BR 4, 1947 one of fy, health buberculgy, Of the Ueradeg p,, tetic hogy, 00d par lone thy it losis. gy, t Somme ggg 108i cone 1 not Jngyy unwell, gy fay to up ---- --_-- b 1 URSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1947 Ls Ll Ml * High School Review By Jerry Peers well, this week everyone at the lunch hour the Glee Club practi- gh School is wearing & glum (ses, and leather craft i aso foo... teachers too, because | taught by one of the state, At ey have to mark them. . Them? | present the Auditorium is used as don't mean our faces . . . exam. | the lunch room, because tH hoya! ation papers are the cause of land girls' lunch rooms have been o teachers' sadness. Yes, this|made into fine classrooms , , eek O.H.S. is in the middle of | with new desks, flourescent light- fhristmas_ examinations, So ev- |ing and air-conditioning, ybody is grim, but well see he old "cubby hole" is mow hat we can cook up. the. office of the Student Council On Monday, the Student Coun-| with a very capable secretary, I's meeting was to discuss fur-| Margarete Lalor, The office is or plans for the semiformal | well equipped with desks ang fir brty to be held early in the New ling cabinets, Dene. will discuss one club, society, or association of the school, to give you an idea of how they function. 24 This week I have chosen the Glee THE OAKVILLETRAFALGAR JOURNAL ESCM SSR YOUR FUTURE DECIDE NOW _ SERVE IN CANADA'S ACTIVE ARMY Joks like a big night' for thellicnuy, to talk Aout, ; The Glee Club was formed snor- | Sixty Cattle Brin -students of O.H.S. would | pry after school was opened. Mr. y g EE pony care | Brearly, a new teacher at the] $30,000 At Auction bck for a visit. To begin oe school, got it going with a meet- le now have a small Ph ing at which many enthusiastic| There were sixty head of qual- cess and at non hour, © | singers appeared. John Ross was ity Holsteins at the Oakville Sales all, its a start! During the ejected President of the Club, | Arena on the property of Harry W. With a big job to do. The club|Hayes, at Trafalgar, Ontario, needed more singers, baritones, (Seven of the animals belonged to, T een Town tenors, sopranos, etc. A campaign |one of our local farmers, Elton began and any person heard sing- | McLean. Others came from Lind By Bruce Squires ing was nabbed. This nabbing [say Anderson, Campbeliford, On- The weather man seems to be | certainly cured any would-be | tario; F. Pelletterio & Sons, R. R. ving us a lot of cold weather | Crosbys from practising in the |No. 6 Milton; Credhoime Farms, bist recently but let's go into Teen | class-rooms or halls. But all Jok- | Streetsville; and as far away as own where it's always warm |ing aside, the club grew surely (Brome, Quebec, where Marshall d learn a bit about the organi- and now has a sensational choir |W. Miller consigned several head Btion of the town. of more than 60 voices. of cattle. Also North Hatley, Look over there, that's John| pu... planned 2 Candle: Poe the ah = ge i uteninon ihe mayorief the town, idl, C188 BEE] 2ACe = Sy owned by Mrs. B. M. A ee eB Se EI ot pe gp tne town and is really doing Sn OF, SHES BF HTH, Pos e highest price was paid for : -- Glenafton Helbron, 482776, born tions will include carols and : hymns, with solos, trios an | 2RUSTY 3, 1941, consigned to J. mans, S) 20 213. B. McCague, Glenatton Farms, the choir in a large number of |" ; 5 3 0 Alliston, Ont. This cow, which selected songs. Don't forget the : Was shown at the Royal Winter date . . . 21st of December. Come 1% brought 31,600 and hear Oakville High School Prought $1,600. p sure that they will. See that ket was Mary Cavalier Toitilla, ; That's all 'till next week when 507051, born Sept. 1, 1941, con. we pass along Oakville High in There always seems to be an | SVi€W- ton, Ont. This beautiful animal r of friendliness in Teen Town| ~~ = (brought $1,200. Everyone is having a swell time The animals which come to this Ha and talking to their|| ARTS and CRAFTS Consignment Sale must be from Finds. As we go into the Can- Fully Accredited herds, many fon Wwe notice a row of desks. The | A month of week-end exhibiti- | from herds Brucellosis Free listed. Bll is being temporarily used as (ons presented by the Oakville | Most of the younger females and school until Brantwood school | Arts and Crafts comes to a con- (several of the older ones have completed, but look to, the other | clusion this week-end with a dem-| been calthood vaccinated, AIL the