Oakville Newspapers

Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 4 May 1950, p. 9

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hursday, May 4, 1950 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 9 Oakville's Active Broker" L. F. CLEMENT HOME ELECTRIC day. As the green leaves on the But the | $ maples along the little river feud between them was| 4 Men fear thought as they fear = Real Estate and Business| AUTHORIZED FRIGIDAIRE | changed with each new frost in-[on for evermore. Each time they| "Wrong! shouted General Tin| & else on earth--more i Broker EALER presses Of [ud and gold the|were put together again the SVR More loudly than before. °T than ruin, more even than death 4 nsurance Commercial Sales & Service [puppies too changed in many | fight continued. Fare oun vary good hint. Taaid] 70 NOR. HE Dakville, Ont., Phone 1233 Livingston Stoker ways. Their sharp little needle-| So finally to save Montee's|!t Wa% a mousey kind of squeak. and Oil Burner Units like teeth worked daily on bones |nose and Fudgee's lovely little You should have been able to | mm ---- ---- PROFESSIONAL Service & Installation of all [from "Butch" Arbour's under- | silky ony We parted them per-|&uess that one in a second. The NOTICE ey f . Makes counter supply. Their shiny lit- | manently. mousey squeak would come from i SE Ty | CARSTEN GLAHN WORK GUARANTEED tle eyes flashed black jet but-| Montee was the first one to|® mouse, of course My. you| All corn stocks and remnants i Optometrist -- Optician PHONE tons with each new article that|be sold. A few days after he w- thereof must be burned or other | ; Coll | 163 Colborne St. E. 16 THOMAS ST. N. captured their interest. Every|Six weeks old his new Wise destroyed before May 30th. ! Phone 1375 day a fight took place in the|were ready for him and we Lewis Patte i ; GENERAL ELECTRIC Puppy-Pen and each new one good-bye to 'Mr S28 Tavis Han, ILLIAM C. MILLIGAN, R.O. Oil Burners seemed to be worse than the one and he went happily on his w Toapectar, Townahip of Trafalgar Optometrist Commercial Refrigeration before. For a few days all was peace- Sle 2 Installation Fudgee's brother Montee was os and happy in the puppy-pen, - C. head pup. Of course he was the | Put only for a very few days and Prescription services, 94 Maple are 180) os so ite strongest and he then ona.of the little brothers TELEPHONE 1507 bullied all the puppies but one |0Se to take Montee's place and Closed All Day Wednesday NURSERIES Fudgee wouldn't stand for any|Putsy's kid Fudgee had a new : 4 e | fight on her p OURS: Daily 9.30 am.-5 pm. nonsense from any of them. She | fight on her paws. ursday evening--7.00-8.00 p.m. RO El SEN would stay in the free-for-all un-| Fats was disgusted with or by appointment Garden Design and Landscape | lil five pups had withdrawn and | them. "What on earth did I ever Contracting finally she and Montee were the|d0 to deserve such a fighting W. A. CAMPBELL, TREES -- SHRUBS -- ROSES [last contestants facing each | Crowd of kids, moaned 5 oy ARE . other in the middle of the Pen. "Oh fat bugs and cauliflower Accre eterinarian We Grow - Desiga - Plant "Give up," growled Montes as|VOPMS they're more than I can [ooo % Hours by Appointment - ete. he Sa Yn og stand.' She wandered slowly | YOUTe Doth very stupid" sald ¢ Home Office 29 Herald Ave. Oakville R.R. 1 Berens the pon BX Badacs along the path down to the beach General Tin hi 3! 