Thursday, November 2, 195, TW a AAA AAARAAA VV WIN AA AAAAARAAA | € 4 4 a|4 14 NARA YY YY VY YY YY VY VV VY 2 2 2 AAA ARAAARAARAAARAARARAARAARAAA, NINN a a A ote A A ARAARARARAARAAAARAAAL RAAARARNAARARNRNNI YY VY VV VV VV VV VV 2 a 4 QA Rexalf Rexalt Rexall Resatt Rexalt Rexall Rexall Resalt Rosa Rexall Rexalt Rexall Renglt Rexall Rozall Rexall Rezal Reza exall 7 exali Rexall Rexall Rexall Rexalt Rexall Rexall Rexall Rexall 75¢ Gardens J Fre November 2, 1950 , THURS., FRI, SAT. iL 1277 REXALL DRUG STORES IN CANADA only on. items Rexall 5, cont wi ; Rexall ofc pi 94 days MUST pe ne Cent Foe E coPYRIGHT - NOVEMBER 1-2-3 - "REMEDIES and PURETEST PRODUCTS Row. $1.25 bot. Re Compound, | $1.25 bot. Rey Purifier, 15 35c bot, Suni Corn Solver 201.26 20.61 en 50¢ pkg. Sani Foot Puna, il Vanilla $1.25 Bot. tl, IRON, Liv ama 200 36 so [Wie 20.81 201 2 FT 206.76 5c ph Red S0¢ Bottle cies Fo ; REXALL Sa MILK of 50¢ bot. Opie MAGNESIA 75¢ bot, Real 20 01 with Vitam BuBos = 2/51 Moth Fume Sor... 2001.30 s Wick Style oz, Bc Starlight, § Cards, Vell Finish. and 24 env 6c Spring Guid Papeterlt 30 sheels, 30 envelop Linen Laid Fill 2/061 60c Brends sheets, 24 Vellum Fir 75¢ Mayr 30 sheets, WRBOH8 Letter Size Pads, Deckle Ede. JRE: 2s0r.31 Zo Blue Face? co Creams 5c box Gude Almond Bloom Face Powdo [Nth Honey. 2 for 66 65¢ Bottle GARDENIA BiiSouthern France 1QUID SKIN SOFTENER 25.66 Bien of Southern Deru pl, Liquefying ream, 2/01 66 $1.00 box My} Face Pondd ot. Cant 5c bot. Cunt ans Perfume, 25° 40c PURSE Gardenia, J My Night, | Combination 2s0r.76 he Bath Biciois Lavender, gE Blossom or bls 2/081.1 Bic 1,1) Bulbs, "2001.01 $1.50 Package BL HYACINTHE DUS Night Dusting 2s0r31.51 V2. ance RF BBE Remove! Perfumed itamin Products $1.25 Bottle REXALL EMULSION COD LIVER OIL 16 oz. 2/r1.26 95¢ bot. Purctest Cod Liver Oil for JS t. Puretest Vitamin 2/0r%1.20 test" Yeast and $1.35 tox Puretest Vitamin B, 'Tablets, 5 mgm. oe 2/0r1.96 $2.75 box Puretest Vitamin B Compound Tablets, 100's. , 2/0r $2.76 : 85c Box PURETEST VITAMIN "C" TABLET: 25 mgm. - 100s 2/96 89¢ bot Rexall Mi 31 Antiseptic . Solution, 16 oz... 2/or 90 93¢ bot. Klenzo Liquid Antiseptic, 16 oz. 2/or 94 55¢ bot. Rexall 20r 56 or Antiseptic c bot. Toxol Antiseptic, 8 oz... 20.66 ' $1.20 box Puretest Halibut Liver Oil Capsules Gena 508° $4.25 box Purctest Multiple Vitamin Capsules (improved) 100's2 for #4, 26 $1.00 box Puretest Perco-Cod Capsules, 25's. . 2 jor $1,01 $1.15 box Puretest Wheat Germ Oil : Capsules, 50's. 2/0r%1.16 $348 box Purest Vitamins and Minerals Capsules, 100's 2/07 $3.50 Ointnents 75c tube Anwsthel hoid Ointment... 2/or. 76 69c jar Rexall Eczema Ointment, 202... 2for 61 35c jar Rexall Heal- pe 2500.36 ing Salve ; 50¢ jar Todine Ointment with Sethal Suiesicie 2500.51 vine 2/0r 6 | 60c tube Puretest Tannic Acid Jelly. 2/0r,61 $1.00 tube LE LPC. Athlete's Foot Ointment, 134 oz. 2/0 *1.01 « BRUSHES "35¢ Lord Baltimore Pads, Linen Finish 201.36 10c pkg. Blue Lined Envelopes... ... 