bcday, Nov. 25, 1948 covering. Bronte residents attracted by last Saturday's Santa Clavy parade included Mrs, Don Allen Mary Jane Hall, Mrs, Wm, Hill. Jr. and daughters Nancy and Susan, Mrs. Dan McLeod and Herby, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert and family, Mrs. R. Bowen, and the Craigie children. [NTA CLAUS PARADE ates placed the number of ale 1 hied themselves to fy WY he district to see ival of the jovial gent with ers at nearly 2000 en= ps The treck on Saturday pe 10 sce Santa was enjoy- (and mothers are still re- 1 junior § Ethers, we hear, LYDIA GEORGE LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR MILLINERY ACCESSORIES hone 738-W Colborne Street All Members Oakville Branch Canadian Legion Are Thvited To Attend The 21st ANNIVERSARY BANQUET and ENTERTAINMENT At The Legion Hall ~ hursday, Dec. 9th At 7 P.M. lease get your ticket from the Steward or executive or hand in your name by December 1st. THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL District Activities REGULAR MEETINGS Optomits Club 2nd and 4th Mondays, 7.30 p.m. New Murray House Lions Club 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 6.45 p.m. Teen Town Rotary Club Meeting every Monday, p.m., Teen Town Town Council 1st and 3ra Mondays, 8 p.m. Council Chambers Township Council 1st Monday, 10 am. Township Hall Public School Board 2nd Tuesday, 8 p.m. Council Chambers High School Area Board 3rd Tuesdays, 8 p.m. Council Chambers Branch 114, Can. Legion 1st Fridays, 8 p.m., Club Rooms White Oak Chapter, LO.D.E. 1st Thurs. afternoon, Teen Town Angela Bruce Chapter, LO.D.E. 1st Tuesday night, Teen Town Westwood Friendly Circle 2nd Wed. night, Westwood School W. C.. 1. 0. 3 p.m, Christian Science Hall SPECIAL EVENTS November 25: Linbrook Social Group, dence Mrs. F. W. Taylor. Oakville vs Weston, George- town arena, hockey November 26: Address, Most Rev. G. S. King- ston, Primate of all Canada, St. Jude's Church. Town nomination meeting, 7 p.m., council chambers Twp. nomination meeting, 12 noon, township hall. Junior L.O.L. old time dance, Bronte Community Hall. November 27: Arts & Crafts Inc, preciation meeting, Mrs. Marcus Auden, Rd, 8 .30 p.m. Bazaar, Bronte Legion Auxil- iary, community hall. 28: Dinner resi- music ap- home of Morrison FOR THREE DAYS ONLY | WOMBRLASD of color and beauty... to dazzle your eyes with splendor! to thrill your beart with like the "Enchanted ~ st," against the mag nificence of Nature's great outdoors-- in Glorious Church of Holy Trinity Choir, evensong, St. Jude's Church December 3: St. Johns Church W.A. bazaar, Lusk Hall. December 8 and 9: Optomists Theatre Gregory Theatre. December 8: Oakville-Trafalgar Planning Board, Council Chambers. British Aid Fund: In many Canadian churches prayers were said for the Brit- ish people on Sunday, November 4th. The British people are un- dergoing a severe period of trial, as an aftermath of? the war in which they manned the first line of defenses against Nazism. Nights, Peace did not bring to the British people the rest and secur- ity tor which they fought and hoped. Their losses were not con- fined to the material things. They lost, indeed, a great deal of their personal freedom, surrendered for a time in a period of emergency. They have continued to endure austerity. They are still fighting. 'The freedom loving British people need aid, material and spiritual. It has been said of them, sometimes admiringly, sometimes grudgingly, 'that they can take it' They have taken it, physically and mentally, for nearly a decade. : i po " CHARLEY DONN ising ALAN CURTIS vis GWYNNE - GRAPEWIN.- GIFT ai Jim, the Crow - Skipper, the Dog - Tubby, the Bear { mun Wve PLUS--A TH RILLY ATTRACTION! VE ene AD) HEH rao hey TH WENTUR WLAN Ei INA 5 » Naan RARLING ILTONN OF HEWESTL ib A PINE-THOMAS. Production Directed by FRANK McDONALD MONDAY FOR 3 DAYS ONL THAT Guy MITCHUM IS HERE AGAIN GUY WITHOUT A FUTURE! ._ AGIRL WITH T00 MUCH PAST! Bolo Tue MITCHUM - GREER ofthe R with KIRK RHONDA _ RICHARD "5 DOUGLAS-FLEMING- WEBB ADULT ENTERTAINMENT RECORY WW Victorious against Nazism, thé British now face a fight against Communism, Again they are in the front line, 'This time the at- tack is mare insidious and this time her Allies are less numerous. rhe fight is against a false idea rather than a physical foe. It is an idea which will, if unchecked, crucify civilization. Religious leaders everywhere recognize the menace. Spiritual aid to Britain can be as effective as ' material assistance. Material aid is likewise essent- lial. On high levels the Canadian and American governments have gone tg the financial rescue of the British. On a more humble strata individuals may contribute to the comfort and encouragement of their friends and relatives in the Iles through subscriptions to such organizations as the United Emergency Fund for Britain which is headed by philanthropic Canadians who have secured im- portant concessions in transpor- tation and other costs, to stretch the Canadian dollar beyond its normal value in terms of goods. The combination of spiritual and material assistance will at this time, further the cause of freedom. Aid to Britain is a prac- tical as well as a wholesome and generous form of contribution to the struggle to which the West- ern peoples are now committed. Prayer and good works have al- ways made a formidable team. OLD BATTERIES WANTED * Regardless of Condition $1.50 We Pick Up Phone Collect Hamilton 3-0537 ~ Ye coming of the Messiah. The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the - a Lord, and make straight in the desert a highway for our God." Copyright, 1943, King Features Syndicate, Ine. WHEN YOU ARE ILL CONSULT A DOCTOR WHY? Because he is a trained, experienced man who will understand your case and be prepared to institute ACTION WHICH WILL BRING RESULTS... WHEN YOU HAVE A Business or Property To Sell WHY NOT TAKE THE SAME WISE STEP AND CONSULT US WE ARE EXPERIENCED Real Estate and Business Brokers LIST YOUR OFFERING WITH US AND LET US INSTITUTE ACTION WHICH WILL Bring Results 'A. F.Berril Real Estate and Business Broker 161 Colborne Street Phone 1233 Residence 227-R JOHN G. FIELD, Manager Oakville Office "The Agent Who Really Gives Service"