21 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,N ovem ber 18,2021 insidehalton.com APPLY TODAY AT GLENEDEN.ON.CA iT's nOt jUsT a jOb, iT's a WORK AT GLEN EDEN, GET TONS OF NEW PERKS Currently looking for lift operations, operations attendant, general labour and more751 Main Street East, in Milton Across from the Go Station 905-878-6919 info@miltownecollision.ca We'd really like to hear from you if you have your 310-B Aut e Repair designa on or are a registered appren ce for 310-B and are serious about learning your trade. We are the busiest collision repair shop in the area, and have been in business since 1993. Consistently winning best a u t o bod y a nd p a i n t s h o p every year. Call today or come in and see us We'd eally lik hear frMiltowne Collision has immediate full time openings for Autobody repair technicians. ® Job FairJob FairJob FairJob FairJob FairJob FairJob FairJob FairJob FairJob FairJob FairJob FairJob FairJob Fair Finding a job that's the right fit If finding a job is sometimes difficult, finding the perfect one can be even harder. Do some jobs seem inter- esting to you, but you hesitate to apply for them because you're not sure that they're exactly right for you? To make an informed choice, you first have to know yourself and your strengths. Can you work independently? Are you persuasive? Do you have lots of initiative and are efficient? Draw up a list of your interests -- do you like writing or working with numbers? Training or management? Creativity or sports? Office work or outdoor work? Take into account other factors apart from your skills and experience to see if a job is the right one for you. For example, are you willing to relocate if necessary? Do you only want to work days? What sal- ary would allow you to support yourself? Keep in mind that you may have to adjust or relax certain criteria. In other words, be willing to compromise. You lack a bit of experience for the job that interests you? Try your luck anyway; the motivation you dem- onstrate in your cover letter may compensate. However, if you're really not qualified for the job, don't waste your time or the prospective employer's. Lastly, don't give up too quickly. Job post- ings rarely contain enough information for you to know for sure if the job is right for you or not. Don't hesitate to submit your applica- tion even if you're not totally convinced by the job description. You may be pleasantly surprised during the interview. NTB