™WO PAGE 1 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL The Oakville-Trafalgar Journal | Russell J. Wheeler Vincent H, Barry Editorial Adviser. S. Casey Wood, Jr. 1 Oakville, Ontario, every Thursday morning, v. 165-M 888 Evening | | Volume 1, Number 1 Isewhere In tb ssue appear brief biographical of the publishers of this paper. We do this we think the people of Oakville and T ill be interested to know who the individuals - to bring a new newspaper to this community. Our years of work on other publishers' news- papers I iven us some definite convictions of what a weekly nev per should be. We also know what it Jould not be. It is our determination that none of the mful thi shall be permitted to enter this paper. It seems that whenever a person tries to state convictions, aims and hopes the results read like an 's testament to an impossible goal. But we are not idealists. We are practical printers and newspaper- men-- with ideals. We know that some of the things we would like to do will be beyond us for some time. But it is not our intention to ever forget them. We realize that our critics will eagerly point out-- we hope with justification--that all newcomers like to talk about what they are going to do, and always want to accomplish things which, for various reasons, have not been done before. We offer no apology for believing we can do just that. We would be overly optomistic if we did not recog- nize that we may often fall short of our goal. But we also know we will try again. Tn the belief that you should know certain definite things about our thinking on controversial subjects, we are taking the opportunity of this first issug--and after all, this is the only issue in which we will talk $alk about ourselves--to state our position, in advance, on a few of these topics. We do this so no one at a later date will be surprised by this paper's stand--or that we did take a stand. Ww! pre: his THAT COMFORTABLE SEAT ON THE FENCE If you sit on the fence you can see what both teams are doing--but you can't be of assistance to either. We will not sit on anyone's fence--even a plush-upholstered one. Nor will we only leave our fence to join what might appear to be the winning group. We'll climb down and go to work with the group we believe in, even though it might consist of only one person who is fighting for what he thinks, and we think, is the right cause. Politi- cally this paper is Independent, and we mean free from all political fies. This permits us to decide what side we think is right. And again we will fight for our con- victions. But we shall never fight by suppressing or ignoring the other side to every question. DEMOCRACY We believe in the democratic principal to its full- est possible extent. And we hold, inviolate, the theory that each and every person living under our democratic way of life has, inherently, the privilege of free speech. To be able to say what you think about any subject-- even if it is against what would appear to be the accepted way of thought--is the right and privilege of all. This paper will always say what it thinks, and will-- through its "Letters To The Editor" column--make available a forum where you, the people of this com- munity, may say what you think. This freedom will be restricted only by the dictates of good taste, decency and fair play--with one positive exception. There will be no place for any "ism" which has as its avowed or implied intent the destruction of religion, democracy or any of the freedoms of mankind. CIVIC, TOWNSHIP AND COUNTY LEGISLATION We shall report, as fully as possible, the activities of your elected bodies. We shall watch closely and if, in our opinion, there is anything which you the voters should perhaps be excited about--we shall bring it forceably to your attention, presenting to the best of our ability both sides of the question. And here, again our columns will be open for your expression of opin- ions But at no time will we merely print without separ- ate editorial comment some problem before these bodies when we feel it is one which should be discussed beyond the confines of the meeting. NEWS Any new paper has difficulty at the start with its newsgathering organization. We have delayed putting our first issue in your hands until we might arrange these channels so that our coverage would be reason- ably complete. We intend to add to our correspondents as fast as possible, and we urge anyone who has an item of news, personal or social nature which we should print, to communicate it to our Oakville office, whose address and telephone number you will find on the masthead. YOU CAN HELP You, and only you, can help us make this paper what any weekly newspaper worth its salt should be--a living, fighting instrument for the betterment of the commuity in which it appears. We hope to serve you for this purpose. WEDNESDAY PRINTING Subscribers to the Qakville-Trafalgar Journal will, if they are Rural Box Holders, receive their papers on Thursday morning of each week. The Journal will also be in subscriber's Post Office Boxes on that day, and on sale in the stores. The Wednesday printing date has been selected to enable subscribers to determine through classified and other advertising what products and services are avail- able in time for week-end shopping. Letters to the Editor Dear Vince: Crests Presented To Winning Soccer Team I have just heard the news that you are about to begin publica- tion of a newspaper for Oakville and district. One of the newest sports ven- tures in Oakville during the past six weeks has heen a soccer league comprising: six teams of pupils at Central School. An inter - class competition was staged and after elimination, crests were presented to the winners. hs You are to be commended for this step and I wish you uccess in the new venture. eve If T can be of any help at any time, please do not hesitste lo SERGI Two teachers of the school staff \ were assisted in coaching duties With kindest personal rogards, by Mr. James Ridley and Mr. Yours sincerely, ven § In an interview with the Jour- Stan Tolan, nal, Mr. Ridley expressed his Associate Editor Drug Merchand- ising Minister of Health Expresses Appreciation pleasure at the fine performance: of the boys. "The