fide and behold the lounge. We |onstration on Saturday and Sun-|animals have been Federally blood fe rather cramped for a lounge |day at The Barn of hand-painted | tested prior to the sale for the § as long as everyone is having | materials for interior decorating. |protection of the buyers. Hach fle0od time and joking over their | Mrs. Elizabeth Wilkes Hoey is|animal is also recorded in the foes Who cares if they have tothe artist whose work will be on |Herd Book of the Holstein. Fries. it on the arm of a chair. display and she will be present to [ian Association of Canada, Mr. The canteen is as well equipped | demonstrate possible uses for her |Harry W. Hays, President of the (he modern kitchen with aattractive and distinctive mater- | Oakville Sales Reg., 1561 Lake. i ove, running hot and cold water, | ials. shore Road, Toronto, stated, "The frigerator, and spacious counter | "This series of exhibits and dem- | cattle averaged $514 per head" fith over-head cupboards. onstrations has been very popular [He also stated that this is the The council consists of a rep-land well attended" said Mr. [first in a series of such auctions foentative from every form of |Howard® Caine, Secretary. . He |which will be held. every six e high school and one each from | pointed out that study-groups are | weeks. §onte and the working teen (held three times a week at 8.30( The sale was exceptionally well gers. They meet every two|pm. in The Barn, and all residents | attended with many of our local eks and discuss present affairs of the Town and Township over |farmers in attendance, as well ad their town and of Oakville. Any [18 are welcome. These groups |buyers from the United States. lc is welcome to the council meet for painting (Tuesday), |An announcement was made to flcctings so come down and see|Drama Workshop (Wednesday), [the effect that there would be an WV your Teen Town works, You |and musical appreciation (Thurs-|other sale on Wednesday, Dec. 10, Ble more than welcome. day). hen two Jersey Herds will be BEST SELLERS -- By -- BESSTE CAIRNS Now that Christmas is closing in I'd be the last one to decide against buying Uncle Joe a book because he already has one . . on the other hand I have often been loud in my denunciation of cur- rent best-sellers. For my part, as far as the "popular" books are concerned, it is a case of too many of them . . . or rather too few good ones. It was with considerable inter- est and enlighteriment, therefore, that I read "Goldefi Multitudes," by Franld Luther Mott. This is a history of American best sellers and an attempt to find out how they got that way. signed by Hays Limited, Bramp- | The all-time high for best sell ers is deservedly given to the Bible. Perhaps yowd be inter- ested to know some of the others. nD Glee Club Candlelight Service. Another in the high price brac- | You'll Possibly pat yourself on the 'back at the nlumber you've read and be pleasantly surprised at your own intelligence and perspic- acity. A little mental uplift never did anyone any harm so here goes. Each of the following has passed the two million sales-mark, and here are the top twenty-two. Alice in Wonderland; Ben Hur; Christmas Carol; Gone with the Wind; How to win friends and In- fluence People; Hurlburt's Story of the Bible; In His Steps; Ishmael; Ivanhoe; Last of the Mohicans; Little Women; Mother Goose: One World; The Robe; See Here Private Hargrove; Self Raised; Shakespeare's Plays; Tom Saw- yer; Treasure Island; A Tree Grows In Brooklyn; and Uncle Tom's Cabin. Now test your knowledge and try to remember the authors--no score for 'Shakespeare. Then, if you're really mercenary, try and emulate any one of them. Re- member you don't have to tackle a Forever Amber nor do you need to be sued for libel by any men- tion of your neighbours be they good EGGS or bad! sold. one of which will be the famous Sioux Herd. Houbigant Back . . . . In Canada il Sent sation? This is the new Houbigant perfume 50 dear to feminine hearts. Sweet, as a fine perfume should be. 2 $3500 1850 1250750350 plus sie CLARK'S DRUG STORE Opp. Halton Inn {at ELECT R. C. A. (Rusty) CUMBERLAND COUNCILLOR For Township of Trafalgar Christmas Cards COUTTS and RUST CRAFT - 'Canada's Finest' Over 1000 Designs to choose from - - Largest Selection between Toronto and Hamilton No Increase CIGARETTE PRICES While - Present - Stocks - Last KEENAN'S SMOKE & GIFT SHOP begin] | makin Bove © thy do ul fori Tu &. 5. d ed | | img Lanfl