2for.11 10c pkg. Berkley Vellum Finish Envelopes. 2/or 11 15¢ pkg. Rexall Linen Finish Envelopes... 2jor,16 20¢ pkg. Lord Baltimore Tien Binan,.. 2s0r.21 & Mucilage. ... 2/0r,16 aise 2000.06 I 10 Assorted... 2 boxer. 36 ° D EEE Brilliantine. 5c bot. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and Dressing. ..... 2for.76 $1.25 Bottle 493" HAIR TONIC | and DRESSING 2 for $1.26 40¢ jar Langlois Lavender Brillisntine, i Solidified.... 2s0r 41; 65¢c Bottle SILQUE SHAMPOO 2.66 35c bot, Rikers Emulsifed Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 240.36 abl OR While the items liste sold on special sales 50¢ box Xmas Cards. soli Assorted.... 200ses. 51 x Xmas Cards, 18 Assorted... 20b01er, 76 $1.00 box Xi 5 2 bosest] 01 $1.25 Ladies' Nylon Bristle Hair Brush, Sinn Rack. 2/0r%1.26 Lather: Brushes. 2/0r$2.01 50¢ Rexall Nail Brushes, Nylon Bristles... 2 for 51 20¢ Rexall Child's 250.21 Tooth Brushes. 25¢ Rexall Nylon : 2507.26 Tooth Brushes. perl. Gersiium 08 Langlois Lavender Soap 2000.26 GARDENIA or JASM of Southern France TOILET SOAP 4 cakes in box 25-1.01 pg. Gardenia of Southern France Taloum. .. 2 for 51 4Sc package LANGLOIS LAVENDER TALCUM (White or Gent's shade) 2/r.46 d below may have been lower than our regular price--yet we are including them on our ONE CENT SALE as they represent EXCEPTIONAL VALUES! REXALL EFFERVESCENT HEALTH SALT, 7% oz 5 2 fors1.01 REXALL HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, 16 oz... 2 for (61 RIKER'S FRENCH BALM, : STORK BABY POWDER 4.SQUARE FLOOR WAX, , large 21.61 2for 31 , 1 lb. Zc pkg. Puretest ASa-Rex Tablets, 24's... 20.22 35¢ Package REXALL BISMA-REX MATES 24's 2/r.36 50¢ pkg. Eudital Tablets, 12s... 250r.51 35¢ One Minute Headache Powders (tablet form) 24s $1.99 One Minute Headache Powders (tablet form) 100's. .... 2/0r*1.01 50c bottle bot. Milk of Magnesia 'Tablets, Minted, 85's 2 for, 36. $L.00 bot. Milk of Magnesia Tablets, Minted, 250s. 2/0r%1.01 35¢ box Rexall Orderlies, 24's... . 2/0r.36 COMBS 35¢ Rexall Tooth Brushes ylon bristles) ... 240.36 shapes... 40; pol Tooth Brush Nylon ristles, in plastic tube. ......... 2/or. 41 50c Rexall Tooth Brushes ~~ Pure Bristles, Two Shapes... . 2/or.51 40c Dental Floss (vial) 2 for 41 45¢ pr. Roxbury Rubber Gloves, sizes7,7V480d 8.. 2 or 50 15c roll Rexall Pro Cap Zine Oxide Plastet 1" x yd., Plain...... 2fr.16 20¢ Rexall Styptic Pencils, giant size. 2/0r.21 25¢ pkg. Klenzo Razor Blades, 5's.. 2/r.26 $1.50 Bottle BLUE HYACINTHE EAU DE COLOGNE 23 Makes a charming gift 2/r31.51 $1.25 bot. Gardenia of Southern France Eau de Cologne (decanter) 2/0r$1.26 Lorie Old 0c b English Lavender. 20.61 AT 65¢ bot. +305" Bay Rum or 01d English Lavender Bath Cologne, 7 oz. 2/0r.66 60c Bottle LORIE EAU de COLOGNE rfresiimg 2007 61 60c Package ORDERLIES 60's 25r.61 20c flask Puretest Soda Mint Tablets, 40's, 5 gr. 2/0r.21 Pureteat Prod: 23¢ bot. Calamine Lotion, 4 oz. ..... 