hoys were very. keen at this sport and the results: have been most gratifying. We aim to start again early in the Spring and round out a team that will be able to enter inter-county competition and even play with teams from Toronto and Hamil- ton,' said Mr. Ridley. Mr. P. Paull, Chairman, Community X-Ray Survey, Qualville, Ontario. Dear Mr. Paull: As Minister There will be plenty to delight the spectators, from an pick ele- ! ; ; phant to a talking camel, mot to Province of Ontario, I wish 10 eX- lention the ballets: and Miss press my appreciation for tne |qpejla Patterson in the role of splendid work of the local Tuber-| bincinal Boy. This willl be a real culosis committee and others as-| picid pantomine of the old sociated with it in connection With | G7. "pie the added attractions the recent community X-ray SUI-| which are planned to make it as vey. The enthusiastic C€o-opera-|, qorn as anyone could wish. The tion of all sections of the public ioc Service Organizations in assured the) success of this new |i Sl nt a SEE Cale of public health project. The time ll © ari ait je due. Mr and effort so generously given bY! mormon. a newcomer to Oakville, the various committee chairmen (cy: enterprise Ey Se and voluntary workers, such asi ©. eo torather such a larse, canvassers| and clinic attendants| = SoS po amd were more than repaid by the high | ("noes pontomine a yearl percentage of residents attending | y the survey. : The citizens of your ity | = are to be congratulated on their support of the annual Tuberculo- sis Christmas Seal appeal which has made possible an expanded local programme of tuberculosis prevention. On behalf of the Ontario Depart- ment of Health, IT wish your or- ganization continued success in its efforts to reduce the incidence of tuberculosis in your district and the Province generally. Yours very truly, of Health of the ELECTRIC WELDIN G No Job Ttoo Large-- No Job Too Smail We repair anything anywhere--any time J. P. KOLLEE Palermo Ph. Bronte 25121 1] I Plenty OF Rabbits pt But No Licenses With * the first fall of show, hunters get the urge to geil out the old shot-gun and track town the elusive jack-rabbit. This sounds easy, but try it! } 'Municipal N Meeting x The third annua Night" of the Oalviie of Commerce will be Tegion Hall, Oakyil held in For one dollar you can (get a gay evening, Novem: license locally to carry your gun oh i} , hi i But Where to Feb ent rab R|E DE Te ing license is the problem, members of the Town « Water and Light Cont elected School Board, are invited to with the Chamber mieimbers other interested citizens, in cussing and lookin: inte affairs of our Town, Zieh, when Two local nimrods with the urge to get the ingredients for a rab- bit pie or a little fur towards a pair of gauntlets, procured their licenses to carry a gun but were told that they would have to get their hunting licenses outside the town. Applying at the township offices they were informed there members of he ation night, an oppor nity is ai were none available but they may |given to all nomines to pub be able to procure them in Nelson | office, to present their views Township. platforms prior to |Mastion Somewhat | dismayed at nig RST Monday, Decembir ist tum of events they were rather glad to see the first snowfall of the year disappear with the hope that before the next one the licenses would be availbale with- out a trip to Nelson Township. Town matters which will he the meeting. on Thin Pub] Coming as it does)/s {er nomi The Ghamber cordially invil all citizens to come {i the mel ing and to bring any gestions sented to the candidates throul 'Municip arab i dl ol Ll as st Books For Shop. pw Greeting Cards Fine English' China and many other gil§ items The Golden Hour Booksk 6 THOMAS STREET Everyones Russell T. Kelly, Minister of Health. Recreation Centre To Benefit Organizer of the Oakville Arts and Dramatic Society, Mr. Hardi- man, states that the proceeds from the Christmas pantomine of "Alladin" which will be presented the evenings of December 22nd, and 23rd, at the Gregory Theatre, will be turned over to Mr. St. Clair Low for the benefit of the Recreation Centre. "This money will be for the purpose of bringing concert artists and other worthwhile forms of entertainment to Oakville. Also, if any of the local groups such as Teen Town or Club "20" need- ed funds for any suitable project, I feel this money should be avail- able to them," Mr. Hardiman said. It is hoped that as al result of the two performances over $500.00 may be turned over to Mr. Low. The production will have 101 local residents taking part. The pro- ducer Mr. Don Porter, is a pro- fessional, recently from England, and his experienced direction should insure a fast-moving spec- tacle. There will be three! acts of two scenes each. Mr. Mike Scott, well-known im- personator and comedian, has: do- nated his services as The Magic- ian's Apprentice, and will also perform several of his well-known. individual acts. The Oakville Club, Arts and Crafts, Teen Town and Club "20" are-all taking part. There will be an 18 piece orchestra and a chor- al group. As the capacity of the theatre] is such that there was doubt if could be ted in the two evenings, and as a matinee was impossible because! most of the cast could not spare the time from their occupations, it has been decided to make use of the dress rehearsal for a per- formance. This will be held on Sunday, December 21st, starting at! 3.45 o'clock, which will be after Sunday schools have ad- journed. The performance will be free but @nly children under twelve will be admitted to this performance, and Mr. Hardiman promises there will be candy and gifts! available with the compli- ments of the Odeon management to make it a gala occasion for the TOY p LOOK AROUND! T've already been to ANDERSON'S and left off a grand array of Christmas Toys and other Merchandise. Don't wait until everything has been picked over, better act quickly. Are already on display and we have a good assortment for Girls and Boys | Table Lamps, Floor Lamps, Smokers, Magazine Racks, Foot Stools, Desks, End Tables, Bridge Sets, Wall Brackets, and other fur- niture for your home. WE INVITE YOU TO COME Tables, Occasional Chairs, Rugs, Coffee | THUR Intern and ©