in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, S ep te m be r 23 ,2 02 1 | 4 Ying Yang Chartered Professional Accountant Member of Canadian Tax Foundation (647) 989-1276 Oakville Office: (289) 291-3924 Toronto Offiffice: (647) 255-8049 For an affordable solution to your Business and Individual tax difficulties … Make an Appointment Today for a Free Confidential Consultation CRACRACRACRA PPPPrroblobleems?ms? Individual, Corporati &on & Trust Payrayroll, HST includiudingng Overseas & O& Offffshorshore Tax Issueax Issues Yang Tang Tang Tang ax Resolsolution A GUIDE TO EATING LOCAL PATIOS , MENUS, TAKEOUT, DELIVERY, BREWERIES & SPECIALTY GROCERY SCAN THESE CODES WITH YOUR PHONE TO DISCOVER GREAT DINING AND FOOD DESTINATIONS Let's Eat For $50/Week participate in this Foodie Feature linking your business or menu to these QR codes! 4 Week Special! Limited Space - Book Today! For a Small Fee/Week participate in this Foodie Feature linking your business or menu to these QR codes! Please contact Nancy Gibson for information on placing your QR Code ad. Cell: 289-681-2041 Limited Space - Book Today! Let's Eat NOW HIRING! Take a look at our ThanksgivingMenu and place your order soon. PATIOS, MENUS, TAKEOUT, DELIVERY, BREWERIES & SPECIALTY GROCERY SCAN THESE CODES WITH YOUR PHONE TO DISCOVER GREAT DINNING AND FOOD DESTINATIONS A GUIDE TO EATING LOCAL If elected, Pam Damoff pledged to continue to focus on the issues that matter most to the people of Oak- ville North--Burlington. Damoff got that mandate in Monday's election, earn- ing a third term as Liberal MP for the riding with 46.4 per cent of the vote. A priority for Damoff is child care and "getting the child-care agreement signed with Ontario for sure." Prior to the election be- ing called, the province was in discussion with the fed- eral government about a more affordable child-care plan. As a longtime advocate of cycling and walking, Da- moff also wants to continue to move forward on climate change action. "I'd like to work with Oakville and Burlington to access some of the funds that are available for mu- nicipalities to move for- ward on infrastructure for cycling and walking and continuing to invest in pub- lic transit." Other issues important to the former town council- lor are criminal justice re- form and gun control. "But certainly child care is a big one and getting that agreement done," Damoff said. "It will be transforma- tional for families in our riding." Overall, the campaign was a positive one, but Da- moff did encounter a "nasti- ness" she had not experi- enced before. There was also some pushback on her govern- ment's decision to call an election during a fourth wave of the pandemic. "I'm not going to say I didn't get any (anger), but the longer the campaign went on, the more conver- sations I had that were about the issues. "I'm very fortunate," she said. "I'm very blessed to be able to do this job. And I'm really grateful to the people in the riding for sending me back for a third term." FEDERAL ELECTION AFFORDABLE CHILD CARE TOP PRIORITY FOR DAMOFF LIBERAL INCUMBENT WINS AGAIN IN OAKVILLE NORTH-BURLINGTON KATHY YANCHUS Liberal incumbent Pam Damoff celebrates winning the Oakville-North Burlington riding with her campaign manager Conor Lewis. Graham Paine/Metroland "I'm not going to say I didn't get any (anger), but the longer the campaign went on, the more conversations I had that were about the issues." - Pam Damoff