THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL | Page 7 Princess Elizabeth appeared {showing the present monarchs To Be Voted For On Monday even before her parents on &|and Princess Elizabeth and the beautiful 6c blue stamp of | - Newfoundland in 1932, She was | licess Margaret Rose have I. = ] [shown in 1985 in the Silver Jup- [Come from Canada and from N vsitops: ilee issue of Canada which also [Southern Rhodesia and the Un- ENTRANCE portrayed George VI as the Duke lion of South Africa. Other issues of York, The Duchess of York is (coop yodesipur pif Hots BES shown on the 7c additional val-| ! ue issued late in 1932 by New- [tioned in our last column. Any- foundland. : one interested in a little search- Comation stamps showing [Ing Will soon find connections J > | between the British Royal Fa- King George VI and Queen Eliz- mily and many of the present and abeth appeared in-1937 from |and past monarchs of Europe, Great Britain and several of the [many of whom appear in stamp Dominions. Royal visit stamps | portraits. Your Vote and Influence IS SOLICITED FOR THE RE-ELECTION ah EON or : Er! - Milton McCleary d Royal Portrait issue [George V are portrayed togeth- (Duke of Connaught; six of the along with Alexandra, as Prin- er on the large half-cent Stamp. |King's children: Mdward, Prince AS se ne same Set| The first stamp to appear f-(of Wales; Albert, Princess Mary, : A] re {) an . Yl i Ch ter ascension of King George V |later Countess of Harewood; Hen- Queen Mary shown as Duke and 2 COLI MN Duchess of York. Was a large 2d from the Union of |ry, later Duke of Glouchester; Canada showed King Edward |SOUth Africa of intricate design. |George, later Duke of Kent and CcCNnoo rustee bh By Wm. D. Christianson, Jr. _ |The Newfoundiand cornation is-|John, who died as a youth. Re- UAL FAMILY PORTRAITS VIL and Queen Alexandra to-| or 1001 ail the. then living [cently the Duke and Duchess of UAL FAMILY ro gether in the Quebec Tercenten- |members of the Royal Family. In |Glouchéster were shown, together FOR THE ¢ Royal -Geneodogy | LY, Issue of 1908. In this same addition to the King and Queen fon stamps of Australian' issue on tudents of Royal -Geneodogy series, 'the Prince and Princess |were also the Queen Mother Alex- |their arrival in 1945 as Goverror- A HOOL AREA hi find a well filled portrait |of Wales, Queen Mary and King andra, and the King's uncle, the |General, [[RAFALCAR SCHO ) ish nations. Most profuse of se are those of Newfoundland which goes the credit for Royal SLL on stamps any British The ruler lier, King Henry VIII who 1509 appears on a 60c val- of the Cabot issue of New- Henry VIII 1933 Newfoundland com- Brorated the annexation by Humphrey Gilbert 250 pre- with another series of . The 24c value of this 5 : ROSS er ol i gs 0 ; STORES : by John Guy of, Bristol was ed by a series of stamps-in 0: The icistamp shows a Yorts | {fof King James I from an en- hy It" was ithe It's a cinch to please hubby, nephew, son, dad or grandpa. Just make . your selections in our men's furnishings department and you're safe. Besides the items. illustrated, there are hundreds more, so come in and shop early. ; ln the King James, version of Z ¥ , ee Tana Bible is: dedicate - ws ! = Men's or boys' broadcloth shirts * Boxed Linen Handkerchiefs = 3 in solid colours, white or strip- * Fancy Silk Scarves ¢ froma § 4 es. Just the ideal gift for him. * Men's Wool Hose, Diamond de- to 1649, He was portrayed : J 3 : =). Cardigans or Pullovers in soft sighs, stripes, 'plains. by the Barbados, "The first K wools. 'Colours: and patterns * Men's broadcloth or flannelette fas on the ZPercentenary of = a « i Per jamas, always a welcome gift flement of, "Barbaos Issue; : ji ¥ } for the most discriminative. pajamas, ay. sl 'The other was the ||: id ¥ Ties in all the latest patterns, of General Assembly 2 : gi 5 stripes, "floral, dots. 971939. Both these fis occurred during the time tharles 3 Pc Charles IT, 1649-1685, is by Jambica in the recent Constitution {rch of Britain for 150 years Blown on stamps, Z 5 IV along. with_ three i Colonization series of ; 4 Bl on the 'Cenentenary of z / 4 i; STORE HOURS 1834-1934. Along = with" 3 Leather Belts in brown or black # y 4 - Mon. - Tues. "IV appeared, Queen Vie® K ... . an ideal gift for men or boys : cb k 47 / Thurs. - Fri Edward VII! and George: ll | - --_-- / 1 To Men's dressing. robes in a wide Ug the reign of . Qlicen i Ss i 3 5 i HS : r f colofii's. and designs. 1837-1901, the, first pos- ; ange: o : & 9 am. - 6 p.m. Wi ed. 9 am. - 12.30 p.m, at. ; tanips where introduced. in Ek Britain, May 6, 1840; by i fd Hill. Many different. por- | TORR B of Queen Victoria appear ote ITAL ous stamps issued' by the posh Colonies. and i Eh never entitled ' King, rs yal Consort, Prince Al. Ideal for the outdoor man. §° 50 shown on several . ! ; s for {fom Canada and New- Also unlined ~ glove: ; 1 s dress wear. 9 am, - 9 pm. has showfi Queen lously and in the Issue, of 1867 we see ther © the 18 year old Queen the. elderly, 5X years aftér the death husband, 'Prince Alpert. § "0ward VII nad appeared 0s before he became king. "own by Newfoundland as boi, 2les, dressed in High- lume, B a year after British postage stamp, S still Prince' of Wales of age when he was the New-