Thursday, May 10, 1951 i THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL - Hospital Day Owing to complete occupancy with a waiting list at the Mem- wal hospital, the plans for Cloupital Day, Saturday, May 12th, have been abandoned for this year. The Women's Aux- lary had planned to assist the onl aff with an Open House Day, Pema but the executive felt that this on PuLld have been too great a at the ctrain on the hospital facilities ie "his time, Mrs. F. W. Stott, Re te Tcepresident of the W.A. an- a nounced Monday. hidden *..., WSHOW INTEREST hands S 7 ents of of golf ugh the five dollar bill doesn't pur- as much as it once did, and inds on buy even less before much o, happy [Roneer. The committee in charge it the Home & School concert ries perked up this week, there- fore, upon realizing that it is still possible to provide a full $6 Bl orth--musically speaking--for Oakville concert lovers. Starting now to book subserip- lions at that rate for the 1951-52 concert series, the committee re- hors an outstanding response from both adults and school stu- *distans [laents, who can obtain a five con- "Blueyirg [lcert ticket for only §1. "Accom : Jodation is limited, and therefore tron [subscriptions should be taken out into my Wmmediately to avoid possible rs of the [disappointment later" warned chairman Don MacRae this week. Features lined up for the ser 1 assur which begins next. Oct. 11, 1 shitteg [include Mary Syme and the Sol- ay string quartet, Samuel Her- rew's Singing Strings, the ohn - choir, the Canada ice guy, gly bad a hearty aming, of my ght elbow around ree times dle home, emed, for fI8 kneecap, orchestra. e playing y my lip 7 J HOBBY SHOW iff poy tor. | (Continuing from Page 1) rily, pick carpenter's enced in: ng great way from BB "i005 head by Ann Howard ook second, Harry McLachlan high school symphony high degree of skill on e part of the makers. Among match-book cov- ers in evidence, as were stamps. There were several individual ously spent ily drilling seemed to tin my ; =n i one of Indian arrow- ; Ad exhibit of the Clark- % over iment eck or LV = | ri Sans Got hades ee bd § REGULAR PRICE: COTTON 5 hs : 4 3 = ia 3 nl aay : 50+ 54.50 59.50 + 64.50 TOR "0! Sheppard, Clarkson. ; ; ~ i i ONE PANT ; 5 TWO PANTS Intermediate--1st, Peter Street; Fearman; 3rd, Nel- the staff of [8 Senior --1st, Robert Sutton; , Ann Howart 3rd, Anna Wif- Adult--Harry McLachlan, Mrs. R. Lauder, Mrs, J. McNaugh- on Trophies were presented Friday Wvening by Albert Wilcox, chair- ] 1 of the Education Committee 07 the Lions Club. MOTHER'S 1S to their their behd ely, aos, SUNDAY, MAY ot Couvend) : -- 13™ ancl 5 3 Page ! | LET US s. gestion HELP YOU WITH YOUR GIFT FROSLEMS 7 JA These suits are broken ranges marked down from JACK FRASER'S regular Fg rs Es AN Na spring stock of better quality YARN-DYED worsted suits! There are only The yf 7 / two or three suits left in each pattern or colour . , . but there's still a wide AI selection to choose from in every size and model . . . all the broken ranges GOLDEN HOUR 2 75 / from the biggest spring selling season in JACK FRASER'S history! At the 7 A 2 regular price these were outstanding value -- far below today's replacement Bookshop 75 TY price -- at the clearance price they represent a saving you can't afford to miss if you need a suit now or even for the fall ! 53 Colborne St. Ta BE ON HAND EARLY WHILE THE SELECTION IS AT ITS BEST!