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See store for details. It's about trust. Our re- lationship with our readers is built on transparency, honesty and integrity. As such, we have launched a trust initiative to tell you who we are and how and why we do what we do. This column is part of that pro- ject. In an age of misinforma- tion, World News Day 2020 -- set to take place Sept. 28 -- aims to raise public awareness of the critical role that journalists play in providing credible and reli- able news, to help you make sense of the rapidly chang- ing world around you. True journalists like ours do the shoe leather kind of work that involves getting out from behind a computer and hitting the streets to interview real people. While our award-win- ning journalists write about community news events, not world news, our content isn't any less im- pactful. In fact, one could argue community news is more impactful in your ev- eryday lives. Our ongoing extensive COVID-19 coverage is a prime example. Every day for months, we have pro- vided you with updates on local case numbers and outbreaks along with ev- erything you need to know to make informed deci- sions surrounding the pan- demic. We strive to be on top of breaking community news around the clock and pro- duce a wide range of con- tent aimed at being helpful, relevant and timely. While our online news operations are key as we move forward, our tradi- tional newsprint editions remain trusted sources of information that people turn to, to cut through all the online clutter. On Sept. 28, let's cele- brate together. Watch our social media channels as our journalists highlight the work they are most proud of -- information they carefully gathered and presented in the form of the written-word, pho- tography or multi-media, all for a very valued audi- ence. Thank you for reading. Karen Miceli is manag- ing editor of the Burling- ton Post, Oakville Beaver, Milton Canadian Champi- on and Georgetown/Acton Independent and Free Press. OPINION LET'S CELEBRATE THE NEWS TOGETHER ON SEPT. 28 KAREN MICELI Column Portuguese Ribfest fundraiser Saturday, Sept. 26, 2451 Old Bronte Rd. drive-thru pickup. For information, email paul- Halton Kidney Walk Sunday, Sept. 27 in your neighbourhood. For de- tails, visit Joseph Brant Hospi- tal auxiliary holds an on- line auction fundraiser with live preview at Bur- lington Holiday Inn, 3063 South Service Rd., Satur- day, Sept. 26. Bid online until Sept. 29. Antiques and collectibles. For infor- mation, go to jbhauction- Hope in High Heels From Home 2020 is being held Saturday, Sept. 26. Funds go to Halton Wom- en's Place programs and services. For information, info@haltonwomen- Burlington Centre Lions Farmers' Market is open Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Burlington Cen- tre parking lot, 777 Guelph Line. Contact: Bronte Creek Provin- cial Park, 1219 Burloak Dr., hosts Harvest Festi- val, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. The park is also open for lim- ited recreational day-use activities such as walk- ing, hiking and cycling. Physical distancing re- strictions in place. For more details, visit https://www.ontario- creek Conservation Halton parks -- Hilton Falls, 4985 Campbellville Rd. and Mount Nemo, 5317 Guelph Line -- are open by reservation only. To re- serve your spot, visit GRArt Gallery of Burlington and Gift shop, 1333 Lakeshore Rd., is open Tuesday to Satur- day 12 to 5 p.m. Curbside pickup is available for the shop. Check the website for visitor guidelines, https://artgalleryofbur- Book your visit to Jo- seph Brant Museum, 1240 North Shore Blvd. E., open Tuesday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The museum also offers virtu- al visits with an educator https://museumsofbur- For museum health and safety proto- cols, visit https://muse- tact-us/covid-19-updates/ Tourism Burlington announces a #BurlON Fun Pass, which offers deals and discounts from over 40 businesses across Burlington. Visit the web- site for more details and to sign up https:// www.tourismburling- to use it this weekend. THINGS TO DO THIS WEEKEND THINGS TO DO