville Resil- iency Fund." The foundation has al- so donated 9,550 face masks to local organiza- tions in need. LOCAL CHARITIES CAN APPLY FOR RECOVERY FUNDS NEWS