2 = mumbling. Never was oor dog Tratolges Fara Offce | ron MAW "U0 ULI TUES mobi Nev re S08 ve tony sete wi pee Phone 1344 LINBROOK NURSERIES ih _ Sn o St enough to have seven kids all at| "I'm not!" retorted Hand, Growers of ing il-hke puppy dash; ce without having them fight| "Now take the sound of a , OSTEOPATH High Quality Nursery Stock on oo a nas on nea all the time like wolves! putt" sald General Tin, "Where Quality Venetian Nilada : N 0 the nearest wall. "Yea- would that come from $* CARLTON GREEN Designers of Fine Gardens os, fiddle and diddle," she con- -- locomotive," answered Custom Mado -- Contracting -- \ Osteopath EIGHTH LINE N. Phone 1374 | tinued as she followed Monteo to Knart Guaranteed Two Years 63 Division Street OAKVILLE NUmeeoi--e-| the wal and savagely bit tne What Makes RS TIEN By Appointment Only. OAKVILLE NURSERIES [tender end of his stub of a tail again, "So wrong," he sald In a == Phone 826 Evergreens, Shrubs, Bedding|A great howl ascended on high R 1 S d P| 1nd voice; "so very, very wrong -- - Plants that could be heard at the Gates oarin ounas? |; would como from a cushion REPAIR and LAUNDRY enings, Wednesday After. Landscaping -- Fruits of Midland. Montee charged| The Shadows Say "Lions" boing sat on. SERVICE foon, Saturday and Sunday. Lakesh 2 = h WwW. again, screeching in his rag Knaref Hantd aKeshore ighway . 4 , Screec 8 rage. But They're Wrong-- narf and anld now decided Phonte Bronte 56W "I'll tear you paw from paw. So| o the so ¢|to nak General 'Pin mome ques { BARRISTERS mad was he and so blind with| NOW JUSt take the wound of tions themaelvon ; roaring," General Tin, the tin . : ; ANGUS McMILLAN WM. SEALE TO Tei stop tn i anarge fs oe and | "Suppose you heard the sound | Fenetian Blind Laundry Barriste Solicito Custom Tractor Work and knocked Fudgee flying, roll- Hanld, Aq uausl Genera; Tho was | OF ® Whistle, General Tin?" ald i tte Wood Sawing, Plowin; ing over and over Into the midst ri Knarf, "Where would it come & Mfz. Co Public 8 1:4 Ra: va 3 standing by the aide of the play- oe « Mig, . oem ov Discing, Etc. of the group of seated pups whol) WIHIE his musket was over | from 107 Colborne Street East 0 had retired to sit quietly by and," ! p orl nat enapr eat General Telephone Oakville 532 Phone 224-W watch the end of tho battle from |T.* #houlder and hin sword hung TH, HE WOLIA COE fear ge PHONE 889 | from his side. He was ns evory- } oss RYRIE FLOOR SERVICE I a i LO Ey rie. Wing pao Soma | 0 Solicit T in tha early stages that no strange animals came (n|*ettle, or from a radiator, or ! > pid "Public or BRONTE FLOCK S7RVICE bi Pier ae hag Pum auch as lions tigers, elephants ce 61-A Bt St. East & =. a bos oan iia 2 -- and mice, especially mice Telephones LINOLEUM FLOORS LAID | sowing squeaking, bariing, | moms aa putt tnaced wt Too Busy To Get Ready For A Party ? h i TILE has jeneral Tin In surprise, "The : b ice 65: Residence 1487-w| INO-MASTIO-RUBBER squealing pair darted back and : a THEN LET US QUOTE ON YOUR NEEDS! PHONE BRONTE 194 forth, In the corner and out of [#0und of roaring?" Hanid sald FANCY CAKES, COOKIES & SANDWICHES D. A. McCONACHIE the corner, up and down and ov-| "Yen, take the sound of roar ; S Rs i J IES Barrister - Solicitor hr H, PARKIN er and over they went. The end [Ing General Tin repeated HORS. OEUVRE | Notary Public Floor Sanding & Refinishing | came in 4 hurry when Montes "Suppose you hoard It. Whe Showers, Parties, Weddings, Special Oconsions 169 COLBORNE ST. Phone 1058-W made a misstep and sprawled at|would you think It came from Telephone Oakville 1304 Fudgee's feet, sliding along the Knarf, who knew all about ROOFING ground on his chin, pushing his| General Tina Interest in wild F MORGAN BROWN JOHN F. ISARD NICHOL'S ROOFING nose ahead of him like a choco- | animals replied promptly: "Brom . - Barrister -- Solicitor New roofs & Old roofs applied |late drop being pushed across [a lion." CATERING SERVICE Phone Oakville 616421 Notary Public Insul-Bric siding & Asbetos siding | the table on a spoon to a good| "Wrong!" shouted General Tin Successor to Insulation Materials child who had eaten up all hig| "Of course it would come from -- V. \ ves Troughin, supper. This wi too tempting (a lon!" Knarf and Hanid both ---- EE LS 'W. N. Robinson, K.C. Ba ug) ng pp Th pling 142 Colborne St. East Materials supplied 80] for Fudgee. She just couldn't re- sald together, = ~~ . : Peter P. Nichols sist it. Her at her very fest was| General Tin tried to shake his pones: Bus. 15 Res. 216 = New Phone 2544 Burlington |the fat tender nose of ad- (head, which he couldn't do be L . JACK A. SEED Oakville 1445 versary. It was practically being | cause he was made of tn and his REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE Barrister-Solicitor 38 CLARKE AVE., BURLINGTON | pushed at her | vex lk wouldn't move, Instead he Notary Public (Estimates Given) "Ho, ho," she yelled in Subir | shook all over. "The roaring MORTGAGES i tion. "Noses from Paradise would come from Lt wind, The i 2 Fark Avenue BUILDING and she quietly sank her teeth |North Wind, the South Wind, * ? 