in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, S ep te m be r 9, 20 21 | 22 If your shepherd likes to swim, your poodle likes to paddle or your Dalmatian likes to take a dive, you might want to mark Sept. 11 on your cal- endar. The Oakville Milton Humane Society has partnered with the Town of Oakville to hold its first Doggie Dip, where you can bring your pooch to Lions Pool for a half- hour swim. The town's outdoor pools will close to the public on Labour Day weekend, but Lions Pool will remain open for the Doggie Dip. "It's a chance to bring people and their pets to- gether," said OMHS' manager of community initiatives, Somer Des- chambault-Page There will be 30-min- ute time slots available, with room for 15 dogs in each time slot. The cost is $35. Dog owners can re- serve a time slot at volved/participate/1st- annual-doggie-dip/ Somer Deschambault-Page and her puppy Dax are getting ready for the OMHS' first Doggie Dip. Graham Paine/Metroland HUMANE SOCIETY TO HOLD FIRST DOGGIE DIP NEWS HERB GARBUTT CONCRETE FREE ESTIMATES 905-844-5518 1-888-944-5518 uality At Its Best! Call Fernando 1-888-944-5518 www 1-888-944-5518 • DRIVEWAYS • FRENCH CURBS • PATIOS • STEPS • WALKWAYS • GARAGE FLOORS ExposEd aggrEgatE (pebble) ON NOW AT THE BRICK!ON NOW AT THE BRICK! SAVING YOU MORESAVING YOU MORE SAVING YOU MORE Visit for more details and locations. Find what you're looking for, in the location you want, for the price you want to pay! Catch a Great Deal! Browse our inventory of vehicles by Body Style, popular Makes and Models, Province, popular Cities or by Price. Whatever path you choose, you will find the right car, in the right location, for the right price! Right Choice{ }CarPlacePrice