in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, F eb ru ar y 25 ,2 02 1 | 10 1276 Cornwall Road, Unit C, Oakville Ontario, L6J 7W5 T: 905-845-0767 • F: 905-845-5552 • • Personal Professional Service at Competitive Rates Buying? Selling? Re Call us for a quote at 905-845-0767 ext. 223Jameson Glas GOLDGOLD 905-845-0767 ext. 223Jameson Glas Aharmless coffee break can domore harm than you think. Paid for by the Government of Ontario Wear amask,wash your hands and physically distance to stop the spread of COVID-19. Learn more at Metroland Media's Hal- ton newspapers are final- ists in a variety of catego- ries for the 2020 Ontario Community Newspaper Association awards. In addition to the Oak- ville Beaver and Burling- ton Post being up for gener- al excellence, our Halton publications are also in the running for: • HEALTH AND WELLNESS: Oakville Beaver -- a story by report- er Kathy Yanchus on an Oakville couple's plight with dementia. • BEST SPOT NEWS PHOTO: Oakville Beaver and Milton Champion -- images by photographer Graham Paine of firefight- ers rescuing a dog from a steep embankment along the Sixteen Mile Creek Trail in Oakville, and fire- fighters working to save a man from his car sub- merged in a Milton pond. • BEST FEATURE PHOTO: Oakville Beaver -- Shot by Graham Paine of paddlers on Sixteen Mile Creek. • ONLINE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE: Mil- ton Champion, by Louie Rosella, David Lea and Graham Paine -- A series of stories documenting the tragedy of a four-year-old girl and her father being found dead at Rattlesnake Point Conservation Area. • MOST CREATIVE GRIP AND GRIN: Milton Champion -- Photo by Gra- ham Paine of 9th degree jiu-jitsu blackbelt Bob Kranstz being taken down by blackbelt instructor and granddaughter Samantha Kranstz at his 80th birth- day celebration. The Milton Champion and Burlington Post also received honourable men- tions for Best Photo Layout and Best News Photo re- spectively (photos by Gra- ham Paine). The winners will be an- nounced April 23. This dog rescue photo is a finalist for an OCNA award. Graham Paine/Metroland LOCAL NEWSPAPERS UP FOR PROVINCIAL AWARDS NEWS