2 into the fat little © the Hast Wind or the West Wind. = = SHAS WATE a ae blaine mis] W. E. DAVIS R. C. A. CUMBERLAND ACCOUNTING Local Representative At this point In the fight I had | The aren't any lens in this A J. Cooke Limited to come quickly down off the house right now. So, naturally, it 71 Colborne St, Oakville Phones 41 00f where was g tar|would have to coms from the : C. Lo OLvER 20d GO CONCRETE BLOCKS rot an 3 van puting i wile Suis to sm = Hs Evenings and Holidays Phone 612.R counting and Auditing, |Ajdershot, Ont. Phone 386J3| "round the « ey ere the|wind. You're both ve up ens 5 og siness | lled |= i Pon---- -- wm Income Tax Returns TURNBULL & HOLDRIDGE WILLY DEE iy Vie Green ' 32 Thomas Street Building Contractors : = 402 5H, TOODIE, | MI DON'T | [FERPENEEZEZ 7 TO DONT SEEAK TO ME, Wi P.O, Box 402 Concrete - Masonry Barr To BETTER CHANGE 10 | | 1V€ Just FOUND 4 jE . 7-5452 - Oakville 1268 Blockwork KNO 2 {VRESH THING Ze LO FRIEND WHO'S NEAT 1578W - OAKVILLE - 903 HAMILTON-WRIGHT | "TORONTO - PLaza 5491 Chartered Accountant GENERAL CONTRACTORS 5 elephone Oakville 1399 153 Colborne St. For Cement Work | Drains and Wells | | and electric ranges. PARTS & SERVICE | GUARANTEED ray and Brush TIMATES REPAIRS Waterproofing = Phone Port Credit 4700 all types of : cial | -- = domestic refrigerators JAMES DURHAM | Painting Contractor S; Work SUPPLIED the battle was over for that da door!" she exclain 5 this morning" he added. from the wind, or from a wooden Directory Knarf and Hanid didn't think | Whistle, or from a tin whistle, or | 3 e 00 ee (0) umn General Tin QUENt ToS they| MX a Poanut-stand whistle, or INSURANCE -- = Were stupid. from a factory whistle, or from Ny INDUS ELECTRICAL i 7 Epes A train whistle, or from a steam= T. S. H. GILES B TRIAL e didn't RAow Ye=Were |noat whistle, or from anything Real Estate and Insurance COMMERCIAL BOOK TWO § 3 riddle sald HANA in { ive in the World. that Whistles 189 Colborne Street East DOMESTIC yi snanty. There!" e - - - - Phone 532 | ELECTRICAL SERVICE Patsy's Kid Tew ae we nde of SE | 19 Melinda St. BROWN ELECTRIC Squeak," General Tin wWeat an, | Thats Re i (¥Toronto - - - Adelalde 2761 CONTRACTORS Fudgee without seeming to pay an at-| oN A MEvenings - - - Oakville 712 Gord Brown say all those things all at once!™ Phone 1059 Oakville By HERBERT C. MERRY 'It's quite a sharp squeak.| "Nobody said I couldm't, did GENERAL INSURANCE | Bill ANDERSS~---- quite a mousey kind of |theyon H. S. THORNTON RAT DREN = CHAPTER 15 Cobblestone touched the shingles. | squeak. Where do you suppose it AE Phone 874 Sales & Service Fudgee's Brother Montee Dribbi came running around the | comes from >" To arf and si Walked o AS the summer days shorten-| Comer of the cottage preceeded| gq, . . hat | TROT Was no use trying to outs Lakeshore West, Oakville Dunn Sy kvillg [© and turned into Autumn the (bY Taffee and followed by Patsy. [umes ae oF SON 24%] wit General Tin thia morning, He A. F. BERRILL "2X8 puppies grew noticeably day by|We parted fhe twe fighters and [rye , Was just smarter than they wero. med. E. W. BURBIDGE | Phone 1436) Oakville 136 Rob St. ephone 521M or 1423W Oakville D. G. PENMAN Ww Carpets and Upholstered ture Cleaned In Your Own Home. } fable Equipment -- Satisfuct- lon Guaranteed 1 Kerr (N.) Phone 1535 H. D. SEWELL ARIO LAND SURVLYOR MUGGS AND SKEETER LX od, COME COME | CERTABILY SOMEONE CAN THK, OF ANOTHER ROBE | THE DOG TOOTH VIOLET... ~ NOW WO CAN "THI Dakville - Phone 1297.)

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