2/0r.30 40¢ tube Toilet Lanolin, 1 03... 30c bot. Tincture Todine, 2 (Ro rod), 20x. 2fer.31 35¢ bot. Tincture lodine, 5% (with applicator) Toro el. 2100.36 35¢ bot. Vegetable Oil, d0z........ 2/r.36 © SUNDRIES 51.25 MONOGRAM CLINICAL THERMOMETER (1 minute) Bakelite case 2,-1.26 $1.50 Woodmere * Briar Pipes. . . 2/or%1.51 10c pkg. Priscilla Bobby Pi Brown or Black.. 2/or,11 $2.50 Monogram, English Morocco Billfold, Zipper or Button, Black. . 2 for $2.51: 0c Rexall Bobby 2 bs 2sor.11 Dressing Combs. 270r,11 15¢ Rexall Dressing Combs, Gents or Ludies, 1 2for.16 1.00 Bottle 4365" BAY RUM, or OLD ENGLISH LAVENDER BATH COLOGNE, 15 oz. 25r1.01 33¢ tube Klenzo Dental Creme ~~ 2/0r.34 2/0r.51 VYING N fT) 50c tube Klenzo Dental Creme 33c pkg. Pearl Tooth Powder. 49¢ Package REXALL chloradent Ammoniated TOOTH POWDER 2/r.50 49¢ tube Mi 31 Dental Paste 2/0r.50 45c pkg. Mi 31 Tooth Powder with Sodium Per- borate . 2/0r.46 5c bot. Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, 80z. 2/0r 76 $125 bot. Rexall Cod Liver Compound with Creotote, 16 oz. 2/0r31.26 35c box Rexall Cold Gapsules, 10s... 2/0r .36 60¢ box REXALL 25's 35¢ bottle Todized Throat Gargle, 3oz. 2/0r.36 S0¢ bot. Melo-Rex Cough Syrup, 4 oz. 2.51 38¢ jar Mustex Rub. 2 jor 40 $0¢ bot, Rexall Nose and Throat lief with Ephe- a (Aqueous)... 20.51 Rex-Mentho Inhaler 2/0r.36 65¢ bot. Rexall Syrup White ine and Tar with Wild Cherry. 2/0 66 50c Bottle REXALL TINY-TOT COUGH SYRUP oz. 2/r.51 35¢ bot. Rexall Tiny- Tot Nose Drops, Yi fl.oz... 2for.36 29¢ box Riker's Quinine Bro- 'mide Comp. (Laxative) 2/0r.30 bl REXALL POCKET COMB (in case) 25r11 / ng Combs, 75", -- 240r 16 15c Rexall Curl Combs, ~~ -- 2/0r.16 Combs, White... . 2/or.16 25¢ Rexall Handle Combs, 49¢ Wavesaver Ladies' Combs, hard rubber, 6 2 for 50 EEDS 5¢ bot. Gardenia After Shaving Lotion 2 Jor. 76 $1.25 bot. Gardenia. After Shaving Lotion 2 for$1.26 im 260.50 Shaving Cream y 49c Tube 2/0r.46 2/0r.46 Shaving Cream 45¢ bot. Rexall Shaving Lotion 85c Bottle LANGLOIS 2/0r.86 $1.00 Langlois Lavender Shaving Son (plastic bow 250r%1.01 (We reserve the right to limit the quantities purchased by any cuttomer) LEN HOPE, M [1.4 CO. LIMITED GR. TEL. 94 THE REXALL DRUG STORE - - - OQAKVILLE BUDGET SAVINGS ot the REXALL ORIGINAL ONE CENT SALE Just relief from pain ief and simple headache: 100 Tablets 2.60 Favourite of women everywhere. "MY NIGHT" A delightful and refreshing fragrance. 2:%1.51 Gives the mouth, teeth 'and gums that cool, clean, JSresh feeling Rexall chloradent Ammoniated MOUTH WASH tn 26.76 Stock up on tooth brushes... . fC) KLEN2O TOOTH BRUSHES LON BRSTLES (3 shapes to choose from) Stimulates and refreshes gums. and. chloradent Ammoniated TOOTH PASTE 2 fr 56 Keeps the hair the way. seant ir! GLOS-KREME Helps stop that tickling, unpleasant cough, quickly Jexatl REXILLANA COUGH SYRUP 401 2.51 A splendid fonic and body builder