27 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,January 13,2022 insidehalton.com PENTECOSTAL Tel: 416-892-8123 Fax: 1-866-281-5983 Bishop M. Brissett (Pastor) Email: mjbrisse@yahoo.ca Jesus is lOrd Oakville PenTecOsTal aPOsTOlic cenTre 454 Rebecca St (St. Paul's United Church) Oakville, ON Sunday Service 12:30 - 3PMWorship Service Sunday Evening: 7:30-9PM (Via Zoom Virtual Platform) *Covid-19 Safety Protocols Strictly followed.* NON-DENOMINATION Are you looking for a place to worship the Lord Jesus Christ? We meet at the Meadowvale Community Center every Sunday at 10:00 am. Master's Grace Church , Auditorium 1 & 2 6655 Glen Erin Drive Mississauga, ON All COVID-19 safely protocols followed. mastersgracechurch.com SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Oakville Seventh-day adventiSt ChurCh tel: 289-830-6717 Mark ewen (Senior Pastor) Carl Cunningham (associate Pastor) dean lashington (lead elder) Twitter: @Oakvillesda Email: oakvillechurchsda@gmail.com Saturday (Sabbath) Worship Service: 10am-1pm Wednesday Evening Service: 6:30pm-7:30pm Thursday Evening Service: 6:30pm-7:30pm Zoom id 867 6764 2331 Password: worship Theme: in Jesus nameWe Press On Website Promotion: www.oakvillesdachurch.org UNITED 1469 Nottinghill Gate, Oakville 905-825-5292 www.glenabbeyunitedchurch.com GLEN ABBEY UNITED CHURCH REV. TED VANCE Due to rising cases, we are sadly pausing live services until further notice. ONLINE CHURCH SERVICE AVAILABLE ANY TIME GO TO YOUTUBE.COM and search Glen Abbey United Church OR Click on www.glenabbeyunitedchurch.com This Sunday, Jan 16th: This Week's Message: UNEXPECTED GIFTS To help your Church survive the pandemic, please send e-transfers to: donations@glenabbeyunitedchurch.com Thank you and God Bless you! DIRECTORY If you'd like to advertise your place of worship in this feature please email Fiona frudder@starmetrolandmedia.com or call 289-293-0691 Worship When the pandemic en- tered Tahir and Aneesa Khan's world, they decided to err on the side of being productive. "Like many people, we were kind of like, well, we can sit around and use our spare time and binge on Netflix," Aneesa Khan said. "We have day jobs, but at the end of the day, you're not able to go anywhere." Enter Offbeet Life, their at-home business where they share healthy living tips and offer equally salu- brious vegan snacks. These may include energy balls in different flavours as well as the more indul- gent magic bars desserts. "That was one of the things that is very impor- tant to build a community around plant-based -- eat- ing a plant-based lifestyle and making it inviting," said Tahir Khan. Aneesa added: "Any- body can be big and it's ac- cessible to young and old, regardless of your socio- economic background. It's for everyone. So we just wanted to provide a bit more representation in that space." Tahir used to play varsi- ty basketball for Sheridan College. He has used his knowledge from that to be- come a sports co-ordinator for the school as well as a teacher of health-related classes. "I teach in the nursing program, I teach in anatomy class. So, yeah, I've just been in this indus- try for a long time." But it wasn't always this way. Tahir admits that he did not eat healthy at all when he was young and that his move toward this sort of di- et was an evolution. "As I grew older, I started learn- ing a little bit more about health, self-teaching my- self. It was a gradual change." Aneesa is in the health insurance industry. She began looking into statis- tics around health, but didn't really let them both- er her too much. "The way that I used to look at it was, 'Oh, this is just genetic, and we can't really do much about it.' A little bit of exer- cise and things like that can really help." But veganism changed the way she saw her own health. She didn't intend on being a full vegan, but "why would I do that when I feel so great eating this way? And so by the end of that first year, I decided that I'll be a full-on vegan." Their YouTube channel has received close to five and a half thousand views across roughly 50 videos from close to 250 subscrib- ers. The visitors and regu- lar viewers will find any- thing from recipes to slice- of-life vignettes from their lives and simple tips on a healthy lifestyle. Some videos that are less about eating and more geared toward lifestyle changes are also found on the channel. How to reduce stress in your life, how to get a good ab workout in and general discussions in a podcast series are also a feature. "When we talk to friends and family, they say 'veg- anism isn't for us' and we say 'no, veganism is for ev- eryone,'" Aneesa said. "Some of the most beau- tiful foods in the world that are vegan foods are actual- ly peasant foods. All of our different cultures, wherev- er we came from, have veg- an dishes that were just in- herently vegan," she said. The pair have a guide called Plant-Based Eating: A Beginner's Guide. The next phase of their busi- ness, they hope, will in- volve a course with more comprehensive informa- tion about plant-based eat- ing. COUPLE WANTS TO SHOW VEGANISM IS FOR EVERYONE Tahir and Aneesa Toor have launched Offbeet Life; the company offers vegan foods, snacks and desserts, including vegan magic bars and vegan energy balls. Graham Paine/Metroland MANSOOR TANWEER mtanweer@metroland.com BUSINESS OFFBEAT LIFE INSTAGRAM: @offbeetlife YOUTUBE: Offbeet Life PODCAST -- GOOGLE: Offbeet Life Podcast PODCAST -- APPLE: Offbeet Life Podcast